HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-10-01,OCTOBER 1, 194~ The regular weekly meet~n~ of the BoL~rd of Se]ectmon was held at 7:00 P.~. with all members present. Wee]~y biBls and ps,ells ~ere a ;oroved. TREE P~,~0VAL }EARING: ,. A hearing was i,eld at 7:30 P.~J. on the request for removal of a tree at 2~ Commonwealth Ave. by Charles Kershaw. ~.~r, Conners, tree warden, appeared before the Board ~nd stated that the tree hsd been posted and no objections had been received. The root surface is over the sidewalk an~ in the water pipe and tree should be removed. ~Ir. Thomson made a motion ~o have the tree removed which wes seconded by ~,Ir. Finner~n and unanimous. CO~,~ITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY: A~letter received from this Committee, relative to a gas a~d electric for service at the, Franklin. In view of the fact that this committee is no lon~er, they feel that this bill should be paid from some oth~r appropriation and service discontinued if no longer in use. ~dr. Thomson made a suggestion that this bill be paid from the Contingent Fund and that future bills be mailed to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, c;o Board of Selectmen and paid from Contingent for the of this year. STEVENS ~L: Reques~ for permission ~o use the hall on October 31, 19Z5 to hold a Hallow'een~ dance was granted to the North Andover Womens Club by unanimous voze. S-TREET LIGHT REQI.~STS Request of Grace Sorbe!!o of 6 Glenv~ood St. for a street light was taken under advisement. Request of Joseph To~rissi of 143 ~4aes..Ave. for a s~ree~ licht was ~taken~'under advisement. SPECIAL COi,:STABLE , Request of Everett R. Woodhouse of 65 Maple Ave mo be appointed a special Constable was approved unanimously. C Oi~PLAi'NT-KOFFEE SHOP Complaints received about the Koffee Shop were discussed and it was voted to refer these complaints to the Police Department for investigation. A letter~ will be sent to the Chief of Police for further action. ~$~OWN BODY: ; Judge Nahoney discussed the m~tter of removing the unknown body which was b5~ied in North Andover appro×imetely a year ago. Judge Mahoney that Father Da%y ~aid they had been ~oo busy ~o remove the body ~nd that it should remain ~here it was for the time. The Judge will check on this ~rther end t~ke some action in the near £u~re. COUI~Y CO~,~ISSIOI~ERS: Reply to our letter of September 19, in regard ~o North Parish Reed, La,~a-ence, and Greene Street: l~orth indover leading from Lawrence Stadium to Railroad Avenue was received. It is understand that a request has been ~ade by the City o~ Lav~rence for Chanter 90 construction in 19Z6 and they advised this town to reque~' the lJass. Dent.' ~f Public Works for Chapter 90 c?nstruction 9n Green Street, which would take care of the situation at the brmdge. This matter was referred- to' Mr. Carty, H~ghwaySurveyer. '~ UNITED NATION~% CLOTHING COLLECTION: Louis P. Saunders of 213 High Street was again appointed Chairman of this Committee by unanimous vote. Mr. Saunders did ezcellent work during the last drive and was commended by the Board. GENERAL RELEASE A release was signed and witnessed and returned ~o this office by James P.Phelan in consideration of the sum of $20.00 for damage to his property during s recent storm, by a large limb which fell from a ~ree owned by the town. The Board previously voted ~o pay half of the cost and ~r. Phelan signed the release. WAR PRODUCTION BOar~ A citation commending the committee on Salvage Work wes received by the Board and a letter of thanks for the manner imwhich this committee assisted in this work. PL~IOLD CORPORATION A copy of th~ building end zoning laws was sen~ to this companya~ their req)J~sm. DROWNING ACCIDENT: 15'44 DRO~'~N [i'JP, ACCIDENT: A meeting of representatives from the 1.I.T. Stevens Company and Suttons Mills with the Board of Selectmen was held.az $ o'clock with Harry Sutton, William Smith and. the three members o£ the Board and also i,Ir. William B. D~ffy attending. I,Ir. Foster stated that the Public has so much ~o say about the.recent drowning accident 'that this Board felt some action should be taken to prevent any future accidents,k,%f possibl.e. Judge IJshoney also attending this meeting. ~r. Tho'm~0~tj{hinks,,.~ th~s is a community ,oroblem and stated that within the 'pas~ thirty year~',,~here have been six drowning accidents in this vicin.ity, which, averages a~ou~ one every five years. This may not seem excessive but if conditions remain as they are, a drowning accident'may happen every five years. We appreciate the fact that it is difficult ~',o do anything at this time but it is worthy of a studyto reduce this hazard. This so-called "Dizzy Bridge" is Just an a~traction for young boys and p~;ren~s cannot keep children constantly under their eye. As a practical proposition, it is somcthing that should be taken care of. Mr. Smith stated that he felt most of the deaths were at the "Dizzy Bridge" and that this was the place which should be taken care of. A suggestion was made by Mr. Thomson that a fence be put up around the ponds and I,Ir, Smith stated that something will be done but it would have to be taken up v~ith the offmcz~!s. It was brought out that Davis & Farter had .fenced in their pond with mesh wire and it had proven very successflzl. Mr. Duffy made the suggestion that it would take approximately 1200 feet of fence from Davis & furber ~o 0sgood Mill a~ approximately $2.00 per foot'for the fence, and 2500 feet of fence ~o go around the Suttons Pond. The~,~epresentstives discussed the matter from many different angles and'i~Ir. ,.: Thomson'~sked if the two mills would be willing to re~ain an engineer t6~'work ~.~ith our engineer if it was decided to have a pipe line.and dry up'the remainder, · · of Suttons Pond. ~1r. Sutton felt that it would be cheaper to have the fence"and better for the mill. 'Life Preservers in various places were mentioned but ~h%~ ~ · Thomson stated that they perhaps would not. be there too long if the boys d~cided ?~i.Z~'to remove them. ;~r. Thomson felt that the matter should be ~tudied ~eeply and when they have,,, ' come to a decision they could notify this Board and another meeting would be held. I~r; Duffy presented maps which gave the men a Eeneral idea of the' ' - ground to be covered and the two representatives agreed to discuss it further With officials and if necessary to have an engineer from the outside theE. wguld be willingiMr. Duffy's suggestion WaS to fence i~ in with a 6 foot'woven %~ire fence with a one foot bracket which is very durable and not expensiv& to ~ maintain. Mr. Thomson thnn~ed the men for coming in and they will plan another ~mee~ing ;~ in the near future. :~ ~Lr. Duffy presented a list of the names of the persons drowned in this vicin~,ty ' within the past thirty years, giving their ages also. ~,~ETING ADJOUPaNED: October 8;:~ 1945 ~Orin Fos~er came~efore the board to request permission to have the balance'of their coal which has not been delivered as yet, hard cos! in place of the,soft~ coal which'~as ordered. They are not having good results with,the soft coal and they'feel that theywill get better resqltsif, they can have the hard coal. Mr. Finneran statedthat he would talk with ~r. Dooley, who hsd the C0ntbact. ~r. Foster also mentioned that he world like to have a barbed, wire' ' .femce and t eke the s tone wall down which would improve the appearance Of the place. He..asked if it would be possible for him ~o get rid of the~'hor~es'and~ have a small tractor in their place. ,He coUld accomplish much more end'the expense would be much less. This will be discussed at a later date and if considered, antarticle will. be placed in the ~own warrant. FIP,,E DEPART~IENT: Chief Hargreaves came before the Board and a~nted that he is having troublei · inregsrd ~o money. The pays for the regular drivers, ambulance drivers, and all spare drivers has been taken out of the regular appropriation, so that thePe will not be sufficient money in the appropriation to take care of the regular drivers for the remainder of the yemr. They have no spare drivers available but have had ~o pay men'~or overtimeand this was taken eu~ of the regular appropriation. Itwill be necessary ~o use approximately ~400 from. the Sp~re drivers appropriation to finish ou~ the year and any further overtime pay. There was a general discussion of this matter and it was decided ~o take any pay for future ambulance c~lls ou~ of the spare drivers appropriationl It was decided that a~ error hsd been made when the break down was anproved by the Advisory Board and the ~oardof Selectmen felt that no breakdown should have been made in this appropriation.