HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-09 Board of Selectmen Minutes 96 i~l~ Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all members present; Selectmen ~Evoy, S~lisbury, Joyce, Graham ~ith Chairman Guthrie presidi~. The' ~rrant and minutes were approved as submitted. STREET LIGHTS: Selectmen approved request from Florence C. McGnire to replace eo~sting 1000 .lumen, incan- descent street light ~,Ith 4000 lumen, mercury vapor light on Pole #171 on Stonington St. ~proved request from Daniel Glyrm to replace existing It. with 4000 lumen It. on Bradstreet Rd. .~RS: ~Criminial. Co .urt ) ' The following persons were drawn for jury duty: Salem,/May 7tH Smttmug, Robert K. Colebrick, 45 Harwood Street; Ia~,ence, M~y 7th Sitting, Roth E. Carney, 155 Boston Street, Eleanor M. Menzi, 323 Chestnut St.; Salem, May 7th Sitting, Dorothy M. P~bus, 41 ~Y. ~Yoodbridge ~d., Ted E. Citron, 35 Surrey Drive, Edna N. Pelczar, 12 Ferry St., Francis ~. Connsr, 24 Dewey Street. Many residents of Narb!ehead, Dewey and Williams Street attended the Selectmen's meeting to discuss Board's proposal to post a portion of ~rblehead Street, ons-~ay from ~illiame Street, in a southerly direction, to Mass. Avenue and, in a northerly direction, from I. Yi!lisme Street to Dewey Street. Letter from Acting Chief Donuelly approved the proposal. Thomas 0'Leary objected to the one-way proposal. Bruce Crawford, Brenda Smith, ~ Pike, Bob Quinn and Jack Galvin approved the proposal and the iust~lation of the 1-vmy signs. Selectmen also proposed that a sign '~ot a through ~*ay," be instant,ed at the corner of Sutton and ~L~!ehead Street. Selectm~n NcEvoy stated that the last three years have been frustrating trying to resolve the truck problem on Narb!ehead Street, that Guthrie's. 9ro- posal should be tried, proper signs insta!~ed and drivers educated. It would take time but it may solve the problem. McEvoy made motion that the proposal be accepted, that a sign, '~ot A~Through I'Yay," be posted at Sutton and ~rblehead Streets and that the Selectm~con- tirme to proceed ~rith~.the State ~r.e a.n alte.rn~te~route. Notion seconded, vote unanimous. Letter to be sent to ~uief Donns,,y mo ins~a~ ~ ~ne proper signs. SCHN~E~ER SIGN: Letter from the Board of Appeals stated that official records i~8~cated the Schruender's Counsel, Mr. S~,l~ivan, had agreed to an extension of the time limit within ~.~ich a decision had to be made on the sign. In subsequest action, the Board refnsed the variance, ~hem vestigation revealed that it ~as not within the Board of Appeal's jurisdiction to grant the variance, under the statute. Upon being informed that the variance had been denied, Schruender's counsel then claimed that the time limit had expired. They failed to see ~ere the devious maneuvers by attorneys can reflect in any manner upon the integrity of the Board of Appeals in a matter on ~.~ich they had no authority to give a variance. The Selectmen voted to authorize Town Counsel to work with the Building Inspector on the sign violation and to ad- vise the Selectmen of any action he proposes to take. REVENUE SHARING: Letter received from Congressman Mavroules re Federal Revenue Sharing Program. Briau S. to contact all representatives re the Revenue Sharing Program. Board directed COMMNNITY ACTION COUNCIL, INC.: The Board of Selectmen,~uimously reappointed John J.'Monteiro and Joseph Morkeskias repre- Sentative of the Town on ~the above-named Council. Appointment focus ~,ill be· sent. CONSERVATION COMNISSION: Selectmen received letter of resignation from Daniel J. Leonard, Esq. as a member .of th~ Conservation Commission. A letter of thardm and appreciation £orhis serviceswitl be sent. Applications for membership on the Co~mtission were received from Joyce D. Bliss and Steven Vounessea. Selectman Graham motioned to request background be submitted from the candidates whichwas seconded by G~thrie..unanimeus vote. CE~A REQUESTS: Selectmen received requests for a Clerk-typist for the Assessor's Office and a Com ervation Aide for the Trustees of Reservations. It was an unanimous vote to have Briautake the nec- essary steps to provide the Ceta employees requested~ DOG OFFICER: Applications received for the position of Dog Officer. for one more week. Selectmen voted to accept applicants PRESCOTT ST. PAEQING: Letter from Chief Donnelly advised the Board of a complaint received from Joseph Palazzolo, 190 Prescott Street, who protested care parking on both sides of Prescott Street, from Chickering ~Wo~d to Osgood Street. He requested '~o Parking" signs be posted on both sides of the Street. The Selectmen stated that there should be some space for cars to park for persons participating in athletic events and voted to have letter sent to Chief Donnelly stating that it was the Selectmen's intent to have one side of Prescott Street posted, from Chickering Rd. to Osgood Street. Vote uuanimous. LACY STREE~: Letter received from Chief Donnelly citing the need for safety road signs on Lacy Street for the protection of children and horseback riders who frequent I$indrnsh Farm. The Board unanimously approved the request and voted to authorize Donnelly to take the necessary steps to signs that are needed. 9~APRIL 9, 1979 (continued) SPECIAL COUNSEL: The Selectmen appointed Atty. Donald F. Smith as Special Counsel in Meadow's land damage oui~ ~h~y.~mo~ion~ .se~oeded by Graham. Vote 4-1. Joyce opposed. G~S EXCAVATIONS: The approved the follo~elng petitions to excavate to renew gas services subject to the Police Chief's approval: Summer, Farnum streets, Beacon Hill Blvd. and Nill Road. POLICE RESERVE OFFICERS: Board voted to advertise for applicants for appointment as Police Reserve Officers. Appli- cations will be accepted until April 20, 1979, in the Office of the Selectmen. Applicants must have taken the 1978 Civil Service Statewide Police Entrance Ezam. ADVER2ISING: Also voted to be advertised were applicants for an Animal Control Officer, Town Committee Openings (Personnel Board, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission and Capital Budget Committe) Applications to be accepted until April 20, 1979. ~lso advertised ~ms the ~ Selectmen's ~intent to ma~ Marblehead Street, one-~my from Williamm Street, in a southerly direction, to ~ss. Avenue and from ~lliams Street, in a northerly direction, to Dewey · Street. A public hearing ~rill be advertised to discuss parking restrictions on School St. on April 23, 1979, at 8:30 p.m. AEBITRATOR-FIRE~N~ S Case: Notion made by GutHrie to authorize To~,n Counsel, John J. I~i!~!$, Esq., to represent the Tox.m in an arbitration case with the firefighters. Seconded by Salisbury. 4-1 vote. Joyce opposed. Complaint from Vincent Greco re 2-hr. parking infront of his restaurant, King's Subs on Main Street, vicinity of beauty salon. Postponed until April 23, 1979. land use and Housing Plans from ~VPC. Received for perusal. Article requesting mosquito spraying from ~.~rilyn Fanessa . Referred to Leo ?~fond. Copy of letter to Railroad supervisor re'Marblehead St.~ r..r. crossing repairs from Bud Cyr. Request for candidates for the annual Wilkinson A~mrd. Invitations. LICENSING CC~SSI~ERS: Received: Letter from Nerrimack Valley Textile Maseum Trustees verifying Mark Di Salvo's · request for a 1-day liquor license. Approved: 1-day liquor license for April 14, 1979, from Commander I. Yickl,~, U.S.S. Bige!ow. for Naval division outing at Harold Parker Forest. Dennis Cutrona: Dennis Outrona, holder of a cab liceuse in North Andover d~o/a the North Andover Cab Co., 12 Main Street, appeared Before the Board stating that ~s customers were confused because the old rmmber of North Andover Texi is still listed in the telphous book giving his address, 12 Main Street, but Bardsley's tetepbona number is being used by one Henry Bennett from La~ence ~ho is unlicensed and who charges higher rates than Cutroha. Cutrona is being accused of charging t~.~ different rates by the customers. Cutrona has spent a considerable amount of money advertising his number but customers, especially senior Citizens, are still confuse~. Bermett stated that he had. purchased equipment from Burdsley and admitted he had been using the telephone number of Bardsley Taxi Co. under the name of North Andover Taxi xeithout benefit of a license. He stated that he intended to apply for one and locate at the la~.~ense Airport. He admitted that he kurtz that the North Andover . Cab Company had a license to~pperate a cab. Guthrie motioned to notify tha telephone company that an'uslicensed cab is using a telephone number and to shut it off. 2.~tion not seconded and it was withdra~.m when another motion ~r~s made to ask To~*n Counsel whether it would be appropriate to request the telephone company to withdraw a te!eopbone number of a tsxi cab company operating without a license 'in the To~rn of North Andover. Notion seconded. 4-1 vote. Joyce opposed. Town Counsel will also be asked if the Licensing Comissioners have the authority to prohibit a taxi cab company, license in another community and not licensed in North Andover, from picking up a fare within the To~n of North Andover when he is using the taxi cab number of a cab license that has been revoked in Nort~ Andover. Guthrie de- clared that he would ney.er vote to grant .him a license. Salisb~ immediately for a ~ license and a hearzng ~.~s set for ~ AliCe M. Letarte, Seoretary *~*~mm~,~x,,~,~***~~  ennett to apply rk