HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-12-065O
The recaller meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7.00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills end payrolls were approved.
The Lawrence Gas & Electric Co. requested permission to run gas pipe
on the following locations: K.M. Crawford Chemical Co. 254 Middlesex
Street, North Andover. 30' of l~' gas service piping. Mr. Thomson
made a motion to grant permission, which was seconded by Mr. Finneran
and voted unanimously. Form re~:rned to Law. G & E CO, end one filed
under Law. G & E Co.
A complaint was received from ~rs. Marion Lawton regarding damage'to
e fence caused by the ~rac~or of the Highway Department. Previous
complein~s have been made zo the Highway Department but no repairs have
been made. The Board decided to refer the letter to Mr. Carty. and ask
him to take some action. Letter was acknowledged.
A letter from the Boston & Maine R.R. Co. regarding the complaints
about train whistles. This matter,will be investigated and we will
advised later.
A letter from Chief Mcgee, also a !~st of street light,poles from.which
be recommends removing the shields. A surveywas and these light~
considered the most urgent. The list will besent to Mr.~Barry.-uAh~p',
showing a red dot where lights are Located was also received from Ohie2
Mcgee. -~'
A letter was received from Mr. Pitkin applying for $1000~of theReserve
Fund to use in securing plans for a porposed addition to Johnson High~
School. Judge Mahoney statadthat it would no~ be legal to, do th~si~nd
auggested that Mr. Pitkin be requested to bring in more information
abou~ this matter. (Filed in Selectmen's folder) .
Judge Mahoney pr~euted release, signed by Thomas and Helen Derby, also
a letter of explanation, r&leasing end discharging inhabitants of'North
Andover from any and all claims,demands, e~c. es a result of'an acdident ¢
on or about October 26, 1943. Consideration $65.00. Check will be .sent out
on 12/21/1943.
Mr. Mahoney explained the procedure relative to the classificatiom~-~of ..,
Orrin ~oster, as a farmer. ~A clas~ificationmay be transferred but','not a
registrant. The matter would be taken up wi~h the County War Board of~,~
the District.(Zn this case would be referredto Mr. Barry Cole, Bcxf$~J
The Chief of Police ta!ked.with. Mr. Thomson regarding shades on street~
lights a~ the Davis & Furber Company on Elm Street. The D. & F..Co~,~
would like to have permission ~o remove these shields and~ will ,be~,wi!ling
~o assume the responsibilitv of replacing thesesbieldswmthin, twenty-f~r
hours at any time they are required. - 1~ ~' ~$~
A Syndicate from Wimchester measured a field near Wilson's Corne~ for .,~
a proposed dog track but found that it was not large enough, " '.~
Mr. Foster bad a complaint that there was a ver~ybad place on the.isidewalk
on the B & ~. Crossing, near Dooley's Cos! Co~pany, and it is rate, dangerous
to pedestrians. This matter w~ll be re~erredto Mr. Smith , Vice-President
of the ~ & M RR Co. "
Andrew Coffin came beforethe Board to announc~ the ~acancy on the Pood. panel
of theRationing'Board~ caused ~, the resignation of Charles McCarthy;due to
business reasonsl Mr. Coffin said he bad Joseph Sullivan in'mind~end~the'
Board unanimously approved of him. Mr~ Coffin will contact bimlin the near''
~uture. Mr, Coffin is preparing an historical survey ~o send to, Washington'
D.C. ~,nd had the member of the Board sign their names as they were Rneviously,~
members of the Rationing Hoard. -
~r. Elliott came in to discuss school Department bills which Mr. Pitkin would
like to toke from the Sarah'Harker ~nd- transportation'bi!Is are,the ones'he
would like to take from this fund~ There is ~1780 in the,Fuhd. Mr. Thomson-
stated the Board should know more about these ~nds.
~ form was received from the ~.P.B. denying request of Fire Department for
permission to purchase a 750 gallon Pumper. On 12/6/43, however, Mr. Hargreaves
was informed by telephone that they would be given approval to make this purchase.
State Aid was approved for $50.00 and form sen$.~to Commissioner of Soldier's.relief.