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so that there will be sufficient s~usrea to be named after each'boy then he
is heartily in favor of this dedication.
Mr. Trtckett felt the same as Mr. Davis.
Mr. Saundere asked that action be deferred and have a standing committee
appointed when the time arrives and this matter can be taken care of.
Mr. Davis stated that the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be a strong organiza-
tion and maybe stronger than the Legion and he felt that some members of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars should be on this committee.
~.~. Thomson stated that no motion was necessary but the board would give
thought to appointing a committee. Mr. Thomson made a motion that this matter
be takenumder advisement and that the names of the three men who appeared
before the Board be listed and that 'they would most likely be appointed on
this committee. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and vote was unanimous.
A hearing was held on the petition for the removal of a tree in front of the
residence of John Costello's property on Merrimac Street. Tree had been posted
and no objections were offered. ~. Thomson made a motion that the Tree
Warden be instructed to remove this tree. Vote was unanimous.
~ request for the removal of ~wo trees at 31-33 S~unders was received from
Joseph Walsh of this address.Mr. Welsh said that these trees are tundermining
the piazza and will cause damage to the property. Mr. Thomson made a motion
to accepn this petition and set a hearing for September 2~, 19~5 at 7:30 P.M.
A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of the Lawrence Gas & Electric
Compsn~ for permission =o locate poles, vires and ~ixtures, on the westerly
side ol Boston Road, from a point approxzmately 2900 feet south&fly from Gray
Road~ ~southerly, 5 poles~ This was granted unanimously.
~Nea~ing on. petition of above companies for permission to loca~e poles, wires,
and' fixtures on the westerly side o~ Boston Road, southerly from Gray Road,
10 poles. On the westerly of Boston Road, near North Andover- Andover Line,
I pole.
This was grantedunanimously.
.Requestfor permission to excavate and install 2 gas services 27' each on
iLyman Road' was approved unanimously. No hearing require~.
James P. Phelan came before the Board to discuss the damage caused by a fallem
limb as the result of a heary rain and wind s~orm. ;~. Connors, tree warden
was also. present. ~. Phelan again ~tated that the cost ~ould be approximatel~
$~0.00 and he felt that the ~own should pay'this amount. Mr. Finneran
made a motion that this matter be taken under advisement end we will notify
Mr. Phelan as soon as possible. The possibility of his insurance covering
this damage 'wes checked and he is no,'covered. At a later discussion the
Board decided to pay $20.00 of this cost and Mr. Phelan will be notified and
if he accepts he will berequ~sted to sign the customary release.
~Leo ~rphy came before the Board to ask if the Selectmen could loan some
chairs to thfs organization so that they can hold their meetings in the
Franklin School. There are none available at this time but Mr. ~urphy was
advised to contact the Red Cross.
Samuel F. Roc],~eil, Abbott Stevens and William B. Duffycame before the Board-.
to'discuss certain equipment loaned bM the Federal govehh~HE and some decision
must be made ~bou~ purchasing ~his 'mmter~A1 from the Federal Government or
returning i~'. Mr. Dully is Federal represen~h~tive and he has the list and must
notify Washington before September 15, 1945. The equipment consists of fire-
men's coats, pants.and various accessories, some ladders, 1200 f~. of hose;
8 pump tank~xt~nguishers, skid pump, etc. which are an asset ~m the town.
M~. ~tevens~gave a reco~d ofthe money appropriated and expended since 19Z1:
73/22~19Zt- $500 approprmated, 12/22/19Z1-$1200. 3/28/1942-$7,000 ~nd on
3/13/1943- $5000. ~he balance will be aporoximately $1329.25. The cost of
'mthe materials which th%s town plans to 9~v will be $865.65. ~
The members of the Civilian Defense Com~m-%teel~ requested the% the Board of
Selectmen appoint ~{r. Dully to~do the neEotieting and he will mkke out mthe
necessary form. Mr. Finnaren and Mr..Foster felt that the items mentioned
should be retained by the town and I~r. Thomson also fel~ that the to7mwould
benefit by keening ~he above mentioned mal~erials and nay the Federal Govern-
ment from the Cmvilman Defense appropriation balance.'
September 10, 1945: continued
The material at 'the Ceneing Center was discussed and Mr. Finneren snggested
that it could be stored ay the Town Infirmary a~ the present time. The town
owns the kettles, s~ove and all equipment which was paid for by the Public Safe~y
Mr. Roc~ell made the suggestion that everybody who had billys, helmets, flashlights
etc..be allowed ~o k~ep them in recognition of their very faithful service.
Me stated that the balance after paying the Canning Center bills, could be used
as a trust £und and a committee should be formed to take care of this. It
could also be ~aed towards the erection of a Memorial for Soldiers and other
servicemen. Mr. Duffy is the local property officer.
A bill for the amount of ~65.65 was approved by the Boar8 of SelectmenJ
Leo Murphy mentioned that.the trains going through this town blow their~
whistles in long volumes and it'is very annoying. Re would like to have
something done about this. The Board $oted to send a letter to the B. &
Railroad Company and see i~ this situation could be remedied.
A request for the use of Stevens~HalI on Septen~er 21, by the "Teen Canteen"
was received from i~iary Claire Hickey and a motion was made and seconded~ that
this reques~ be granted. They plan to run a dance to bring all the youn~
people together and also to make money for the Canteen. The affair is
sponsored by the Community Center. -. ~
A letter was received from Alfred Midgley asking if the Town could payf0r
the doctor's bill contracted when his daughter, Mary Ann, required doctor's
serviees~to remove a 5 inch sliver which she.received while playing at
Grogan'sPlayground on the see-saw. The Board voted to send this letter
to Mr. Mahoney for his disposition~
Mr. Midgley csme into the office later and requested that the abo~e letter
be withdrawn as ~he doctor stated that Mary Ann will be alright after ~ ''
several more visits, due to infection. Re feels that he(Mr. Midgley) will
b~ able ~o take care of this matter.
Mr; William B. Duffy called the attentiono~ the Board to the factthat~at .....
the last town meeting a robe was taken instructing the Board of Selectmeh.t0
·'insert the information in tb~ ~own warrant in 19~6, regarding the acc~ptan6~
of-strpets so'that people will understand'this'more clearly. Mr. Thomson~.
made a~motion that Mr. Duffy be eppointed ~o take care of the rulesand '.
reEulations for the town meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Finneran and ~v~t~d
~umanimcusly. '
Thomson made a motion that the Welfare records, Old ~ge Assistance,:
to Dependent Chil'dren and General Relief be kept confidential in every ~espect.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Foster and vo~;ed unan~.mously. Notice will be
to the Treasurer and Auditor.
I,Ir. Fos~er inquired as to what had bean done about the stop signs which were'-to
tmve been set up at the Infirmary due ~o speeding of automobiles along :l',hat road.
~,h~. McKee, Chief of Police will be contacted and Mr. Thomson made the suggestion
~that he contac~ i~r. Carty an~ have the signs' set up at once.
A complaint was receive~from Henry Camfre of 39 Rosedale Ave. that 27 .h~ns had
been killed by unknown dogs on September g, 1945. A report was sent in.to the
County Commissioners. Mr. Camire has no dog of his own. Value of hens $25.20~,
A complaint from Benjamin A. Kalinosky of 4~ Furber Avenue wa~ received and he
stated that 8 large hens valued at $2.00 each were killed by unknown d~gs~on
May 26, 1945. Mr. Kalinosky has a two months old pupp~.wh'ich~is licensed .'~
report was sent to the Count~ Commissioners. ~"
Notice received that a 100 candle power street light was installed on Pole 1053,
Massachusetts Ave. on A~ust 23, 1945, as rec~ested on July 17, 1945.
Letter of Sept, 4, suggesting thatin the event of a Special Town meeting,:the
following articles be inse~ted: "To see if the town will vo~e that the collector
of .taxes b$ ~ected for a three year term.~ If no special town meeting is held,
it ms suggested that the abo~e article be mnserted in the 1946 annual town meeting
warrant. Atten~ion~ called ~o Chapter 41, section 2 of the General Lawswhich
.provides that where there ms a change ~in the term of office it"shall bedetarmined
at a meeting held a~ least thirty days vefore the annual meeeting."
Meetingad~ourned. /