HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-22 Board of Selectmen Minutes~he Board oflSelectmen held. t'~eir, regular meeting on this date wiCh all_m~m-
bers.~pre~ent; Selectmen.:Charles A. Salisbury, Ralph R. Joyce, John ~. Graham
R.. Louis 'DiFruscio with Chairman Thomas J. HcEvoy presiding. The minutes and
warrant were approved as submitted.
Letter received from police officer, David M. Guthrie, advising the Board
he bad!accepte a postion with the Santa Clara Police Department in California
and requested a one year leave of absence from the North Andover Police Dept.
He. lnc~nds'~'=o a=Cend the Police Acad~ ~n Santa Clara and would like che
option of reCu~nS ~o Che N.A. Police Dept. wi=h~n one year. According
~ho ~les ahd re~lac~ons on ~he ma~er~ the Board vo~ed ~o.~ranC Mr. Guchrie
a three ~nChs leave of absence. Unani~us vote.
~IN ST. '~AV~Y ~.
John Kennedy of. Vanasse/Han~en appeared before the 'Board Co d~scUSs the pro-
posed ~rov~n~s ~o ~he Na~n S2.-~averly Rd. ~n~ersec~on. Th~ in~erseccior
o~ ~aeer~y,~ad and ~n S~. ~ould be redes~ed ~o ~e ~c sa~r for cars
ped~[~ ~ra[fic ~der a plan presented
eer~ [i~. ~e proposa~ would chan~e .Khe w~de ~nKersec~on ~nco a ~e
~1' ~igh~ an~le corner by rfillin~ in the wes~ cOrner with a sidewalk which
would force cars on WaverlyRd. to come into Main SC. straight on than at an
angle. An island was proposed, also, to be constructed on ~averly Rd.,at the
intersection to separate the east and west bound traffic.. S~o Parking" zones
at th~'~osswalks would be marked, but presently not be£ng enforced. Kennedy
stated that the improvements would qualify for 100% federal and state ~unding
o~.~y if the parking zones were..enforced. It was proposed that one cross valk
i~rOnt of Caron's funeral pa~lor be moved up near saunders SC. Which would
allow cars to park in:~ronC of the ~uneral parlor. 'lC was also proposed to
have an informal meeti'nsw~th the merchants ohM arch.15 to!hear their ~views
on th~ ~roposal~ Xt was also a~reed.that the Board should meet with the t~o
Ch~f~'~efore the Haffch lSth ~o disCUss the proposal...
Letter received from Town Counsel re appointing Mike Roberts a Special Nunici.
pal Employee. Willis s~ated that he could not answer ~he lecter sent by the
Selectmen because he has, in the past, represented Mike Roberts as his
and~C°uld prevent himfrom arriving at anobJective decision. He.
'~d'~i~[ CheBoard refe~ this question ton Special Town COunsel for 'an answer
The~'Bo~rd voted unanimously to refer the question to Atty. Donald Sm~th,.the
Town Mod~ator.
Letter from Peter Garo£oli clarified their previous request to have additions
sidewalks installed throughout the Town particularly in the vicinity o~ the
schools. He advisedthe Board that.~hat the School Comnttttee sussests thac
Selectman form a Consnictee-to study the benefits of installing the side walks
in areaonear and around the public schools and sradually extend them through
ouC the Cows. It was voted to have Bud Cyr, members of the School Counn~t~ee
andChief Donnelly comprise the co~ittee. Selectman DiFruscio stated that
instead of spend£ns money for sidewalks they should hire Matrons to supervise
and watch students to discourase thepot smokin~ in Cha schools, that
should be done about th~ situation before it.gets worse. Selectman Graham
replied that it wasup co'the School Committee to como ~o the Se!ec~nen about
the problem, not the Selectmen go to the-School Co.nmittee,' that it was under
Chair Jur£sdiction. Selec~nan HcEvoy agreed with Selectman DiFruscio that
money shou3.d be spent on the h£ring of Hatrons before spendins iC on
Selectmen 'Graham and Salisbury stated that the School Board is being active
about the problem and k~e expeditin$ a plan to combat the use of drugs in
Letter from Governor King re; drunken driving and le$islation proposed to
curb drunken drivins..
Letter from the State Dept. of Forests and Parks re proposed cutting prosrem
of Crees in Harold Pa~ker Forest. It was voted to post the proposal, the
Board had no ob~ections.
FEBRUAKY 22, 1982. (continue~)
Letter from Russ Conway ~a: permission to have the "10-mile Challenge" road
race, scheduled for May 2, ~1982, to be herd through the streets of;North Andover.
The Board unanE~usly granted
Fire Chief's approval,
The Board authorized the Chairman to siSn a.proclamation t,h_at.the,veek
Apr~l 18, 1982 be proclaimed "Scuden~ Dr~ver Excellence ~eek.
re uested in a letter sent by the sponsors the ~ Pos~ 1~7, Ha~e~11,
such =~ another ~s .appointed.
SELECTHA~ KIlt: . .'.. _..v !-!.~,..,(.:"
· S~eccman Salisbury mocxoned that a page in the records of the
-be sec asSde Su neap,of the ~aCe ArChur K~k, a ~o~r Se~eCcmn'~
a letter be sent co his f~ly. IC was so voted. $elecc~n
lC was determined thac the Board would go out onCe m~re and ~ie~ the Sire
LiShts marked to be taken puc and objected to by nearby residents...:,;
APPROVKD: 1-day liquor license for Austin Center Ras£dent Council;
College, for February 26, 1982.
Application to store additional 34,000 8als. sasoline, under~ound~ ~aC~
Osgood Street, George Farkas Service S~ation. ' ..... ~"
~etter; received from Atty. Clifford ~.lias, advising the upa.rd C~at ~e., ~s,
repres&ntin$ McDonald's Restaurant. in' their app.licat£o.n.
license. It was voted Co Cohsider the application on ~rch 15C~, at.U .9,'~'
Alice M. Lecarte, Secreca~ ~~~!e~