HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-12-04November 27,1944: con~.
The 6.35 E.M. Railroad Ave. - High St. bus will go over the Duck Bridge
instead of the ~ntra! bridge to accommodate these patrons..
SELECTMEN'S ASSOCIATION: Mr. ~oster a~ended the annual meeting of this
association and gave a report on thsmeeting. Judge Morley of ~louces~er
was the speaker.
State aid was approved for $30.00 for the month of November for Sophia
Eane, Ruth Carey end Margare~ Twoomey for $10.00 each.
Theregular weekly meting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7.00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved,
-Mr. Francis Kittredge appeared before {heboard and presented a 9etiti0h
~rom the North Andover Impzovement Societyrequesting that theBoard of
Selectmen authorize an appropriation and delegate authority to the appropriate~
~Department for new street signs and repairs to present signs which are'listed
~i61~e petition. The list represents a 'reasonably complete survey of the
p~inmcpal travelled w~ys within the t6wnship'and is indicative of wh~t' ini
instances is a ratherdeplorable condition and one which we feel ref~%cts o~.~
civic enterprisezof North Andover.
~r! Foster informedMr. Kittredge that the ~oar~ of Selectmen ~ad planned to
1'insert an artic!~ in the warrant for J~st such a purpose.
~'.""'~M~'Kittredge explained thatthe Society is interested in all sections of the,h;
~' £own'and will helpin any way possible~ H~ also stated that if Mr. Carty were,
u~ble to get metal for the signs required, he would be able to get,it for him
~ provided Mr. Carty could find a place to have them made. ~
~·~./-~The board decided to contact Mr. Carty and ha~e him chec~ th~se sign~ and
figure out a reasonable cost to have them .put in order and report to the board~i
also check on the number of metal signs required.
Mr.~Foster asked Mr. C. Jl~Mahoney, who was present at the mee{ing, if ~e Would
. ak~ a ruling on the Board of Registrars, relative to r
~Mr~Mahoney read from Chapter 31, Section 11 and this~m
~ The Judge finally made a ruling that all authority rests with the'boardof
S~lectmen in the appointment of a registrar to fill a vacancy causedby~he
~d~th ~f one-of the membersj
-~ M~!Thcmson stated· thathe had his o~n'feelings about-this' matter in r~gs~d
,.~.~'~thi~l~wbut that he will abide by~ the decision of the Judge.
TREE R~OVAL: . ~ · -
· .~hearing washeld on the removal of three %roes, oneoon the property
M~Chase of 36 And0ver Street..Tree is close to the.house and it 'is
to have a l~wn.
: There are two' horsechestnut trees in fron of 26,Andover Street, which ~r.
and'one is badly shaped and it is impossible to have a lawn.
· ,?!.-Therelwas no opposition at this hearing andMr. Thomson made a motion that
theme-three trees be removed. Motion seconded by Mr. Finneran and-vote was
Rearing was held on a petition received from residents of Osgocd Stre~,
ire to restraining a Great Dane Dog owned by Mr. Frank Welch'of 221 0sgood
A letter was received from ~oseph D. Sullivan of 230,0sgood Street, stating
that he could not attend the hearing due tourgen~ business, but he desires
that the Welch dog should be restrained. Mis~ Edith Pierce, ~rs. Josephine
Bryant and Mrs. Pauline Blood and Mrs. Constance McAndrew were present at the
h~a~ing and each one told of different experiences they have had withthe
Welch's dog attacking their dogs which are all small dogs. They all agreed
~hat if the dog were muzzled that they would make no further complaint but
Mrs. Bryant stated that she felt that the muzzle should be sufficiently strong
~for this type of dog.
.~Mr~ Thomson made~a mo~ion that we order the dog muzzled permanently when no~
-°~the premises of the owner, Which was seconded by Mr. Finnersn and voted
unanimously. Mr. Welch willbe so .fi
December 4, 1944- continued:
ADVISORY BOARD: Mr Harold Holt appeared before the board relative ~o the
Grogan's Field appropristton. He s%ated that the Board would be willing to
approve $86.00 ~owards Orogan's Field. appropriation which vms the amoun~
used for supervisor's salary during the summer. Mr. Holt s~ated that he,
es well as the other members of the Advisory Board felt that Mr. Rive%
khould no~ con~ract these bills when he knows there is no% sufficienmmoney.:
~o take care of them.
Mr. Thomson stated that we should consider the previous vote for ~ransfer
of money from Reserve Fund to Grogan's Field Appropriation, ineffective and
take a new vote for the amount of $86.00
Mr. Holt asked that all Departments send their budget figures to him as he ,
is acting Chairman of the Advisory Board at the present time.
The following were approved by the Advisory Board and received at' this
office: e~'
The sum of $300 to'be ~ransferred from the Reserve Fund to th ~
' 01d Age AssistanceAppropriation.
The sum of $200 to be transferred from the Reserve Fund mo the.
Fire Department Expense Appropriation.
Mr. Pitkin appearedbefore the board and presented a request which
considers is required at this time. The School Committee requests tha~
a transfer of ~$308.90 be transferred from the ReserVe.Fund to the Sch6o~
Department Appropriation to meet cost of repairing the boiler at the'O~i
Bradstreem School which gave out unexpectedly.
He also requested on behalf of the School Department that they be rel~d
from the plan they made %o preserve a balance of $535 from their
schoold~partment appropriation, due to rising costs of supplies.and fuel.
In October $535 was ~ransferred from the Reserve Fund to supplement the.
$2500 appropriation made'under Article '!8 of the warrant for the anndal'~
town meeting for'the purpose of remodeling the sMstem o~ hea~ing th~ ~'~'J~.~i~~',
Union School.' ~ ~"
Mr. Thomson made a motion ~otransfer $308.90 ~rom the Reserve Fund which
was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously, subject to' thelapp~al,~.
of the Advisory Board. .
Mr. Thomson made a motion that we release ~he School Depsrmmen% from. ~Y' ?~ .-
agreement made by the School Department Motion seconded by Mr.~ Finneran and'~
vo~e was unanimous. . ,~
· ,',BUDGET FIGURES FOR FINANCECOMMITTEE: Mr. Elliott, auditor, asked th~%~ll
, department be notified ~o have their budget figures submitted on or b~fore
December lB, 1944~o this office, and each department will be nottfi~.~.
John~. McDuffie of 286 Middlesex Stree~ was nominated by Mr. Thomson a~d the
nominationwas seconded by Mr. Finneran., Nominations were then
~ohn J. McDuffie was unanimously e~ectedCd ~as a member of the Board:of
FRED W. BAST~N (R) WAS APPOINTED AS WARDEN in Precinct 3 by unanimous;vote.
20 Harold St. Motion~made by,tr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Finneran. '
Precinct 3, by unanimous vote. Motio Y
Mr. Finneran. ,~
Cornelius ~. Mahoney reported on the Zoning Law. He s~ated that the AttOrney
General willnot approve a zoning law with a .penalty clause in it. A~hough.
Lawrence has.a penalty, the Attorney General does not pass on that law.. The
Counsel in Methuen and Andoverhave takenthe same s~and. Mr. Mahoney=stated
that the only remedy for this is a bill in equity. The District Court will
no~ issue a complaint cna violation of the zoning law. Mr. Mahoney read
various sections of the law.
Mr. Thomson made a motion that we authorize the town counsel, Trial ~ustice
C.~. Mahoney tO con&u~t with the Appeal and Planning Boards and take ~he
necessary action in the case of Mr. Philias Brien of429Railroad Avemue~
Mr. Finneran seconded this mo~iom and vote was unanimous.
STREET LIGHT REQUEST: Areques~ was made ~o Mr. Finneran by Melvin WoOdward of
13~0 Turnpike Street for a 1~ in fron~ of his home.No action will.be taken
but ues~ file.
J.iO 'i
December 4, 1944- continued
The following amounts have been set for the Collector of Taxes, if so elected
'or appointed, the Town Collector, and the Treasurer's bonds for 1945 and the
formsent ~o Commissioner Long:
$38,600 for the Treasurer
~3~,400 for the Collector of Taxes and, if'so elected or
appointed, the Town Collector.
Letter announcing the next meeting of the association to be held on Wednesday
'December 13,. 1944 at 6:00 P.M. Mr. Danforth W. Comins has requested that he
'~ 5e notified as to thenumber of members who will attend.
A~ memorandum received relative to the Appointment of Board Members. A change
-has been made in the nominating procedure: When the local board approves a
Candidate for Board membership, they will communicate immediately with the local
governing authority requesting his approval, i.e. the Chairman of the Board
of S$1ectmen. Only the chairman's approval is required.
The-Board will then submit this nomination to the Regional Office and state that.
~ 'local gove~nmen~ approval has been requested. At ihs end of ten days if the '.
approval of the local governmen~ head has_not been received, we shall.
with the appointment on the basis of thg~z0ca! Board's approval.(Fil~d
Price Administration).
The following applications have been approved for attending the StatUe-aided .....
Vocational Schools:
EliZabeth Delaney, 330 Sutton St. Home 'decoration,lO/2/44-Law.Even. Practical
Marig~n Delaney 330 " " " " " -" " " "~'
· George 'Finucane 50 Marblehead St. Steam Engineerim In~u~t~ialeSchob~
PauI Perrone 16 Bates $t. " " "
.~se?hine Dalton 37 NO. Main St. Home Decoration
,.. : ~T. he ra~e of tuition for non-resident pupils at this school is $.20 per hour
": ' "for Home Decoration, and $.30 per hour for Steam Engineering~
Meeting adjourned.
..... December 11, 1944 .
.The~regu!arweekly meeting of the Eoard of Selectmen was held et this time
.~ .,, ,~with,all members present. Weekly bills and payrollswere approved.
.~., ~. ~ A:,.he~ring was held reIative ~o locating three poles on the easterly andwester-:.
,...., ly"~i~es of Summer Street, approximately 2415 feet southerly from Salem Street.
"The~ was no opposition and Mr.Finnersn made amotion~.to a~prove this request
Whi~hwas seconded by Mr,.Thomson and voted unanimously.
· - LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC CO~PANY: Al~tter'received stating that a 100 Candle i'
../"~O.~r.:incandescent s~ree~ light had been installed on Pole 344, Osgood St. ~:
~'A.!peti~ion for three street lights to be installed on Railroad Avenue between
iGreen Street and the home of Robert Ayer was received and was signed by21 ' .
persons~ Mr. Thomson made a motion that we accept the petition and reques~
t~e,'LawTence Gas'& Electric Company to install~two lights ih the darkest
of?this part of the town, if possible.
. A'request that a street light be installed.on Turnpike Street near BostonStr,
was~"rece'ived from Melvin Woodward in behalf of the residents in that section_'
ortho town. It is ~P~t~6~ that the wires do not ~tend to this part of.
Turnpike Street ~xt the'Lawrence G & E Company will be contacted to substantiate
MUNICIPAL SALARY RATES: A form scbmittZed by Theodore Waddell to be filled
out for the 1944 salary ra~es was receivedand salarieschecked for 1943
and 194~and returned to Mr. Waddell.
$86.00 ~o be transferred ~o Grog~n's Field appropriation
$308.90 to be ~r~nsferred to the Schoo% Depsrmment appropriation.
$300 to be ~ransferred to'the Old Age Assistance aporopriation