HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-22 April 22, 19Z6- continuid: The Board voted unanimously to accept the invitation and acknowledge Sams thanks .upon motion of Mr. Finneran. NORT~ST AIRLINES, IN¢: A notice was received from the Civil Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Economic 'Regulations, Washington, D. C. indicating their intention to inaugurate service to and from. the Lawrence Municipal Airport, Lawrence, Mass. signed by P. F. Collins, under dateof April 15, 1946. COMMONWEALTH'OFMASSACHUSETTS: To the Selectmen of North Tndover: A notice of the vacancy in the office of Register of Probate and Insolvency, by reason of the death of William . F. Shanahan, duly chosen to said trust and the Governor directs and requires the board of Selectmenlto notify aud summon inhabitants of the town o~ North Andover, qualified to vote for State Officers, to give in their votes on Tuesday, November 5,~for a Register.of Probate and Insolvency, to ~ill said - vacancy, for the remainder of the term of six years. COMMUNITY DE~,0PMENT: ~',A communication was received from Emery N. Wescott, represantin~ a group 'of twenty young men, mostly veterans,.who are interested in developing their own residential community and if. tha town has a plot of land between 40 and 100 acres which might be suitAble, for this purpose, they w0uld~ appreciate a reply.' No action was taken on this-matter. LETTER OF THANKS: ' ' A letter of thsnkswas received from Francis Kittredge stating that he ''was very appreciative of the privilege.of serving ~ith and Under .John Cronin, as chairman',, on the.PermanentWar Memorial Committee,audextending: his efforts and sincere co-ope~ation in, an~ way. .,~ I~TTONSMrr.r~- A letter from the Suttons Mills was received sn~ informs the Board that materiaIs for .the proposed fence around the mill pond 4re : not yet available for this workbut as soon as they are, they will give , the consideration~ghich ~wns'prumised last year. signed by Miles C. Higgins~ '~'~. ~ssistant Treasurer. ~j T. STEVENS & SONS ~OMPANY: iA letter in.reply to our letter of April 11, informed the board have no concrete idea as.to what. is suggested and believe it ~ould be satisfactory if theycould meetwith the board ani'will make arrangements ?:for almOst.any time, day or evening, or during, the weekend. Areply will ~be sent to Mr.-Abbot Stevens asking that'they meet with the Board of . ~i'~Sel~ctaen on April,'29, 1946.ateight o'clock. · ~'~TOWNTREASURER: A copy of aletter sent to James Maker, Treasurer from ~the Essex County Retirement Board was.received. The letter explains .- the new form NO.. lO-!0a"Request for'Return of Accumulated Total Deductions .to Member", which supersedes .all previous forms pertaining ~0 requestfor return of~accumulated total~deductions to members. DEPAR~ENT'0F CORPORATIONSANDTAXATIONS: -,~?COPIESOF.CH~PTER210 of the Acts of 1946 relating to soldier's.bonus, .~app~ovedon April 15, 1946 and Chapter, ~!, respecting avacancyin the ~".'offic~ of, assessor. COPY'of a.letter send to the Assessors of West Bridgewater c6ngratu~ating '~ them. on theirfine work for having sent in the certified'copies of the 1946-' real estate valuation list, a~so a copy of Chapter 199 relative to the ?applications-for abasement of certain local taxes. :A letter Contain~hg Chapter 18~, effective on July, 9, 1946 providissthat cities and.towns shall include in their annual budget sufficient, fuhds to ;enable the treasurer to foreclose his tax titles. SWIM FORHEALTH'WEEK: June 24-29~1946'_ Notice received from the Swim for Health Association asking that local agencies be requested to promote swimming as a health measure as well as · a safety measure,, and asking that the week of Sune 24-29 be prgclaim~d as "Swim forHealth Week." No action 9as taken. .INSURANCE: Renewal of polic~ Number 1012, Home Company, amount $20,900 which expires .May 15, 1946 was requested by Merrill F. Norwood and approved by board for renewal. DUMP CONDITION - SALEM STREET:RIDGW00D CEMETERY: ] 92 DUMP CONDITION-SAL~STREET-RIDGWOOD CEMETERY: Mr, Thomson informed those present that Mr. Carry felt that Mr. Ralph Brasseur might be of some h~lp in regard to the matter of the condition of the dump at the lower end of Eidgwood Cemetery and the Wilcox property. Mr. Brasseur presented a plan and s~ated that from records back :about twenty years, the line of the road follows the extention of road near the Wilcox property. The deed was writteh twenty years ago and the land was purchased from Susan P. Holt. Mr. Brasseur said th~ Old Coun%yRecords had' not been checked but they could be, if necessary. He said road descripitons ars rather vague hack forty or fifty years but the road line is the same as described. Mr. Brasseur said the cemetery is bounded by the brook and he thinks the land might fever t to the cemetery. . . Mr. Wilcox said that Mr. Francis Kittredge informed him that the wall was the boundary. Mr. John Osgood stated that the deeds for the cemetery have been very . carefully drawn and the'line on SalemStreet is bounded by the wall and, terminated by a water course. He said the southeast side of the. Cemetery gateis not parallel to the Northeast side. It is our opinion, said Mr. Osgood, that there onee existed an old watering brook which you drove, into and drove out on the other side.'Whether or not the deeds exist for the town to hold title, we do not know. The deeds for the cemetery db not include any land outside the wall and they'are interested only in thecare of the place. They suspect that the lands belongs so the town'on two sides. Mr. Thomson said that if this is so, he supposed that continuous adverse possession on the'easterly, side would eliminate town from owning it. Mr. Salisbury inquired if the cemetery or its predecessors owned thi~ land at one time. If the cemetery deeds were drawn when the waterwa~ existed, there could be corrections made. Mr. Brasseur stated that the Wilcox deeds may have followed a winding . wall and that probably would constitute adverse possession where .the Wilcox property has beem fenced off bT precedessors. If the town the strip they.also o~m.the driveway too. Mr. Thomson felt that it was important %o knbw if the land is ~rivatel~ owned before spending any of the towns Noney. Mr; Osgood said he hadchecked land and deeds and is not interested in'what is to be done. Mr. Thomson asked Mr. Osgood what his opinion is as to wha~ should be done, to which Mr. Osgood replied that he thinks it is agreedby all that it',is not sightly. The cemetery association have planted trees after getting permission from the town and they would like to see the conditionimproved and extending the pups as mentioned, they heartily approve but'would advise..using fill and ndt-dumping. Mr~ Osgood said that Mr. Wilcox is wholly 'entitled' to fill'in as he sees fit butdu~ping is no~ desirable. A culvert from the cemetery.to the Adams property makes a definite gulley.-. If Mr. Wilcox' would like .~o extend thepipe into'the culvert to the cemeterywalltn .th~ existing area, they would heartily approve, but if dumping there,, we disapprove. To fill this in would be s definite advantage to all... Mr. ~ames Adams_,~st~t~tha~ he had personally watchad *the dumping here.for over five years anc ~ne attempts'to improve it~ They have been extremely tolerant and he now'personally feels thatthis'is a .condition created,. personally. If Situation 'had come of itself I would ask Board of'Selectmen to spend some of the towns money. He said the Fire Department hadbeen there, Mr. Carty had been there and he believes that $150 wont touch the' cost of filling and if installation of:pipe' at the expenditureof $150~ means another five or seven yearsof waiting, he is definitely'against~it. 'My mother, wife and'I have tolerated this' condition for. the past seven years. Mr. Thomson inquired who' did the dumping there and Mr. Adams.informedjhim that the'Public Works'and Highway Department dumped there at. one time and they had a bull dozer there at one time which was.quite.an expense. Mr. Wilcox informed him that he personally.paid for the bull dozer but at one time the Selectmen paid $20.00 to clear up Mr. Adams,field of ~efuse. Mr. Wilcox stated that the B_ard of Health:had:recommended. tha~this, plece be filled~in as soon as possible as it created a hazardous health problem. He said there were other placesin thetown where conditions existed, namely, St. Michael's yard and Mr. Carty's yard which has since been dilled in. Mr. Carry could.fill in'withrefuse and then use filling and ~ees could be removed so that dumping can be completed. Mr. 0sgood inquired how much more it would cost if ~.150 were given and:asked that Mr. Cartydifferentiate between fill and dumping.. He said that a sign on the property permits dumping. Mr. Carty said he would do a good job there and gradu~llly fill it in. Mr. Osgood said that Irs had extended the culvert and they still dump there and the question involves on whether~ou are going to extend a nuisance there. The rubbish is falling down to thebrook and if the pipe is extended, the dumping can he continued over the pups. It-thc town wishes to extend pipe and fill .in, .it will be a great improvement. Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Osgood agreed that there was no dumping on town land towhich Mr. Osgood replied that he did not agree. APRIL 22~1946= continued Mr. Thomson then said if there is no dumping on town land, assuming that we own this land, we have right to prevent a private party from dumping. Mr. 0sgood said the Courts are reluctant to rule against a man filling in property. He said the Board of Directors of the cemetery have control of the policy of the cemetery and they do not feel that the existence of a dump at the approach ~6 the cemetery is eithsr desirable or pleasant to look at. As abutters we have an interest in the surrounding property. The area in question ia rather large and we would like to see it done properly. The mere appropriation of $150 does not seem adequate to do this work properly. Mr. Thomson said if anything is done it will provide temporary, relief. · Whether or not we have title 'to this land, anth~ng we can do to improve this condition should be done at once. Mr. Wilcox said if they could take the dump down gradually about sixty feet back and p~t a heavy fence on his side he felt this would help . matters considerably and Mr. Kittredge felt this would help to6. He Said he d~d not approve of the unsightly condition thereand Mr. Catty had started 'to put filling in until stopped by the town. He had bulldozer there to smooth it out and had planned to seed it down. Mr. Salisbury inquired if this could be' completed in three weeks and Mr. Wilcox stated that he felt sure it could. Mr. Csrty then told the members at the meeting that it would cost about $500 to fill this in at once. Mr. Wilcox has a graveLbank and offered to give this filling free if~Mr.'Oarty will haul it. His gravel ha~k is.' in' 'Boxford, 2 3/4miles from the Wilcox 'property. Mr. 8arty =said he could fill it in in two to three days and the shovel would cost $10.00 pe~ day and they would need 24" pip to ~ake care of the water. Mr. Osgood said this condition has existed for some time. It was corrected once .for $50.00 now $150 is~needed or ~ore. Hadn't we better once and for all decidedif'the town is to correct this condition. This discussion went on for~more than an hourbut nothing was gained one wayor another. Mr. Francis Kittredgecame into the meeting and agreed with Mr. 0sgood when he said that ther' was no point in delaying action in ~correcting the situation and it is almost impossible to stop dumping. ..M~ Salisbury said he felt that they should do all of the work at this time or do'nothing. Mr. Kittredge said that Mr. 0sgood had a good point in that the watercourse must be kept free and clear. After this lengthy discussion the board voted to take the mattes under advisement upon motion of Mr. Salisbury. Later the board discussed this matter and finally decided that the town would pay $75~00 Mr. Wilcox would pay $25.00 and'the Highway Department Would pay $25.00 plus labor, and'that signs were to be made and posted there to read "NO DUMPING, TOWN PROPERTY, PER ORDER 0F THE BOARD OF SELECTME~ Mr. Carry will get the fill and make a good job of thig.whole situation. CHAPTER 90 WORK. Mr. Carry Would like to do this work by themselves rather than have a 'or'come in and he csuld give work to man~ of the boys'who are around now. ".'He has written to Mr. Fritz and Mr. Solomon and a skid that the Selectmen write s letter also to ask if he can have his own men do this work. He cannog keep'all the men 'he has now unless there is extra work. He has the~m~h~ machinery, equipment and men to do this work. There is $18,000 alloted. It '~ay be Mai~ and:Water streets or it may be Green Street. It will be up . to the State but either'way, Mr. Carry wants this letter writte~ to see if ...... this can be arranged. PERMANENTWARMEMORIAL'COMMITTEE: Chairman John J. Oronin reported that there hadbeen.en'organizationmeeting but there was nothing to report at this time. TRIANGLE ¢0MMITTEE: Chairman Oronin reported that the consideration of triangles had been post- ~oned indefinitely, due' to another matter which was being considered hut he ~'did not wish to discuss it at this time aa it is not complete. Mr. Thomson thanked Mr. Cronin for his report. MEETING ADJOUI~: ~wo Jurors were drawn.o~ this day at a special meeging, of ~ m mber o/' th . Boar~ 9f..SS~ec~men,~and Joseph-Dunc~n,'"to~ clark. William Emmett~of~C~'Uni$~ Street;~mach~nist- was-drawn"to"serve~on May 20~'1946,"Oriminal~u~[ness at Newburyport; Augustine Mac0annell of 12 Lincoln Street, stereoptyper, was drawn to serve on May 6, 1946 at Salem Mass~ civil business. Mr. Finneran and Mr. Salisbury each drew .a name.