HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-04REPAIRS ON GAP~GE
Mr. William B. Duffy reported on January 26, 1946 that a Highway truck had
damaged a post in the Garage end there was danger that the roof might
cave in if we had s snowstorm of any size. It should be repaired immediately
as there are four cars which are in dapger of being damaged if such s thing
should happen. Mr. Catty was contacted by Mr. Foster and this matter was
straightened out on Saturday afternoon.
Several bulletins were received from th~s division and filed under surplus
Release signed by Theodore Kelly of 37 Arlington St. Methuen was received and
~-5~ard~p~S~e~ a check for $15.00 ~tb~ be mailed to him.
A complaint signed by five residents of 0sgood and Andover Streets was'
received in which the persona stated that they consider the dog ~hich is
owned by Oliver and Eleanor McLellan of 43 Osgood Strset, a public nuisance.
The dog barks constantly and chases one little girl who is so firghtened'!
that she ii!l not go to the bus alone to go to school, and in other instances
has tried to drive th~ people off the public streets. Mr. Finnersn made
a motion to hold a public hearing on Februsry 11, 1946 a~ 7:45 P.M. which
was seconded by Mr. Foster, Mr. Thbmson not being present, this was a two-
thirds vote. Owners and complainants will be notified of this date.
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectm~n was held at 7:00 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
WatterHa~ilton came before the board to straighten out a matter ~hich had
come up between the Commander and Mr. Hamilton. It was a matter of wh~%her
or not Mr. Hamilton had requested coal on January 2g,~1946 for the Vet. of
Foreign Wars. He informed the board that he felt they had been very. fair''
with the organization and that he felt that they could furnish the aoal
for the balance of the year. However, it had already been ordered~and Mr.
Foster informed thst no one had approached him about this matter and that
as long as the coal was delivered the bill would be paid just as the
previously ~ne had been taken care of. Mr. Thomson felt that there should be
an authorized committee to make such requests to this Board in the futur~
It was voted to hold s public h6aring on the adjudication of Glenwood S'treet~
and Rosedale Avenue in this office oa February 18, 1946 at 7:45 P.M. This.
will be published in the proper manner.
A letter was sent %o Mr. Mahoney regarding the appointing of s new committee
which was ~recommended by the present chairman of this committee, James
Barman, who stated a% ~ previous meeting that the present com~ittee was not
functionin~ properly.
Petition received for buried cable location on Sutton Street, 50 feet of
buried cable from manhole 164 easterly end thence northerly across the~
street'for 74 feet to Ashland Street. ~Ash~nd Street, 101 feet of.buried
cable from Sutton Street easterly to pole #52/1~
Beverl~ Street 250 fe~t southeast of Suffolk Street, 1 pole, Lyman Road betweeb
Little Road and Buckingham Road, 2 poles Osgood Street 115 feet northeast
of Concord Street, 1 pole. This second petition is for pole and wire locations.
A public hearing will be held on February 18, 1946 at 7:30 P.M. in. the
Selectmen's Office.
A bill for X-rays a% the Lawrence General Hospital was received from ~$hn
Keaney of Middlesex Street to see what action the Selectmen ~ould take'in
regard to this bill.. Mr. Keaney fell on the sidewalk in December, The matter
will be referred to the Police Department for investigation of this accident.
Mr. Thomson brought up the matter of the new law passed by Governor Tobin on
Housing for Veterans passed recently. It was voted to ge% a copy of the bill
from State Secretary Frederic Cook and to request the planning board to meet
February &, 1946- oontinued
"with the Board of Selectmen on February 11, 1946 at eight o'clock to discuss
the "Tenement House Act" relative to ~enement houses (for more than
families) and the so-called Dutch tenements which are prohibited in North
Andover. This law was passed in 1912 or 1913..The members of the Planning
Board will be n6tified about this meeting and will be asked to.be presen~
on February 11, 1946.
Louis P. Sa~nders came before the Board and informed them that the clothing
~drive had been very successful and that the quota for the town was one garment
per person and the population is 7936 but that they had received close to
10,000 garments. The board voted to send a letter of commendation to Mr.
~.Saunders for his excellent work and for the fine cooperation of his workers.
A letter was received from Mr. William B. Duffy stating that he hsd f~rnished
~ .a preliminary tract register, s list of owners of property on the si.~e of~the
proposed Shawshean River dike, %o a representative of the U.D. Army'
~ Engineer's Office in Boston. Mr. Duffy had been informed that the Nort
flood control pro~ect had been approved on January 9,1946 by. Kenneth C.
Acting Secretary of War, upon assurances that the town had taken the necessary
action and was financially able ~o czrry out its part of the proJect.,~
No money has been appropriated to carry out .the project.
A requestS for 100 copies of the 1946 Annual Town Report was received~ from
Danfor~h W. Comins, Executive Secretary~ 84 State Stree~ Boston ~, MassJ
'".~ Index figures for all goods and services for January 1946 show an upward
t~end advancing about 1/4 of 1% over, December 1945~ Food, clothing,
fuel and light increas4d while there were no changes noted in Shelter and
Notice received that Barbera 0orrigan of 83 Herrick Road has enrolled in the::
Lawrence evening High school (Practical Art) for a course in Dressmaking. .,'~
,'Rate~cf tuition for non-resident pupils at this school is $.20'i~er'h~ur.
Notice'received that the cost of the care, maintenance s~d repairof the
Essex~CountyTubarcu!osis Hospital for the year 1945 amounted .to $358,611.16
and the share for North Andoverfor 1946 is $5,222.67 in accordance with/'
~Chapter 111 of. section 85 of the General,Laws as amended by Cha~ter 500
'>.~of,,. 'the Ac~s of 1943. This amount will be requested in the 1946appropristi0n
:: ~..
J.-'~arious bulletins.were receive~ for this week. and filed under bull~
',Le%~e~-r'~e~d'.~h0wing the tentative 1946 Chapter 90 allotments for this
town 6hichar'e'as shown: ST~TE'$g,000~TOWN $4,500 COUNTy $ 4-~00 for
l~..0Ject ~'(G~eene Street). As~soon as action is taken bv the tew~
~.atte~ an attested copy of the~town vote will be sent io the ~a~mg~'of
~'~ubli~: ~or~s, Boston. -
.':The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was hei~ at 7:15 P.M.''
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved for
Arnold Salisbury appeared lbefore the Board and stated that he had requested
'...~he records iz the afternoon but that Mrs. Dearden had re~used to give them
tohim, stating ~hat she had been so informed ~y. Mr. Foster, Chairman of the
Board and later by Mr. Thomson. Mr. Salisbury stated that he understood that
'~ a ruling had been requested from "town counsel~ He stated that' there is
'-: ~0"regularly employed town counsel in North Andover, ~o which Mr. Foster
replied that h~ knew there was'no ~own counsel but that the board of Selec
''employed Mr. C. J. Mah~ney:~to check on v~rious matters which came up and
' ~theY regard Mr. Mahoney as town counsel a~ those particular times. ~r.Foster
~said he did not feel that every Tom, Dick and Harry should have access to th.
records at any time and he would rather wait for a from Mr. Maho