HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-11-27 November 27,1944- continued. Board of Registrars-continued: This appointment which is ~o be made is for the balance of the ~erm which expires in 1947. T~ere will be no salary for the balance of 1944~ as the salary for 1944 was paid ~o Mr. Cunningham's widow. Pay runs from January 1 through December 31. r .... On thir.tyballots, John McD~ffie received the vo~es of the three selectmen and and on the remaining twenty ballots, he received Mr~ Foster's vote. George Leecock and William McCarthy received the remaining twentyvo~es from.. Mr. Finneran and Ur. Thomson. - Joh~ J. Finn received the votes of the Board of registrars on the fifmy ballo~s. . DOG, COMPLAiNT: Michael Cain came before the board to talk about the dogs owned by John Dineen and stated that they were still there and that the Dineen family had not .kep~ their promise to have the dogs disposed of by the 15th o£ November. Mr. Thomson stated that he understood that the.dogs were mo be taken to -~.~ Florida in the near future.~ Mr.Cain stated that a Mr. Sheehan of Andover had promised ~o take the.dogs.~: but that he recently stated that they had no pedigree and he would not t~ke,~ them. Mr. Cain wanted to be assured that some action would betaken if:,the dogs were-not disposed of by Wednesday November 29,1944. -.~ M~. Thomson stated that the only thing tha~ can be done is to issue~anJorde=~. of disposition to have the dogs restrained or disposed'of. If this!order, is notLcmmplied with, then it becomes a care for criminal'comp!aint, l'~:He .' - -also stated that the man is twelve days overdue in keeping'his'promi~e~bu~? Dineen had had some difficulty in disposing~of'~hg he felt that perhaps Mr. dogs. Mr~ Sheehan was contacted by telephone and he sta~edthat he was positivelym~ taking the dogs on Wednesday, November 29. ~ Mr. Foster stated thatif the agreement is no~ kept we should take. some.. ac%ion. .~ "Mr. Finnaran also felt thatwe should be more firm since the promi~e~ had notbeen kept and we received no notification that~the dogs'~could~o~e., · disposed of on time. · ~It was~decided that the board would wait un~il Wednesday and if ~he'dogs j~..i~::/~ere stillat Dineen's home, then the bo~rd~woul~issueand order disposition. Mr. Cain was satisfied with this decision ...... ~ . DOG COMPLAINT: i , ~.~ i'" ,i' , A petition, was received from the residents of Osgood Street section,.'e~braced~ ' .by number 123 to 232, and 459~$tevens St and 595 Mass. Ave. and 3 B~'S~ate, '.:, Road~ relative to a Great Dane ~og owned by Fr~nk'Welch o~ 139 Osgo'od:SSr~'et '' ~and requesting'tha~ this dog be restrained as he is a public nuisanc~ ahd"a.- ...... menace to the lives of smaller dogs,. ' . ' , ~.' :".~..~"? i ',:The. petiti6n, was.accepted and Mr. ~homson made a' motion that, we~holdi~a~.hearing' ~1~ ion December 4, 1944 at7.30 P.M. ~otion seconded.by Mr. Finneran'and"~g~.'~- 'ous. Petitioners and owher of dog will be ~ottfied of h~..a~dh'~.iJhd- " their, presence will be requested. '"/':.~:~ GR~GAN'S FIELD 'APPROPRIATION: "" ~ "', 'BOARD: oV SORY The 'Advisory Board returned four copies of a vote for a transfer of ~money.:~r?m Reserve Fund to the Grogan's Field Appropriation for the amount pf.$189.7.~: to take care of bills and salaries for the remainder,which was unsigne~.'.~The Advisory Board feels, that this is unwarranted.and that~Mr. Rivet ' t these bills'when be knowsthere isnot sufficient money:b6t~k~iCa? Mr~ Thomson s~ggested'that.ws call the attention'of the ~dvisory'Boa~d the fact that they agreed ~o approve an appropriation up' to $100 i£~h~c~ary. - ' In July, we requested that about $75.00 be allowed for salary for .~"sdper¥isor at Grogan'~ Field and the Parent Teach~rsAssociation Would pay t~e'i~m~$1ning $25.00. The Hoard feels thatat least $86.00 should be approved fore,he ~ Grogan!s Field Appropriation, with these factsl'inmind. ...... j~ APPOINTMENTS: PRECINO~'~3 " The appointment of. a Warden inlPrecinct 3 was brought before the board,'made necessary through the resignation of Harold Syddall. ~r. Thomson made~,a motion to' appoint Fred Bastian (R) as Warden and Charles Pitman Sr. (R) to beappointgd as Deputy Werden. The vote was left unfinished so that a checkcould.be' made with Mr. Duncan as to the correct par~y qualifications. This is to be. continued until December 4, 1944. REPLY ON PETITION OF PATRONS OF BUS LINE-EASTERN~SS.CO. Mr. Thomson discussedlthis petition with Mr. Chase Of tPe Eastern Ma'ssJ Co.'and he will arrange. ~o have bus routed so that all millworkers will be accommodated'.