HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-02 Board of Selectmen Minutes 0CQOBER Z,..1979,
The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with ~'~
members present; Selectmen Guthrie, Salisbury, Joyce, Graham with Chairman
,McEvoy.presidtng. The warrant was approved as submitted.
The-following persons were drawn for November 5th Sitting~ at Salem and
Lawrence: Salem: Au~ustine J. MacDonald, Jr., 274 Chestnut St., Charles
, A. Wilson, 20 Pembrook Rd...Lawrence: John J. Roche, 65 Linden St. and
Evelyn A. Cummings, 28 Sawyer Rd. (Cummings was drawn by Chairman McEvoy on
0ctober. 3rd to replace Robert Prescott who is now residing out of Town.)
The Selectmen approved a petition of the Mass. Electric'Co. to install
direct.buried cable on Boston Street.
Robert Salem, 'Manager, appeared before.the Selectmen to explain the customer
relationship .with his company. He explained that they have these telephone
lines in, their office to take calls from cable customers. He stated that
~the,customers are billed a month in advance, that customers receive
structions with every installation. Selectman Guthrie stated that he did
not relish being an intermediate between Cable TV and the Townspeople, that
a=defin£te structure to handle complaints should be set up, that all c0m-
Plaints,-should.get priority and that Cable TV should he,properly staffed to
take care of.complaint calls within 2~ hours. Zt was v~ted that Brian S.
contact Cable TV to set up a structure to handle complaints Competently.
..M~..:-Sal~mstated that they make .every effort to handle complaints as soon
as possible.
John ~Thompson and Joe Borgesi appeared before the Board to. attempt to ex-
plain the situation existing between their department and the ArchdioceSe
housing project on Waverly Rd. re the sewerage drainage problem. The Board
own i. inJ.op.rdyof, law .uit lfproblem i.n't .olv.d.
~ that Town Counsel has all their correspondence to -
'~.~ .... . _ the Arch
.... Counsel has not contacted the Public orks, Phnning Board
or ~0~e.~ation Commission re any law suit..in fact, they a~e not getting
any feed back from him. T he State won't issue a -e--~- ~-- ---
complex until the Board of Public Works proves
there is space enoughin the
s~wer line to handle the impact of the new residents. The A c
· t '."""" ' r hdiocese wants
.o ~onnec~ ~ts housing, deyelopment to the, town's.sewer,~system within 10 days
~? Bo~gesi sa'id the Board:has complied ~ith the state s demand
m?'for the sewer hook-up shoul~ be issued shortly. However, he stated~that
when they called the state theg were told that the per. LC was on their'desk
but.~h~y hadn't "gotten to it yet."
Ne said private homeowners who have
been~r~utinely pumping out rainwater fromtheir basements into eellar~drain
'.-which~eonnect to the sanitary sewer system-ratherthan running into the
street.~causes an overflo~ on ~lenwoodStreet. .~his rainwater has to be
directedelsewhere in order to leave room.for the Archdiocese housing to
-.,be~hooked, up into the,~own's ,sewer system. After alengthy discussion,
-?,ti.was ~voted to have Town, Counsel submit .a status report On whether the
~own is in Jeopardy of a law suit and that ~rian, ~ith $oe Borgesi, call
the State or Archdiocese and find out what else has to be done before the
~,permit can be issued.
B~d C~'~Ppeared before the Board to advise them that though the sum of
$4~2~0~ad been voted at the annual To~nHeeting'for ChaPter 90 funding
which Would be reimbursed by the State, the State will only give $3a,710
th£g~ year for Ch. 90 funding. After a discussion, the Board vote to
?ve ~'.~'i~ ~ra~nup for the next To~nHeeting or Special To~nHeeting
co ta~e,v~u,oO0 from original Article of $6~,250 for the purpose of High-
way re'laCed work and instructed Brian to keep up on additional streets.
Any sir&et that is plowed is considered a public street.
The subject of off-street parking was discussed once again With residents
f:°m Beverly Street present. Brian Sullivan submitted a report which was
aresult, of several visits to Beverly Street~investigating the parking
situation in the Beverly Street area. H e prepared a map with the Chief of
Police and found that only two houses on Beverly St. andone on the corner
of fly and Union Street a
~3~ OCTOBER 2, 1979 (continued)
O/~-Street Parking: (continued) the '
He listed several alternatives and recommended that/Board should allo~-.hard-
ship cases with Special Permits to park in these two areas. These Mo areas
required some brush cutting and cleaning up. l/ark DiSalvo disa greed that
only three houses were affected. Bud Cyr stated that though he sympathised
with the Beverly Street and other streets that had problems, it was~necessary
to have a complete parking ban of the Toum. After mere discussion;'~it was
voted 6-1 that the usual Parking Ban would be put into affect on December.lst.
A second vote,which was unanimous, was that the Selectmen advertise a
of streets that cars can park on side~alks during the winter as determined
by the Chief of Police and Bud Cyr.
T£mothy~. eagle, Esq. appeared before,the Board to express their protest
of the new one-way, restriction on Harblehead Street. He stated that ltarble-
head St. residents had a problemwith the one-way restriction as well;"as the
customers of the Professional Center. Chairman HcEvoy disputed~that state-
merit and said he knew ho~ the residents of Harblehead Street, thatthetr
street had been cleared of truck traffic and the street had been ~ade safe
for their children. The Selec~nen voted to take the co~laint under'advise-
ment and authorize Brian to present them Lo To~n Counsel for review; "'
It was brought to the attention of the Selec~nen 'that'~arotyn Ingram~hadrdon-
aced a 30 foot flag to the Town. Select. an Joyce, Co Chairman of'the Fl~g
Committee, stated that a 60 ft. flag was needed for the Old Co~on.': The'~'"
Selectman accepted, with thanks, the 30 ft. flag but decided to ask' her ,if
it could be placed at ~he Drunnnond Playground where a flag was ,needed,-also,
The Flag Committee, Co Chairman, Ralph R. Joyce add Frank Dushame, was
appointed: John Rickter, William Emmett, Anthony Lennon, leml Nor~oOd'lnd;"
Constance Bernal. This committee willendeavor to raise funds
flagpole on the Co~men.
Vacancies o~ =he,Precinct List were 'discussed. .T~e Bo=d voted co have,,
Brian ask Jane= X91e and Anne E. Reilly, n~ se~'~n~ ~ Deputy
i'f Choy would likg ~o se~e as Ballot Clerks i~ Precinct III. ReapP0in~n=s
were Cabled un, il next week. [,i ....
Letter re United Nations Day. Referred to Peter ~aro~oti, Sup~. o~ Schools.
'Invitation to Civil Defense Dinner. Letter o[ re.et vtll be sent.
viii be attending their' a~al.Nunicipal Selec~n's.~ecin8 .that
Select.an Salisbury brought up the continuous vandalism that takes pla~e'in
Tovn and stated that the Town of Andover had set up a preventiveprogram.
The Board voted to have Briancontact the Andover Chief of Police' to: fibd
about the program and to:have him contact our Chief of Police requesting~him
to submit a report on the' necessaz-.*-personnel he' must have in the 'future' to
run his department. Extra polica of[icera-have not been added to' the~police
department in years and the to~n La~ grmm considerably bringing added:'~robleme.
The Board was informed by Brian S. of the extra Papal holiday notice that was
sent to all departments. Public buildings would be closed and e~ploy~es .who
are nomlly entitled to paid holidays, in accordance withthe Personnel By~
Law and Collective Bargaining Agreements, will have the day o£f~ith,pay.
Employees in public safety departments will be compensated in the same man.er
as other holidays and in accordance with their collective bargaining agree-
ments. It was an unanimous vote of the Board that they co~firm the action
of the Executive secretary, Brian S., that October lac ~rlll be a legal holiday
and that employees be treated as on any ocher holiday and that every action be
taken for reimbursement from the State. Also, notify To~n Accountaut,~,J... ~illis,
and To~n Treasurer, J. Dewhirst.
Sandra Lane - Board voted to have light removed, as requested, at the conven-
ience of the electric company.'Great Pond Rd.(17?~) Leave~it'"is'as
recommended. ~esley Street - Request be placed on f£l~/~/~// .
Alice ~. Letarte, Secretary
SEPTEI~E~ 25 1979
An emergency meeting of the Board was called by the Chairman on this date
for th~ purpose of acting on an appoin~nent for an Acting Fire Chief. On
the pre~i°us...day the Board voted to offer the position to Et. Iminski.
However, Lt. decided not to accept the appointment. ~
Afte~ a considerable amount of discussion between the Board members and
the Fire Engineers. the Board voted 3-0 (~wo members voted present-"
Salisbury and Joyce) to appoint Firefighter, Dennis Currier, as Acting
Fire Chief effective immsdiately.
Both Selectq~en Salisbury and Joyce indicated that they were not voting
against Firefighter Currier, but were concernedj~/~h appo'intfng ~ fire-
fighter ~?,,the position. _/./ ~
An eme~ge~n~y meeting of the Hoard was called by the Chairman on this
date' for the'purpose of acting on an appointment for an Acting Fire Chief.
On the previous day the Board voted to offer the position to Lt. Donald
Fountain. However, Lt..Fountain decided not to accept the appointment.
Afterl a considerable amount of discussion between the Board members
it was, voted $-1 (Salisbury against: Joyce was absent from the:meeting
as.he'was~'attending class) to inform Lt. Fountain-of thei~ deep
he, wasrnot~able to accept the appointment and to rescind theHoard'a
previous action.
Selec~nan Guthrie motioned, it was voted unanimously, that the members
noti.fy the Chairman during the week as to. their interest J~ particul-
Alice ~. Letarte, Secretary *****~~rk--
OCTOBE~ 9 1979
The Boa~d'of Select~en held their regular meeting on this date with all members
present with'the exception of Selectman Salisbury who was on vacation. Present
were Select, hen Guthrie, Joyce,GOraham with Chairman McEvoy presiding. The
warrant and minutes of October 2 and Sept¥c2~-ZS.:~e=efapproved~
~ayne~ Riti6n'aud Gordon Abbott of the Trustees of Reservations appeared before
req~dstitg approval o£ a Conservation Restriction Easement, signed by Mrs
PhYllis' B; Stevens, grantor, that would prevent any development on land o~ed
by Hrs. Stevens, known as Lot ~ off Stevens and Pleasant Streets. This grant
co the:Trustees of Reservations will preserve the area (11.20 acres) predomin?
antly in its natural condition and would protect environmental systems and
scenic beauty of the land. It would protect and preserve ~eir Hill. It would
also protect the watershed. It was an unanimous vote to accept the recommenda-
tion of the ¢onse~vation Commission on this land restriction and to authorize
the Chairman to sign the easement for the Town of North Andover. The Chairman'~
signature was notorized by Secretary, Alice Letarte.
Paul Farre11 and James Beattie appeared before strongly protesting the drainage
problem that washesstou~s',sand and dirt all over their property. Beattie
said the drainage for the Archdioces homes was not installed properly, that Bud
Cyr had done all he could, and asked the Town to do something about it. Farrel~
showed letter from Archdiocese lawyer, Mr. Dolan, who said the drainage is not
right and w~nts to correct the situation. Bud Cyr stated that he was
disgnsted with the situation and, unless drainage is redesismed, the problem
will never be solved. It was brought out by Selectman Joyce that the Board's
only control is local ins trion. State plan was followed, not the Town's
.Best action for Beattie ~f to go throught Civil Action. Farrell and Be~
%tared that they each had retained lawyers for a C~il Suit but they wanted
the Town back their suits. It was voted to have Brian contact Dolan about the
problem .aha ,contac~:~b~:Works re t~e i~ Of ~wer of A~hdi0b~s~'