HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-18 174 March ll~ 19Z6- continued fill the duties of clerk of this board and would like to resign entirely. However, he will serve as a member if there are no other available persons but not as clerk. Mr. Buchan was not present but the other members informed th board that it is their understanding that Mr. Huchan is contemplating resigning altogether. He has otherduties and finds it difficult to attend the meetings. Mr. Howes, Henry Lund,~ohn!Alter and Charles Tr6mbldy were present. The board voted to let all appointments stand until~/18/1946 and in the meA~time, have Mrs. Dearden contact Donald Buchan and see if he will serv% as clerk or Just what his position is. ~STATE.~ID~ State aid for the amount of $25.00 was approved by the Board for Mabel. Sarciona. Meeting adjourned ~C~ L8,19~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 ~[~. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. i~ETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS John W/J/is appeared before the board with two other members of a committee of this organization =o request permission ~o dedicate the triangle at the Junction of Sutton, High and Chadwick Streets in memoryof Sergeant' William Thompson who was killed in action during World War II. Mr. Willis stated, that the Post would like todedicate this triangle on Memorial Day and they-haven'S much $1me to make plans. Chairman Thomson stated that the naming of plots after deceased veterans is a difficult problem and members of the American Legion have sat in'with this hoard to discuss this problem'but nc.decision was made at that time. Mr. Thomson felt that this was a very notable thing to do and suggested having some representative from b6th organizations meet with the board to discuss.this matter. Mr. Salisbury then suggested that a committee of three from each~rganization meet with this Board March 25, 1945 at 8:30 P.M. This was agreeable to the committee present' and the Colander of the Legion, Post 219, will be notified and requested ~o be present with two other members. Mr. William Duffywill .also asked to sit in with this group as he is familiar with the number of .- parks and.triangles available .fo~ this purpose~ FRANKLIN SCH00L The article voted on at the ~own meetingin ~refarence to turning this ~building over to the Veterans of Foreigh Wars was ~Liscussed. Mr. Thomson said that there had been talkabout the original,rand, of. the Franklin School, in'that the town would own the building until it was no longer used as a school, at which time it would'revert to the original owner. This will be checked at a later date. Leo Murphy felt that some restrictions should, be placed-on this transaction as it may not always be used as a meeting house 'for veterans. Mr. Thomson asked if it was the intention of the original request to ask for land as well as building ~o which Mr. Martin reptied that ~twas~ RESIGNATION A letter of resignation was received from William A. Rus~all,. asa member of the Planning Board, to take place immediately. ~he Board voted to accept the resignation and acknowledgment same . Mr. S~lisbury suggested that Mrs. Deardan contact the present chairman~ ' of the Planning Board and arrange a Joint meeting with this board at reasonably soon, convenient time to appoint.a member to fill the vacancy.~ Mr. Peter Ritchie appeared at .this meeting and he was informed of the above meeting and will noti_fy the membore of.the Pl-n-ing Board to meet~ with.tha Board of Selectmem'on Monday evening March25, 1946 at Seven-£ifte~no$~lo~k. The following appointments were made: 'MOTH SUPERINTENDENT, John J. Connors , 271 Massachusetts Avenue -Unanimous ~BURIAL AGENT , Harold Barrington , 87 Union Street Unanimous PUBLIC WEIGHERS, . James Dooley, Harold Ratcliffe and Byron Benjamin SURVEYERS OF WOOD, BARKANDLUMBER, John C. Farnum, Arthur Hl Farnham," Charles Paul, Ira D. ~arty, Ernest Smith . FENCE. VIEW~, William A. Barrell, Joseph Gill SELLER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Arthur Jenkins - -See note below ~nspector of Animals, Robert J. Burke UNXNIMOUS VOTE DOG OFFICER , ~ohnDolan UNANIMOUS VOTE ON SEALER 0FWEIGHTSAND.MEASURES. Mr. S~lishurF moved for of Mr/ Jenkins, seconded by Mr.Finneran, Mr. Thomson NOT '-'%~11: he to care for the needs of World War II.veterans, for the most part, and. because of this would suggest advisably 'the ·appointing of a World War i~ veteran. Mr. Salisbury then said he would like to. suggest the name of a veteran who has seen service inthe Pacific, one .who would he available a~ all .times, and'~a business man. Mr. Salisbury p. laced, the ~ame of William A. McAlo~on~cf 12 ~ohnSon/ Street. Mr.' Finnsran' stated that Mr,~ M~A~con was verY hand~ But wondered~:if he ~knew how much ~.work was entailed. Mr.. Finneran r~ceived a call fgom' Walter i.'; l~ilton, also ~a ~veta~an of world:war ~ requesting ~that, he' be given t~(~. · i~ app'ointmemt~ '~r; ~Fiuneran said it ~was n~t generally, k~own that this resig~ati0n was to .take' place and he fel~ that all ~eterans. 'should he given s chance' :to ['Apply. Mr. T~.homaon,,, stated, that M~. Fla~agan w'ilt.~ cooperate until a successor is '~ppointad.' Mr.' Thomson Went on to say that this position was not one dealt with lightly. He pointed out that 'instruction classes are being held various places at present 'in order .to ,teach the agents the duties o~ th~ He said the position requires a good de~l of knowledge and time, Mr. Salisbury_ ~ said that was what he had in mind when Be mentioned Mr, Moloch. ' '-'~ Mr; Thomson stated'that .h~ felt that old andyoung veterans were concerned. Be ' aske~d the veterans present if .they ,had-any recomaendationa. F~wa~d O"~gham addressed the ~ard 'and stated that he though~ the, fa~ts this matter shauld be advertised before '~ny~ action was taken, that the letter Of resignation sh6u~d h~ made public to see ,. and .,he felt there were very. few who were' aware of this ~eing Mr.'[ Salis~au~y then made a motion that th, e matter of appoin, tmamt~ ~he continued . 'for'~two. weeks, ~pril.1, 1946. ' ' . ~ '". '~ ' Mr ;' '¢tu~ningham, then asked if the. ~own hadn' ~ any,money to mai'n~a'[n ' ' ' "~ ' an office for~, this work." He thought it was required by. law to, have: an office, available. MrS, Thomson explained that if the ~town had voted for this office, 'it would be necessary .to,maintain. it indefinitely-a~d Mr. Flamagan had discussed this ~mattax with ,the 'Board and felt that' it-was..not naeded.at,.this time. 'SPEC?At, CONSTAJ~LES-' ' Mr~Salisbury ':"statod that ~dertha pr~visions ,of Chapter 41, Section · of 'the GenerAl Laws, a written application must he made to the board, giving tbs.,reason for requns~, and be signed ~y five reputable, citizens, one of~ whom .~musti~ha ~an attormey,',,i2 regard~ to their moral character.' :Mr. Thomson then this section',of the law and stated thatMr. Salisbury was,correct in the.law, and; tha~ the police could also Jbe 'requested to. make .an investigation of each .person. 'Mr. Salisbux~y said he was willing to,waive this requirement hut~felt .that ~any appointment made without 'compl~ing with.tha law would be Valueless and~the persons'~so appointed might find themselves in trouble if they., tried,~o exercise.~thair autharitY.~Mr. ,Salisbury then made ,a motion that the appointment of~.speBial comatahles he hald-,over until 'we have written applications and such -applications must be signed '~"'fiva reputable citizens, one an attorney. Mr. -Finnaran seconded this motion and vote was unanimous. Mr.-Tho~m.s,9,~,,.~elt that this was ridiculous but it was~ the law.- Mr.' Th~aid he did not think it was ridiculo~s and if: so, it was not his fault but the fault of the. General Court and'wished to go on record aa saying so. ~e said these men act as policeman and Should be of good moral character. · ~Mr. :,Thomson s4id he could not think of any instance where any man has made an arrest who was a special~ constable. Mrza Lillian Dearden was instructed' to notify each man who was a constable last year and inform them of the new proced- "~e: regarding written'gpplications to ~this ~ard, so that the, statu~es may be complied with. Darrell Britton inquired if the Chief of Police could swear in a group of' men in case of emergency, flood, etc. Mr. SAlisbur2 informed him that the Boardc~ Selectmen ~,uld do this in an emergency. PLAYGROUNDS: Mr. Thomson suggested that we confer with Mr. Duffy on the matter of appointments inasmuch as the article in the warrant placed the supervision of playgrounds under the Board of Public Works. Mr. Salishu~ made a motion that the matter of appointments be deferred uutil the matter has been discussed with Mr. Duffy. sURVEYER~ OF BARK, WOOD AND LUMBER: Mr. Salisbury made a motion that an amendment he made to change the word[ng of t~ig appointment to read: Measurers of Wood, hark and lumber. Mr. Finnaran said he would feel inclined to keep the word "Surve~ers" since it had haan used for a long time. The motion was not' seconded and no action was taken on it. RF~IGNATION-SOLDIER'S I~IEF AGEET A l~%ter of ~esignati0n was received from Joseph ?. Flamaga~ to take soon as possible. Mr. 'Flanagan stated that this ·'action is due to the duties he has 'in the Telephone Company. Mr. SaliSbury made a motion the resignation as of the time of appointment of his successor. Mr. added to this motion by stating that th~ Board of Sele¢$~nen commend upon his successful performance of his duties. Mr. Finneran seconded and. _vote was unanimous. .. ~r~ Salisbury then stated that he felt inclined to believe that this effect as increased to accept Thomson M~'~lanagan this'motion position Nk~RGH ~8,1946 -continued Mr. Cullen asked Mr. Thomson if the constables were appointed illegally in the past and Mr. Thomson refused to answer the question. CUSTODIAN OF TAX TITLES: ~r. Salisbury made a motion to reappoint James J. Maker Custodian of Tax Titles, and Auctioneer of Tax Titles, salary to be $100. ~otiun seconded by Mr. 'Finneran and votewas unanimous. AUTHORITY TO WIDEN STREET: ~r. James J. Maker asked the board for permission to widen Prospect Street about two feet. The board gave authority for this and when Mr. Bourassa' has all the information,.the work can be started. Mr. Salisbury made a-motion that authority he given to James J. Maker to go ahead on this., seconded by Mr. Finneran and Mr. Thomas made thevote unanimous to proceed as far as' we have the authority to do so. PETITION NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONEAND TELEGRAPH COMPANY~ A petition from this company for permission to install one pole on Massachusetts Avenue opposite Lyman Road was received and a public hearing set for 7:30 P.M. on April 1, 1946. Abbutters to he notified. INSURANCE: Mr. Salisbury inquired what the policy of the Board was in regard teinsurance. He stated that there were two policies which apparently were duplicated and he wanted to know the story. Mr. Thomson informed him that the practice was to have Insurance Association take care of the property of 'the town. They have their own organization,and chairman and each a gent gets equal shares. Mr. Harry, Dow ~as called on 'the'. phone and he stated that he did not know what had happened but that t4ey were to have a meeting on March 27, 1946 and he would then notify this office. WIRING INSPECTOR: James Hargreaves was appointed Wiring Inspector by n~-uimous vote. DAMAGE CLAIM OF LORETTA, WISEMAN: ,The boardvoted,.to grant the full amof~ut of the claim for damage to her '- automobile when 'the town'tru~k 'skidded into her Car. The smun~ was $3!'.25. General release--will be sent to Miss Wiseman and~han returned and'signatures are on it, the ~hack for the .above amoun~ wili'be' sent out. SLAUGHTERHOUSE '' ~'" Darrell Hritton inquired of the boarg~bout the matter of a license fora slaughter house and was informed that this was'a matter for the Board of" Health. Robert Burke was appointed slaughtering inspector according to ': Herbert. E. McQuestion, member of the boar~-of health. · .,,. r~ n ,Da~rell~qu~ed %f the board wha~ the status of the present engineers would be in regard to ~tha vote taken at the recent town election. Mr. Thomson stated that he thought this was a matter requiring considerable thought and if you gentleme£~, are inagrement he would suggest referring itto, town counsel. Mr. Salisbury inquired _what had brought tbie matted'to g head to which Mr, Thomson replied that ',the action,of the voters~on th~ article in 'thewarrant brought the matter up for discussion. Mr. Salisbury stated that any authority the Board of Engineers had to,maRe~'~ that appointment ends with the vote of the town meeting. Hesaidhe~w~u~: be willing to refer this matter to counsel if.a specific question was made in' this matter. Mr. Thomson asked if he knew that .the Board of. Selectmen are required appoint a Board of Engineers.and they are to appoint One of, theMrmembers~ a Chief. Mr. Salisbury said. that if the problem w~s what the effect the adoption . of the Special Legislaticn would have on the p~esent engineers, he felt.-~ that this does not come up until April and need not be answered until that time, when appointments are to be made. Mr. Salisbury stated that he~ new the answer but did not feel that he should make his opinign known until thattime. Darrell Britten 1inquired ifMr. Bargreaves would drive until May i, or ,._ if he was through as a driver now. Mr. Salisbury stated that his opinion is that the authority of the engineers to appoint a driver terminates with the vote of the town!meeting. Mr. Britton then asked ifMr. Hargreaves could hire himself to drive if the money were available.'