HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-01APRIL1,-1946- continued
Mr; Salisbury had heard indirectly that there was a restriction in the deed
in that the school must be used as a school and when no longer used for school
purposes, it reverts back to'the ~owz. Mr. Martin inquired if the town has the
deed. The question of who should pay for the expense of a lawyer was discussed
and, Mr. Salisbury-stated that perhaps the. Veterans would have to.fire a lawyer
to straighten this matter. Mr. Martin then asked if either memherof the
board could act for the Veterans. Mr. Thomson felt that the burden was on the .
town to ,ascertain if-the building can he given to this organization and if there
is a restrictive clause which states that this cannot be done, then it is up
to the town to straighten out the matter. The board agreed with Mr. Thomson.
Mr. Salisbury made a motion that theinterpretation end examination of the
title of the article be referred to C. J, Mahoney for examination and have
a report made to this board. Motion was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted
A petition for permission to',excavate and install 39' of l~ gas Service at
· , 30 Middlesex~$treet was approved unanimously bythis board.
~petition ~of~..permission to excavate and install gas service at 74 Prospect
. .:$.re~t-James Farley, 26' on street, 14' on private..'land was approved b~
,~ ~ this. board unanimously.
Sylveater Murphy'of 61Park Street and. Frank W;'Leeof:388Main Streetwere
appointed as special constables by umanimous vo~e~ - -
Mr; ~SalisbUry hrSught up. the'~a~ter~ of fees~ paid for~ oil burner .ins
which', ems: b~omght :to .the, attention ~f the :b~ard at a previous meeting by: 'i
Christopher'~Higginbottom~iwho'is aetingtinthis:,capacity at the present:time.
.' MrJiSalisbury,informed ,the -board and.those present that since June1945,
oilinspections come.~-dertheBoard of Engineers and that'·not more
-,~nts'.may hecharged ~for the. fee'but that'nome ,of this has to ~e turned,.over
tojthetown;.~,The:board voted to communieatewith'the-Board~of. Enginsers:
advise them: thatthey'are'to set'the fee in the matter~of charge'for oil
Burner inspection. Chapter 479-~1945) was referred to for further information~:
Nilliam A. McAloon~of~'12 ~ohnson Streetwaslappointed to. this position'on
motion, or'Ax'hold'SalisbUrY,: seconded by~oseph Finneran and voted unanimously.'
u~ppointment ,to become effective at once;. ' '' ~''
Mr; Thomson Stated that this position required.a.great deal cf Judgment'and'
.feelsthat applicant ~hould bo.aware of the,tremem~ous:respensibility,-i
· familiar with thelaws 'usediscretion,..sonnd:~Jndgmant and BO aware'that~there
' '"
.he;was end' hop~d~.that'' the' new.. appointae~would ;do;as: fine a[ Joh~.a
The'"nsme of Louis Saandarswa~ sugge~tadas a possible appei~tee..but Mr.
:~innera~informe~the ~oard.that he haffb~en:informedthat'Mr.'Saundars'did
.- . t '"n~t:want'tbispositian.'
,,Mr.~Thoms6n'br~ught up the matter of the ~trike situation a~ Davis &Furor
an~'~el~.~hatzthe:longer it goes on, it',assumes a community,..interest.;He,.f
"felt'thatthe:Selec~menlareinterested ~fficially'andthequestion is,whethe~
.t~e;,Board.of'S~lectmen.should aPpoint:a'disintarestAd~committae:to
,~.:it~ring.about at'settlement. Mr, Thomson'informed the.board that'neither
''side',had suggested that~hehring .this,-matter up for discussion but stated that':
he]was'intere~tedonly since it affects the town andnot asit affects either
group._ . . · . ...<,,..: .:
-Mrl'.Finneransuggested that it might be a good idea to ~end a letter to each
'side and offer'the services of the hoard of Selectmen to help inany way, ~ :.
possible. Leo Murphy said he had'heard, that theretwas tobe ameeting of:the''
~ompany and the union very soon and the board ~oted .to' hold the matter over
until nex~ weak unless something developed which calledfur action sooner.
Th~board approved the following amounts for the ~onth of March~ Sophia
'"'Eane $10.00; RuthCarey, $10.00; Margaret Twomey, $10.'00, total amount $30.00.
,The following names were submitted to this board:gs those chosen to represent
,the V.F.W. orSanization in regard to,a permanent memorial and to the dedication
of triangles throughout the town and willmeet with the board of Selectmen
.~on~pril 8, 1946.
APRIL l~ l~/~o- continued
The original copy of the treasurers(James Maker)bond was recovered and
the Board signed the original on this day, the duplicate to ,he returned
'~demnity~° Bosto~.~ompany.,Filed with town clerk. Amount is for $40,500, in The Travelers
Mr. Ftnneran had not received any. farther information from Mr. Mahoney
regarding the "Unknown body" buried-in the Veteran's lot in Holy
Sepulchre %metery hut Mr. Thomson informed the board that C. J. Mahoney
had informed him that the matter is progressing as ~st as possible.
A request was received from Alclde Cravel of 12 Suffolk Street to have ,-~
a street light insta'lIed on Pol~ # 83 on Suffolk Street. because this i~
a very dark section and~the street is ver~mrrow~. The board voted
request this installaZion from the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company.
A re~ly was. received referring to our letter of March'25th, rega~di~ the
condition existing at the F.~lm Street grade crossing. This mat
again referred to. Mr ~ ~ ~.__~ .... . ' ter is
investigation and to'-"~'-~--'~-~-~' ~.over, m. H. Division Engineer
~,~ any worx necessary to insure, reasonably ,,i~
permanent correction of the existing conditions. .
A report was-sent in to the Association of 'Finance Committaes. giving
names of the present hoard of,Selectmen who act as ,the Finance:Board and~
als6 the. name of Mary Finn, Town Accountant as secretary of the committee.
A' qu.stio s was V. W°is,y Co pa C een
Malden, ~Mass. for information required by them as they are interested
five room Cape Cod houses in~ this ~wn. No action was ~aken. by the board.~
A letter was received from this association informing the' board that. there'
had Been a duplication of,' the firs and, theft policies covering the Town, ?
m°tor~ehicles and that~the two,agents 'will get together :with t '~
Com~ar~ representatives to try and corre~ +.~-'-~---,-- .. ~heir..,.
.... --- =A~e. ~r.~.y~,Marsh.
of'the Home Inaurmnce Oompar~ also stated.that he felt that the to~m wou~d
he re~mk~rsed for~ the amo~uts paid out. -
'",,,' A second,letter informed the board' t~at' Thomaa McG~ail wou~d-be given.~h~'(,
fire and theft policy, to Be ~writtan:,in the New York Underwriters. .~
, A third, letter informed', the ~oard that Andrew Coffin had been elected
Chairman of the North Andover Insurance Agents Association for~ the. co~i~g
A letter reoeived "informing this board that the nearest street, li~iin~' ,fl~'
· 'Circuit to, Pole, Number 1~13 at 880 Turnpike Street is .approximately~-.<,
5300 feet, sway and they ,could not extend their circuit .for this distance
for one light. They suggested a multiple unit. with a ,time switch .control~
and-'with a 60-watt multiple light, the cost :to the town.'would~be $18.00
pc2 year.,. They are unable to do, this work at the present tim~ ,dUe to.,~ ,~ -
lack of 'matertais. However, the board voted to request that they install
thi~.s type ~of light at their convenience. ·
The 'index figures received'show an increase in all of the elements except
· rents and fuel and:light which declined fractionally. ,: ..
Notice received that the Spring Meeting of the association will he heldL
'wiLlat theBeHotelinducted.Sheraton,in .Boston on April 11; .1946at $:00 P.M. New off~cers
~opeset co~titutio= a~ by-laws for this association were received by,each
aembar of the board and a letter reco~ending t~tMr. George W.~Searle shoed
be appointed to succeed Mr. ~adde~, who is re~ing ~ April of ~ year.
APRIL 1, 1946: - continued
A reply to our communication of March 18, was received and a suggestion was
made that most of the question raised in the letter be referred to Town
Counsel fo~ determination as they do not come within the Jurisdiction of the
Director cf Civil Service. Blanks (Form No.?3) were received also a
citizenship blank to he filled out by the encumbent and returned to the office
of Director of Civil Service.
The Board discussed this matter and after a lengthy discussion agreed to write
another lette~ to the Director of Civil Service for a more specific answer.
Fred Pitkin, superintendent of school appeared before the board to discuss
an auxiliary lighting unit which is required under the new s~atute of
December 1, 1945, which states that school.buildings must be inspected.by
Public Safety officials. Tn January they granted a temporary license to use
the building for three months, but one requirement in Stevens Hall is an
auxiliary lighting unit which could be used if the lights went out. Mr.
Ritkin went on to explain the types cf batteries and prices. Et is also
required that the curtain be flame proof and the cost 'of this will range
from $12.O0 to $20.00. The School Committee would like to have an arrangement
whereby the expense and responsibility will be shared by the Selectmen
the School Committee.
Mr. Thomson then suggested that the Board of Selectmen go along with the
School C6mmittee and have them repor~ to this board at a later date ~hat
the cost is to be and anyother pertinent facts.
'Chief Hargreaves came before the board to state that he has a chan~e to sell
some-hose which is single and is of no use to the Fire Department. There are
about 800 feet and if sold at $.10 per foot will hot $80.00 which will be ·
turned over to the town ~easurer. Mr. Messerlie of Stevens Farm would like
~lto have this hose and .the Chief stated that it will be an added fire
at the farm. The Board agreed that this was a good way of disposing of the
hose since it was~'ofno value.to the ~fire department and if Mr. William B.
Dully has no objections to selling it, the board is agreeable.
This hose was purchased by Civilian Defens~ during the war and Mr. Duffy
had charge,of alllthis equipment.
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00. P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
'Selectmen of this town are directed to call a meeting of the legal voters of"
~this town to .be held at the max~ biennial stateelection,to-wit:~on Tuesday
~the'fifth dayof November, next to elect a County Treasurer for said County
of Essex to fill the~vaca~cy for,tha 'unexpired term ending on the first
Wednesday efJanuary1949A signed bytheCcunty Commissioners, Arthur A.
Thampson, A. l~red Manning and C. Nelson. Pratt. This noticewasreferred
to ~oseph Duncan who stated that this will.be taken carecf at the proper
time. ~-
A copyof a decision of the Supreme ~udicial ¢ou=t handed down March 29,1946
in respect to the Assessors of Boston and the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn
Railroad Company was r~ceived on this day. Diled under department cf
Corporations and taxation.
A letter was'received from HenryNicolls, District Director of the U.S.
Department of Justice regarding the proclamation of President Truman
for Sunday May 19, to be observed as I AM AN AMERICAN DAY~ and'to have a
committee ~o arranges suitable program on this day. The board voted to
appoint theAmerican Legion ~Commander, John A. Cronin and the Veterans
of Foreign Wars commander to act as co-chairman and appoint as many members
as they see fit to arrange a program to be held on this day. Letters will
he sent to each commander.
A petition covering the relocation of one Joint pole on North Main Street
of Riverview and remove one Joint on
side was the