HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-19 Board of Selectmen MinutesNORTH ABq)OV~R BOARD OF SELECTMEN
DECE~ER 19, 1988
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. This meeting was duly posted.
Present were: Charles Salisbury; Chairman, Kenneth C. Crouch,
Christine Smith, Francis X. Dugan & Robert Ercolini; Members.
Also present was Paul D. Sharon; Town Manager.
Approval of Minutes - 11/21/88:
On a motion by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board voted
unanimously (4-1) to accept and approve the 11/21/88 Minutes.
Ms. Smith abstained.
Approval of Minutes - 11/23/88:
On a motion by F~r. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board voted
unanimously (5-0) to accept and approve the 11/23/88 Minutes.
Approval ofF, mutes - 11/28/88:
On a motion by Mr. Ercolini, seconded by Ms. Smith, the Board
voted unanimously (5-0) to includein future
recordings of Minutes.
A motion was made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr.
into the licensing portion of the meeting.
Ercolini to go
Reconsideration of Merrimack C-~ ........
u~3e APplication:
Ms..Smith sta~ed that since the last Boar
~eptlpg, a meetang was held on e,~o. ,= ..~ o~.Selectmen,s
ue=ec=ive Foulds. Bruce -~-- - ~-i--?~-~' z~oo, De=ween Police
· . · ~=~ e ~cnara cain of Merrimack Colle e
an~ Fare Chief Dolan. Ms. Smith rea ........ g
u a ~e==er =o =ne Board from
Chief Dolan regarding the meeting.
Bruce Baker, Assistant ~o the Vice President for Student Services
?f Merrimac~ Co%1ege, t?ld members of the Board that the College
· s withdrawing its application for extension of a Wines and Malt
License for Gildea Hall, until further notice.
Members of the Board discussed the powers of the. Board and
whether or not they can withhold issuing a license because of
public safety issues. Mr. Dugan recommended asking Town Counsel
for an opinion. Mr. Salisbury stated under Chapter 38 of the
Massachusetts General Laws, the License Commissioners have the
right to exercise their discretion when licensing local
On a motion by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Erc01ini, the Board
voted unanimously to accept Merrimack College,s request to
withdraw their application.
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Board of Selectmen
Minutes: December 19, 1988
Liquor License Renewals:
On a motion by Mr. Ercolini, seconded by Mr. Crouch, the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Liquor Licenses on the following
26 establishments, contingent upon a joint letter (License
Commissioners & Fire Department) being sent to the applicants
requesting that the violations listed below be corrected and the
premises reinspected within a 90-day period:
1. Beijing Restaurant - repair exit lights - use metal trash
2. The Blue Lobster - need exit sign over rear exit
3. Butcher Boy Liquors - electrician should take care of
wiring in basement area
4. Courtney,s - exit light in kitchen area was out - use metal
trash receptacles in smoking area
5. China Blossom - some exit lights need to be repaired - some
extinguishers need to be recharged
6. Club 2104 -.need metal trash receptacle in smoking area -
clean up bo~ler room - remove paint thinner
7. Cranberries - fire extinguishers iht he kitchen area to be
hung, clearly visible - metal receptacles in smoking area
sprinkler valve on riser should be chained
8. Den Rock Liquor Mart - repair exit lights - fire extinguishers
need to be serviced - rear exit not to be locked during work
9. Farnkoff Grocery - (STORE CLOSED)
10.The General Store - need exit signs posted - fire
extinguisher needs servicing - use metal trash receptacles in
smoking area
11.Jasmine - repair exit light - use metal trash receptacles in
smoking area
12.Knights of Columbus - linen & paper products to be removed
from electrical room - metal trash receptacles in smoking
13.Loft Restaurant - remove combustibles around heating unit -
should have fire extinguisher around lounge - metal trash
receptacles in smoking area
14.Merrimack College - (NO VIOLATIONS)
15.Merrimack Valley Motor Inn - some exit lights burnt out -
metal trash receptacle in bar area
16.Messina,s Liquor - fire extinguishers need to be serviced
17.Middlesex Market.~have fire extinguisher serviced - eliminate
use of multiple e~t'~nsion rods.
18.McCracken,s Liquors - need fire extinguisher
19.North Andover Country Club - add fire extinguisher in boiler
room - extinguisher in sitting room obstructed
20.s_ Boston - metal trash receptacles in smoking areas
=orage in eaves area needs to.be mot? neatly arranged
21.NorthAndover Spa/Blue Fox - fire extinguishers need to be
serviced - metal trash receptacles in smoking areas
Page 3.
Board of Selectmen
Minutes: December 19, 1988
22. Rolf's (North Andover Restaurant) - need a more suitable
fire extinguisher .
23. Richdale Dairy - need fire extinguisher
24. Ron's Lobster Pool - need fire extinguisher - install exit
signs - some serious electrical work needs to be done
asthere, are far too many electrical cords
25. 64 Main Street Liquors - need fire extinguisher - boxes in
basement must be removed
26. Thompson's Restaurant - metal trash receptacles in smoking
area - fire extinguishers need to be serviced.
Vote (5-0).
At the request of Christine Smith, and on a motion by Mr.
Brcolini, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board voted unanimously to
send a letter to the owners of grocery stores and liquor stores
reminding them that drinking of alcoholic beverages on the
premises is prohibited. (5-0).
On a motion by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board went
into regular session. (5-0).
1. Board of Registrars of Voters:
Members of the Board interviewed Helen Tacy, 226 SteVens Street,
North Andover, MA (incumbent) and Jo A. Lee, 48 Milton Street,
North Andover for the position on the Board of Registrars of
On a motion by Ms. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board voted
unanimously to reappoint Ms. Tacy to a three year term on the
Board of Registrars of Voters. (5-0).
2. Local Arts Council:
Members of the Board interviewed Joyce Toye, 1511 Great Pond
Road, North A~dover, and Deborah Moore, 546 Foster Street, North
Andover, for the position on the Local Arts Council.
On a motion by Ms. Smith, seconded byMr. Crouch, the Board voted
unanimously to appoint Ms. Toye to a~'~ year term on the Local
Arts Council. ~
3. Conservation Commission:
Members of the Board interviewed Ms. Deborah Moore
above) for appointment to the Conservation Commission.
On a motion by Ms. Smith, seconded by Mr. Crouch,t he Board voted
unanimously to appoint Deborah Moore to the Conservation
Commission (4-1). Salisbury opposed.
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Board of Selectmen
Minutes: December 19, 1988
Handicapped Affairs Commission:
Mr. Sharon told members of the Board that on 12/5/88, he heard
from James Mangano who stated he was still interested in being on
the Handicapped Affairs Commission. Mr. Sharon recommended
appointing Mr. Mangano as a member.
On a motion by Mr. Ercolini, seconded by Ms. Smith, the Board
voted unanimously to appoint James Mangano, 46 Brewster Street,
North Andover for three years to the Handicapped Affairs
Commission. Term to expire in June of 1991. (5-0).
Reserve Police Officer Interview:
Members of the Board interviewed Salvatore Mosto,
Avenue, North Andover (last applicant).
47 Greenhill
Mr. Salisbury stated because the Board has not received a reply
from Civil Service on McCarthy, they will only vote for four
positions this evening.
Following a
1. Dichiara
2. Dobson
3. Hutcheson
4. McConnell.
secret ballot, Mr. Crouch read the results as
Statement by Chief Stanley:
Police Chief Stanley told members of the Board that he is facing
a financial crisis due to the high cost of overtime in his
A lengthy discussion ensued, and following the discussion,
members of the Board asked Mr. Stanley to come back to the
January 3, 1989 meeting with a complete report.
Mr. Ercolini to meet with Chief Stanley on January 3, 1989 at
4:00 p.m. prior to the evening meeting.
Update by Mr. Sharon on GLSD:
Mr. Sharon stated that at GLSD's request, the DEQE will be
meeting with GLSD officials and their consultants to further
elaborate on the Executive Summary of the TAS study on Wednesday,
December 21, 1988.
Mr. Crouch stated he would like to h~ve comments from Kopelman &
Paige prior to the meeting. Mr. Ercolini added that Town counsel
should advise Mr. Niman as to his rights re: Executive Session.
Page 5.
Board of'Selectmen
Minutes: December 19, 1988
Presentation by Architects Denisco/Kretch & Associates for the
School Building Committee:
Bill Brush of the School Building committee gave a brief history
of his committee. He stated 35 acres of the Town Farm were
surveyed for a new gr~ar school. The wetlands have been mapped
by I.E.P. and the Conservation Department.
Mr. Brush introduced Marry Kretch from Denisco/Kretch &
Associates. Mr. Kretch gave a site analysis and stated that the
architects have looked at four different schemes. Two schemes
will be presented at the January meeting.
Mr. Brush stated he has asked Mr. Kretch to go over the pros and
cons of each scheme and based on comments from meetings and
townspeople, refine schemes and come back with one scheme for
formal approval. Mr. Kretoh will be meeting over the next few
weeks with the Building Committee, school people and engineers.
He will be filing simultaneously with the Thompson School.
Mr. Crouch stated he would like to see a site chosen with
protection of Town Farm in mind. What he has seen tonight does
not come close to preserving Town Farm. He requested meets and
bounds. He asked Mr. Kretch to come back before ~he Board. Mr.
Crouch also requested a mylar overlay of the proposed building.
A workshop was scheduled for Thursday, January 5, 1989 at 7:30
p.m. for the purpose of further discussion.
21E Report for ?and Acquisition:
Mr. Ercolini made a motion that a 21E Report be done as a
rather than as an exception. No second.
Ambulance Services:
Mr. Ercolini made a motion to prepare an Article for the Town
Warrant dealing with ambulance services with respect to billing
insurance companies. No second.
On a motion by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Dugan, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 a.m.