HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-15May 15, 1944-continued ..MASSACHUSETTS YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE: A committee was appointed and M~. Foster made a motion that the names be sent into the Boston office; The following names were sent in: Rev. John W. Culhane, Rev. Clinton Carroll, Rev. Harris Heverly, Rev. Alexander Twombley, Rev. Cornelius Heym, Fred Pitkin and Earl B.~Tracy. Nr. Finneran seconded this motion and vo~e was unanimous. Mr.~ Finneran received a complaint that there was ab~m~ four to six f~et o'f water in . an open cellar off Greene Street and l~ is very dangerous. It was voted to refer this matter ~o Chief McKee and also to have him investigate the cellar on Lincoln Street and see if anything had been done. Another complaint was made about bicycles on the sidewalk and the complainant claims that he was almost run down by a~bicycle. It was voted to refer this to chief of police and see if there are any. regUla- tions on this. .. SWIM FOR HEALTH: A letter asking that the Board proclaim the week of June26-. July 1, as "Swin for Health Week" was received by the Board. May 22, 19~4- The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date with all members present. Weekly bills ,and payrolls were ~approvad. OF VOTERS: BOARD OF REGISTRARS : Harry F. Cunningham was appointed a me er o~.. Board of. Registrars for three years on motion made by Mr. Thomson, secohded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. CHAPTER 90: A contrac~ was zece~ved ~rom the Department of PublicWorks',. 'Ji - · '~ fo4 maintaining and improving the following roads, Boxford Street, 9550 feet,· Main Street, lZ~14 feet, Peters Stree%, 1360 feet 'and Salem Street,,7400'feet, making a total o£ 19,724 feet. Contract approved by the board also sge~ifi-' cations and.returned for approvall ~0UTH GUIDANCE: Letter from {he-Massachusetts Committee on Youth Guidance.was received, acknowledging our letter of May 18, and enclosing a copy of a~,letter sent to Father Cu!hane, as chairman of the committee. A call was received from Father Culhane asking that the board accept his resig~tion as cha'i~man of this committee as he would 1be u~ble to ~erform the dut~s r~equfred, Finneran .made a~ motion to accept this resignation whic~ was seconded"b~y~M~; Thomson and'voted unanimously, Mr. Thomson made, a motion thab Rev. Ga!!ivan be appointed to 'replace Father Culhane. which was seconded Finneran and~voted unanimously. It was further moved that a letter'be sent to the State Chairman that Rev. Cornelius' be listed as. temporary Chki'r- man of this_ committee. Father Cu!hane and 'Rev. Andrew' Gallivan will be ~0ti~ied" accordingly. SELEOTMENLVARIOUS TOWNS: A list of the selectmen from various ~owns was received and Mr. Foster kept this on file in his drawer. FRANK HOUSTON: ,A letter received from Frank Houston, requesting the~name.Lofl our~, local paper~ Reply will.be' sent at once. BOND: $5,000for,Property'0fficer: A notice of'expiration of this bond wa~ 'received and referred ~o Mr. Rockwell, Civilian Defense Chairman. William E. D~ffy .i~the present property officer. ~ - · LAWRENCE GAS'& ELECTRIC COMPANY: Petition for Joint or identical pole-lb'~at~0ns was received from the Lawrenc~ G & E. CO. ~and New England T.' easterly side of Harwood Street, between Mablin Avenue and Massachusett~slAvehue 5 poles. This petition was approved unanimously by the board Hearing. on ~ REMOVAL was held at 7.30 P.M. Mr. Bernhardt was present but there was no oppocition and Mr. Thomson m~de a motion to remove this tree on 7,Parker Street,'which wa~ seconded by'Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. . CO~MUNITY HOUSE AT Cf,NTER. Rev. Heyn came before the board relative to ~the Community House idea. He wantedl~he opinion of the board as to where the best place would be in their opinion to have this building. He exp!ained"tha% he has been given a bar~n, about 40' by 50' in very good condition, two stories. Mr. Thomson said the selectmen are powerless to give permission to place a building on town property without a vote of the town. Mr. Hewn said a committee was being formed at this time and they had been looking all over the center for a suitable site for this building. Mr. Heyn inquired if there would be snY~.chance of the tswn leasing land to a community? Not without a special town mee~mng.