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February 5, 1945- continued
Mr. Le~isstated that the Committee is unanimous in asking the Board of
Selectmen no con~act the City of Newburyport and request that they remove
this unknowh body immediately.
Mr. Thomson made s motion to request the City of Newburyport to remove the
body of the unidentified person now N~ried in the Holy Sepulchre Veteran's
lot. Motion seconded by Mr. Finneran< and vo~ed unanimously.
Mr. Lewis stated that he had three things in mind when he attended the
meeting which are as follows:
1- That the Board request removal of the unknown body.
2- That some decision be made as to the residence required
3- That :.:: burial be allowed if separation from the service is other
than of a dishonorable nature. Mr. Lewis would liketo have this
recorded with the Selectmen as havihg been made by'this Committee.
Mr. Thomson made the following motion, which was seconded by Mr. Finneran.
and voted unanimously:
"To request the Town Clerk or the Board of Health that hereafter, bodies
presumed to be Veterans, shall hot be interred in the Veteran's Lot in
.. the Holy Sepulchre or Ridgwood Cemeteries and no permit shall be issued
by the Town Clerk or Board of Health until .permission is given by the
town Burial Agent for the opening of the graves."
A hearing was held on the request of Frank. Belanger of Minute Avenue for.'%he
removal of a large oak ~ree which he said was growing into his coalbin. Mr.
George Deloge appeared in opposition of this removal, stating that the'tree
shaded his house in the summer and he would like to have it remain there~
Mr. Connote who was also present at the hearing was requested to see the
tree again and determine if the damage to the coal bin is caused by the
Mr. Thomson asked what the law was on the wood which is cut down in a.case of
this kind and Mr. Connors stated that he had always been given to understand
that the wood belonged to the person whose home abutts the land where the.tree
is located.
It was vo~ed ~o hold this matter over until next week andreques~ that both
Mr. Belanger and Mr. Deloge am~end the hearing.
Mr. Flanagan, Soldier's Relief Commissioner came before the Board ~o state
that he should probably appoint a committee for Veteran's Rehabilit~tion~
and re-employment. There is considerable publicity on the Bill (G~) which
·ill be handled by the Veteran's Bureau in Lawrence with the exception~of
abou~ 10 per cent.
Mr. Flanagan stated that anything pertaining to servicemen~s~allotments, hard
luck, etc. should be handled by the Red Cross. The Red Cross can con~ac~ camps,
officers, etc. with good results and they also gran~ assistance until the war
allowance is approved. They will step in and take care of ~ew cases.
Mr. Flanagan believes that a Town Committee~ should be ~sen~ mnto th~ State Mouse
as the educational pro~ram is important. There would be three 'men on the'
Educational ~ommittee who could be contacted by servicemen. A medical committee
in North Andover is out of the question at the present time due to the;'shor~age
of doctors and those who are available are too busy for this work.
This committee would be appointed by the Selectmen and Mr. Flanagan presented
a list prepared as a suggestion.
The list will be studied at a later date and the committee appointed.
A complaint was received from Mrs. Helen Shaw to the effect that it was very
difficult to get through Main Street st the Catholic Church due todouhle ·
parking on Sunday mornings. The board voted ~o refer this matter to theChief
of Police for investigation and a repor~ of his recommendation made ~o the
PRECINCT: It was voted to allow John MacDonald to continue as PrecintWarden
inPrecin~t One for the nex~ election even though he has change~ his residence.
This matter was taken up with Mr. Duncan who had the same ~$eling in as much'as
there is only one election this year and it is difficult mo replace anyone at
this time.
Moses T. Stevens, North Andover and seventy-five others(no~ residents of North
Andover) have filed in the Office of the Secretary, an applicstion for a. certificete
of incorporation under, the name of "Country Dance Sociezy, Boston Centre, Inc.,,,
for the pur~os~ of the following: To teach the theory and practice of folk dancing, and to
maintain proper standards in the parformance of the same, but these purposes shall
February 5, 1945- continued
not authorize or permit thesale of alcoholic beverages or the procuremen~
of a~license to sell alcoholic beverages. A form approved by the Selectmen
was mailed into the Office of. the Secretary.
A request was received from Mr. Van Hoesen to use Steven,s Hall for'a dance
to'be held on March 16,. 1945 by the Boys Club of North Andover. Permission
was granted.
An oral request was made by Mr.~E. E. Peterson to dt~ up North Main Street
'where~the automatic flashes are installed to do Somerepairing. This work
is ~o,be done on February l2, 1945 and the Board have given their approval
tothe B & M R R CO.
REQUEST: part of tree to be removed:
A request was made by Ai%hur Sunderland of Church Street to ~have a limb
removed.from a tree in front of his home. Limb is four or five inches in diameter.~
and'when in full bloom, spoilsthe law and he would like to have it removed.
Mr. Connors will look at.this tree and remove limb if it is necessary.
Meeting adjourned
February g, 1945:
The B6ard of Selectmen declared an Emergency this day a t 8:00 A.M. ~due to the
severe-snow storm. Mr.~ Carry, Highway StU;veyer requested this.
he regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held a% 7;00P.M. with
'all'members present. Weekly bills, payrolls, 0AA and ADCCpayrolls were approved
The~continued hearing on the removal of a tree, on Minute Avenue was~held at 7.30~-~
'R.M.-with no opposition received. The board granted the request to removelthe
:.tree. John Connors, tree warden and Mr.&'Mrs. Belanger who made the request
-attended, the,hearing. Vote was unanimous.
A Juror was drawn byHarry Foster to serve as a traverse juror on March
"in,Civil,Court et Lawrence. The name drawn was Dennis D. McDuffie, ~2 Union St.
retired bus driver.
~:¢hief James Hargreaves and LesterC.. Perkins came before theBoard to report on
',thel. 2est of .the new pumper which was,verysuccessful. The Pump was tested at
the~.0sgood Mill pond from 11.20 A.M. to 4.30 P.M..and through it was sold as a
750-gallon pump, it pumped 032 gallons.of~water per minute az 150 pounds pressure'
withe one and one quarter inch tip, using 1800 revolutions which is 80% of the
engine capacity. John Hughes of the Boston Underwriter's,Association was present
~during the test. Mr. Perkins statedthat- the pumpemlis giving 10% more than
their highest guarantee and opened less than 80%. Mr. Thomson made a motion
thatupon the recommendation of Chief Hargreaves and Mr. Perkins, we accept
the Mack Truck, delivered to us. Motion seconded by Mr. Finneren andvote was
unanimous. The Mack Truck Compan~will send acertified check for one hundred
dollars ($100) to the Town of North Andover in payment for the Truck taken in
.trade. Payment willbe sent immediately.
INSUI~CE: Mr. Thomson also made a mo%ion to contac~ the Underwriter!S Associa~
tionfto see if they will give us a reduction in insurance rates for general
town, new truck and fire department rates. Motion was seconded by Mr. Finneran
and. voted Unanimously. Municipal properties, and town homes was included in this
A public hearing will be held on February 19, in the Selectmen,s Office ~n the
adjudication of School Street, Baldwin Street from Francis Street to Belmont
Street and Mabltn Avenue for a distance of one hundred feet in a westerl$
dlre~tion from the intersection of Railroad Avenue.~