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A letter from the Lawrence Gas & Electric Oompany was mad, regardihg
the installation of a street light on Harwood Street, Pole #2893. It
was voted to notify MrJ'Allesandro Ippolita that it will he impossible
'~'to'taks care of this light at this time, due to the fact that the
provisions of %he War Production Board's Housing UtilityStandards
issued in June 1942', would be exceeded by this installation.
It was decided to send a copy of the letters, regarding street?lights
on Salem Street, to Mrs. Charles Paterson, Salem St; North Andover.
A'communication was received from the State Department of Public Works
saying'that the, department had no Jurisdiction for putting up a fence
at. the Shawsheen Bridge, Mass. Ave. as the state highway begins approx-
'im~tely 25 feet south of the bridge. Mr. Ira Oar~y, Highway Surveyer
was contacted by Mr. Thomson andhe agreed to erect a fence (woodenJ
on-both sides of MassachusettsAve~ The Board voted $50.00 from the
,.-contingent fund to.cover the e.i~.e~s~. ~_: ..
'.Mr.' Finneran said hehad'been ~ked to'have a Stop Sign put at the
-corder'of Water'and Bigh Streets, because of automobiles coming up
the Shop hill which have to step on'the gas to make the ~rade. This
makes'a dangerous corner. It was decided to refer thematter to the
- Police Department. . - ~ .~..
-°V'The Board voted to send a letter to Mr. Harrison Mifflin, ~ating~ '~
.~th~t theyhave considered his proposition and. wouldlike to have'him
comein to theSelectmen's meeting when it is convenient'and bring
.-. hiss. attorney, Mr. Loring, with him.
Th~i'gegul'ar weekly.meeting was held at 7.00 P.~. with all members
Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
· .... .. Mr. ThomsonJspoke-of the fine'Job 'done.by Mr; Carty in~recting a
fence on both sides of:Mass. Ave. at the Sbawsheen Bridge. ~r.
:' ,-Finneran also commented on the work. .
~..Mr.'~Milton Howard appeared before the Board to ~ask for permission to
,use. the various offices in the town building, with the exception of
'(tHe ;Selectmen(s 0ffice, in case the~ Report center 'shsuld he bombed
out,' either actually or in. practice raids.. The Board agreed unanimous-
ly~, t6 grant, permission. Offices will be opened only by the Chief of
Police.or his offi~er'in charge.-.~ ~ ~ [,
Rev~[Cornelius Heyn camein to discuss~the land proposition of George
a~ 'fin g fo
.H i~on'Miffli~. He thought it th
Would"be.a e i~ r
.'~:th~y!'could have' it. Mr. Loring, attorney for Mr. Mifflin told'Mr; Heyn
he ~hcught the land should'be surveyed. Mr. Thomson felt that Mr. Hey~
should contact Mr. Loring and get more definite information. At this
:'~""''..;po[n~', ~r. Mifflincame in. He said he had spent all day in the Assessors
'~'OffiOe'and hei'fel~ that the tow~had o~er~harged~him $40.00 yearly'since
1927;i[p!usinteres~. He.said tha~unless this is straightenedout,:the
offer is'out, althoughthis wasa:not a threat. He statedthat MrJ'Ourley,
a'ssessor in 1927 said there probablyhad been an omission.
"~A~-~Atore Mamino, 31 Inglewood St. made a request for a street light.to
b~~ installed infront of his house. He stated that it is very dark and
there are~no~reet.~lights at all.
A ~etter from the War D~partment, AmmyMapService, ask~ng for a:recent
pl~n['ofthe'town'was read. This is to be referredto William B. Duffy,
Su~ri~endent of the Pubiic Works.
It ~as unanimously voted to allow American Legionrent, for the.N. Andover
Cluh~ to'be taken fromthe Contingent.