HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-31 Board of Selectmen Minutes MARCH 31, 1980 (continued) 179
Mar~o Turano and Burma Blek~cki were present. Mrs. Turano accused the Board
for not supporting the Commission, that the four members resigned as s result
of .~r, a culmination of problems over the past two months· Mrs. Blektcki said
Selectmen shouldn't accept resignatiomn right away. Mrs. Turanooaccused t'he
-~emb~rs,'~f:~th~mBoard·~of saying herhusband was in Conflict of Interest.
Mr. Joyc~%tated .that he had never sai~ Turano was in'conflict, of interest
but~;~'if.~h~ Commission had problems, they should meet with them· . Mrs. Turano
also accused Bud Cyr of not cooperating with the Commission and treatin~ them
fairly. Bud Cyr replied that he, Turano and Frank Gelinas and others on the
Conservation Commission have been involved in the landfill problem since 1973.
He, stated, that he has not asked for any privileges from the Conservation Comm
After,£umther discussion, the Board voted unanimously not to accept the res~
n~tions ~f.three members of the Conservation Commission, and to.have letters
!s~nt to ~rano, Vounessa and Gailey requesting a meeting to discuss their
reasons for taking this action. In the letter it will be pointed out that a
few weeks ago, the Board had reqt~ted a meeting as soon as possible to dis-
cuss the concerns of the ~onservation Commission members:'and the~Board was
proalised~that meeting as-soon as "the C~mmission. got'its own house in orderS'
(Mrs%~Turano was advised of this, also, at this meeting) ' The.three members
w~l~'also~be.asked that they consider staying on the Commission for an addi-
tional 30 days maximum'se the Town's interests will be Protected while going
through the process of appointing new members. It was also voted to advertis~
for applicants to the Commission. Many letters were received in support of
the Commission members especially, VinCent Turano~ ..~ .'~' - ,~
Letter of thanks and appreciation:received from Th6mas' C. Smith,' SpeCial
in Charge for the services of the North Andover Fire Department during the
New England primaries when the Secret~Service was in charge.of.Protecting
numerousu.presidential candidates many of whomtransited Lawrence AirPort,
Copy of letter had been sent to Fire.Chief Currier. '~ .":
Permis. silon~granted to the Merrimack Valley Textile Museum'to close off Mass·
Ave. at Osgood Street for the annual Sheep ShearingDay.. Chiefs Donnelly and
Currier will be so notified.
LEAA,~ . .., !..:.'. ~ . · ~.. '
Selectme'n.tvoted to have rheim .new member, R..:Louis DiFruscio, ,represent the
Tow~.~. '.th:~Chief Donnel!y on the .Merrimack. Valley P. ublic .Safety Improvement
Courkc.i,l~s:-~.hey will attend a meeting on April 3 at the Citizen's Center on
We~com~ St.~.%, Haverhill, Mass. . ' . '
'A,~a, te bid was received for the 'ambulance:up for bids. from James M.'Sanborn,
13 May/S't=eet, The late bid was referred to the Board of Fire Engineers.
At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman McEvoy expressed his- appreciation
an~.,than~.;on behalf of the. Town, to Mr. Guthrie for his nine years of service
to the Town as a Selectman. He extended~ greetings to 'the new member, R. Louis
DiFruscto, and welcomed him as a member of the Board.
Spy, rss Maz~rakzs, owner of Spyro s, formerly Henry J's restaurant .w~s present
· ' .... ~ ' ' ' ' a'boat'on ~he Merrimack
wmtl~ .two,requests. He sought permzsszon to anchor
River opposmte Henry's for dinzng and dancing. It woul~ be smmtlar to the
recent Ship Restaurant located in Boston Harbor. Before he,',entered into any
long range,plans and expense, he would like to know how he stood on the sub-
3ec. t. .The,,.Selectmen approved of the plan hut said it would have to be referre
to the Building Inspector and Board of Health for their recon~eudations.
His '~'&cond"'request was for permission to have Greek dancers perform in his.
restaurant. Rt his former restaurant, Alan's Steak Hous~ in Salem, N.H. they
performed twice a week. Bishop's Restaurant in Lawrence has' had them.perform
for~manyi years in their restaurant· Selectman Graham stated that he mxght be
a prude, but he did not think Greek dancers Would be proper in North Andover.
Chairman McEvoy said Mr. Graham was a prude with that type of thinking. The
request was referred to Town Counsel for advice on entertainment laws.
MARCH 31, 1980 (continued)
Approved: 1-day liquor license, April 1 and April 19th, for Senior
Class Social and dinner-theater aC Merrimack College.
Alice M. Letarte, Secretary *****************--*****
A rtl 7 1980
l~electmen held their regula~ meeting on thisdate~th/all mem-
- bets present., Selectmen Charles A. Salisbury, Ralph R. Joyce, Jol~n W., .......
~r~ham, R..Louia DiFruscio,with Chal~'man ThomasJ. HcEvoy presiding. The
minutes~and war~ant were, approved as sub. credo
..HUD ~ 1967:
-Bud Cyr discussed a letter from the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development,
: Nick N..,.Nibi,, Director,. who .stated that,theTovn still o~ed the stun o£
--,$1~1,060 on a Scorn Drainage. Contract-written'in'.-$966-67,.-.-.-After a ,discussion,
it-was-voted ,to contact ,the. Department of.Housing requesting acopy of. said,
concracC.. ..........................................................
--Charlie Foster,. a~ay at a Building Inspector's conference, was unable to
be .at the' Select, hen's meeting.*.to discuss-the..to~n building-emergency .lighting.
· lc-was voted to. have-Brian.obtainc":-the actual-, amount, of.expense a.battery
.... operated' system would-.cost.,. ............ ~ ............................................
-..It-was voted to have a Special To~n Meeting fifteen minutes before the
Annual To~n. ~eeting. for inclusion o f - three -Articles..-,.Advisory.-.Board ~ s
.. request .for .$ 75,000...funding-. for vapory receiving system and determination
of the.Wiring-Ins~ec~o~-'s salary.and.cont-racC~ :. .............. ~-. .-~ .......
· .It was an unani~ous vote to ,-.pprove the above-named liability insurance,
1 premium and total $4806 90
at'~lua - ;, "t~X tO" ; .' ...................................................
.~fter a discussion, it was voted to table the si~nLng of this contrac~
until Aprit-14~h.meeting. .......................................... ::-..-..
-.Letter from-Chie~Donnelly advised the Board that he had received a
-.plaint from aShe~manNorrison~:--70. Parker St~..ofconCinuousvandatism
· .on-his.property-and home..,His...department,had.-investigated-.the-complaint-.
and..found that-the, area-was-be/ns used. for.a.,meettng, place.-and tha~ ~r~,~:
-.Morrison!s.aeighbors had..fi-l-led 15-1ar.ge..traah--bags.witk-beer, cans,--bottles
.-and-.tonic. cans. ~orrison's the~nopane window had been broken, had his lawn
dug up and his house hit-with rocks m d eggs..Chief Donnelly~recommended
chat the.fence which encircles the.school be extended to enclose the wooded
area..Board.voted to notify the school commitcee.,.publ/c works and. tree .....
department. · ................
School Dept.-Legal Bill:
.The Board voted,to approve payment of the $75 bill for a School ~ept. ar-
bitration case and request transfer, for.same.,.,.: '.
Letter from Chief Donnelly recommended that the toum go along with .the
State Dept. of Public Works reco~mendations.re intersection of the above-
.. named streets.. The fact that accidents have.diminished on. Rt. 111 is an
indication, he-said, Chatthe.present markinss are effective'. Copyof
his letter to be sent to complainant. ''
-Chief Donnelly recommended that the speed li~t on Dale Street be reduced
from 35 to 2~. Board voted to contact State Dept. of Public Works to con-
duc~ a survey.to expedite the'reduction of the speed limit. Copy. to be
sent to complainant.
'Letter received ~rom the Board of Trade indicatin~ their int~restin the
'imProvement and the revital£zatio~:proJcect of ~ain Street under-a
.Grant. ~ was.voted, to thank them £or their-continued interest..