HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-24 Board of Selectmen Minutes ~0~ AUGUST 2&, 1981 (continued) ., '' -;:e:. ....
The Selectmen voted Co authorize the Executive Secretary to
applicants Co fill vacancy caused' by Vincent Turano's res~aC~on ~r~ ~he
Planning Board. ApplicaCio~'w~ll be. received until Sept; 2, and a'~ber
w~l~ be appoin~ed, Jointly, by ~he Selecc~n and.~ers O~ the P~ann~nS
Bmrd on SepC~er 8Ch. Te~ o[ appo~n~nC w~ll be until ~r~h 1, 1982,
T~ elecC~on day.'
CHA~BERLATN G~IEVA~CE: : ~'.. ~.-~?~.
Members o~ the Personal Board and the Public Works Union ~C'w[ch the
'SelecC~n ~o C~ co resolve the ~ce~. of.when Ch~e~la~n
raise ~n pay afCer'h~s~sCep race.~ncrease from W~ co WS.. The ~unc ~n-
volved, $56.00. Th~s',~was a ~er of co~e~aC~on, only, noc a pr~c~on,
according ~o ~he. Pe~onnel Board. Co which the Publ~ Works Un,on a~eed.~:~
' ~b[~c. Works-Un,on aCa~ed chat, ~he-co~ensaCion should 'have been pa~n
· January and Che Pe~so~el' Board: stated. ~haC ~he co~e~acion: should'
~n ~rch. After a leng~hy%discussion,, the Selecc~n"unani~usly voted
reaffi~ Chair posi~on ~n support of. che Personnel Board; "T he Selec~eh::
a~so reco~nded chaca ~ecing be se~ up w~h Joe Borges~, the Union and
~he Personnel Board Co c~ Co resolve ~nCrepecaC~on of' c~e~a~onpro-J-:.~- ~'
..*The Board received-a Technical. Assistance Grant Agreement and letcet'~fro~he
Office-of EnvironmenCal'Af£airs~re the Hazardous Waste~ Facility; ,' The:~Bbkr'd..
yoced ~o .have cop~es sen~ ~o ~ers o~ ~he Local ~sess~nc Co~Cee for
~he~r co~ncs and reco~ndaC~o~, a~cer which
Co~8~. ' -.,.. '~_. ,
A me~rand~ received E~ Gaycon Os8ood, C~ntCy Develo~nc D[re~or~'~
advised ~be Selec~n chac one' o~ the acCUraCies scheduled,'Eor
~1981 GranC:,ta~,ch~u~cbaee:o~ a parcel o~ land on
situation.,* a:Speclal..~o~n Counsel.will'*have to be appointed
Co"handle chis cransacCton,;.Counselwillbe patd frOm~Fedoral
SelecC~an*Relph.Joyce~,sCated.thatTo~n,Counsel,~John. WilZis,
represent KandruC:rin this transaction. Select~en stated thac they.~ould
like a clarification, f~o~ gillis, I~ was voted to have Brian Su~liva~,..
Ex. Sec, and Gayt0n prepare the proper procedure to appoint ·
The~'.Seleccmen appointed an additional* uember to*, the' Local~ Assessment~, C~ccee.
- He-is ,Paul* Taylor., ~ 38~Seunders' St;, who has~ berlin 'chancel: busine88 £or~ 25s'.*,' ·
Request received~from Club'Hanager of the Royal Crest .Estates Co hol~'aiLas~
Vegas night.to raise ~unds 'for.rthe~Muscular*Dyscrophycause. Permission. was
'granted sub~eccto Chief Donnelly's approval', . .. :,..
Hal Norwood discussed the matter of insurance compermaEion £or the
· Center [ire damage He s2a~ed.thac Fred ChapuCandH~keSchena:esttmated,;.the
d~mase to be in'the vicinity of $27,000 end ~he insurance, company wan~ed,~o
payonly ~20,900 accordins~o'their estimation. He stated chac.~he.,damage~=
could not be repaired for that amount and that the buildings ~ShC
be torn do~n or sold Herequested the'Selectmen to con, acC the insurance;:
company to*crYtokra~se the ameunt of the settlement. 'TheBoardvote'd;to
have Brtanf21nvescigace the matter wiCh Dick La£ond, '.. ~..
The roof over Joe Borgesi~so££1ce.h~s been'leaking~and caustn8
his o~£ice Co come o££.' Brian'advised the Board thai:it woUld cos~ ~285
repair the roo£.*. It wes so vo~ed Co have it repaired. .*'..~*.
AUGUST 24, 1981 (continued)
The fOllo~ln$ 1-day liquor licenses were approved subject to Chief Donnelly's
November 2, 1981 - B.U;'Conference Center, Shawsheen Villase Women's Club.
September 20 - B.U. Conference'Center',.wedding.
September 20 o Campion Hall, Senator Paul Tsongas picnic.
October 16 - St. Michael.!s Nail, SC. Michael's Parish Activities Co---.
'~;i ~ ~ ~ ;: ,: ~ !'3% ......
A hearing:was sec for September 8, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. on application to store
gasoline ~at 1060 Osg6od~ St. .
It w~s voted ~o se= up:a policy on 1-day Iiq~r ~icenses.' SelecC~n John W.
Gr~ ~ol~eered' 2o Sub~ a reco~nded policy;.. .. ?. '' .'"
~tfwas also voted to hold the next Selec~nen's meeting on September 8th, the
day after the holiday instead of the scheduled date, September 14~h. This.
wil!~m~.rk the end of the sm~er schedule. . ~~ ,' '
Alice ~.,.~e~r~e, Secre~a~ ~ _ - _~ :.. ~ . ' Cler~
The Board'/of Selectmen'held their resularmeeting on this date With all membere
present: Selectmen McEvoy, Salisbury, Joyce, DiEruscio With Chairman Graham
presiding: The minutes and warrant were approved as submitted.
Thi f~ll~[ng persons were drawn for Jury duty, October $ Sitting: Newburyport:
Dogil8~J?'Scott, 57 Jay Rd...Lawrence: Jane Earley, &5 Union St. and Salem:
Marie~G~'a~w, 82M~flin Dr., James Bobertson, 69 Herrick Rd. ~
Th~S~men'interviewed five appl£canCs to fill vacancy on t~e Planning Bd.
due.to~2~'resE~nation of Vincent Turano. Members of the PlanningBoard were
also present at the interviews. Interviewed were~alter ~. McDoncu~h, Dorm J.
Boyle, Mar£1yn C. L£cciardello, Jeffrey P. Kin~ and ~. ~ary SCillman..Five
Vote~wer.e~required ,to be appointed, which ~alter ~. McDonough received.. He
was~du/y appointed.
Lecte~,~eceived from £he Planning Board advised the Select~nen that .the Planning
Boa~d~had,;voted'£o form a committee to study Che-s£tuaCion concernin$ the
traff~ccproblemin areas around Chestnut St., Hillside .~d.., and Route 11~. This
was the result of a letter received from Michael.Schena. They requested, chaC a
member of the Board of Selectmen be appointed Co serve on Chis committees., lc
was.voted to have Seleccman McEvoy serve.
he~Cer~recelved:.from the School CourtS,tee requestln~ approval of the Selectmon
Co luplemen~ the 2venlng Adult 2ducaClon Pro,ran by appropriation of
tedz=eceipto from'fee paid seL'~ices (Evening School). Act No. 6934 allows
Hr, Ga~ny and,Mr,
~ucure, ~proval
citi~.~nd:~owns to do this without Town ~eeting action.
DiSalva~w~ll contact the'Board on this matter, in the near
was tabled until September 21s~ meeting.. -
The,:Alsessors,-Advisory Board .and the Selectmen discussed the-matter of how to
apply the $700,000 received,in;extra state aid funds. Discussed was whether to
apply all of iC for reduction of this year's property taxes or Co ke~p ic in
reserve as free cash to use next year for capital expenditures.- Phelan said he
was~g~ng~=o apply $300,000 .of the funds Co lower this.year's'tax rate by
cenCs~l~..r.$1,000 evaluation .to $20.80.' Brian Sullivan, Jim Dewhirst and Adv.
Board.,.Chairman, Gus We'igel, scaled thatless than $300,00 should.be spent to
lower'the~Taxes and recommended placin8 most of the money into the free cash
account.to use next year to spend on expenditures thaC have been puc off aC the
last.:Town,Mcetings. Brian recommended using $100,000 to lower the tax rate
and puc the remaining $600,000 in the reserve fund. lC was b~ought out that
many work vehicles and other Town needs would be coming up for replacement and
Chat no one knew how much state aidwould he forthcoming next year.