HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-10A letter from the Essex County Agricultural School was rend, an& it~was?~ted
to re-appoint the same committee which served in 1943: Mrs. Dcug~a's~Sparks,~'
Mr. Harlow Meade, Mrs. Abbott Stevens, l~ Joh~.Wilcox, and Mr. Rud01phM~serli,
Chairman. The committee will be notified that a meeting will ba'h~ld at the
Essex County AgriculturalSchool on Thursday, ~anuar~j13, for all ~ood Committees
of Essex County.
Mr. Thomson mede a motion to authorize the Board of Enginee~s Of.the FireDept.
to transfer $134.71 from salaries account to expense account. ..,..
A contract between the Mack Motor Truck Company andthe Town of NorthAndover
for $8927.50,to be paid within 10daysaftar delivery and acceptance of ~aP-,~'.
para,us and equipment, was signed by Harry C. Foster, Chairman.~fiied ~Fir~ Dept.)
Notice was received from Judge Mahoney regarding the notice of injuries~filed
in behalf of Vera Cal%hrope of 44 Church St. by Attorney Harry N. SSeinherg., ~
Arbor the mat~er is investigated,the report will be given to .the ~o~rdj]~(Selectmen)
,~: ~;;~ file
A notice was received from the Dept. ~fCorporation and Taxation.regarding the
writing up of our real estate valuation book. With all material:::~nl,hand~which
is required, it is hoped that this book will be written up earlyazd'.[gZZ'tax
bills will .be in the hands of the taxpayer om or before June file)
Approval for regulations made by the Selectmen on
December 30, 1943, Permit ~2277~this regulation covers erectio/~, or, Stop,Signs
un~er traffic permits #3007-3008.
Permit~//3G0~-~,. North and Southbound drivers on Elm Street.at ~Water..Stree~t.
Permit #3007: Northwest and Southeast 'bound drivers on.Ma~blel/ead~St~e~
at ~Middlesex Street. ~.~
Notice of these permits will be given to ~he Chief of
The Post-War Public Works Committee came before .the Board and .a~'
was read by Mr. William Duffy~ Chairman. An article asking
cash was proposed but aftex~ discussion it was suggested that-this,~t~le
rewritten as the Town is planning ~o put an article in the Wax~an't,
War Bonds.
A ~te~rmination notice was sent to Civil Service,
Daniel J. Shine.
Meeting. AdjoUrned; '.
-January lC, 1~45
The regular weekly meeting of the Bogrd Of.Selectmen was
with all members present.. The weekly bills and payrolls were~a~revec~
Mr. James Daw presented a petition for an. increase ~for,~.police and,~iremen with.
' 195 names of taxpayers who wished to be recorded as in- favor ~0fJ~a~'i~cr'ea~e;i~
.Mr. Foster read a ·letter from the North Andover, Taxpayers!!~Ass0~i4'tiOn'/~hich,~~
,,stated that it was the sense of .the, majority of.the BOard o£ T/~st~e~ sat
proposed~wage increase be put 0~er until the annual ,Town Meet~in~,'~i~!~M~ ~h:~1944.
(Police File)' A letter'from E. W~ Sullivan of~Campion Hall~wi's~li~"i
it was~ stated in the letter .that he hoped the Board .would act favorabl gin,s.the
matter efta r~ise for the l~olice.. (Police ,File) ~eo'iMur~hy .st~ted~,l~i iid"inot
believe Campion Hall paid taxes of any kind.~ J~r, Foate~ then~a~ke~i ~!0ther
members if they wis~hed to take any action-' i Mr. 'Th0mson said .'the"B0~ ~s ~,'.'~ ~"
limited and could.only grant increase until March~ 18~~ 1944~-date' of~)the
Meeting~when appropriation must .be~ made ~to. take~ care. of .the ;increAse?~Mrj,~,. i
Thomson stated itI would moan'S.3,3..001 more ~f~r Pg't~rol~en--$33.OO~o~re~fp~!?the'i
· Sergeant and $55.00 more for itHe' Chief from. J~nuary .4, 19Z4. th~0ug!~,~,.~//~r~l~;18; 1944,
It is possible that a bonus may be suggested at ;the .Town. Mee~ing'and~'i~'-~0'~
- the amounts stated wo~ld be considered, a-part, of their~ bonuS.· "P~re6~aliy~[~.
said Mr. Thomson, "Z am of the th6~ght that the increase sho'nldj%be~ ~i~en.'~',1
Police 'must take the same risks, do the sam~ work, have the same:s[~nd'a~ds[ Of
living, trade in the same markets, as other police getting higher~,.~wAge~s and' at
the same time, wo~k 62 hours weekly and receive less ~ay. ' ~ make~:a mo'tinn to
grant a raise to_Police as requested~that for the, Patrplmen ,$42..~00-rfor .the:
Sergeant $45~00- and for the Chief $50.00, said increase to be're,teac'tire to
the first, week ending in 1944 and tc continue through March to. the~date, of the
Town Meeting, 1944~ and dependent upon the app:;opriation made at~T°~n Mac.ting..
Sentiments are the same with respect to the firemen but their increase must be
-approved by the Board of Engineers. Mr.'Foster stated that he favored the in-
crease from the beginning and he said he would vote in favor of it and that was
still his thought. Mr. Finngran seconded the motion.and, the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Thomson stated that the total cost to the town would be $187 fromJan., 1944
through March, 1944. (Date of the Town Meeting.)
Arequest was received to have Troy Road closed fsr coasting. Mr. Thomson made
a motion to refer this matter to Chief McKee and Ira Carry. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr~ .Ippolito of Harwood St. called to thank the Board for their help in se-
curing A 2ight'.Mh Harwood St.
'A notice -as received from Mass. State College informing us that the Town Report
of North Andover reachedthe finals in the Annual T6wn Report Contest of the
Mass. Selectmen's Association.
A circular letter was received from the Dept. of Industrial Accidents, Boston
to' the effect that 'special nurses in industrial accident cases will be allowed
$42.00 for~'8-hour service and $56.00 for 12-hour service as of January 1, I944,
~'an~ ts remain in force for the duration unless chsnged or amended earlier by
the Bosrd~ (S~lectmen's file)
~ Approval~was received from the Dept.~ of Civil Service for continued pr~v~sional
appointment-of Lilliam Dearden as Social Worker and Olive Regan as Agent,~ pending
· the establ~ishment of an eligible list and certification and~ appointment therefrom.
Mrs; Regan~,~,resigned ~e'cember ~31~ 1943. -
.,'i,~; Approval~ was~received from the Dept. of Civil Service for the continue~ ~ppointment
of Winifred Sherlock as Junior Clerk Typist for six months.
' ' ~ , Authorization for the step'rate increase of $60.00 yearly was signed and mailed
,,' to~.Civi~. Service Department for approval on Lilliam Dearden and Winifred Sherlock.
!" . Authorizat~$n ~c~ms ~or permanent increase for Alf~ed,Mcliee~-$50.O0, 'Richard. S.
Hilton--S2+5.00,. ,. ~ · A.~ Houghton Farnum--$42.00', and Myron B. Lewis~$Z2.00 als0
s.,ent, i to the~ CiviI Service Dept. for approval.
.,,. A Classification Advice form was received on Orin Berry Foster,order #1757, who
" is ri,o? i~C~ass 2A, until September'22, 1944. (Selective Service File)
Two applications for transfer of license to peddle were received and approved
: by the Licensing Commission~William J. D.ryden, 355 Sutton St., North Andcver; ·
and' August,~i~,'e J. Walsh, 29' Chadwick St., North Andover. The forms were
~et~U~ned ~ ~Hathaway' s Bakery, Swan St., Methuen.
The .regular,-weekly meeting of the Board cf Selectmen was, held at 7.00
Wi'th all me,.mbers .present. The weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
eo Murphy'.attended the. meeting and' inquired if the Board, Of Selectmen would
.,,,,,.,,~'~ ~" .... ,,have to tak~e, a vote on the increase for the Firemen. 'Mr. Foster informed him
!" '· "~!'~'~;" 71 t,ha} J:the 'increase would he approved by the Board of Engineers and then by Civil
i ~' ":' ':' Sbr,~ice.~-,, No; pay:increase Will be. approved ,until the approval comes thr~u h
~ fr6m?~Ci~i~','S~rvice. - ... g
Mr,. Thomson'suggested that the Board Of Engineers notify the Board of Selectmen
officially 'of their action. . ,
A 'letter was[ received fr'0m 'the Department of Corporation and Taxation suggesting
· .. that an article be inserted in the Town Warrant to provide a fund to purchase
War Bonds or other bonds that are legal investments in savings banks,, in order
- ~o ~est~bIish a, post~-war rehabilitation fund, in accordance with the px~ovisions
of Chaptex~,5.-Acts of 19Z3.
A letter was received from .the Massachusetts Federation of Taxpayers - relative
to the Massachusetts State Budget for the current biennium. (Filed '- Selectmen)