HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-12-27The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held a~7.00 P.M.
with all members present. The weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
A letter was received from the Board of Appeals asking for $100 for the year's
budget. This will be added to the budget figures, as voted by the Board.
A !ett~r from Mr. H. F. Tupper, Boston & Maine Railroad, was received regarding
the crossing at Dooley's Coal office. The bad place in the s~dewalk~could not
be located.
It was unanimously voted to open the Warrant. on January 3 and close it.as of
January 17. Mr. Thomson made th~s motion, seconded by Ar. Finneran,· and the
VOte was unanimous.
A letter was received from the Office of the Director of the War Price ahd
Rationing Board, advising that the appointments of F. Milton Howard':and
Joseph D. Sullivan as members .of. the North Andover ~tion Board are being'.
made by Lawrence J. Bresnahan, State Director.
A letter from the La~ence Gas & Electric Co. advising that they are:applying
to the War Pro'~uction Board for permission to ins~ll a light on Sutton St.
and Ha~ood St. They have asked that a separame application be made.for
lights on Salem St. since five lights are required and an appreciabl'e am0~t.
of wire is required. Letter ac~owledged and the La~ence Gas &'Electric:Co;
advised that a separate application for'Salem St. lights is agreeable to ~the
A b~letin was received fro~ the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safe~y-
Subject:- Removal of Permanent Dimout Shielding and other Forms of-Dimout
Light Control, advising that the f~ decision in regard to~shielding..street
lights,~ rests with m~icipalities and urging, caref~' consideration
situation before ordering shields removed. (Filed under stree$ lightS.~)
An insurance policy from the l~ew England Cities ~ce Company was received' and
filed with other policies. .
A letter was received from the ~i~ision of Forest~ re~ar~ing the;necessity
of an appropriation for the suppression of g~sy and brown-tail~ moth,S, and
tent caterpillars. Liabilitie~ -.$3522.08 required by C~p.. 132 r: Sec. 1~
of the General Laws, amended ~y Chap. ~5 - acts of 1937. The. De~a~tment:of
conse~ation recommends that the ~own raise and appropriate. $4000...//. : :
A Juror was drawn by Mr. Fi~eran - namely WiHtam A. ~ubois,. 20 School. St.,
for duty in Superior 0ivil 0curt in Salem - begi~ing Jan.-.17, 19~......,'.
Chief of Police, ~fred McKee, and. other members of;his Dept...appeare~ ~e'fore
the Board to continue ~iscussion on the-petition of the Police.!for.a ~rm~ent
increase tn wages. Facts and~i~res were ~resented by.the 0bier and;a'~oUp
of thirt~ citizens supported the Police and were recorded as in .fav?r
increase. At the conclusion-of the meeting, the selectmen declared that
technicalities were holding ~p their-action in the case and .they votedt, to ask
the opinion of ~o~ co,scl, Attorney Cornelius ~. Mahoney, as to'.the., avail-
ability of the money to pay the 'increase if ~anted. ~eftnite. action wi~ be
taken at the next meeting. . ...
One of the main issues was',whether or not the selectmen have~ the~.power to
~ant the raise. An article in the state laws ~ays that from' the ~.fi~st'tof the
year to the town meeting, only one-twelfth of the year's appropriation ma~ be
used. If sufftoi~nt money is.available, the raise co~d be ~anted ,but' the
selectmen have no power to declare .an increase if money is not available.
Mr. Mahoney i~structed 0bier McKee ~o give the Board his exactt:fi~e..for 1943
and this is t~ecompared with a certified ~o~ of the vote ~ken[at.~the. T~wn.
Meeting. At present the Chief receives $45 wee~y, the Sergeant,~ $~'~ the
- officers, $39. They request.S50, $45, ~ respectively.
After various fi~es of many towns were read by Chief McKs~,~,~he Board
asked if the men supporting them wished'to be recorded as .in favor and they
a~ agreed. David Kime~ informed the Board that since the cost of
up and not likely to change for some time, that he felt the ~ount was not too
great, considering the number of ho~s worked. Tom Smith, Chapin ~., seconded
Mr. Kimel's remarks and added that it was a shame that the police ha~ to ask
for a raise because ..they are ~ly entitled to it. Do~ld Buchan ~so expressed
himself as heartily in favor of this increase.