HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-17 Board of Selectmen MinutesMr. Henry further added that he would be willing to do some engineering work for some private
property in order to get the project moving. Chairman Salisbury added that he would like to
see this proeJct and the access road both benefited. Selectman Graham added that the traffic
issues were very important concerns to many to which Mark Henry added that there are presently
6000 cars~ per day travelling through that area and there would be 70-100 .additional vehicles,.
which he did not consider much of an additional burden. Mr. Graham suggested that someone
ought to be looking at traffic impact issues with all development projects. Mark Henry added
=hat he does not have conventional financing, and fears that MIFA funds will be gone by Septem-
ber, requirlnE initial approval to be able to recoup the funds expended until final project
approval. Upon a motion by Bahrawy, seconded by Graham, it was voted 3-1(Smith opposed) to
conditionally grant preliminary approval to the application, subject to condition that the
project does not interfere with the Town's proposal to acquire parcels of land and construction
of an access road.
Warrant Review
Article 104: Atty. James Hyde and members of the Trombly family presented their plans to ask
to rezone a parcel of land which presently houses the bus company and construct multifamily
units (condominiums). Mr. Hyde reported that there would not be direct access to Rte. 125, .
and that there will be a price tag of over $200,000 for each unit when completed. The Board
Executive Secretary Keith Bar,man reported on a recent occurrance causing the belief by many
that there are funds available 'for expenditure at this years' town meeting in excess of what
has been reported. He added that battle lines are drawn between the school department and
all other departments, and that in the~end the resulting issue is whether or not to deplete
free cash, and place the Town in a dangerous financial situation. He further reported that
"raiding" free cash would have the following detrimental effects: 1) our bond rating would
go down, forcing the Town to borrow funds at a higher interest rate; 2) the Town would be
unable to invest funds on hand which contributes to our revenue; 3) we immediately have to
borrow funds at the start of the fiscal year to cover expenses, as this is a slow time of the
year for incoming funds. Mr. Bergman added that signals must he sent out that the information
about additional revenue being available is untrue, and that state law mandates all revenue
categories that can be used. Mr. Bergman added that a final and most important reason for
not "raiding" free cash is that it would commit the Town'to a spending pattern which would
either require drastic budge: cuts in the next fiscal year, or an override of proposition 2½.
'IMf. Bergman reported that he supports the Advisory Board's recommendations for the school's
[]portion of the budget as being fair and equitable. The Hoard voted to schedule the April 22nd
~meeting for discussion with the Advisory Board.
Article 11: Land Bank- The Board discussed this article with the land bank committee, a bran~
of the Balanced Growth Steering Committee. Jack Lindon reported that the earliest possible
date by which this could be in effect would be July of 87, and that it would have to come back
to town meet!mt a~ain for ratification. Willie Vicens reported that the Conservation
unanimously supports the article, and the' Balanced Growth Committee unanimously supports it.
Selectman Smith questioned the burden placed on first home buyers, and whether enough funds
would be raised to purchase very much. Jack Lindon added that the Town must have funds
to purchase land in order to be eligible for state reimbursement. Upon a motion by Smith,
Bahrawy, to table a vote on this article till the meeting of the 22nd; unanimous. 2nd by
Article 43: Cons. Com. Bylaw Amendment- Willie Vicens reported that the net effect of this
article would be about $i1,000 revenue, an increase of $7,000 over last year. Upon a motion
by Smith, seconded by Graham, voted unanimously to support this article.
Article 92: Datavote Election System- Dan L~ng, Town Clerk disputed 'the 'Advisory Board's
orable recommendation, saying that the state a~d federal elections will not be changed by the
shorter ballot due to the new charter. Some statistics he offered: approx, cost of $4,000 per
election, including $2,600 for counter per election; one machine required per 1,000 voters, t
would mean 110 machines. Upon a motion by Graham, seconded by Smith, voted unanimously to
take under advisement with recommendation to be made at town meeting.
'Article 62: Fire Vehicles- Chief Dolan briefed the Board on need for all equipment requested
under this article. No action taken.
Article 64: Physical Fitness Program- Chief Dolan reported that this type of program is manda-
tory throughout much of the country, and it is hoped will improve the sick and injury leave
problems. No action taken.
Catherlne J. Hicks, Secretary ***********************~~~G**r*
April22, 1986
The Board held their regular meeting on this date with all members present: Chairman Charles A.
Salisbury, John W. Graham, Christine M. Smith, Ramsay A. Bahrawy; Selectman Crouch arrived late
Also present: Exec. Secretary Keith A. Bergman. The warrant was approved as submitted.
_F~nancial Overview: 1986 Annual Town Meetin8
D~He Board met with the Advisory Board to review the Town's overall financial picture, and to
formulate a position as to how to approach the Town Meeting. Exsc. Secretary Keith Bergmam
reiterated that there are no furher sources of revenue than previously reported, that raiding
free cash is dangerous to the Town's financial well-being, and that it is felt that the Advisory
Board's recommendations ars fair. It was stressed once again, that raiding free cash would have
the consequence of either having to override 2½ or make serious budget cuts next year. Mr.
Bergman added that the School Committee is fully aware of the consequences of overspending this
year, and do not feel that it is~ a School-related problem and one that they should be concerned
with. Chairman Salisbury added that it is impressive that North Andover has been able to find
over 9% in additional revenues to offset expenses this year, and questioned why the schdol dept.
~oulH-onlM~b~.safii~fied~-wttH 15%~ increase. FrAncia Lindon,~Adv~.Bd. ChairMan reported' that some
areas where-thsre.~.were.ima~or~budgetincrsases in,tHe ~chool.~budge~i.were transportation;~and- new
~ersonnelg.a~4~spec~a~.npe~s.~ Mike_Lpary~f ~he ~dv._Bd. ~uestioned fair treatment, of all other
epartments ~: the ~cnooA uepartmen~ ms vo~ea zts en~mre ~ucgec reqoes~.
Discussion took place on how the case should be presente~ at town meeting and
preparation of a hand-out. Jack Graham stated that the budget recommendations by the
Advisory Bd. and additional requests by the School Committee is unwise, but added that it
would be very difficult to go back over articles at this point, amd make additional cuts.
Upon a motion by Graham, seconded by Bahrawy, it was voted unanimously to authorize Chairman
Salisbury to prepare a statement to be released to the press, forewarning of the dangers of
Article #11: Land Bank
Upon a motion by Graham, seconded by Crouch, the Board voted unanimously to support this
· Articles 94,'95, and 96: Proposal to Purchase Land from Town
The Board reviewed the proposals by abutters to purchase property between their land and Rte.
495 which was turned over to the Town after commpletion of Rte. 495. Selectmam Crouch cau=ione¢
that this land has the potential of being used for a future off-ramp, and should not be sold
to the abutters. Upon a motion by Bahrawy, seconded by Graham, it was voted umanimously to
reserve ~udgment until a recommendation is obtained from the Highway Surveyor.
Article #31: Ass.t Bldg. Inspector
Upon a motion by Bahrawy, seconded by Smith, voted unanimously to support the Advisory Board's
favorable recommendation with 6 month review by Town Manager.
Article #45: Charter Implementation
Upon a motion by Smith, seconded by Crouch, it was voted unanimously to support this article
at $125,000, with an additional $25,000 to come out of Selectmen's Salaries, to fund 4
Article #64: Fire Dept. Physical Fitness Pro$ram
Chief Dolan reported that this program was started on the west coast and quite common, and
there are presently 13 people participating in the first program implemented iu Town. Upon a
motion by Bahrawy, seconded by Smith, voted unanimously to endorse this artcle .if it falls
within the recommendatious of the Advisory Bd.
Article #40: Vacation Actual for Police Chief
The Bd.~fmted 2-3(Salisbury, Crouch, and Bahrawy opposed) a motion to support this article.
Articles #42: Handicapped Parkin~ Bylaw
Voted unanimously to support.
Article #44: Self-Serve Gas
Voted 4-1 (Crouch opposed) to take no position.
Police Deptl Articles
Voted unanimously to support all Advisory Bd. recommendations.
School Departments Articles
Voted unanimously to support 'Advisory Board recommendations.
Article #92: Datavote Election System
Voted 3-2(Graham, Bahrawy opposed) to oppose.
Zonin8 Articles
Voted unanimously to take 'no position on all zoning articles.
Conservation Commission Resi8nations
Upon a motion by Smith, seconded by Bahrawy, voted unanmously to accept ~th~ resignations of
Richard Stuglis and Jim Lafond, and to advertise to fill the vacancies.
Town Hall Perkins Lot Expansion
Exec. Secretary Keith Bergman reported that a notice of intent will be filed with the Conserva-
tion Commission to add 30 parking spaces behind town hall, with the work being done by the
Highway Department.
The Board voted to notify the Police Chief that all picked up dogs should be sent to Bulger's
Animal Hospital until the Lawrence Dog Pound situation improves, or we build a dog pound; and
to notify Lawrence Mayor Sullivan that there is a serious
Catherine J. Hicks Sec ********* Clerk