HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-24 Board of Selectmen MinutesOCTOBER 24, 1977 (continued) °~ BOARD OF APPEALS: Letter received from Willia~ Patterson,~MD, stating his dissatisfaction with the manner with ~hich the Board of Appeals conducted a hearing involving him as an abutter. The Selectmen motioned to have Chairman McEvoy meet with Chairm of the Board of Appeals and report back to t the full Board at the next meeting. NEW COUNTY JAIL: Joseph Guthrie expressed bis concern for the proposed new County Jail to be located in Lawrence. The Board motioned to express their concern to the County Commissioners, and that they take no action until representative have had a chance to meet and provide some ia- put. A letter was sent to John W. NcKean, October 26. GAS EXCAVATIONS: Petitions approved to excavate on the following streets: and 2-4 Ashland St. Toiland Rd., 220 Milk St., 59 MLlk DR. IACUBUCCI: Dr. Iacubucci asked to present his proposal for the operation and maintenance of Campion Hall in three parts. The Selectmen felt that his presentation was premature. NOT IC ES: Deadline for filing of essay and statistical reports for the T own Report is November 23. Meeting: U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Nov. 1, Commor~ealth Pier, 9 a.m 4 p.m. L. M~nicucci and Brian Sullivan ~dll attend, B & M R.R.V. !RED McCO~.L~CK: Letter received from Town Counsel, Arnold Salisbury, advised the Board that McCormack's property damage claim had been tentatively agreed upon and that the Town need have no furbher concern with this matter at this time. LICENSI~G: Regulations of taxicabs for Lawrence rec'eived. A motion was made to request To~ Counsel if the to~n could accept the regulations as an Article .at To~r~ Meeting th.ro~u~ a By-L~aw. Surrounding co~mmznities ~ be requested~~to submit themr t ' b re ionss~or ez-erence. .The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with s3_l members present; Selectmen Joseph A. Guthrie, John F. Coady with Chairman Thomas J. ~cEvoy presiding. The minutes and warrant were.' approved as submitted. TRO)~LY BUS CO.: Letter received from the G.L. Chamber of Commerce re the Trombly ~otor Coach cutback in services. Frank Trombly advised the Selectmen that expenses..insurance, fuel and bus costs.. had doubled in the past years. He would have all financial statistics for the meeting the Chamber of Commerce had called to discuss the matter on %~ednesday, Nov. 2, at 8 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce offices. APPOINT)~NTS: Capital Budget COmmittee - Dale ~. M~dgley - to fill unexpired term of R. Pangione (1979) Special Town Counsel - Attorney James Glynn - to represent the to~n in the Patterson and Elias cases. Permanent Crossing Guard - Antoinette Pappalardo - to serve at Stevens Corner. Reserve Crossing Guard - Doreen Drigian. RESIGNATION-CONSERVATION: Letter of resignation from Mrs. Patricia Trombly as member of the Conservation Commission ~ms accepted with regret. Letter ~ be sent to Mrs. Trnmbly thanking her for her long years of service to the town. Vacancy will be advertised for replacement on the Commission. Mrs. Trombly offered to particiPate in the completion of the Open Space Plan. GAS EXCAVATION: Petition approved to excavate on Johnson Street to insts2.l a gas service. REO~VED: Letter ~from Conm~issioner McKean re County Jail. Copy made for Selectman Guthrie. Certificate of Incorporation - Referred to Chief Lawlor and Bldg. Inspector for ELLIOT S~£~L-COUNCIL 93. Letter voted to be sent to have Small submit a letter citing specific requests. FIRE ENGINEERS: Letter received from Board of Fire Engineers stating they had two areas that are feasible for use as the Chief's office. Either location requires alterations before it can be used as an office. They have gone ahead with preliminary planning with respect to location, layout and cost estimates. Board voted to have Selectman Ceady attend the ~gineer's meeting on Thursday to try to finalize their plane.