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. DECEI~BEH 18, ~944,~,,~
The regu!~r weekly meetin~ of the Board of Selectmen was 'held at 7.00
P.M. with all members present. Weekly hills and payrolls were approved.
Leo Fane, 27 Pleasant Street was drswn as a juror by Mr. Foster to serve
as a ~raverse Juror in the criminal session of Superior Court at Salem
on January 15, 1945.
Fred W. Bastian, 20 Harold Street, was drawn as a Junor b~'Mr. Ftnneran
to serve as a traverse Juror in the criminel session of Superior C6urt
at Salem on January !5, 1945.
Chief JamesHargreaves came~fore the'board ~o discuss the ~even and one
half percent bonus for the employees of the forest lire'department. .Chief.
H '
argreaves stated that no provision had been made in the' budge% he f~t ·
~t~t?y.~houl~. receive' the bonus. He,explained that .the men' iea~e %heir
3oos where ~ney receive as high es $1.50 per hour and only ~t s'~x~y-
eight cents per hour as a fire fighter.. Mr. Hargreaves stated that they -
have sufficient.money to take care of this bonus and. although some ~f.,the
men will receive, only a ~ery small amount, he feels it is a. matter, o£~moral'e
ra~her than expense.
Mr. Thomson sta~efl thet he felt that we.could not dfscri~inate'wheh, hose
men leave their workand .become town employees and'although they were.not..~:-.
mentioned atthe town meeting, he feels that it was ~he consensus ~ the '
town me'ting that all town employees would ~et the bonus.~ '/' J'/:'i
Mr. Thomson then madeea'm0tion that solar as we'are authorized we?~"'
pay the 7~% cost o£ living bonus to the F~rest Fire fighters. Motion:was 4'
secondedby Mr. Finneran and vote was unanimous.
~.~ Holt, representing the Advisory Board. stated that he ~lt'~w&
the other members would azr-~.with him t~"+ *=~ ~ ....... '"~ ' '~'~"-'
to these, men, ~. · · ' . .... .~" 7,.
TO~i HALL. . ...... ,.,.
Mr~ ~redVan Hoesen requested permission for the use of Stevens Hall~o~'?
January 5, 1945 for the purpose of a ~ance ~o ~e run by ah~ ~,'
' ~osmer s~a~eu mnam ne was 'inclined to believe that there shou~drb~:~'~"~/:
.'ruling in regard to letting the hall as he f~!t the~e might'be,~om~:
trouble some day in regard to who should have the use of the hall.~
Mr: Thomson made the suggestion that we make some rul regard',to, :~,~
ake it effective as of Ja ~ngi~this m ;,:~ .!. !! ;,,.
atter and'm nuary !, 1945. - . :
Mr..Foster s~ated that the ruling was,original~y, that the Hall
let ouZ only to chariteble organizations or to town organizatmons
c lain~ a received from Miss Kate Stevens in regard to'sand
..... A'~' o~p s
gravel clogged gUn,ers near her home. She stated in her letter that s~e
.had,r~p~atedly contacted Mr.: Catty requesting that he do something ~t~
1. i.~,-~traiohten'out thSs matter but that he had "screamed' at
'~ 'refused to have anything more to do with himl, and is ~her~fo~e
to this board Sot h'eir help in the _.
Mr. Foster fel~.that the' lettershould be turned Over. toMr. car~Y':~8..:.:i....,
have-him'take care of the,matter. However, Mr. Thomson said'he, fe~..~i~:i~..
that.the letter was'for the Selectmen ~o aCt, since Mr. Carty:h~d':~d
in his capacity. ' ~ · . . !...:ij:~.U ~: .... ;
The Board agreed ~o meet with Mr. Carry on Wednesday~ December ~0,~ ig~4'~:~i':j
to view this condition on Academy Road and see what can be done. '~
CLARK STREET: . .:...: .
Mr.- Thomson reported that Mr. Gaffney, City Clerk, had reques~ed'~'~i'
the Board of Selectmen mee~ with the Lawrence City Oounci~ to. ihspec~?~
the newly repaired ClarkStreet and decide if %he street is accept&bio
to request it as a county street.' Mr. Carry, Highway Surveyor will4~'..
be invited to at~end this meeting with the Board of Selectmen. '~:'
CO~PLAINT: ~.:.-
Mr. Finneran received a complaint from Mr. O'Keefe that the Open celi~r
on Lincoln Street was again causing trouble. Mr. O'Keefe's child fell
into the cellar and there was about %vo feet of water in it at that'..
time. Last Year Mr. Car.~yput up a snow fence around the cellar
this was effective in keeping the children away from the place.
Mr. Thomson suggested that we not£~r the 0hief of Police and havehi~~''
check on this matter and see what can ~e done. Mr. Thomson felt that
the owner shouhd be contacted also.
December 18, 1944- continued
Aletter of resignation was received from Leo J. Kane, who is serving as a
member of the Board of Engineers, io the Fire Department. Mr. Hans s~a~ed
that this appointment interferes with his work to such an extent that he
is obliged to resign and requests that the resignation be effective as cf
January 1, 1945.
No action was taken on this ma~ter at this ~ime.
..Meeting adjourned.
DECEMBER 22, 1944:
TH~ Board of' Selectmen came in on this day to sign weekly payrolls and bills
so that'employees could be paid off on Saturday, due'to Christmas holiday
falling on Monday.
DECEMBER 29, 1944:
Selectmen came in to sign and approve weekly bills and payrolls.
I~was unanimously voted to close TROY ROAD, UNION ANDBEFERLY STREETS 'f~r
Toasting , upon request of the highway surveyor and police departmunt~ill
he'notified of this action. ~ ·
2RANSFERFROM RESERVE FUND: A request from Stevens Memorial Library
. ~i~ransfer $20.00 to the Janitorts salary fund was anorow~ by ~ .~ ~
Board, Mr. Haroldtaking care ,of ,this matter and forms returned tothis, Office.
:The.first w~ekly mee~ingo$ft~he Board of'Selectmen was held with all members
present'., Weekly bills and payrolls Were approved.
M~.~ He~ryHayman came before the Board regarding insurance on the
at,Stevens Mill and stated that two air tanks are to be covered
andwill added to the regular poliCyat a cos~ of~$23.40 for one year and
~MrJThcmscn made a motion that this insurancebe approved as he felt that this~
.wa~importa~t and Mr. Finneran~ seconded this motion and vote was unanimous.
-,?Lec..Murphy and ~ohn Pillion came~fore the haard~ and requested bhat~ithey be
· ~givena statement from the town treasurer showing the amount of available free
.~C~a~at.the end of th~ ~ear' i944.~ They. would like to have~ t~is amoUntbr~kea!~i
doSn ,so ~hat~ they c'ould d~termine ~tha ~mount that the towm could USelat the·
.ann~(A1 town meeting. ~Mr Murphy stated tha%he knows that~some is held
~' special uses, such as the new~firetruck,~civilian defense, etc.~ Mr~'-Thomso4i~..
-~,.request~dtha~ Mr.~ Naker be 'called in and he ~said~ha~would be gla~to~
~i;ite~ized~list,,~, for Mr.~Murphybut 'that it~would take some time to~ prepar~
~v'~'Mr"~ ~ Pillion stated that they ,would~like ~ tohave, it as soon as possible.-
~.~'~,.M~,~'~Murphy ~lso talked~about~ a'Res~r~e ~d~in additionto the one b
~ a~?~wanted~ to' know 'why :there~ ~ shoUld be another one. The balance in
~ii~ A~cmatica~ly!goes in~ this Reserve Fund and why should there be an
~1~dj ThisshoWs up on the Town BalanCe Shaft~ an~ is labelledReser~eFund.i~,!
:.RATIONING BOARD: : ' -, :"' ' "~
.'"",~:/,'X~l~er. .- ...... was.received from the '~atiunin.. g.Boar&~d~'ising ~hat the u
-~a!a~ce of $481.45 will be sufficient for the coming year for expense~ and
L~th~t' it be hold overl ·
· AiI6tt~r was received from the Division of Forestry reminding u~ that the
l~ab~lity for 1945 is $3,522.08 for the suppression of the gypsy and brown
moth and tent caterpillar, ~equired by 0hapter 132, section 14 of the go'erst
,Flaws,~ amended by Chapter Z15, acts of~193~. The Department of ConserVation
· recommends that the town-raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000.00. This
U~/has ~al~eady been approved by the Board, pending approval o fAdvisory Board. ·
.MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK: Card requesting information concerning the head of the
Board of Selectmen, town clerk, etc. was filled out and returned 1/9/1945~
W EN:'
J~me~ Hargreaves was u~an~m~ualy appointed Forest Warden.upon motion of Mr.
ThOmson, pending approval of the Director, ~a~o~ O.