HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-08-13]'36 AUGUST 13, 1945- continued RF~.I~ST TO USE NORTH ANDOVER C0b~JON A reauee~ was received from the North Andover Community Centers, Inc. for.permission ~o ~se the ~ommon on Septembe? 15, 1945 ~o hold,a country fair. The Board voted-to grant this permis- sion and I~. John B. Osgood will be so notified. _RESERVE FUND TRANSFER: Approval was received from the Advisory Board that to the Drummond Memorial Playground Appropriation labor for the remainder of this year. $65.00 is to be transferred to be used~for supplies and REPORT ON WARNING DISCS A list of ~onditions which should be corrected was received from the B$ston ~nd Maine Railroad and referred to the Highway Departmen~ .for action. R~OVAL OF TREES AT AIRPORT A letter from the City Clerk's Office in Lawrencewas received requesting~that:::~ the Board of Selectmen authorize the City of Lawrence to proceed wi~h the removal of seventeen shade trees located'on Sutton at the southerly end of the north-south runway of the Airport in accordance with the. vote of the Board of Selectmen ~t~ its meeting on May 24th, 1943. This.work will be supervised by the Town",Tree Warden. The board voted to grant this request and thb City Clerk will~be:so notified. V J DAY: .... The a. estion bf aceleb~ation on this day was discussed and Mr. Thomson"made a moti~ that the same Committee which functioned on V. E..Day be cons~!tedCtO se~ 'if they feel that a celebration should be held.Various members were contd~t~d~but it appeared to be too late to plan any definite celebratiom and. it~was~agreed .that each person or.organization would celebrate as they saw fit. LAWRENCE' GAS &' ELECTRIC CO~PANY ' A request-was received from Mrs. Clayton Bolderson of 238 Middlesex~Stree?to have the light shaded in front of her home, if possible. She stated that th~ light. smreams into thehome and isvery annoying as she has a small baby who is:~disturbed. by this light. Mr. Thomson felt that this reques~ shouldbe made to the':Lavrrence GAS & Electric Company..~ CITY' OF LAWRENCE petition was receibedfrom the City Clerk regarding Clark Street, as~relOcated~.~ ~from the land' cf. Arthur'L. Hearty to 0sgoodStreet, to accept, it as a county~ %,. ~.way~nd discontinue'the old Way, from the boundarY!ine bet~eenlthe ~of Todgers family'and the City of Lavmence to the land of Hearty. '~This petition was Signed by the board, of Selectmen of North~ndover as -~embers of the Lawrenc~ City Council, and returned to the Commissioners.¢ Essex County. - ' OFFICE OF'T~ESECRETARY ..,~ : A notice .to'thisboard stating that William B. Duffy, 76 Greene Street,'?No~thAn~over 'Clerk and~Director and Bernard. F. Hughes, 253 SuttonSt. North:Afidover~:'Dir~c~or'/~.~ and twelve' others~ not residents of North Andover have 1file4 in the :office]'6~%~hG.. Secretary. an application for a certificateof incorporation, as provided':for~'im4Chapter~ 180 of %he GeneralLaws,.Ter. Ed. under the name of The Particular Counoi~,~S0~iety Of'St. Vincent De Paul nf the City of Lawrence for.the purpose of the following, Charitable and benevolent purposes and providing for the care and supp&rtl. 0f,~ abandoned and~orphaned children of b0thssexes. This ~a~ approved.~bY,~bH~/Board'.~ $f~se!ectmen and notice regarding these two men .was sent to-th~Gffi~e:~of A copy 02 Chapter'-723+.enacted by the General Court at the 1945 sessioR,' relatzng.L...~ to the establishing of a Department of Veteran's Servfces~ was'received%i,i~N0 actign -was taken on this ACT. Filed under Commissioner 0f.~teran's ~idand P~fi~kons. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY..- '~," ~' A copy of. Chapter 575 of the Ac~s of 1945 ~elating to 6ha L~censing of C~rtain ' Entertainmmn:' on Sundays was received. Ail musical entertainment prov~d9d'by mechanical or electrical means whether.or no~ a~mission is to ob~tined upon payment'of money or,other valuable consideration, shall be licensed in %he first: instance and a fee of $2.00 for each Sunday shall be charged and sent to the Commis- sioner of ~ublicSafety:for his approval,, in accordance with the provisions. of Section ~ of Chapter 136 of the General Laws as amended. NORTH ANDOVER CO~,I~ITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY A copy of a lette~ written to the Attorney General $y'~Mr; R0ckw~!l, chairmanof the committee was received, Just to keep the Selectmen posted on functioningof this Committee, regarding the balance of the money wbicbwas set up as a ~rust fund by the Committee'on Public Safety for World War ~ and hand over to the Committee.-in lq40. the used but a balance. August 13, 1945- continued C0i~I;,IITTEE ON. PUBLIC SAFETY-continued The present committee on ~blic Safety is not doing much work az the presen~ time and would like ~o wind up its affairs as soon as the war is finished and had requested the disposition of the Attorney General as to the balance of this money. SIt'PLUS PROPERTY Considerable material was received from the Department ~f Commerce regarding surplus proper~y, filing statements of needs, and a list of surplus shotguns available at th~s time.. No action wax taken a~ this time. Filed-S~,rplus proper~y. DOG DAI.~AGE C9I,IPLAINT A report that 18 large la~ng hens valued at ~2.75 each had been killed by unknown dogs was receive~ frF~ Nazaire Giard, of 43 Bacon Avenue and was reported by Mr. Foster mo the County Commissiooers. The hens were killed on August GOV~RNOR'S ~O~ITTEE-RACI~ AND.RELIGIOUS~UNDE~STA]~iNG A letter fromJulius E. Warren, Chairman of this Committee was received a~E copies of e proposed plan o~ organization in Communities was received suggesting adaptation of program of the Governor's Committee ~o local situations. No action was taken. DEPARTI~iENT OF LABOR AND R~DUSTRIE~. A cos~ of living index was received which showed a very slight change in July 1945 from the preceding month. ~ND COURT PET!TIO~: A petition to foreclose ~ax lien, No. 27729 pre~ented ~ Nichael Narchese of North Andover. Objections to said petition must be in office of the Recorder of said Court in Boston, Court House, or in the office of the Assistan~ Recorder of said cour~ a~ the Registry of Deeds at Lawrence on or before the twenty-seventh day of August next. Petition was sent to ~udge Mahoneyfor his attention and advice.- LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: A petition to abandon and remove poles and fix~ares located along the following public ways: On the northerly and southerly sides of Sutton Street, from a ooint ,oproximately 670 feet eestor!y from Wood Avenue, easterly. 6 polesi?ApproEa wasgi~en by the Board to grant this petition. ~fuq~IOIP~ SALARIES: 'Municipal salaries in'~assa~usetts for 1944was received from the ~assachusetts Federation of Taxpayers. PRECINCT OFFIC~RS LIS~ - 1945 The Procinc~ Officers list was checked and new ?fficers wereanpoi~ted to fillvacanc~es existing. A complete list was fmled with the tgwn clerk ar~d-advertised as required. Copies are filed under Precinct Officers in the ,Selectmen's File. Meeting adjourned. The by-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly billsand payrolls were approved. LAWRE~CE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY-PETITION. ~EW ~GLAI~ TEL. & TEL. COMPANY A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M.~ies for permission to locate wires, poles and fixtures, on the westerly side of Winter Street, approximately 20 feet northerly from Dale Street, 1 pole. On the.easzerly and westerly sides of Winter Street, southerly from Dale Street, 4 poles. Two existing Light Company locations to be abandoned. The Board voted U~animously to grant this petition. Petitions were received from the Above two companies for joint locations on ~existing poles on the easterly side of Chestnut Street, from Rea Street snutherly 8 pole~. On the soumherly side of Rea Street from Chestnut Street, easterly 3'p~l~s. No hearing necessary and board approved this netitionunanimously. · P~tmtmon for location for pole and wire location from the'LAWRENCE GAS &ELECTRIC 00M~A~, for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the westerly side of Boston Road, 2900 feet southerly from Gray Road, 5 poles. Hearing to be held on September 10~1945, at 7.30 P.M. at the Selectmen's Office.. Petition for joint or identical pole~locations on the westerl~ side of Boston Rd. from Gray Road, 10 poles and on the westerly side of Boston Road, near North Andover-Andovar Line, 1 pole. Hearin to be held 9/10/45 at 7:30 P.M. Selectmen'