HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-19 Board of Selectmen Minutes MARCH 1984 521
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present; Chairman John W. Graham,
Christine Smith, Charles Salisbury, Francis Dugan, and Kenneth Crouch. The minutes and warrant
were approved as submitted.
LandZGift from Ted Leland
~ appeared before the Board with a'proposal to give the Town 20 acres of land which
is adjacent to the Town Farm; and to offer for sale to the' Town'[in' adjacent 401.acre.;pare.el at'.the
current going rate for developable land. All of this land is Within the watershed district. The20
acre:?gift:parcel~ is,a,s~vampy area with 150' frontage on Great Pond Rd. Superintendent.of Public
Worksi-Joe Borg'esi sai~ that his Board voted unanimously in favor of accepting the 20 acre gift par-
cel and to. look at ways to finance the purchase of the other 40 acres. Mr. Leland asked that the
Selectmen agree to a two year right of first refusal, and to perhaps give back to Mr. Leland a right
of way for access to the remainder of his property. Chairman Graham suggested an article for the
1985 town meeting and requested all concerned parties follOw up on this proposal.
Rick Domas, CD Director, said that the traffic eng`ineer has made some suggestions for eliminating
2 signal heads, however,.M~.. Messina has strongly stated that he wishes to use the entrance by Mr.
Donut as a service exit only. This would r~quire another signal head. Tony Lionetta, from Whitman
& Howard presented a proposal for signalization.. A.fter lengthy discussion on attempts to eliminate
some of the lights, funding and responsibility for maintenance, Joe DeAngelo, Mass. DPW suggested
installing the duct work for all the recommended signals and complete the work at a later date.
Police Chief, Ed Sullivan recommended against installing signals other than the one for the ~rosswalk.
S~lectman Frank Dugan motioned to accept the plan presented as being' the best possible. After a
second by Ken Crouch, the motion was defeated 3-2 with Jack Graham, Christine Smith and Charles
· Salisbury opposed.
S_p.?ial Legislation - Dana Fisher Warrant Re-O~enin~
Correspondence was received f-~'~m Labor Attorney, Holtz & Gilman relative to the Town'sliability for
possible injury to Dana Fisher while on duty, stating that he would be eligible to a firefighter's base
salary~ Correspondence was also received fromthe Firefighter's Union opposing the exemption of
Dana Fisher .ana:.urgir~ the. Bb~rd not'to certify, this firtiele for the warrant. Chief Dolan said that
there is a fire alarm maintenance crew to P~rform:D~fna~'Eisher's'.work~t Ul)onmnuoti6n:introdueed
by Sel'ect~namSali~bury, il~ was~oted, to(re-open,,the 198~to. wn;m~eting:wa~rantLto~indlude.:the~Dana
Fisheriar,tiele, ~Ote::~l~J~;. Dugan~opposed.. By :unanimous vote of the Board, two additional articles
wered~iclude'd'dn .the~198~/to~nt.meeting warrant: Representative Joseph Herman article and Jack
Lindon's article.
~nditure Estimate P~
John Bohenko, Executive Secretary, said that last year the town expended $15,654,957 for budget
and articles. This year, the Assessor is estimating that the Town will have available $16,490,000,
which is an increase of $835,000 over FY 83-84, or 5.3%. This is a result of calculations by the
Assessor of charges, local receipts, increase of 2,}% levy, and new growth. After discussion, the
Board requested John Bohenko to review these figures with the Assessor.
FY 84 Audit- De, t. of Revenue
Communication r~the Dept. of Revenue saying that they will be conducting an audit, at
a cost of $17,550 for the year ending June 30, 1984, to be charged against the cherry sheets. Upon
a motion by Christine Smith, it was voted ananimously to approve the terms and conditions of the
Pro.~elamation - Greater Lawrence Chamber of Commerce Week
Communication'received from Greater Lawrence Chambers of Commerce requesting that the Board
declare the first week in April as Greater Lawrence Chamber of Commerce Week. It was ~b'Voted
March of Dimes - Walk America
Letter received from~l~imes requesting to conduct a "Walk A merles" march on Sunday,
April 29 at 9:00 A.M. commencing in Lawrence and continuing over North Andover roads. Requested
that the Executive Secretary notify the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. Voted unanimously to grant
permission to the March of Dimes to conduct this march.
Merrimack ~. Fire Alarms Re~ or[
Selectman Christine Smith reported on a meeting with the college officials relative to false fire alarms.
The college has imposed a new penalty of $1,000 fine with immediate expulsion. Executive Secretary,
John Bohenko says that the school administration is very receptive to mitigating false alarms.
~ Board - Tele~ohone Service
Letter received from Advisory'-~d urging the Seleetmen's Office to conduct a study on alternative
telephone service. The Executive Secretary recommended conducting this study several months ago
when goals were being discussed. The Board requested that they;be givenm';eopy of this priority list
again, and discuss it sometime after town meeting.
March -19 1.984 cont'd
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District - Budget FY 84-85
Executive Secretary John Bohenko said that the budget has increased 17% over last.year, The~Di.strlc~'sic%'s
justification for this increase is that the Town, flow has increased. John added that Superintendent of
Public Works, Joe Borgesi is not in agreement with these figures. The Board requested that the Executive
Secretary meet with the Sanitary District and Joe Borgesi to go over these figures.
Holt Road~
A. copy og,a:le~t~refr6m,~h~HighwayaSugveyor~o the Bureau of Solid Waste was received. Basically, Bud
Cyr is requesting reimbursement from the BSWD for repairs to the road. Executive Secretary said that
he will provide a letter of support to Mr. Cyr if requested. Mr. Cyr was not present to discuss this matter
Selectmen's Meetin. S?h.edule
The new meeting schedule was accepted by the Board with two changes: (1) cancel the December 31,
1984 meeting; (2) July 11, 1984 should read June 11, 1984
1 ~'on for wine & beer license fromthe Ladies of Merrimack College for a Spring Antique Show
fund raiser, March 24 & 25. Unanimously approved.
(2) Application for l'iquor license for Class of 1987 in Murray Lounge for April 7, 1984. Approved by
Bruce Baker. After discussion, it was voted to table action on this application ~ntil Executive Secretary
specks with Bruce Baker relative to the ages of Class of 1987.
Peddler's License
Stephen W. O'Neill, 60 Ashland St., North Andover appeared before the Licensing Commissioners to request
a Peddler's License for the sale of household'and electrical items left over from a trade show. Mr. O'Neill
said that he will be selling from business to business only, and added that in other communities, he approaches
the Police Chief and asks if a license is required. It was voted to grant a' peddler's license to Mr. O'Neill.
S_~ecial Selectmen's MeetinK
k~special Seleet~neri'S meetmg, was:scheduIe~-fer'Tuesday, M{ir6h 27 ~t;7:30 in the Selectmen's Meeting
Room to dicuss the 1984 town meeting warrant.
.Essex Count.v Selectmen's Association Designee
Selectman Francis X. Dugan was appointed as the Selectmen's designee on the Essex County Seleetmen's
It was voted to go into Executive Session at 9:55 _~ .... ~,,c ~vlunicipai -'~ '~ ~-cs' Union electi'on
the h',v¢;i,~i,~ ,.e~lr~"" .. ~oiice O~fice~' ~o~e?. S~einer.
Catherine J. Foley, Acting Secretary ************************