HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-29 Board of Selectmen MinutesHARCH 29 1982
The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all mem-
bers present with the exception of Selectman Salisbury. The minutes, dated
Mar6h 15th, and the warrant were approved as submitted.
The' following persons were drawn
Salem Criminal Court ; .
NewburYPo~t Superior Court -
Lawrence-Superior Court -
Salem Superior Court (2) -
for Jury duty, May 3 Sitting:
Thomas R. ViegolaSki, 116 Maffbleridge Rd.
Ann T. EaHaye, 86 Martin Ave.
DavidRoche, 36 Sylvan Terrace.
Edwin T. Donnelly, 90 Sutton St.
Margaret Morrison, 285 Middlesex
T~e Board considered, the ao~lications of Ronald Pollone and John Manning
to be ap~ointed Constables in the Town of North Andover. A letter from
Police Chief Donnelly strongly urged that John Manning'not be considered
f=,:.,the'aoDointment because of his .asr record. Ronald Pollone had no
record of violations. John Manning present at the meeting protested. ~h~ec-
~ear3oyce stated he would not go 'against the Chtefts recommendations. -
Selectman Graham stated the Board should only select ~ersons the Chief reco-
~ended. It was an unanimous vote to deny Manning~s application for the
~osition of Constable. On the Pollone application it was brought out rhea,
although the Board had, at a former meeting,set a policy as to how many
Constables should be appointed in the Town,?~. Pollone had. submitted his
application before the policy had been voted va. He also had many excellent
references.' A motion was made and seconded to appoint Ronald Pollone a
Constable ~o serve in the Town of North Andover. The vote was unanimous.
A memo from the Mass. Municival Association"and a Bill for the extension
of. Tw~nMeeting dates received. Brian stated tha~ the ouroose of the new
law.is:to, allow cities and towns more time to review their budgest and to'
await' ~d~itional clarification on the expected amount of state aid. He
stated that the T own would not gain that much by delaying Town Meeting
because we are'not going to have any final figures from the state until
Ju!y. or August. It was voted unanimously.to have Town Meeting on the
regular date, April 2~, 1982.
The Selectmenheld a hearing for the purpose of obtaining oral and/or written
comments from citizens as to possible uses of General Revenue Sharing Funds
for,.the.1982-83 Town Budget. It is a'ceepted that the Town will receive
$364,176 during Fiscal Year 1983. The Tow~ has on hand $118 685 which is
availab,le for appropriation. '
. y un n~mous vote .
The Selectmen/aDproved t~e contract w~th VanassefHangen Engineering, Inc.
to make the necessary survey ~rior =o takin~ 150 sq. ft. of land st Csshman's
Service Station. They also a,nroved the Dlacin§ of sn erttcle in the w~rrant
~to...take the land. Selectman Joyce referred to the letter f~om Attorney.
Rs~ieY.,A ,Bahrawy who hsd enclosed a plan on the W~verly Road. M~tn Street
i~te~ction. He msde s motion to send s cody of the §~ond sketch to the
-D..~W?~n~,Van~ssefH.ngen. Bri.n Sullivan s~ated that the department heads
sho,uld~be contacted before sending the olan to the DFW. There was no second.
Gayton O.sgood stated.that James D'Angelo of Vanasse~Hangen was redesigning
the~.d~iveways according to the oeoplets wishes exvressed at last week's
earipg .... .Selectman Graham motioned that Bahrawy~s plan be submitted to
Va~sse~Hangen. It was an unanimous vote.
The Board unanimously voted to include article in the Town Warrant for the
acquisition of railroad oroperty on lower Main Street w/aieh.will create more
prar~!~g-spaees for the downtown businesses.
~ I,~¢H ~9, 19S~ (continued)
Brian Sullivan advised the Board that at the State DEQE hearing on March
24 on the assi~nment of the Clark Street' site for a resource recovery' .
facility, they indicated that any conditions they add to the site assign-
ment dealing.with the particular site and its impacts will'have the'force
of law. The Selectmen can send comments until April 22nd. At the hearing,
Brian made a request for the following conditions:
1.) Rt. 125 and Holt Rd. shall be significantly upgraded.
2.) The Selectmen shall have the authority to desi§nate what routes'the
trucks will travel to the olant.
3.)· The plant shall not be expanded beyond 1500 tons a day without the
Selectmen's approval.
4.) The operator shall always meet the present environmenta1
ments even in 'the event the oresent re~ulations were relaXed in the
5.) The Selectmen shall be given the opportunity to review andcommeht/
· . on the exterior architectural design of the facility.
He '~o~m~ented that he did not know at this rime'whether or not all t~ese
requests can be properly included in a site assignment. Voted to a~cept
for the files.
Letter received from Byron J. Matthews, Secretary of the Officeof,CommU6~ies
and Development advising that an interim rule passed on March Sth,Sta~s
can now formally assume responsibility for the administration of HUD'!s S~all
Cities Programs. The EOCD has been selected by Governor King to a~dmintster
the program in Massachusetts. He stated that those communitfes'sche~uled.~
to receive monies from HUD will he able to continue with the seCOnd and"
third Yearof their Work orograms without experiencing any delays'~hile the
Grogram is being 'transferred from HUD to EOCD. Gayton Osgodd, Directo~'
stated that it would be a little difficult dealing with the State and ~ot
with HUD, that he would be dealing with both the State and HUD during.the
Brian advised the Board'that an article should be placed in the warr~n~
for the furnishings of the Senior Citizen's new center.
After dfscUss'i0n
it was voted unanimously to submit and article requesting $30,000 to ~urnish
the Senior Citizen Center. **
The Dog. Officer, Gene Northam, requested that he.be authorized to use~a
Police car, scheduled to be turned in, for use in his work as Dog Officer.
Brian.stated that the value of the car was $1500. The Board voted~.t8-
submit an article in the warrant to authorize the Dog Officer the use'of
a Police car. for the ~eriod of a year.
Letter received from Stewart Wilson, Second Engineer of the Board or'Fire.
Engineers, contained his resignation from this -osition and as a callFire-
man. As the letter was vague as to what position he was resigning!frOm,
Brian was requested to confirm the resi~nation. If Wilson is resi~ning
from the Board of Fire Engineers¥ the Board motioned to send out
for annlicants. A letter of a~nreciatton and thanks for his serP~ces over
the hast years will be sent to Mr.'Wilson.
Ted Phelsn suggested that the comin~ Town Meeting be adjourned at.6:60' P..~.
and so announce it to the assembly so they would stay to vote. It was so
Chairm~n McEvoy referred to the article in the ,aner against the' Ch~f.'of
Police re the altercation of two members of the uolice denartment after the
~arade on St. Patrick's Day with two towns-eo,le. He stated he had received
a renort from the Chief which has been nlaced in the files.
Letter received from Attorney Clifford E. Elias, attorney for McDonaldfs
referred to the erroneous report on the March 22 meeting in the North Andover
Citizen re the actual vote taken on the comon victualer application for
McDonald*s restaurant. The vote taken 'expressed the intent of the Selectmen
to §rant the license to McDonaT~% with the conditions announced by Selectman
Joyce. The conditions in Attorne/ Brocklemanfs letter were not included in
the vote but it was understood that she and Atty. Elias would meet to come to
some agreement on items stated in her letter, afte~which they would report to
~he Board. The Board woul~ then resolve the issues. It wes an~u~an~mO~s
vote =~=hp~rb~e=~o=eJw~th'$el~ctman Joycefs changes. A copy will be sent to
Attorneys Brockleman and Elias.
Chairman DiFruscio read draft policy on the granting of video games as drawn
up by Executive Secretary~ Brian Sullivan..Selectman Graham stated that a
compiled policy should be drawn up for acceptance by the Board. At the
time each application is viewed on an individual basis and circumstances.
Patricia Cavanaugh, member of the ~ea~u~sdfe~omen~Voters~ offered to help Sele
man Graham to collate a policy.
The vote was unanimous to grant ~wo video games to the above-named, company
located in the Main Terminal of the Lawrence Airport. Application had been
tabled from last week. The~ames were for.their office help and students.
Application for ~wo video games for the HoXding Pattern Restaurant, Robert
Morris, applicant, was denied. They told Mr. Morris'that a.letter from
J.' Davies, Jr., Airport Man,§er, had advised the Board that their general
policy is for strict control over the use of video games at the Main Terminal
area at'the Airport ~articularly in the lobby area. He went on to state that
they had made an exception to this for Phoenix East Aviation because their
§ames will be located in the office area'inside of the counter area for use
of their employees and students...it.wi11 not be for public use.
Liquor licenses were approved for Merrimack College on
Activities dinner theater party and a party for the C1~
Alice M. Letarte, Secretary ._. '--'-'- -'--' '-' -