HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-21Augnst 21, 19/~- continued
TRANSFEBS FROM RESERVE FUND: It was voted unanimously :o transfer $125.00 from the
Reserve Fund to the Tax Title Foreclosure Expense Account, on request cf
Irving S. Hinton, Tax collector. Mr. Long suggests that tax liens be Zaken this yr
on unpaid taxes of 1943 as well as 1942.
TREE REMOVAL;., Mrs. Bertha Melhorn requested that atree be removed from her
driveway at 210 Massachusetts Avenue. As this is on the State Highway, it
caanc~ be done locally and she was so notified. Mr. Ccnnors, tree warden
will contactMr. Alexander of the State Department and ask him to call on
Mrs. Melhorn to straighten this matter out.
APPEALBOARD~. Mr. Foster stated that Mr. John Alter said that one ~ember of
the Appeal .Board~is serving illegally andthey would like to have this matter
straightened ou~. When the appointment was made, one member should hays been
appointed for one year and now the year is up. They do not which member of the
board is serving illegally. Mr. Thomson stated that "Any new Board of Appeal
shalI;bu appointed, for terms of such length that the term of one appointee sh~ll
expire at~ the end.;of one year. Mr. Thomson then made ~ motion to re-appoint
JohnlAlter to serve for a ~erm of five years. Mr. Finneran seconded~this motion
and .the vo~e was unanimous.
JOSEPH FLANAGAN-AIDING VETERANS: Mrl Flansgan, Soldier's Belief Commissioner,
'came before ~the board'to talk about a committee which he feels should be formed
~atthis~time.~-Be said there is.an education provision for boys, at Yale~and Tufts
College, especially those whohave been out of Bigh School for.five years or.more.
The .boys or men-mus~ show some ability to finish this course. ~Then there is a
provision for loans to be made and the F.B.A. will guarantee a.loan of $2000 and
they will psyche first years interest. Loans will be obtainable for business.
There should be a committee of two or three men who will interest themselves 'and
see what different colleges would recommend. 'If boys know someone is interested
in town they will get the right start. We should get some bank meninterested
-and. some who are engaged in textile work as there may be some boys interested
intextile work. Mr. Flanagan feels that we should be prepared to help these "
boys when they re~urn.
Mr. Thomson stated that our previous suggestion was that Mr. Flanagan would carry 3~
on until he was unable to do this workalone. Now he feels that these Committees
should .be appointed. Mr. Thomson suggested that Mr. Flanagan act as chairman
- and contact these various men and then if they accept and are willing to serve
then this Board.will appoint them.
Mr. Flanagan feels that a Red Cross Centre should be set up here,where the boys
could be directed ~o the proper person they wish to see.
The Veteran's Bureau in the Bay State Building is th~ best place
and Mr. Flanagan refers most boys to this .Bureau. Mr. Flanagan will come in later
whanhe gets some form of program s et up.
was appointed.asOommunity Service Member of this Board #. 137223 at reqaes~ of
Andrew~¢offin.. Appointment was approved bythe Board of Selectmen on this date.
VACATION-POLICE DEPARTMENT: NotiCe received from Chief of Police Alfred H. McKee
that he will be on Vacation for two weeks asof 8/20/1944 and will return on
CHAPTER 90: Letter dated 8/15/1944 received from the Department of Public Welfare
th. the effect that the Commissioners voted ~o allow the Town of North Andover to
use the balance of Ch~p. 90.~main~enance allotment under .C~n?aet 9001 to sui"face
Great Pond Road and Pond Street North~Andover.
DE~ARTMENT~OF~PDBLIC SAFETY: Bu!letin~196 received on "Circuses and Carnivals"
~ssued 7/14/1944by the National Board of Fire Underwriters' and directed to
the attention of the Fire Chief. Sec. 49 C~apter 143 of the General Laws is
quoted in the letter ~o the board, also chap. 3, Acts of 1944, Special Session of
Legislature, was also received. Filed under Department of Public Safety.
The by-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held o~ this date at 1.30
P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls approved.
COMPLAINTS: Mr. Carty has had complaints from residents onBelmont Street
regarding heavy oil trucks cutting in on private property and they would like
to have this trucking prohibited. He also had complaints about the heavy oil
trucks on Boston Street which has Just been repaired. These trucks weigh~
about 20 tons. Mr. Thomson felt that we should authorize Mr. Carty to post
"No Heavy Trucking signs". Mr. Thomson made a motion that "Until further orders,
trucking in excess of 10 tons be prohibited on Boston Street amd trucking in exces
of five tons be prohibited on Belmont Street and Highway Surveyer be authorized
to post these signs, per o~der of the Board of Selectmen. Motion seconded by
Mr. Finneran and vote was unanimous.