HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-05JUNE' 5, 1944 - continued,
sufficient to replace what we now have in addition ~o two more circuits.
Chief Hargreaves said they have had considerably difficulty in hearthg the
alarm and three or four different men who have inspected the system say it
is about gone. The system has been out of commission and the men worked all
night on one occasion and found that from the library to Hillsid~Road~'no
box was working. Mr. Wingate of Lawrence claims that damp weather wt!l~cause
it to die again. The system is in working order a~ the present time but if
we had s storm, the lightening would damage system and outlying districts may
not be able ~o contact fire department and serious fires may result. With
a new system, if one circuit died ou~, three would still be availableJ We
also need a box in the Greene Street section. Mr. Murray Howe of the gdvisory
board asked what caused this sudden upset. Mr. Foster explained that they had
heard of this complaint about the system since 1938. Mr. Harold Holt'.wanted
to know if it would help if new wire were put all through the town. ~. Hargreaves
said no but that the batteries were comparatively new and would not have to be
replaced. Mr. Howe asked if the fire system is defective, would not~ithe
insurance premium be greater. If the system is defective, the risk Would
be grea~er. Mr. Thomson said he f,!t this was true but he was 9u~ified to
ChiefHargreaves said he is willing to work but he feels that he ~s ndt
accomplishinganything. During the past two weeks~ he has covered the' complete
circuit throughout the ~own several times. Mr. Foster asked if.M~. Hargreaves
would be able to get men ~o do this work, providing w~ did raise themoney and
he replied that there would be no difficulty getting the men and equipment.
Mr. Holt said he would like ~o know where we wouldbe able to get'this ~amount of
money andMr. Hargreaves suggested that we use the money from the~r~e cash
on hand. Mr. Holt also mentioned the fact that we have spent plenty of,.money
on the fire station and if the fire alarm system is gone, it should be~'replaced.
Mr. Flnneran asked if it were not true that all fire alarms gavemtroub!e at
times to'which Mr. Hargreaves replied, Yes, that~ is true but in. Lawrence, for
instance, they can tell a~ once where the trouble is but North Andover cant.
Mr. Thomsonasked if this'appropriation would take in'new tappers. Mr. Hargreaves
said that new tappers would be put in all houses and thlsis included in the'
$12,000. "~'
Mr. Foster said be had received many compliments about the Drummond fire and
the fine-way it was hand!edand Mr. Howe'said he would'like to compliment
the fire chief on the Club House fire. Mr. Elliott said'he did not think
the free,cash could be used for this'purposebutMr. Thomsonsaid a S~eci~l
Town meeting could be held and we could use $12,000 of the $75,000 available.
Free cashis money available~fortown use, presumably by Mrs' Long, but
nevertheless available.'~ ?
Mr. Howe .suggested~that ~e .have a snecial town meeting at once.a~d:~s~e'~:what, ~ '
can be done about raising the money. Ho'said the fact that the system~failed
and we have a near disaster is sufficient reason t6 have'.new'system installed.
Mr. Fsrnham asked if a new sys~emwere put in, 'would .it not be more r~liable
than a telephone. Mr. Hargreaves smswered that this is true since, the, te!ephone
system could easily by put out of order by a s~orm or a fire.
Nr. Thomson made a motion that a special town meeting, be'held'on Junelg,-1944
at 7.30 P.M. in the court room and an article be insertedi~.:.the..town.warrant..
'uo ~ke care of this mattar. ~[r. Finneran.sec~nded this motion and v0t~.was
unanimous. Mr. Foster thanked the members of the. Advisory Hoard for appearing
at the meeting.
I~r. Hargreaves said they plannedto '~ave the Gamewell system, if.moneyds
appropriate~ and he ~as advised to get a definite ~igure for the artic!~.
STOP SIGN: Edgar Dunbar asked th~board i~ a stop sfgn could be installed at
the intersection of.Water and'Merrimack Stree~s.~ He feels tha~.busesiand.
automobiles travel too fast along this pd~nt and something should be d~ne
about it. Mr: Finneran madea motion to report this to Chief McKee fox, his
attention. Mr. Thomson made an amendment to the above motion that'Mr."~'
Finneran accompany Mr. McKee to investigate this matter andreport'td~-.'~he
board.a~ the next meeting. Mt. Foster seconded this motion and
RUSSELL STREETS RESIDenTS: A letter of thanks to the ~oard for their
cooperation in ha~ng a street light installed in this 'neighborhood w~s
received, signed by John A. Smith, 4 AllenSt. in behalf of the residents in
that district.
HISTORICAL SOCIETY: A letter was received ~om Mrs. Harriet F. Russell'st~ting
that this Sociaty will not be'able to compile records of World War II but are
willing to assist ~n anyway. 'Mr. Thomson made a motion to refer this matter
to Mr. ~ftkinn.to see if he will take it over. Mr. Finneran said the Civilian
Defense feel tha~ their records are part of s history and this applies~to other
organizations such as American Legion Joseph Duncan ~lso keeps records which
could be used in this respect. '
June 5, 19Z4- continued
State Aid was aD,roved for Sophia Kane $10.00, Ruth Carey 10.O0,Margaret
Twomey !O.O0,$ohn 9. Conners 13.00 and Cordelia Early 10.O0
James Maker a~peared before the board and said that Mr. Wilson had
dropped in to his office regarding buying War Bonds. Mr. Wilson, who
is from Mr. Long's office said the assessors could use the $75,000 to
reduce the taxes if they wished but had used only about $11~000~00
Mr. Maker said he would go into Mr. Long's office ~o find out if we
could use $12,000 for the new fire alarm system, and also get an
articles worded for the warrant.
MR. I~[~H. ONEY'S SERVICES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT: A bill was presented to
Mr. Thomson for services of Mr. Mahoney. This hearing on Leslie Frisbee
was the first of its kind under Civil Service rules and Mr. Mahoney made
some findings which will be a grea~ help on any future hearings of this
kind. Mr. Thomson made a motion that this bill be paid from the Contingen~
Fund. Seconded by Mr. Finneran and vote was unanimous.
Application for CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION: received from the Office
of the Secretary naming A. Murray Howe, 460 0sgood Street, Elizabeth W.
Russell, ~75 Great Pond Road, Alicia T~ Waterson 691 Great Pond Road,
Katherine F. Bragdon, 1067 Great Pond Road, and Ruth Holcombe, off Great
Pond Road, all residents of North Andover, all Trustees, the last three
persons being trustees but not inforponators, and nine other mersonsl
residents of North Andover.~ under the name of the Pike Schoo~, Inc. to
be located in the town of Amdover, the ourpose of which is for the establish-
ment and maintenance of a school f6r th~ educction of boys and girls.
App~icatio~ approved by board end returned ~o Secretary of the Commonwealth.
PLAYGROUnd* GROGAN's FIELD: Co~plaints have been received relstive to the
wa~er left running at Grogan's Field and it is very annoying and also
"dangerous. MfS.Warwick called and said that there was sufficient water
todrown a child smd she wanted something done about this matter. This will
be referred to Mr. Rivet.
LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRYC CO: Notice received that a !00 Candle Power Street
.Light on Pole 2230 on Russell Street, was installed and turned on May 23,1944.
INSU~.NCE: Letter received from Andrew Coffin as agent of the American Union
Insurance Co. of New York explaining that an error had been made in-the
premium and a bill was sent for $18.77 which is the amount due Mr. Coffin.
Bill approved by the board.
DEPARTMENT0~.LABOR AND INDUSTRIES: Memorandum relative to th~cost of living
received and shows a very slight increase.
ESTATE OF ADDIE S. APJ,IITAGE: Notice received by registered mail i~om the Probate
Court that the will of above person has been presented to said Court for a~min-
istration and .any person interested should fiIea written apparance in said
Court t~ ~the fore,eon of the twelfth day of June 19~4.
FIRE DEPART~IENTS ~N LAW~NCEA~ND ANDOVER: Mr. Hargreaves requested that letters
of thanks be sent to these departments from the Selectmen in appreciation of
services rendered during recen~ fires, in North Andover.
Meeting adjourned.
The regular m~e~ng of the Bo~rd of Se!ectme~ was held at 7.00 P.M. with all
members present. Weel~y bills and payrolls were approved, and the board
adjourned to the Court Room ~o attend the Special Town Meeting.
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: held a~ 7.30 P.M. in the Court Room . One article for
$12,000 to'furnish and install new headquarters control equipment and outside
lines and materials where necessary, in the construction, installation and
repair of a fire alarm system. Copy of warrant attached.
CHILD Q~tDANCE COI,~TTEE:Rev. Cornelius Heyn came before the Board ~o say that
he had talked with Mr. O'Brien of the Lawrence Youth Guidance Committee ~nd
he has charge of all Merrimack Valley. Mr. Heyn would llke to have a
program in North Andover and plans to go ~o Boston to get some lnformstion
from the Committee in Boston.
ME~IORIAL DAY EXPENSE: A check was held up for the M.A. High School Band until
further information received as to how it is expended. Referred to ~r. Pitkin.