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APRIL 8, 1946:
Mr. Thomson requested that two lettersbbe sent to the above companies
relative to the erection of a fence around the pond to ~ssen the
possibility of future drowning accidents. ~r. Foster had made a
report ~o the board in November 1945 that Suttons Mills would consider
erecting a fence around the pond and this r~por~ wes confirmed by
Harry Sutton. No reply had been received from M. T. Stevens and it
was then felt that letters should be sent to the different companies
as perhaps materials are not so difficult to obtain now.
April 15, 1946:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectman was held at 7:~5 P.M.
with all .members present. Weekly b~lls and payrolls were approved.
A letter from the Davis &Furber Machine Company in reply to our ~etter
of April 9, was received and Mr. Thomson read thecontents. This
Company will be glad to ~eet with this board mo discuss the situation
which states that the situation now existing has three parties interested
and is damaging to all three and is an irrecoverable loss to all concerned.
A reply from the United Steelworkers of America was received and re~d by
Mr. Thomson. This Union is happy and willing to accept theservices.and
cooperation of this board and to meet or take part'in any conference' that
may be arranged in an effort to help solve.the differences and retur~
full production so that both labor and management can go on and help progress
and prosperity of this commn~ty.
Mr. Thomson then'informed the board that a'representative committeeof this
Union called at his home to make an appointment to meet with this b6ard.'~
He tentatively madean appointment for Wednesday evening at this office
at 7:30 P.M; if this is agreeable to the other members of the board,
and as it was then agreed that this $ould be acceptable .for the 'other'
members of. the board, the meeting will be held on. Wednesday, 4/17~46.
---The following special constables were appointed hy unanimous vote:
Hugh Stewart, 62 Elm Street, ~ohnA. S,,11tvan, 18 Sargent Street, Joseph
Walch, 33 Saunders Stree~ and John T. Dolan of 12 Ashland'Street.
Mr. C. J. Mahoney appeared before the Board and informedZhem ~hat the
body of the unknown person which was buried in the Veterans' lot in:Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery had been removed and placed in another loton't~8
chance that he may be a veteran the body was placed in a Veterans lot
by'the cemetery officials.
Mr. MahoneY mentioned the conveyance of the Franklin School to the':Veterans
of Foreign and went into considerable detail, giving infemmationwhich he
had checked. ~n1905 there were three lots of land conveyed to tHe~town from
George'Stene with express condition that the town would erect a perpetual
fence on the land forever. In 1931, the state took over for purposes of
building Chickering highway, ~ractically the whole line vetween the town
and the Stone Heirs property. Plans were shown to the board and Mr. Mahoney
stated that in addition to the fence, there was a peculiar langnagein
which the conveyance was made to the tcwnwithout restrictions save'that
this shall be used for school purposes but this deed does n~t~say forever
used for school purposes. Under Chapter lsd, Section 123, this ruling shall
be in effect for thirty years and this time has expires. It shows the
conveyance from Carolyn Russell to George Stone, three lots, number 6, 7, 8
for schoolhouse purposes.
It would appear that thirty years having elapsed, with ~exception cf
conveyance in 1932, that the conclusion is that the school may be conveyed
to the Veterans of Foreign ~ars. Mr. Thomson stated that he'had no hesitation
in saying that the note included the land as well as the b~ilding and that
it will be up to the Selectmen to sign the deed.
Mr. Salisbury made a motion that Mr. Mahoney be asked to draw up the deed for
our signatures next week.
APRrr, 15, 1946- continued
Mt. Thomson then stated that a motion was made and seconded that Mr. Mahoney,s
report be accepted in regard to Article 42 of the annual town report and that
he be instructed to draw up the dded from Selec:men to gran%ee to be signed
By the Board of Selectmen and report to this hoard on April 29, 1946.
Vote was Unanimous.
Mr.,Mahoney then informed,the members of the hoard that in the matter of the
legistlation for the fire. chief, he was working as s private individual and
not as town counsel. Ne stated that when he is appoisted hy the Board of
Selectmen to act on any matter,,a l~tter'is sent from the hoard hyMrs.Dearden
and until then he would not go ahead on any town matter.
· Darrell Britton inquired about the disposal.of town propert~ and what the '
p ocedure was. He was thinking of the truck which the Highway disposed of and
:also of the hose which was to be disposed of by the Fire Department. .
Mr. Thomson infor~ed him that as far as real estate was concerned no department>
header selectman could;make a decision without a vote.of the tewn..Regarding'
i" town p~..operty, a department, head has the right to make disposition'and there
is 'no law, that, requires bids:~and generally, the departments~de~not disposelof
"o anything of appreciable.value without the.assent ofthis board...'ln:tha:case
f the fi're department:the six er seven'hundred, feet of singlehose was~
to~1 private party:and the fire department notified this board that:.the:hose
"t~ould lessen the fire hazard at this particular place[and the~,board
'",,~'.?'nimously that this should be disposed of in this manner. The hoe , ~elt0 the, town' thr~ugh:'.civilian defense
~.~?.hn?illis!~appeared ~efore the' Board as a representative of he Veterans"of '. ....
.~';:~ore~gn Wars to discuss the committeewhich was appointed t
' last week'.by the · :',~
',B~ardof 'Selectmen to make plans,for ~ permanent memorial,to veterens~f,.World
.. ~ ,.~ ~ ,:[ ~ .War,~I~ Mrj Wil3Jis went on,te say that' his organization',wanted~ to know wh~ one
,~member was dropped from'the'list. Mr. Willis stated that this'~memorial~was
p~r~icularly for,,World'War II ~eterans and he thought that they,were to be.~.~
~represented.more~suitebly. '
M~. Thomson eXPlained that they had originally asked for thre~';nsmes from
.... organizations:and:the committee might,be limited to nine,members,
;gave'this ,mattei:;considerable thought 'and. not onlyco~sidered~veterans
world war*one andi'two butalso'men.who' representated.'taxpayers.and~
,THi~ memorial,ils to he something of' an expensive nature and all angl~s hadLto::.
'~J ~e~ considered· · ,
Willis then said'that Mr. Thomson had ~ntimated that v&te~ans~'
':~J:'Jt*~:~ere'n°t'capable'of:maktng,decisiens and'they hadha~n:~iven tel
:~.'that'the'three.names..submitt~d~would. be,con~idar~d, for.the ~
'' fro~ each organization ~nd four to represent the town andordina civili
' ',' T~el'appointment of Jose~h Sullivan ...--~ ...... ry' ~n.:
-, th~.~_._._~ ~ ,,, ,_~ , -~omuu~ p~reAy oecause ne represented
;-;.. ~-~axpaye~s... ~r. ,~nomson stated, that'thiscommittee will not' decid~'~on
wilI,make~suggestions.. .
-,., he ,would like to ,bring out the fact, that equal.'~
,~re~resentation from'the'two organizations should bemade and the ,bo s did not
'feel that ~he B. ard of Selectmen were t~n~ to ~ .... ~,- Y
· JiM r; Salisbury s~ated that the Board did consider nominations andgthat
'. ,five other memher~ were chosen later. He said the hoard had attempted to
:'""'~ake. ~ equal representation,and had considered business men a~ representing
~..t,axpayers, industry and because of their geographical"residencesin town.
-William Ooram requested that a tree be removed from in fro~t of 22 Buckingham
Road. The tree is an elm and each spring and fall there is trouble with
the drains caused~y roots which clogg it up and it is necessary to call
the Sewer Department to clean the drain. The hoard voted to refer this matter
· to the tree warden a~d have tree posted if necessary. A hearing will he held
o~' April 29,1~46.at7.30. p.~.' if Mr. Conners decides that res shall he posted.
April 15-1946- continued:
A letter reporting that Mrs. George Sutton had fallen and bruised herself
and:~ha~ her glasses were broken was received by the board from Mr. George
Sutton of 19 Perry Street. Mr. Sutton claims that the sidewalk was
defective. The cost of new lenses will be $9.50. The board voted to ask
for a general release on this claim and then the bill would be paid from.
Contingent Fund.
Charles E. Wilcox of 275 Salem Street appeared before the board and discussed
the condition existing at the corner of his land which is used as a dumping
place and is pretty well filled in. The brook passes between his property
and the Ridgewood Cemetery and it is now necessary to have pipes installed~
in order to cpmplete the filling in job, Mr. Carry is willing to do this
work but has not sufficient money to take care of it. The cost will be
about $150.00. Mr. Wilcox stated that this will improve the corner a great
deal and the board of health has recommendedthat~this hole be filledlin
to ge~ rid of stagnant water.
Mr. Finneran suggested that the board view this ~ondition withMr. Carry
before taking any action on the matter. This was a unanimous vote of the
beard. '
Joseph Sambataro came before theboard and gave verbal assurance $hat .
these two streets would be put in acceptable condition before the town, ..
is asked'tojaccept them.
Thomson stated:that Hamilton Road and' Bolbrook Roadwilllcomply,with';
Mr. - -, ~-.-- .,-~- ~-~icle 20 and recommendation 5 un~er'ar~l~
putting street.in:reasonable conformity and .that the oral request of Joseph
Samha~aro be accepted'·
~:~'' ..... ~1~
Edgar Dunbar same before the board and wanted some'action 9n having a
,stop sign at the corner of Merrimack Street and Main Street. ·.This matter
was discussed by the' board and Mr. Finneran and Mr. McKee will checkom,~:c'.
.. . this condition. ..... . ·
Letter received relative to Victory Gardens t~is,year and'it,is recommended
tha~ a goal of 20 million gardenS'for 1946 be rreached this year which~:is ~'
approximately lO, above last year. No action.was take~ o~ appointing.!a;-~l?
invitationto attend this conference to be held st the, Hotel Statler.. . ?n
,~ApriZ 16, 1945 was received by the board. Noaction taken. ~,'
, meeting of theB6ard of·Selectmen was held .at 7:15, P.M. wi ~,r,i,'
members present. Weekly billsand Imyrollslwere approvedl- .
..... '" GAS · -"
- p TZTZ0 oF
A' hearing °n'tha petitien of the abov~cempanies.was·held,at?-30:P' .,with
· Mr'. Barry present from the Gas'Oompany. The;petition resuests permission
· o locate poles, wires, ca~les and fixtures, on the north~rl~.and~soutberly,,
sides of Boxford Street from a poizt appreximately-?O0 feet ~as~arI~-fr~
Forest Street, easterly l4 poles, " '' :'*~
~Mr. Szelestappeared at the meeting andobjected'to the location of~%w~:.:
poles which will be in the middle of his driveway and. at a. point, where~h~ '
intends to build a home in the near future., Mr. Barry stated~ that! .th~?.~ii_ :':~":'"'..
would ~be very glad to relocate these poles and would go down .to. see
in the morning. A motion was then made by Mr. Salisbury and. seconded ~by
Mr. Finneran that this petition be allowed. Vote was unanimous. ,.. ..-
A petition 'for the removal of a treeat 20 Belmont Street was received/from
William Glennie of this address. He stated that the tree has many dead~ ~imbs
and that the roots clog the sewer pipe and cause a very unhealthy condition,
in the cellar. The Board of Publ~c Works' has been called in on several~"
occasions to clean out the pipe. Motion ~as made by Mr. Finneran thatthis
matter be taken up with the tree warden and if advisable, a hearing
be held on May 6, 1946 at 7:15 P.M.
An invitation was extended to theBoard to'attend the Joint installation of Post
to be t~ld on 1946 in Merrimac Hall at 7:30 P.M; ·