HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-25MARCH 18, 1946-continued
At an executive meeting later this matter was discussed and. th8 outcome
was'that a letter was sent,to Theodore N. Waddell, Director of Accounts
to inquire if the vote of the Board of Fire Engineers continue in effect
until the ~rmof office of engineers expires or until such =otc may'be
changed by action of said vote of the engineers and if the vote of'the
town.on March 16, refusing the board of engineers the authority to
employ one of its members as a spare driver, become immediately effective.
:"" & letter was sent to Thomas J. Gresham, Director of Civil Service to see
'%bother the acceptance of the special act of the legislature supersedes and
thereforsabolishes the hoa~d of engineers so that in the future the North
Andover Fire Department will be under the ~ontrol of a permanent chief
employe~ under civil service laws.
,'This was a'u~animous vote t~'~ke thessinqui~ies.
'&request from Mr. Benry Rider asto whether a permit was required to tear
down the ice house at the lake was discussed and'de~ided .that~no permit
~..is required. Mr. Rider is to be notified.
;.~.,~copy. of the assessors ,letter r~ferrimg to the ."Cherry Sheet" wh~h,~must
be used in.determining the 1946 tax ra~e was received hy this 'board~
Filed, under Corporations and Taxation. ..
'Notice'~receivedrelative.to the Veterans' Services Traihing~natitute: ~.'~.'
covering all phases of veteran benefits at the'Institute a~ Program for',~
same also received~'Fi!e~ um~er.'Veterans folder (Commissioner)
WAR ASSETS CORPORATION:.. · ~'; "'~ "' ....
..... Various bulletins'received on Surpl ty s '~nd'town
,~.~ . . us proper available to citie .' s.
>;,::~Filed ,under ~Surplus property. , . .
.,BOND 'AP~ROVED~ Bond.approved for Tax O~llector Irving Hinton for th~:
: o~i$~O,300 in ~he AETNA. Casualt~ and , Surety Company. . -
Meeti2g adjourned.
'~'The regular aeek!ymeetih~ 'of ~he'Board ·
of $electmen waS,~eld'on this,
-'at'?~30P;M.::with all members ~resent. Weekly hills and payr011s'were~.,.
.app~oSeddfor payment. ~.
...... bY'nominating Elwyn King to "the ,Board of Appeals which.t~rm ~
on,Jamuary'.lgZ8.. Thtswas a,~unanimoun'vote. - , -. .
%. .,,Salisburythen
· [ ".' made a motion that the other :terms of: members ~oT .the
,, -,. ~,;-?Board 'be~ set at. this time.' Mr;, $alis~,' placed :John 'AIter for].T~,e ,te~m'¢,
~.'ii'(~expiring on,January 1951. sec°nded'hy;Mr.~:Firmeran'and ,vote was ~unan~m0Us;
' "~ D0naldBuchan, nominated, for the' term expiring Sunuary 1947. Seconded by Mr.
,:,,~inneran and voted Unanimously. ~
' " Mr. Lund nominated for ther expiring on January 1950. /Unanimous vote.
[.Mro~ Salisbury wondered if enough 'publicity had been given to'the two .openings
'.,for associate members of,,the &ppeal Board. Mr.' Thomson felt that this matter
should he taken care cf at this time and, he,, submitted two names that of
,'.'Leo Murphy end Darrell Britton. Mr. Salisbury submitted the name of Leonard '
Firth. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that Leo Murphy be appointed associate '
· .,, member, his term to expire in January 19~8.
.-Mr. Fianeran submitted-the name of James Began of Pilgrim Road aa an associate
member of the Board of App. eals~,which.was seconded by Mr. Salisbur~ and vote
was unanimous.Term to expire, ih ~a~Kr~ 1947.
MAROH 25,/continund
Mr. Salisbury appointed Patrick Orcnin to the office=' of registrar of ~otars,
for the 'term of three years, to expire in '1949. Vote was unanimous.
Mr. Salisbur~mnde a motion that Mrs. LillianDeardan he given the authority
to sign permits for carrying revolver a~ter due consideration of an'application
by the Licensing Board. Yota was unanimous. '
Christopher L. Higginhattam came hafore the board and informe~ ~hem that he
had haen appointed oil burner inspector in 19~4 by the present chief.' Mr.
Higginbottom informed the board that in 1932 a law was passed setting a ~fee
of $.50 for each inspection, $.25' to go to the town, and the other half to
go to'the inspector. Mr. Higginbottom stated that some times he is required
to make these Fisits' before he Can make the' inspection . Ha feels that~ the
fee he r$eeives is not s~fficiant to compensate him for'the time he gives'and
the cost of running his car.and he requested that %he whole amount he given
to him or have the calls made' of. the Fire Department time. He stated that
unless one of the two suggesZions are adopted, ha does not care to se~veim
this. capacity,. ·
M~. Salisbury made' a motion that this matter, he taken under advis~ent' v.:. :
until a S't~y of:the matter can be made by the' board. This motion'was seconded
by'Mr. Finneran'and.vote was'unanimous.
Mr. Higginbottom'would 'like.' this action to be retroactive to January 1, i94~
if it is adopted. ~,- .. .
Leo Murphy came before' ~ha hoard ahd inquired what the,extra $3,000 in the
police appropriation was to be used for. He said he 'had~haard various ~things
But would! like to know the answer. Mr. Murph~ statnd~ that~ if another, officer
,.:i's. to be named for this department', he felt that this appointment should;he '
made after' a civil Service. list is estahlished. .....
Darrell Bmittcn stated that he felt he could answer this question, as h~-had
done a little ~esearch work on this matter. He stated that another man had .' , 1,
be~n hired 'to 'l&sson the hours of the rsgular officer~ and that ~his '~xtra .
amount of money.wan not included in the police' budget. The' Chief of Polkce '
: ~o: nxre c,,,y e~ected~ constables, for anY work; which might'~ be -'required. ,..~i?':". ~" - ....
Mr; Salisbury asked Mr. Murphy if.ha would,like to ask Mr..~Wamtwerth of~J' · ~[ ..
the Advisory Board what the story was and then report to this board,' Mr. ·
Murphy agreedto do this.
Mr~ Salisbury made ai:motiO~ t~at $150 yea~, increase be crested'
Police officers in conformity, with the appropriation raised and reccmmendagi~n'
of the Advisory Board, in addition to.. their regular salaries. 'Vote :wa~+~u~'ousJ
ClemencY'Hayes of 310'Greene Street came Before this board at"the suggestion of
John Alter of the Appeal Board. Mr., Hayes stated ,that, in February last~',~Edward
Melamed of,2?2 Andover'iStreet attended the Board of Hanlth meeting, :accompanied
by Arthur, Thomson and,requested a license. ,Mr. ,Melamed informed 'the bond,,of
Health that tbs.'Acne'Poultry ~CompanY Would employ about 25 :Persons,and,that
$~0,000 ,would. be sp~nt:in"~renovating ?the!~lant. ~tccording to:Mr. Melamed,'Jall
neighbors were comtacted and .were not oppose~ to"this:license.' Mr.'l~ye'S stated
t '
hat the Board of Health did no~ know how to ,get ~ 'liCense and Mr. Thomson,, being
·-4;~a ,lawyer, told them ,how to get a license for the slaughtering:of ~ee$,.swine 'and
sheep. Mr. ~ayes stated that later When they found out'. aB0ut, the license .they
appeared at the ,Beard of ~ealth and. a special meeting 'was held, and:fifteen
neighbors,appeared Before. the ~oard amd that there was'a petition carrying,
100 names which was presented. Mr. Hayms-~t~tad :that there was ns poultry
license available alths~gh .the Accrue :companY had been in operation for si~ years.
The building inspector :gave · permit to~ carry' on before going to the Board of
Appeals. Mr. Hayes quoted John Alter of the board of appeals as believing
that this mas' a violation 'of the. town ~y-laws;
Mr. Salisbury informnd'Mr~.Hayes that prior to 1945 itwas not necessaryi to
have a.licanse for poultry .dressing but that now it has been changed.,to a
separate license. There can be no vioIation if there-is no license.
Mr. Hayes then inquired how a license .can be changed to a slaughtering'license
if.there is no license. '
Mr. Salisbury informed him that the Board of Health is the one to see 'as. they
have. full Jurisdiction over this matter. He. also asked Mr. Hayes what'.Mr. Alter
thought the Board of Selectmen could do in this matte~. Mr. Alter said' the;'
Selectmen have charge of the Plamuing Board but at this point Mr. Salisbury
MARCH 25, 1946:-continued
informed him that· the Board of Appeals is a separate board which comes under the
Board of Selectmen. Mr. Salisbury advised Mr. 'Hayes that he could go to some
Tribunal of the Commonwealth and present their case.
The'"questicn of the Board of Health breaking the law was discussed and,Mr. Hayes
.~asked what could be done about such a matter. Darrell~ Britton discussed the
. by-l~ws regarding throming paper on the street and arrest for that offense.
Mr. Salisbury inquired if any criminal violation of the law was punishable by
a fine and was informed that there was a $20.00 fine, by Oharles Trombl~.
Mr. Charles Trcmbley discussed Chis matter and felt that the Selectmen should give,
some' thought to this matter and not throw the legal burden on the people. They
should authorize ,the town counsel, to present a bill of equity.
,Mr. Huchan Stated that the B,~an~i~g Board can do nothing as they have no money.
'Re'felt-that the~uilding inspector d~d ~hat.he thought was right and this,
..~tr. Trombley stated that the Board of Health can do nothing and cannot revoke '
a license now granted. - - -
George. T. Hayes of 310 Greene Street entered into the discussion and stated that
he h~'Sent a letter of protest to th~ sel'ectmen against a slaughtering, license
· ...being' gra~ed" while he was in the Pacific. He said he had' received a reply to
lettar:and was informed that ~he matter had been' referred .to the ·board. of health.
A~'thur A. Thomson then-entered the discussion~ by stating that in so' far as his
name was. mentioned in' this matter ,ha would .like 'to inform' those ~present
Eayes'~i'si't~d his ~bome un~. day prior to the town meeting,, referred ,to the
'" to Sel'e~tmen with reference ~ to establishing a slaughter house. The letter had
been 'answered through courtesy 'and had been.referred to ,the Board of Real'th, ~' '~..
since ~it' did not,come under!the Jurisdic~iun, of,,tha 'Board of Selectmen..IflBoard.
of Health ~did nothing, .that 'was up ~to .them.,Mr. Hayes made other statamento~~
respect"to 'slaughtering license. EdWard Melamed 'came to my
:~i,would~assist him: sinceJ this .was .a tachinal ma~tor governed bythe: statutes;
~:,. · · Board ,~f Health had. nO established forms' and were in doubt as' to ,a. slaughter, lng',[!:
,' ;imspe~.tOr~~ which':r answered:to the ~best 'of my~'ability. Re said 'tha~ aLque'stion
f ' .arose -whi'ch he a~s'wered' ~s 'best he 'could..Whether' Board ,of, Realth', had ,rules',,.as to
a~PUbli'c'boar[nga~d~·that'~he 'had no Jurisdiction over the Board
was ~,'to 'them~ to either~ accept: or reject his opinion-'
, ,. and at a subsequent time, the ,board of health issued a license. As,.to the
·., · ..... rules, and' regulations .of the board of health,- Z ,do' not, know, as~to.;imapectiuns
.! .: . 'Z dO'-'-.not know and this was simply'-a license .for mainteining'a:sl~ughter' house;
: Thi'~ ~'~as 'purely and simply':a matter of the ,Board(of'Health who'are awa~;e'of
'i OwnI authority except'in am interpretation' 'of the :statutas
the~-lisense' had :been' issued.' If licensee saw',fit tO .;~ltax
right, to ·apply for a permit f~,om th,e~ bui!din~.inspecto,r,. , ' T ~
,~ [ ,',., issued the l~censs the building in'pect0r.' no 'doubt felt,'th~'t he'-'could ;issue: a
· : :j~r ''~ *rr ,,~Lil'~£ng 'permi~,'and this" he~ did.:~ Mr. Tho~son further State'd;,tha2 ,th
" [ which', could properly,' come ,before: this'.boa~d was 'la~k .~f' perf6r~n_ ce
Trina. ~Ater di'sbussion:Mr~"~ohn ~Alter etated',that 'ha'hai
'.he,al'as'he-felt that th'~y'~wbUld'have Jurisdiction if..a.violation:of'tbe,:town
.b._y;~l~ws had been made. , 'i~"g~ne~al, discussion' was held:and it was~suggestod by~,
Mr.~ Salisbury'that :one imam he appointed on: board of, appeals to meet. with' Mr.,' ',
Lawlor' and 'discuss this:'matter. Mrs. Altar then informed :the :board that',three
'. members Of ·the 'appeal'!board are willing tS' discuss ;this.matt~r
inspector at ~ time after he makes a decision." Mr;, Thomson stated'.that[we
""~suld .instruct the Building inspector, 'if, the board'is:.willing, ,,to ,have:.him
_ contact a member of the:appeal board .before granting or refusing a permit, and:
haVe,his-d~cision' cunfirmed'and this'will:'avoidamy, Un~ue confusion.- .This
'=~Tne't~:~ith the approval,"of"both~'boards and'Mr; Lawlor:'will:be, so instructed.
A petition on Plan No. 1061 covering th'~ relocation of two poles on Lacy,Street.
- vas':'received and approved: Bi' the Board. No public' hearing~ is required,' onl~
'a'ction .by ~ha'Selectmen and petition.-is necessary'to corTect records.
A:~pet[tion covering the abandonment of one J~int pole on,Boston Road was.received
and approved by the board. -No hearing is required, only action by the board
of Selectmen.. ,This pole is a Joint location with the American Telephone and
Telegraph Ocmpen~.
Salary increases for the Police Department were sent into the Divieon o~
Civil Service on March 26, 1946 for their approval; Increase is $150
per year for all members. Approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Robert Burke was appointed by unanimous vote as Animal.inspector for~the' i
coming year. Approval Of this nomination was received on 3/20/46 f, om the
Department of Agriculture.
The Girl Reserves remuested the uss of Stevens Hall for May, 17, 1946 to./'
hold a dance. Hall is availab.l% and board'voted to grant this request.
INSURANOE on the. Ice. house Will continue in force Ss long as the ice
house remains; It is the intention of the owners to tear the building i '
down, '--
A reply to our letter of 'March18~ was received from Theodore Waddell
which informed this beard .that Mr. Hargreaves is to receive the regular'
pay until May. 1, 1946 when the authority of the Board of eniineere . ,,,~ ,: j
to -~ploy one of the~ members as' a spa~s d~iver ends,which was one Of,,.[i -
the:questions asked inour letter to,Mr..Waddell. ,.... ,.. ._ ,..,;
· r. Salisbury stated that he' will sign warrant for. Mr. Hargreaves ~p
until May 1~ 1946. ' '
The following special constabl'es were appointed upon apprOval o~ .their .
· applications, signed by .five. reputable citizens, one a law~arl
Roland Ambiehl, Malcolm Hamilton Frederick Salois
- Harr~ Binns Philip Midgley Albert Schofield '~ ' '
' Charles H. D~vis ' Frank 'Howard. Walter S. tamp Sr.
~ohn Donovan Alexander,Ness William' E. Torrey .... ;" .'
Archie Gourley, ~r. ' G~stave'. Nussbaum Edward E. Towne
....... Everett Woodhouse '?-' ' '~'
: T.w.o :.d.o.g,:d~m.ag.e ~aims were approved by.Arthur A. T~oms°n and ~0rm ~e~:.!/:'
.. mn~o ~ne, ooun~y~oammissioners; '-,One c%aim for $15.oo for six hens killed
.·-by, UnknoWn; dogs was.made by·Mrs'. ~oseph N.Freeman and.one fdr$16.2~for- .
[:i,SPVe~{, .lar, gp. {rooetars .. killed ':by j[unknown dogs sen~: im;by, lArth~yL. Heer, t "~ ': .:'
Mr..Henry Lund made a complaint' to the board about the ~
,:-on 'Elm .Street near the Davis'and. Purber Company.. He has broken two ..~A'~ -'
there,and the condition is bad.':This board will request some actio~ '2~" '~~
' '.%this!:compleint as :we have previously asked tha~ this~condition he t~M&~;)~ ·
into consideration and the condition corrected.
Oommander John Oronlnr~of the American Legion' brecht up the m~{er 'o'f;'~==
· what~;,had been. done ,about it.. Joseph: Finnaran infromed the members prese, n~
that,.Attorney"C. J. Maboney. advised that the grape, for. t~e
.body. will, soon:be taken very .soon. ~ro Finneram stated ...that weathe~r
conditions ,as. well as, shortage, o.ff.labor.h~ad' dplayed the matter. He Will'
make..a :~urthar ~eport on this ma~er:nam~ wee~.. ' ,.
Two,co~mittees from the'above organizations met with)the Selectmen.and
with..Mr..William B;.,DufX'X to discuss t~iangies throu~houtJtha:%own .t~i,j;:
be dedicated to deceased veterans. .... ':
Commander $ohn Crondn~'~y~on.Lewis ,and Reginald Meade represented the ~hnarican
Legion but had n~t been appointed'by ',the post,, whtl John,Willis, Jssm~,
~urphy, and Nil%ism G. ~artXn' represented the ,Forefgh% Wa~,,.Veterams. , :T,', .~' '
Mr.-~fy informed those"'present that the~e Were~ seventee~ triangles'i t~,..ugbout
the town and one maintained'by the Street Department at Sutton and ,Osgood"
Streets. One at Main Street and Chickering: has been. dedicated to Joseph,.,,:
McDonough and at Academy Rroad to Thomas Milnes.
Mr. Thomson,.Chairman,. stated that the purpose of Baking.these :ommittees
come before the board was not in opposition to naming Sutton and High' Street
as the Sergeant,Thompson square ~ut to' make some rules and regulations in
regard to these triangles being dedicated. Mr. Thomson' stated that this-was
a delicate matter and should be handled accordingly.
This matter was ·discussed for some time. ~ohn Willis felt that the dedications
should be made first for those who died in combat then m~me other plak'es or
'streets for the others. Be said there wouldn' t he enoughto hame for all those
who ~ied.
Mr. Thomson stated that it would be pretty hard to distinguish to families
who died in combat and who did not.
Mr. Willis then said it could he the heroes who would have first preference
and again Mr. Thomson stated that all ~amilies would feel that their sons
were heroes regardless of how and where they died.
Mr. Martin then suggested that perhaps they could double up on the triangles,
after Mr. Salisbury had suggested that we would soon run out of triangles.
Mr. Thomson said he did not wish to be condemned as not in favor of these
dedications and that is why we should establish a routine system.
Mr. Willis stated that there were 29 dead from World War II, to bis knowledge
while Mr. Lewis stated that only two had died in World War
Mr. Cronim mentioned that there would be some difficulty in'naming the
prominent triangles without offending some family as some of these triangles
are spread out through the town. Mr. gronin was in favor cf the last article
passed at the town,sooting to have a permanent memorial for all members
equally and with no distinction~ Mr. Lewis agreed with Mr. 0ronin and said
there could be notation or gold stars- if decorations were received and so
.indicate outstanding credits given.
Mr. Willis felt that you couldn't do much with $1000 which was the amount
appropriatee¥. He said they' didn't intend to dedicate all triangles in one
day but that a letter had been received from the Thompson family and they
would like to make this dedication on Memorial Day.
Mr. Salisbury asked how the families would feel if the naming of these'
triangles was left to organizations. As far as I am concerned, it makes no
difference. ~t is primarily a Veterans problem.
~ It' was brought out from a ~uestion from Mt. SalisbUry that the Veterans of
Foreigh Wars had 150 members and the Le~ion 175 members'.
'lt'~ was'finally'decided to have two committees picked bythe two organizations
and report to the Selectmen on April 8~ with the names of committees and any
suggestions they may~ have to offer.~ Mr. Finneran felt that three members from
each group might be alright but Mr, Salisbury suggested a smaller number
as he felt that they work hotter.
At'this' point Mr. Salisbury mentionad that another matter had been suggested,
~o him as to an informal committee being appointed composed perhaps of
parents cfservicemen and to investigate what other towns are doing towards
a welcome home celebration. Mr.~ronin asked if the Selectmen had anything
as a celebration in mind. Mr'. Salisbury sA~d that it could be a ,field day
or some other form of celebration.
Returning to the subject of a permanent memorial, Thomas McCarthy thought
something like an iron lung, etc would be a good thing.
Mr. Lewis then mentioned the fact that since the dedication cf.:the triangle
.at Suttomand High Streets had been publicised, it might be well to go through
with this one. He said families should he contacted as they may object to
two names on one triangle.
Mr. Thomson felt that the doubling up of Veterans od Fcreign Wars and the
American Legion was a happy solution.
Mr. Salisbury feelsthat the cozmittee should get together and go ahead on
- plang. He then made a motion that:m attar in discussion be continued until
April 8, at which time ,the committee could he appointed for the permanent
William H. Duffy appeared before the Hoard to confer on, the playground
situation. Up to the present time, the caretakers had been appointed, by the
Selectmen but due to the article and recommendation bythaAdvisoryHoard
that playgrounds he placed in charge of Public'W~rks department, it now
becomes A matter for that department.
Mr. Thomson stated that be.was aware of the work which had to be done ,
· ~rass~ seesaws,, showers, etc.
Mr; Salisbury after a lengthy discussion stated that the town voted to
have the Public Works Department take over the care of the playgrounds
he feels that all authority had been taken away from the Selectmen and
placed the matter in the hands of the department of public,works. The.ha~d
agreed .unanimously on this.~
Mr. Salisbury then made a motion that pending the re;delegation from the
Planning board of any of our relations to playgrounds that we .go on record
as not having anything to do with playgrounds. S~c~:~:.'~.,,~
Donald Buchan discussed this matter with the board.and finally. Mr. Thomson
~tated that ,he did not quarrel with the-motion already made but felt.that
a simpler motion would be as effective. At this point, Mr. Salisbury with-
drew his motion and the final vote of the board was that the Board.~
Selectmen would make no appointments for t~ebplsygrounds. Unan£mous vote.'
!Mr. Duffy then discussed article 12, which provided $82.60 for the installa-
tion of new seesaws and the boa~d advised Mr. Duffy that they [elt ths~ this
was up to the board of public works to take action.
MARCH 2~, 1946- continued
Mr. Duffy mentioned that the Club house had not been painted once since
1937 and Chairman Thomson ~d~ised Mr. Duffy that if the board of public
works feels that such repairs are necessary and there is not'sufficient
money to carry out this work, then they should request a transfer of funds
sufficient to meet the need, from the Reserve Fund.
Mr. Duffy said he felt that the bleachers were not insured against fire and
he was requested to look up this matter although Mr. Thomson~felt there -
was a clause in the policyte take care of everything. However, he stated
that the selectmen would take care of the insurance upon recommendation
of Mr. Duffy.
Mr. John Alter spoke to the Board regarding permits being issued which'
are not in compliance with the zoning laws. Several cases were cited and'
as is stated in'a previous section of this meeting, Mr, Lawlor was to be
contacted and before granting or refusing a request, Was to contact one.of
three members of the appeal.board namely, Mr. Lawlor, Henry Lurid or Irving
Howes and discuss this matter with him and so avoid future trouble.
Mr. Alter then explained why he had sen~ Mr. Hayes to the selectmen and'
hoped they would take. the matter in the right way as they were willing to
do. , :.,
~ copy o~ a letter to each tax collector and assessor w-- ,.~2~,.~
~o co,',ec~or requests a copy of his first 19~ tax bill for real estate.'.
The assessors letter refers to signing.of veteran's certificates and ~ha.
act signed by Governor Tohin on March 14, 1946 is .as follows: 0haptar.,141-
An act-relative-ta.the.making and furnishing-by assessors of .certain
statamenta and information to the state treasurer under the veterans', bonus
act, so-called, is amended'by adding: The assessors of a city or town may
.certify to~ the state treasurer that they have designated an employee in
their office, to make the .written statements and to furnish the information
herein required and thereafter statements made and information furnishe~
by such -employee. shall have 'the same effect as. if made or furnished .by. an
A copy of ,bill H 1Z25. was received and a reaues: for information as to the
cost of snow, ice and sanding for 19~,3,1944 'and 19~,5. No action taken on
this' request.
The regnlar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was. held on this day
at ?:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls approved.
. W ? G -_.T , ONE AND ~EG ..PH COMP~ - ~"
A petition covering placing and removing buried ground wires to ~atar mains
on various streets was received by the Board and approved unanimously. The
following streets are listed on the petition~ Depot and Great Pond Road,
Hewitt and Minute Avamues,Zohnson and Rea Streets, ~ohnson and Depot Streets,
Great Pond Road.
Hearing on the petition of this company to locate one pole on Massachusetts-
Avenue opposite Lyman Road was held on this day at 7:30 P.M. No opposition
was received and the Board granted this petition Unanimously. ~.
Approval of the appointment of John J. Connors as Local Moth Superintendent
was mceived from the Department of ¢onvensation for the year 1946.
Leo Murphy again brought up the matter of the increased appropriation for
the Police Department. He had previously been appointed to talk with Mr.
-Wentworth about this matter and he stated that he had been informed that
the money was for the employment of s Janitor who would also do police duty.
No action was ~aken on this matter.
William G. Martin, Commander cf the V.F.W. inquired about the Franklin~ School
being conveyed to the Veterans of Foreign War as voted at the Town meeting.
Leo Murphy informed the board that he is checking on this and will report
as soon as possible. The matter of a restriction in the deed was discussed.