HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-01-08JanuaryS, 1945- continued
STEVENS M~0RL~L Li~RARY: Communication received relative to their appropriation and
requesting that only two groupings be made so that the r~p~tition of asking for
a transfer from Reserve ~und may be eliminated. The letter stated that the
trustees felt that the Library has always been managed with an,eye to economy and the
funds spent Judiciously and therefore feel that the appropriation should not be
made with four allocations. Mr. Thomson suggested that a letter be sent to Mr.
Russell to the effect that their appropriation is accepted as. submitted and that
the Advisory Board has seen fitto allocate itintO the various groupings and
therefore they should contact ~the Advisory Board and not the Budget committee.
2we letters were received from Harry R. Dow, Jr. ~,hairman, calling the~attention
Of the board to property damage and collision insurance which &ould be i'ncluded
in the policy for a small premium. The Board decided that it was not necessary.~
to carry this insurance at this time and will so notify Mr. Dow, thankingl him
for his consideration. ,:.,.
A request was received through Mr. Fi~neran to have a larger bulb inserted in'
' the light directly in front of St. Michael's Church to. make it safer for the
parishioners and the board ~oted unanimously to request that this change be
Request received from Mrs. Isabel Ceplikas of 53 Concord'Street to.have'i~,
ight installed at Concord and Lexington Street as it is very dark ther~.~
Neither of~ these streets have been accepted by the town and until ~hey~are~
it is impossible to install a street light. Mrs.,~Ceplikas~.will be so i~formed.
, The board of Selectmen ,,--nimously voted to' accept the resignation.of:,Leo~J;
'Karts as a member of the Board of Fire Engineers and expressed the}~-,r~g~'t'~Tthat-
'he is unable to continue, and their thanks for the fine ser~ice*.rend~r~d'~by.'.him.
A letter will be sent,toMr. Karts. ~ ~/,/~.
The'board voted unanimously ts request Mr. Carry. to have the drivewayi'ia~L,~e
,.,Town Infirmary plomed, out after each snowstorm a~.the:reqhest:of'Mr'i 'Fo§t~r~ who','
To see if the town will vo=e Zo raise and appropriate, or ,transfer:fromavailable
' :.' funds in ,the ~reasury, a sum of money for tile purchase of war bonds~'~or.~..'$ther' bonds
;that are Iegal: investments for savings 'banks, for a postwar rehab'ilitati0n' fund,
in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5~ Actsof 1943. .....
Respectfully. submitted~, Henry. 'F,.. ,Long,~.
The Board voted ,to have this 'article inserted in ~th~ warrant~..
~ STATE CENSUS. .~ ......-: .,
The ~atter of'taking, this ,census was discussed and Mr. 'Thomson made a, mo~ion,,;that,~he~:~, .,.
census matter he postponed .until the first Monday of April. The follow~'hg,, names~ were '
received reqUesting tha~ they' be appointed to~ take the census: '. MAry 'Bkrke~ Chickering
'Road; 'An~elina. Kelley~, '35. SauCers. street. , 'Oharles" DaWs, ' Se~cond Stre'.., e ~, ~ '~ ' - Franiis. ~..
.... Bartles, of.Second Street. Motion was seconded By Mr; Finneran and v~i,was.~nafiimbus.
A certificate covering Liability and Property Damage Liability 'for the rgcc~unt',:of: the
New England Cities, Ice Company which covers the Town against damage :for f, tHe ,Ice ~Houses
on Great,Pond Road, were received' from Mr.. Coruelius~J' Mahoney, Town :counsel;,
Filed with insurance policies. · · ' ' ~':"'""
STATE A~D: A report of state aid was approved for "- '
Sophia, Nane,$~O.00, ,Ruth. Carey 1
$10~00;' Margaret Twomay, $10.00 and War allowance
for Cordel~_~$~r $20;~O0;,'Form,;' ", '
sent to Commissioner of State Aid and Pensions. ~ -.-.,:.:
WARRENT DECLARED OPEN: The, board , ' ' '~'
voted unanimously to open,the warrant.as of-',, ~ ',~ '
January 8, 1945 and close it on ~anuary 29} 1945, Motion made by,Mr.
seconded'~by' Mr. Finneran. '
ADVISOR¥~BOARD-' Mr. Holt requ}sted that two new members be appointed-'~o fill, the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Elwyn King and also by Mr; Murray"Howe.. The
Board referred this matter to Mr. Mahoney who makes these appointmen~ts.~ The
Advisory Bca~,,d plan to reorganize on ~anuary 10, and Mr. Mahoney will be"!'~sked to
appoint by that date.
Meeting adjourned. ,