HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesSEPTEMBER 2S 19S1 (Meeting October 5, i98i - 7:00 p.m.-Middle Soho~ The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present; Selectmen Tb6mas J. MoEvoy, Charles A. Salisbury, Ralph R. Joyce, R. Louis DiFruscio Chairman John W. Graham presiding. The minutes and warrant were approved as submitted. CONSE. RVATION COI~flSSION APPOI~: Interviews were conducted' by the Board with. Marilyn Licciardello, Felecia S. Elias~ ~nd Jared A. Cone. Another applicant, Edith M; Nitzsche could not appear for her interview but had been interviewed previoUSly. A ballot bore was taken and Mrs. Licciardello was appointed unanimously. James Lafond, Ch. of the..Commission was present and asked that the remaining applicants be ad- vis..e.d.. !t,h,a6' they will be considered for appointment of Associate Members as soon .~S"~e_has consulted with Town Counsel on the matter. He told the Board tha~.th.e.; :Commission needed the Associate Members. LIST: The Boar, d~approved reappointment of 'the Precinct Workers as submitted for 1981~9~2[and appointed the following persons to fill vacancies: Precinct I, Bertha Roberts, Warden and Connie Connors, Deputy Warden. Precinct III, C'.,':istine A. Decar and Anthony J. LoPiano, Spare Workers. Precinct V, Joan "catenis, Spare Worker. ' TOWN gRiDS: Le~'~e~"~eceived from the Highway Surveyor _ ,.~. ~ . re razing the sheds in the back of the"T0wn building to clear the area for the new Sen[or Citizen building. He brought up the question of the open sheds used for recycling. Dayton Osgood stated that he would discuss the matter with Bud Cyr. OBSOLETE 'EQUIPI~-"NT: Letter from Bud Cy~.~asking permission to 'a~vertise for bids to sell obsolete equi~..~.9~, thaC is no use to his department or any'other departmenc. Board voted to grant permission for this action. CONMENDATION: CHIEF DONNELLY & BUD CYR: ~.re~eived ~ro~. R.E..ACwood, o~r Animal Inspector-; commending Chief onnei%y, zor assigning a' zoot patrolman at Drummond Playground during the soft ball:'~,'.~.'&s whi~k.Buchatop.to the drinking and littering.' Also commended was Bud C~ H£ghway Surveyor, who straightened out thesev . on'~' '' ~ ere curve in the road .~nson.~reet by the old Cider Mill which will prevent serious accidents. Copie? of the letter were sent to both Donnelly and Cyr. GUARD a qUESZ: et~e~.~Fe~eived from Chief Donnelly re School Committee's reeue,~ crossing guard co be located at Chadwi'ck-Sut~on-High Streets~--~; the safety officer had not recommended a crossing guard at this location and furthe~ stated there isn't any money appropriated for :any new crossing posts. Board~d to send letter to School Commi~ttee with copy of Chief's letter. EXECUTIVE SESSION POLICY: ~he Board approved the following policy for executive session minutes: "Accurate'records of the proceedings conducted in executive session will be kept a~d may remain con~idential only so long as their publication would defea~ .the purpose of the session. At the conclusion of the executive session the Selectmen shall make a determination as to whether the minutes are to go i~to.a confidential file The Chairman shall have the responsibility of re- V~e~.w~ng,atleast quarterly, the confidential file a~d recommend Co the Board, S.pecifi~ minutes for declass£fication." HAZARDOUS~WASTE FACILITIES: Letter received from the Director of the Bureau of Solid Waste re hazardous waste facilities. Board voted to forward letter to the Local Assistance Co~ittee. PAP[ALARDOr, BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD: Th~:BoardVoted t° approve the application of Antonetta Pappalardo, ~9 River- V£~'.Street, to be included in the To~u's Blue C~oss-Blue Shield program as 8h'.W ~ ~-,~.. .... e was' ,,f 31Q~ SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 (continued) .: ...~ STP. EET LIGHTING: Brian Sullivan reminded the Selectmen that action on removing street lights should have to take place soon. If action is taken on this subject, during the next few weeks, at least four months of the fiscal ye'ar.will h~ave,elapsed before the lights will be moved. Budget cutback from $125,000 to $107'~000 by the Advisory Board will mean the removal of 100'street lights: A report should be ready by the middle of October. Brian S. suggested that a.Special Town Meeting be held during the holiday week recommending what ligh.t,~ ,t? take out in the section that has been covered. ::,,,' u:,, ~ Scott ~n~ps an~ cave r.v. an~, .:.~--.~-,.iy_- ..... -~ ~"d needed t6 ~%a;end School, were present at t~e meetlng =o oz~cuo= ~,,= ..... ~ ~ - ~illside Ro~, land o~ed b~ Fellowship Bible School. They propP~e~° deed aha.easement for 130 fi'. on land to widen the end of ~illsid~" Rd. for a cu,-a-round. ~ was brough= up that the State had said they would ~e~- ah~ H'ills~de Rd. as a temporary.measure. Selectmen voted to find oU~' wh~t the State intended to do; Also, it was brought up that the residents:~'~''' should be notified~of the proposed turn-a-round and To~ Counsel sh6uId ;be consulted. Scott Phillips proposed that Fra~ Gelinas be con=ac~e'd:i~ :~ there is any engineerin~ ~o be ~ne. POLICE PSY~OLOGI~ StaiNING TESTS: ' ' I~ was unani~usly voted to require psycholo~ical tests as well as ~di6al for all current reserve policemen and new appointees.' Bo~h the Board and the Personnel Board.approved the new ruling. . .;, -:.~( T~S ~T: Letter from ~he Fire Chief advised the Board that a large transport. 2~:9~.' had gone through T~, causin~ traffic tie-ups and creating a danE~Tous,~ sit~a~ion. He stated that ~he T own should' have been notified and 'P%~c, mission'~iven by the To~ before he was all~ed ~o ~o through 'the ,~q~ streets.- It was evident that the truck 4river probably ha4 los~ ~' W~ ~nd ~hteed his ~F through to~ streets t~i~ to ~ind the hi~ a~?;q G~ OPENING: - Louis J. ~iec, Jr. appeared before the Board invit~n~-tbem to a "Gala Grand Openine" of F~e,~s Courthouse and other area merchants sche~ul'e~a., for October 17.and 18. There will be 10 ite~ on the pro.am He requested that either Main Street or Second Street be closed off' '~5'~J ~een the bouts of 1 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. The Boa~a stated that it'w6~16 be highly improbable to do this as chat is cbe one ~ay traffic is. constant- ly bea~ in that area. ~ey advised ~iec ~o consult with Chief D~n~'i~ re the request .a~ the ~tter woul~ be placed on the A~en~a next ~INO NIGHT LICENSES: State 'placed the responsibility of casino 'n '" : · Comunica=ion from the %ghti'~' licenses wich =he To~ Clerk. The SelecC~n vo=ed '~o ~ec with Ch~e'f Donnelly and =he To~ Clerk =o discuss =his license. .~.. ..... SELEC~ S~ISB~Y: S ~n. Charles A. Salisbu~, advised the Board chat he would deferua' ssis~en=' in New York~which could be three ~n=hs or a year) in Dece~er;' at which time he would know better what his schedule would require. · LIC~SING CO~SSIONE~: ", ~P~OVED: 1-day liquor l~ense for Director of Student Ac=irE=les, Merrimack for Freshman Parent's Dinner Dance, October 17, a= Merri~ck. Colleee scheduled The Board voted =o remind Fr. Gillin that only 24: 1-day liquor 1Ecenses~. cuuld be had durin8 =he~ school year and =o let the Board know, by let:er,:'how~ ~e.. intended to distribute these 24 licenses. '~? .' ': ~o coin-operated machines(video) fo= the Lo~t Restaurant, '1160 Os~oo~: S~. - no= license for benefit of the La~euce General HospitaL, 6 ~ay 1iq ......... ~ ~ -~r. Advised that pa=kin~, w~uld 1982 % Gretchen G. not be allowed onGreat Pond Road, she stated that they had peamission:from' Brooks School to have all parking concentrated there from which-people ~ould be transported to 1046 Great Pond Rd. She was advised to'confer with'Chief Donnelly re the traffic restrictions and police ~cers would be ~i%~e~M.-'Letarte, Secretary