HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-03 Board of Selectmen MinutesThe Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all members present with
the exception of Selectman Charles'A. Salisbury who was ill. Present were Chairman
Thomas J. McEvoy, Selectmen John W. Graham, Ralph R. Joyce, & R. Louis DiFruscio. The
Warrant was approved as submitted.
The following persons were drawn for jury duty, June 7 sitting:
Salem Superior Court (3) - Louis A. Robinson, 14 Royal Crest Dr.
John J. Cadarette, 81 Lisa Lane
Newburyport Superior Court (1) - Walter J. Wengrzyn, 49 Sylvan Terrace
Lawrence Superior Court ('1) - Brian F. Sullivan, 50 ROck Road.
A hearing was held for excavation on Salem St. Since no one- had any questions, the Board
unanimously approved the installation of approximately 90 feet of conduit on Salem St., from
existing pole 3/163 southeasterly, then southerly to property line.
Randy Jones, architect from City Design, gave a presentation on the final design plans for
the Senior Center. He said that for the past 3 months they have been working with the
Council on Aging, the review committee, and all the abutters to come up with a program of
uses that would go into the building. They are working with about 4,500 sq, ft. of. space
that includes meeting space, office, basically serves all the functions that the elders will need.
The building will be a 1 level scheme. The primary entrance will be from the parking area and
the back of Town Hall with a secondary entrance at the upper ~evel at the existing Council on
Aging office. Their schedule for after this evening is to put together a set of drawings which
will be going out to bid in late June with construction to be starting some time in July.
Mark Pelletier, also an architect from City Design, briefly, ran through the plans on a model
of the new Senior Center. He also noted that they have taken into consideration engery uses
in this building. It was also noted that the Senior Center's design will compliment but. not
copy the architecture of the the Town Hall. Because it is a one-story building it allows for
future expansion of Town Hall office spaces on the second floor, if ever needed. The meeting
room will also be built in such a way as to be expandable. The Senior Center wilYbe built
around the existing Civil Defense office because it would be too costly to' relocate it due to
the special radio equipment mounted to the Town Hall and recent renovations to their office.
Access to the facility will be through a corridor in the Senior Center which allows for
additional security which they have pointed out was a problem.
Gayton Osgood told the Board that a working committee was established to handle the every-
day ~work involved in the design process. This committee has worked with the Council on
Aging and the architect on a regular basis to get their ideas and alot of those ideas were
incorporated into the plans. The committee has also visited alot of other Senior Centers &
got id~aS~'Trom the elder services who works with the G~uncil on Aging all through the ,\~
Merrimack Valley. Thomas Cantone, Chairman of the Council on Aging, thanked the Board
for all their support.
After a short discussion~ the Board unanimously voted to approve the design plans.
Jim DiAngelo, Vanasse Hangen Assoc. reviewed the revised plans for improvements to the
Waverly Road - Main Street intersection. He stated that they have been back a number of
times since their first design concept. .Their first concept was developed to what federal
highway administration refers as the highest standard of design which had the most significant
impact on parking and access in the intersection. Because o£ that they have gone back and
met with the individuals involved and tried to develop a compromise that was acceptable to
the Federal Highway Administration and the DPW but also to establishments in the vicinity of
the intersection. He stated that they have eliminated 5 spaces instead of 8 and have cut back
on the size of the islands to open up a bigger access to the Central Service Statim in the area.
They have placed cones there and are satisified that it is safely, workable. What they propose
is, a basic roadway width which will be 38' with one travel lane in each direction of 14' and a
10' parking lane on one side. Mr. DiAngelo said that they ha~e come before the Town
tonight asking for support for this. concept to s3Jow them to proceed from this stage.known
as the 25% stage and allow them to start the real. design of the project and to allow them to
produce the. plan specifications and estimates for the entire' project so they can turn those
over to the Dept. of Public Works and ]et them build this system under the Urban Systems
Chairman McEvoy then asked if anyone had anything new to add.
John Dolan, owner of the Central Service Station, presented the Board with a petition
containing the signatures of 80 people who are opposed to the road work. It was accepted by
Ch Qirman McEvoy.
John Carron, Carron's Funeral Home, noted that he is in favor of improving Main Street in
every way but his only concern is with the curbing being around his parking lot. He would
just as soon let it go as it stands with no curbings what so ever. Mr. DiAngelo replied that
what was proposed was that along Main Street they have broken the curb in front of his
parking lot to allow access directly from Main Street rather than forcing him on May Street.
MAY S, 1982 Continued
The entrance is a 24' standard driveway opening and the curbing does not go up Ma~ Street
but just wraps around the width of the sidewalk. Mr. Carton commented that all he would
like to see ks the curbing minimized so that people have the proper access going into the
parking area, and in regards to the crosswalks, that they don't be finalized tonight because
he would like to be consulted further.
Ralph Barbagallo, 1S - 17 Main Street voiced his concern about the loss of 2 parking spaces
in front of his building because of the § families that live there and a business there. He
feels that the ]oas of those spaces will have an impact on them. He is opposed to the plan
for that reason. However, he had spoken to Gayton Os~ood who mentioned there is some
planning going on to acquire the property of the B & M Railroad which is nex~ door.
Mr. Osgood mentioned that there are 2 things that have happened with that. One is that
a Town Meeting article was unanimously passed to pay for or take that property. Secondly,
he has had numerous conversations with the railroad and .last week they sent him a lease
a~reement for both that parcel and the parcel opposite it. The lease is now being reviewed
by Town Counsel. As soon as he gets the lease back he intends to execute it whieh.-would
allow for Mr. Barbagallo, if the Town sees fit, to park his cars there because the Town will
effectively have control of that talk'cad property. He noted that the contract ks a one-year
renewable lease. The purpose of the lease is to establish our interest in the property while
they negetiate to purchase it. He wanted to get a handle on the property so the Town could
start using it right away. He noted that permanent improvements would not be made until
the Town owned it. What he invisions doing is once they purchase it is to develop it into
a'parking lot both public with some dedicated spaces for 'abutters. Since some of the
need every-day parking spaces, the Town could go into a. lease or sub-lease a~reement for the
number of spaces at a certain fee per year which would take care of the Town's maintenance
of it.
Paul Donovan was concerned about the parking spaces and how the illegal parking was going
to be enforced. In his opinion, the 2 hour parking is too long. He also mentioned that he
feels the. lighting on Main Street from Waverly Road down to Sutton street ks terrible.
King Subs was concerned about the elimination of the 2 parking spaces in front of his store.
Mr. DiAngelo stated that in order for the island to work effectively those spaces have to be
desik~nated as "No Parking". Chairman McEvoy stated that those 2 spaces on the corner are
already illegal parking spaces and that they are going to be posted as soon as possible
whether this plan goes into effect or not.
Selectman Joyce noted that from the orik~inal plan that. they came up with, they have presented
it to the people and reworked it 3 times on an individual basis. He feels that we have a
better plan because of it. He statedthat he rec0~'nizes the 5 spaces and makes a pledge as
an individukl Selectman to continue to try to acquire those parking Jots on the B & M sites,
and if they can, they will ,11eviate a great deal of the parking problems there for future
development and present needs, but for the improvement of the overaJd appearance of Main
Street ;Ivi~h the substantial traffic safety improvements by signalizing Sutton Street and by
channelizing and controlling the movements around. Waverly Road he thinks the pros of this
project .far, far outway the temporary inconveniences that are going to be present.
The Selectmen unanimously voted to approve the plan as it was presented this evening.
Letter was received by the Board from the executive director of the Greater Lawrence
Sanitarky District transmitting a copy of a draft a~reement between the Sanitary District
and the Town of Salem, NH. The agreement provided for ;Salem, NH joir~ng:tl~e District and
having its sanitary waste treated by the district. After some discussion, it was
unanimously voted to forward the agreement to Town Counsel for his comments.
A letter was received from the Greater Lawrence Community Action Council requesting the
Board of Selectmen to send a letter of support to Representative Thomas W. McGee for the
passage of the Massachusetts Opportunity Act (EOA BiIl) which provides for the continuation
of present federal laws (FY'82) regulating and funding Community Action Agencies to be
done by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The letter noted that the survival of the GLCA¢
dependes on ~two major factors: 1) the passage of this bill, and 2) the passage of a
Community Service Block Grant sufficiently funded by the Congress. The Board unanimously
voted to send a letter of support to Representative Thomas W. McGee for passage of the EOA
The Board accepted letters of resignation from Mil{e Leary of the Personnel Board and
Thomas Leavitt of the Historical Commission. The Board unanimously voted to send them each
a letter of thanks and appreciation for their service and to ask for candidates for these'positions.
A letter was received from Town Counsel asking the Selectmen to si~n an assent to a land
court petition re: easement - Mangano to Town of North Andover. Town Counsel will then
file that assent in the Land Court which will conclude the legal proceedings in this matter.
Voted unanimously to approve the assent.
MAY 3, 1982 Continued
The Administrator reminded the Board that they should act on the street light request from
Mrs. Ratcliff of Putnam Rd. Be told the Board that the light is on the hit list and rather than
taking the light out, the people want to move it up closer to their property. They said that they.
have had problems with vandalism, stolen car, etc. Selectman DiFruscio noted that we are having
problems with vandalism ali over Town. Selectman Joyce noted that the Board just went through
and reviewed the street lights and tried to keep them at intersections and regularly spaced on
main travel ways. He doesn't feel that this situation falls into that category. He sympathizes
with the problem, but the Board asked for more money at Town Meeting for street lights and didn't
get any. He doean!t think tha+ ~his deserves reconsideration. Selectman McBvoy agreed with him
also noting that we didn't recei, ' *he money to replace any lights. The Administrator mentioned
that it is a maintenance budget chat we have. Selectman Graham stated that he has already .
been there to~ take a look at the situation but he would like another opportunity to take
more look at it'. The Board unanimously VOted to table it for 1 w~ek.
The Lioensing Chairman read the letter that was received from the Dept. of Public Works
responding to the Board's letter asking what type of improvements they would recommend. The
DPW discouraged the idea of lights at McDonald's driveways on Rt. 125 for the following reasons:
"1. The minimum vehicle warrant would not be satisfied (150 vehicles per hour from McDonald's
for an eight (8) hour period).
2. Si.a'nals at this location would be difficult to see for north bound Rt. 125-133 drivers.
The existing pedestrian overpass approximately three (300)hundred feet south of the
site create.s this visibility problem and .rear end type accidents would increase. Police
Chief Donnelly stated that the area between Pleasant and Prescott Streets produce a
very high accident history.
3. The traffic would back up on Chickering Rd. across Walker Rd. making ingress and
egrees to that street impossible.
4. Our Dept. would require an easement on McDonald's property to satisfy future
maintenance of the signal detection system from the drives.
5. Patrons in the parking area (McDonald's) may travel or park over the loop detectors
thus putting in false calls to the system and stopping Chickaring Rd. needlessly."
The letter stated that a suggestion to consider creating a center lane for left turning traffic
Qnly..between Pleasant .St. intersection through up to Prospect St.. intersection, which is a
possibility, would reqmre formal approval by their Commissioners.. Another suggestion was to
locate the driveways on Walker Rd. "The combination of Walker Rd.. & McDonald's traffic would
then met the minimum vehicle warrant requirements for a semi-actuated traffic control."'
A discussion then followed with Steve Ercha from the DPW regarding this letter. Selectman
Joyce asked Mr. Erchaiif a light was located at Walker Rd. with the same curb cuts on the highway,
would there be a sufficient warrant ,at Walker Rd. to justify putting a light in. Mr. Ercha noted
that what probably would happen is that people coming out of McDonald's would cireumvant the
signals and come out the main entrance. He felt that if there was a signal at Walker Rd. and
driveways coming out of Walker Rd. there wouldn't be a need for a driveway coming out onto a
State ir0ad. Mr. Ercha also stated that it is McDonald's engineers responsibility to propose a
signal layout and then submit it to the DPW for review. He said that alt'hough the permit will
be issued to the Town, discussions for approval should be ~ith McDonald's engineers. Selectman
Graham then restated his opposition to McDonald's because of the safety problems. It is his
opinion .that whatever is put there is going to be a difficult situation. He feels that the advantages
that McDonald's is going to provide the Town is not ~orth the problems that McDonaid's is going
to~.,have. for safety~. . in th,at area.. Selectman Joyce noted that from .the beginning he has ' ~
reoogmzed t~iere ~s a s~{fet~; p%blem but he is also under the reahzation that that site is g~ing to
be developed and there is going to be an impact in that area regardless. He feels that at this
point there is not enough information on traffic safety improvements in front of him to s how what
direction this is going.
Atty. Clifford Elias noted that by eliminating the curb cuts on Rt. 125 and putting the ingress and
(,greYs 'on Walker Rd. the traffic situation on Walker Rd. would be aggravated. Also~ it would
be going against one of the conditions that the Selectmen imposed last time to prevent ingress
and egress on Walker Rd.. and allow that curb cut to be used only for deliveries and trash
p~dkups. Also, since McDonald's is paying a substantial amount of money for a parcel, of land
that abuts a State highway because of the present traffic flow and not necessarily the increased
traffic fl0w, it's simply not feasible for McDonald's to consider removing the curb cuts on Rt. 125
and putting them on Walker Rd. He also mentioned that if a pre-condition of the Board for
approval was the installation of a traffic signal and the DPW says they Can't put one in and if
curb cuts on Walker Rd. are not feasible, ~hen there is nothing that they can do. He suggested
saying traffic safety improvemen!s instead of traffic lights.. In this case he would offer the Board
the availability ~f the efforts and the money of the applicant to go ahead and work with the
District people to oome up with a conceptual plan to bring back to the Board. Selectman Joyee
~stated that ~e felt t,~hat a tra. ffic signal was not the total answer but that McDonald's address lhe
traffic safet~ proble'm, and he has no. problem showing some flexibility in that regards.
Selectman Joyce made a motion that we substitute for oondition 5 that a traffic.safety improvement
plan be pursued by McDonald's with the radification ef DPW and presented to th~s Board for
approval.. Approved by a 3 - 1 vote. Selectman Graham opposed.
MAY 3, 1982 Continued
Atty. Elias brought to the Board!s attention that when the Conditions in the minutes of
April 12 were transposed a line was missed, from Condition #9. The minutes should have
read as follows: That the roof of the building be installed with wood shakes; that the
exterior walls be of natural colonial,red brick and thermopane type windows, having the
appearance of colonial small-parted glass. The Board approved to amend the minutes.
Application was tabled from the previous week for a Common Victualer,s license from
M~chael Nicastro, 69 Pleasant St., Glouster, Mass. to sell fish from a mobile truck town-
wide. Board of Health approval was already received'. At the Licensing Chairman,s request,
the applicant agreed to call the Chief of Police whenever he is coming ~nto North Andover
to let h/m know where they,il be. The license was unanimously approved provided that the
vendor does not. locate;'or sell within 2,000 ft. of a local establishment that sells fish.
Application was received for 12 video game licenses from Christopher Adams, Golfland,
1591 Osgood St. He presently Bas a license for ~, machines. Selectman Joyce stated that he
is very much opposed to a video parlor in Town per say, but he recognizes, however, that
Mr. Adams is not operating a video parlor up there but rather what he is operating is
primarily a miniture golf course with a pizza & sub shop and as an adjunct to that, a video
game reom~ Selectman Joyce wants to make sure that Mr. Adams doesn't presume that he is
free to develop that video room to a point were it is his primary occupation. Mr. Adams
stated that he is not planning on increasing the numbar of machines but in fact, may be
taking some of them out because of the increased license fee. The Board Unanimously
approved to extend his present license of 4 machines to allow a total of 16 machines at the
The Board unanimously voted to go into executive session~gotiations.