HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-11 Board of Selectmen Minutes February 4, 1980 (continued)
Applic'ation received for the transfer of a Restaurant, All Alcoholic license of
Snakk-Eteria, Inc. d/b/a Casablance to Triwin, Inc. d/b/a "The Wok" at 733
Turnpike Street. Hearing was set for Monday, February 25, 1980,~.at. 7:30 P.M.
Approved: 1-day liquor license for Sophomore Parent's Dinner dance, Feb. 9th
at Merrimack College.
Alice M. Letarte, Secretary ***~ Clerk
FEBRUARY 11- 1980
The Board of Selectmen held their m~eting on this date with all membe~/
present; Selectman Joseph A. Guthrie, Charles A.'SaLisbury, Ralph R..Joyce,
John W. Graham with Chairman Thomas J. McEvoy presiding. Theminutes and
warrant were approved as submitted.
A public hearing was held at 7 p.m. on the HUD application. After a dis-
cusAion on the application, it was unanimously voted to accept #2 method
and accept changein the administrative structure in granting responsibil-
ity of the grant administration to Louis Miniccdci and Gayton Osgood. They
also voted to authorize the Chairman to sighothecproposal.
Mr. Coco .appeared before the Board to discuss his request in salary. He
sta~ed that he had not had a raise in nine years and,because of the
creased workload and paper work in the administration of his department,
it was his opinion that he was entitled to a raise in salary. He brought
up the fact that the Town was funded for.half his salary. Sele6tman
Guthrie stated tha~, though Mr. C6co has done a fine job, he was not in
favor of a 100% increase in salary. The Selectmen asked if he had'obtained
the amednt of salaries paid Civil Defense Directors in other cities and
towns. Mr. Coco said he hadn't inquired. After more discussion,the Sel-
ectmen votedto table the request until Mr. Coco had obtained:this.',inT
formation so a comparison could be made.
Gene Northam, Dog Officer, appeazed before the Board to discuss his bud-
get and also requested a $1500 increase in salary. After reviewin~ 'the
expenditures to date, Selectman Salisbury stated that some time. ago Mr.~
Northam had been requested to live within his budget and the expenditures"
indicated, that he wasn't. Mr. Northam said he was trying.. The-Board ~
voted to take his request under advisement.
Bill Blackstock and Mi~3zmary appeared before the Selectmen to 'discuss
the Articles and recommendations they had submitted. ~When Joe Guthrie
asked them why they had recommended the Civil Defense 'Director's.~aise
B~ll replied that the Selectmen had asked for their recommendation:on the
request and their recommendation was in the affirmative,.,that Coc6 had
had a raise in 9 years and-the Town is funded for half the cost. 'Gu[hrie
stated that he opposes any new position that may be in conflict with the
newly formed Land Use Study Committee. Bill Stated that the Personnel
Board had not been informed of the Committee and why didn't the Committee......
get in touch with them. Guthrie stated that only full time employees
should get the Cost of Living raise, not part-time employees. Connie
Connors stated that~ part-time employees should get the Cost of Living
raise, that they do not receive any other benefits.. Part-time employees.
work as hard as full time employees and are entitled to the raise. Bill
Blackstock stated that the Ce~a employees that had been trained in
different departments should have been retained in full employment, that
was the purpose of the Ceta program, to give employment and training to
those who showed they were caphB~e. The discussion was co~{cluded with
the reminder from Blackstock that a public hearing would be held on the
articles.submitted by the Personnel Board.
,Members of the 3rd Fire Station Corr~ittee met with the Selectmen and
advised the Board that it was the unanimous vote of the Committee that
a 3rd Fire Station was needed. They requested a workshop with the
Selectmen to discus~ progress of the committee, especially a build-up
fund for equipment. It was voted to meet with the committee immediately
after Town Meeting.
Tom Hennessey, Chairman, discussed the progress of the committee.
r~ported on the systems of Arlington Trust and Mark Henry. He advised
the Board that they:m~st:heve trained personnel to run =he Data Processing
System and that the program must be well thought out. Me recommended a
person be hired for the Town Treasurer's office as of October 1,:1980 to
handle collections of the water and sewer bills. Another clerk would be
necessary in the Public Works department, also, when the program started.
It was unanimously voted to endorse the Data Processing Commi~tee study
to 'hav'e the water and sewer bills collected by the Tax Collector-Town
Treasure~ and a clerk be hired effective October 1, 1980.
After discussion with George Schruender, Chairman of the IDFA, it was
unanimously voted to approve the bond financing of Mitman Realty Trust/
Ti~Con :Egst who will locate in Willows Industrial Park and Bird Leasing,
who will'build on the Lawrence Airport site.
Letter ~ceived from the North Andover Improvement Society stating their
:obJectioh to a flagpole being erected on t. he Common. Ralph Joyce and
Frank 'Du~hame, Co-Chairman of the Flagpole Committee, reported Chat they
had had overwhelming reaponse from townspeople and o~ganizations who have
generously donated coward the erection of a flagpole on the common. They
stated that a "very, natural looking monument' will be placedoaraund the
flagpole.which will be dedicated to the veterans of the ~ietnam and Korean
Wars. It was an unanimous vote of the Selectmen to authorize Selectmen
Salisbury and Joyce to contact the Improvement Society to advise them that
it was the Board's intention to erect a flag pole on the common.
Letter received from Mayor LeFebre advising the Selectmen of his efforts to
obtain a Prime SPonsor desi~nation for the City of Lawrence, as a C
under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. He asked Chat a letter
of support, if the Board so voted, be sent to him for endorsement of his
efforts. It was an unanimous vote to endorse the Mayor, and to send a
letter to that effect.
It was unanimously voted to permit Troop 89 the use of the Town Farm area
on May 3 and 4. Police and Fire Chiefs will be so notified.
Letter received from Town Counsel re proposed parking regulations' on state
roads, Rt. 114 and Rt. 125. It was unanimously voted to adopt procedures
as outlined on Page 2 of the le.tter and to take whatever necessary steps
to implement those procedures on Rt. 114 and Rt. 125. A hearing will be
necessary, all businesses located on these roads will be notified. As these
roads are state highways, approval must be acquired from the State Dept. of
Public Works.
Notice received of the monthly Legislative and Bust~essmens Caucus, Feb. 14,
at Andover Inn. Board Chairman and Executive Secretary will attend.
Ben Osgood, Chairman of the Land Use Study Committee, appeared before the
Board with three Articles that were not complete. Osgood stated that the
Committee would he called, Community Development Dept." and stated that it
would be the most economical plan to consolidate departments. Articles
were not accepted, as is, but warrant might be re-opened later.
168 FEBRUARY 11 1980 (continued)
Before the warrant was closed at 11:15 P.M. the following votes were taken:
-Accept all Articles submitted by Department Heads and citizens.
-Accept articles submitted by Personnel Board.
-Selectmen submit appropriate article on Town Farm, Data Processing and
Energy Conservation measures.
-Accept recommendation of Advisory Board and submit article for $10,000
for.~nemployment Budget.
-Accept article for Planner setting salary at S-19, Step II.
-Selectmen and Building Inspector will co-sponsor Building Inspectorlarticle.
-Selectmen to set salary ~or Wiring Inspector.,rCo-sponsor, BuildingInsp~
-Selectmen to co-sponsor article with Council On A§ing re coordinator
Notice received from Attorney Diamond, via telephone, that Triwi~.In~[
had withdraum their application for the Restaurant, All Alcoh61ie~ l~cense.
?33 Turnpike Street currently held by Snack Eter£a, Inc. d/b/a Casablanca~.
Unanimous vote to allow ~thdrawal-without prejudice. . ~
Letter received from 'the Building Inspector stated that he had~:~'~'~:;~i'
formed by Hr. Crudale that he needed the Class Il license in ord~.tg; ~.i
purchase cars at public auction and that he'.would have only one used car
on the premises at any time. ~r. Foster stated that, if the Sele.ctmen
will limit the Class II license to one car to be stored within th~"building;
chis use could be considered an accessory use to his body shop ~a issuing
the Class II license to himcwwutd not be a violation of the Zonin$'By-Law
and therefore allowed. The Board voted to sen anoth~hearing fo~ February
2~, 1980, at 8:00 p.m.
Alice M.
Letarte, Secretary ******** .... [~,k: .~