HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-31continued CHARLES FRITZ- BEYERLY,MASS. A letter was sent to Mr. Fritz requesti~g permission to use the balance of money available for Chapter 90 work, to put a seal coat on Great Pond Road and Pond Street. The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date at 7.00 P.M. withall members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. ZONING LAW~ Mr. William Somerville came before the Board, to discuss the Zoning Laws. He stated thatPaul and ~ouis Sirois had bought propertY for tax title and built a garage with a piazza on it and also a shack. This' is at the corner of Prospect and Chadwick Streets. Mr. Somerville feel~ that something should be done about this. The shacks were built about a year and a half ago. Mr. Foster asked the other membar~ if they had any suggestions. M~. Thomson suggested that the names be taken and a complete report be requested from the building inspector; The motion was moved and seconded that a complete report be requested from Mr. Lawlor and a copy of same be given to Mr. Somerbille. Unanimous vote. COMPLAINTTON DUMPING: Mr. Somerville stated that dumping had taken place on. theKunhardt property near the shore of Lake Oochichewick and that if 'this wasn't stopped in the near future, that fishing privileges would be taken away f~em everybody. Mr. Thomson made a motion that this be called to the attention of Chief McKee and request that he make a report on this. Motion was seconded hy Mr. Finnaran and voted u-animously I~ING ON TREE REM0VAL$ A hearing was held in the tree removal requested by Ruby Switbenbank of Middlesex Street. The tree,is on Annis S~reet and'makes .the kitchen dark and theycannot have any lawn. There was no opposition.offered and Mr. Thomson ma~e a motion to grant removal of tree and thi~ was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted -~nimous. REQUEST TO SELL TONIC AND PEANUTS~ Mr.. Oornelius~Heyn came befo=s the.board and'asked for permission to sell tonic andpeanuts at Grogan's F eld on Sunday · when they are having a circus for the children of that section o~ the~'2'~wn. It was'also voted to request Mr. Rivet to cut the grass and put the field in condition for this affair, permission was given toMr. Heys. POLICEREPORT: A report made by0fficer Farnham relative'to bremen windows at the Meadowbrook laundry and garage;. He found.that twenty lights 6f ,glass had been ~roken in the garage. The mechanic said.the glass was brokeR,at.night and nobody was there at night. The stones were large and must have been thrown by boys at least fifteen years old... The garage hasbeen checked ~oth day andnight since the windows were broken by the police. Mr. Thomson made a motion that we notify Mr. Kruschwitz about this report which was seconded by'Mr. Finnerana~d.boted unanimously. ' STEVENS NAtt: A request was received from Walter ~..Nelson,~gr. for ~erry -~d Sky, l~dio Show, to use Stevens Hall cn September 28,~or '29, f~r a two h6ur showl He was notified that the hall is not available for outsiders and ttherefore the request could'not be granted. BATHING BEACH HOURS: Mr. Finneranhad received several inquiries as/to the hours when the life guards are stationed at the bathing Beach. Miss'Constance Fitzgerald was contacted and she stated that she was there at thebe~ch on dut~ from 9.00 a.m. until 3.30 P.M. and that the other two guards .were on from 3.30 P.M..until 9.0OP.M. AIR SE~YICE VETERAN,S ASSOCIATION: A letter wa= received-relative ~o~'the removal of trees at the airport in ~orth Andovar. This Association Tools that, in time of war, such a mat~er should receive im~ediata action..:They mention the fact that many citizens of the. Communit~?~rmy Air Forc~,~fficers -~ Civil Aeronautic Administration have appealed for~the~removal Of these Sutton Street trees because they present adangerous hazard to ptanes~:,leaving the North-~outh runway. Letter will be acknowledged and they will be'~informed that.this matter will be taken care of and thank them for their interest. F~I~E ~DERWRITEES~ Letter received fromthe Department of Public Safety and also hulletinon "Safety Measures in Theatres", issued by the NationalBoard of Fire Underwriters~on June 1, 1944. Bulletin given to Chief Hargreaves and be willthan give it to the building inspector. .... ~ GROGAN,S PLAYGROUND: Approval was received by the Advisory Board for an amount up to ~00.00 to bossed for a supervised playground at Grogan's Field, sponsored by the Parent-Teacher's Asso. This will he used from the regula~ playgnound appropriation and if nec~ssarya transfer from:,theReserve Fund[will he made a~ a later date SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND: The approval of the Advisory Board was received for the ~ansfar of $535.00 from the Reserve Fund to School Department, Article 18, to take care of the deficiency of this appropriation. BOARD OF HEALTH: Reply received from the Board of Health relative to the poison ivy condition existing at the adjoining prope~'Z~ and Dr.~ott does not feel that this is a Board of Health matter. They feel that the owner, Alice Bowman, 28 Bolster St. Everett, Mass. Mrs. Marion Lawton will he notified, also the owner to see if she will do anything to clear up this matter. Mr.'Connors said he expect s to receive a'shipment of poison ivy eradicator and if possible he will spray this lot. which adjoins 351-353 Middlesex Street. ACCIDENT NOTICEz A notice received from the Aetna Insurance relative .to an a~ident on Edmund Oalthrope. If any developments occur, i~ ~111 be necessary to noticy.the, insurance company. PRECINCT 0FFICEBS FOR 19~L The list of officers appointed to serve~ for one year was approved on.this date. Copies to Press, town clerk and auditor and one for file. TREE RF~OVAL AT AIRPORTz Letter dated August 5, was received from the City'Clerk in Lawrence acknowledged our letter requesting information as to the .status of the Lawrence Municipal Airport. A copy of a communication received from Hon. Thomas J. Lane als0 accompanied the letter. A visit made · byCapt. E. Fletcher Ingals, District Supervisor of the CAA to the Lawrence Airport disclosed information that he understood the certificate of essentiality had.bee~ issded by the War Production Board and that the OAA is prepared to~ll for bids..for the completion of the Lawrence Municipal AirpoZt. He again reiterated previous statements that were made by officials of the CAA to the .effect that no work could be.undertaken on the north-south runway until the trees on Sutton Street are removed or definite assurance is obtained that they will be removed prior to the act--~ s~art of construction. Captain Ingals suggested that it might be possible for the City and the Town of North Andover to enter into an agreement whereby the Board cfc,Selectmen would definitely agree that: upon presentation of proof that the CAA .had a contract for the completion of the Lawrence Airport, the Board of Salectmen~ would, thereupon authorize, the immediate removal of the trees the actualstart of construction. Captain [ngals has been imformed .that of Selectmen want some definite assurance that the Airport would be completeA before they authorized the..removal of the trees and he suggested such an :agree- ~ merit as offering adequate ~protecti?n for all parties concarned.~ Mr. Gaffney asked at this time, if the Board of Selectmen would~be willing to enter into such an agreement with the City so that the CAA .could-be assured, in advance of e call for bids, that upon presentation of pro,f, that a contract had been awarded that the Board of. Selectmen would amend their..~ote of May 1943 ~nd 'authorize the removal c~ these trees on Sutton Street ~ior' to the actual start of. construction instead of when the runv~ays are completed? :Mr, Thomson asked if the Board would agree to the agreement as presented in the'letter. Mr; Thomson referred to an article in the Tribune inwhich the .Ma~yor stated that the planegr~zed the trees in landing but Mr. Thomson 'understands that nothing like that 'happened. Mr. Thomson stated he could see ~o reason why we should change our vote. Other remarks were read from the newspaper article. Richard Hilton was called in to the meeting for information aspic how the.plane came in. Mr. Hilton was present.when the plane made the · landing. He sai~ it~ did not come near the trees hut came im on the newest ~?Unway, beaded towards Lawrence. The plane Just missed the Brown Chur~hsteeple - in~'~ircling around and sW~n~g over the lake. Mr. Hilton blinked his car lights and the plane followed the lights. There are no lights installed as yet. Mr. HiIton spoke of a master switch being installed hut nothing has been done as yet. Mr;'Thomson said hewould advise Lawrence City 0ouncil that the sfatal accident was not caused by the trees and ~ see no reason why we should change our vote'of May23, 1943. Mr.~Finneran seconded this motion and 'vote was unanimous. Aletter will he sent to the City Clerk, Lawrence. CLASSIFICATION NOTZOE: Notice received on 0rim Berry Foster, order #1757 that he is classifiedin Class 2A until 2/1/1945. Signed by Frank Torrey,Olerk. Meeting Adjourned. AUGUST 14, 1944: The Board came in to sign the weekly payrolls and bills, also OAA and r~o~l~.y