HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-28 Board of Selectmen Minutes ~ (continued) 2 1 3 CABLE TV: Brian reposed that 'the General Man~ger of Continental Cablevision has indicated his Company,~ desire to extend cable T.V. to areas of North .Andover. First of many steps to be taken: Selectmen nest vote to consider the granting of a cable license. Guthrie motioned, seconded by ¢oady that they consider granting a cable license. Hearing was set for April 27, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. in the To~n ~ Me,ting ~oom. Hearing will be advertised. The licensing process entails the setting up of an advisory committee, varioud public hearingS, bids to be advertis and finally the issuanse~ a license by the Selectmen. SOLID WASTE: Brian'S, reported that the next meeting of the Site Selection Com~ttes is ecl~eduled for next Wednesday, March 30. This ~ be an important meet~'ng as the Mitrs Corp. ~ be presenting its recommendations as to which communities should be considered as the finalists. Brian and P~p. Joe Hemann will meet with the Secretary of Transportation and ConstructiOn, Salvacci, on T hursdey morning to discuss pros and cons of North Andover's chances. LIBRARY SPACE REQUEST: Library trosttes havecrequested space to store books that are only refe~rod to about once a year. Brian reported that shelves could be installed in one of the store rooms do~ustairs for filing of these books. The Selectmen stated that we w~uld have to be sure the town space needed is detemined before letting out ~uy space to others. BERRY STREE~ RE~T: Letter received from Chief Iawlor on the request of Camp.bell Road residents to' have "No Park-' lng,, signs installed on Berry Street. Chief stated that one horse show was held annually at the Andovor Hiding Academy on Rt. 114 and Berry Street with 3 police officers in attendance to keep the area clear of vehicles that would cause a problem. As a result, he stated he saw no reason to restrict vehicles on Berry Street the remaining 364 d~ys of the year.~ LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: Letter received from Atty. Willis advising of sale of stock of No~h Andover Tared Co, from Arthur E. Fertin, d/b/a N. A. Town Taxi, Inc. to Edward A. Bardsley of 88 Eillside P~.~ The Board voted to ta?~ the matter under advisement until cab lioanses due 'April 30. · The. _ben.rd of [elect~.n .h. el__d their regular mseting on'thO'/date with Selectman Jos~eph A. Gu~] ~ u~axrman '£noma$ d. ~c~.~oy present. Selectman John F. Coney absent b~,~ ~usin~e~s meeting. The minutes and warrant were approved as su~mi-t~-[ ............. HEAF~NG: A Revenue Sharing hearing was held t~ '.-~able the townspeple' to voice ideas and suggestions as*to bow the revenue sharing funds could be e~pended. No one appeared. TO~N TREASURER: Letter' from Town Treasurer advised tha.t~ind _e~_ifica_tion of ,~olice officers a~d firefighters: inJred wh~e on duty is. becoming a promem. ~ecantly, balances of ~edi~a~Bi~ls for five police officers received from the ~aw. General Hospital and L & ~ ~adiology. He stated tha~ the $2~.00 de~nc~ible is mow in force. Stated that there should appear some~ere in the bud- get am item to cover the $2~.00 deductible clause. The Board instructed Brian S. to pursue the matter with Dick Laf ond. REQUESTS: TRAFFIC SIGNS: Letter received f. rom D. Bettersby requesting a "Stop Sign,, at the intersection of Johnson & Salem Streets. Nany near accidents occurred. Another letter also recAved from Csmpbell St. residents expressing deep disappointment in Chief Lawior's handling of the parking problem on Berry Street. Calls to the police station are ignored~ The letter, together with the bur~ request was forwarded to the Chief for another report. POLE IOCATZONS: Petition received to iusta~l 1% poles .(remove 1% poles) on Abbott St. Approved. Petition received to iustaJ2 2 poles (remove 2 poles) on Abbott St. ~earing: 5/11/??. Petition to excavate for emergency .gas repairs approved. ~averly Rd. ) VETERanS AGEIT: " . ' I~ng,~letter received from Town Counsel re Veterans District. Years ago, a North Andover-j Boxford, Niddleton Veterans District was formed and registered in the State Veterans Offiee. Shortly afterwards, the Niddleton Selectmen withdrew the town from the District. There never has been, officially, a North Andover - Baxford District. ~ .Chairman NcEvoy was authorized to contact the Boxford Selectmen for the purpose of setting up a North..~Andover-bexford District as soon as possible. ~en District is formed, Selectmen of both to, ne will determine salary of Veterans Agent. rs:c~: Capital Out,'ay Minutes frem School Committee, Conservation Commission, Personnel Board and ~kard of Public Works. yet to be aired: , Historical