HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-06MAY 6, 1946: continued Mr. Salisbury then made a motion to issue a new order om~basistof the testimony on the record that the dog be restrained within the boundaries of the McLellan property between six o(c!ock A.M. and nine o'clock P.M. and that this order is subject :o appeal within ten days. Mr. Pickard then said that he was willing to take Mrs. McLellan's word that she would restrain the dog, without any official order from the board. Mr. Salisbury then said he would withdraw his motion and drop the order entirely since Mr. P~ckard is willing to accept Mrs. McLellan~s assurance but also stated that he was afraid that they could not give her the assurance she wanted about the dog not being shot as it is the duty of the police to shoot the dog on sight under these conditions. Mr. Salisbury then moved for the withdrawal of the motion completely. Mt. Thomson said that he appreciated Mr. Salisbury's motive but that it would no~ be fair to the other people who had made the complaint in the last hearing and since the order is not being complied with, we should hmve a hearing so that all may be heard before any further action is taken. Mr. Salisbury then said that the order continues in effect and that Mr. Thomson wasright in asked for another hearing. A hearing was set for May 20, at 7:30 P~M. and all original complainants are to be notified that hearing is on modification or revocation of the previous vote, .upon the motion of Mr. Salisbury, seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. FUTURE ACCIDENTS: Abbot. Stevens and William Smith m~t with the Board ~o discuss the matter of fencing in the upper Osgood Pond~ Mr. Thomson read the minu~es of the meeting held on October !, which brought tout there had been six drownings in the local mill 'ponds in the past thirty years. Harry Sutton has assured the board that they will .be willing to fence in the lower .0sgood Pond when the materials are available. Mr. Stevens asked what the board had in mind and stated that if the other corporation is willing to enclose the lower pond, M. T. Stevens will also He.a!se stated that he did not think there had been any drownings in the Osgood Pond and that most of them hadhappenednear the Dizzy Bridge.. Mr.-Stevens stated that he did not feel that every pond can be closed and hoped that the'Selectmen would not expec: them to fence ~tevens Pond in at a later date. Mr. Stevens told the board that materials were hard to g~t but that as soon as they were available action would be taken. Mr.~Thomson informed, those present that Davis & Furber had already fenced in the upper 0sgood Mill pond on their pro~erty and that a letter was on hand from Suttons Mills and they will erect a fence as soon ~s materials are available. Mr.~Thomson stated that a six foot fence (wire) wa~ desired and tentative plans ~calI for gates at either side of the Dizzy Bridge to be opened only when trains or freights go through. Mr. Stevens mentioned a condition existing at the causeway wSich runs in front of Stevens Mill which is a dangerous point and he felt that the town would some day do~a major job there to correct.this conditionl He said the children fish there off the fence and there is a hazardous condition there. Mr. Thomd0n suggested that William B. Duffy be requested tocomfer with the local mill heads and he would be prepared to show maps and.give other detai!s~of Just where ~hefences shouldbe. CHApTER go work: A communication was received from the Department of Public W6rks, signed by Charles A. Fritz, regarding Chapter 90 work being done by the Highway BSpartment with town forces. Jobs under $15,000 may be done cna force account basis while Jobs over $18,000 must be done at unit prices established by the department or advertised for bids. Since the tentative allotment for' North Andover is $18,000 it will be necessary to do the work at unit~prices. These prices have not been determined yet so it was advised that we wait. untilt~h.ey are, before deciding whether to do the work with town forces ar advertise it. The request of this beard will be considered before the contract is prepared. DUMP COMPLAINT: Alderman Donohue sent a letter informing 'this board that this complaint would no~ come under his department. Mr. Thomson requested that this complaint be re-directed to Alderman Carney. STREET LIGHT REQUEST: The board voted unanimously to have a street light installed on post 470 on Railroad Avenue~ opposite the Thompson School on the petition of residents of that section. Location was checked by Mr. Thomson and he recommended that the light be installed. DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS AND TAXATION: Information of a decision relating to tax titles was received. Copies have been sent to each treasurer, collector and assessor. ~ 198 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE: Notification received calling attention of the board to Chapter 55 of the ' Acts of 1946 which amends Chapter 16 of the Acts of 1942 relative to reemployment of persons after retirement under the provisions of Chapter 16 and that they shall not extend beyond June 1, 1946. LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: Permission requested by this Company to excavate for the purpose of entending gas mains: To install a gas-main on Young and Lyman Road, North Andover. The board voted unanimously to grant this permission. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION: An application for s certificate of incorporation, as provided for in Chapter 180 of the General ~aws, Ter. Con. under the name of Wilson Oorner Civic Club, Inc. has been filed in the Office of the Secretary. The Corporation is formed for purposes of establishing and maintaining. a place for holding meetings and to perform and encourage social, athletic, and civic activities and these purposes shall include the right to apply for a license to sell alcoholic beverages, to be located in this town at 435 Andover Street. Application is in the names of George F. Thompson, Jessie L. Thompson, Leslie D. Freeman, Ethel M. Freeman, Fordon L. Freeman, Ralph Manahan, and Annie Manahan all of North AndoveE. The board voted unanimously to approve this application upon investigation as required by section five of Chapter 180 and report made and returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. FIRE DEPARTMENT- James Hargreaves came before the board to see what could be done about setting his salary as Chief Engineer. Mr. Hargreaves said that Mr. Waddell had informed him that the Board of Selectmen had th~ power to set the salary in this ease and he stated that there is money available ~o take. care of this. Mr. Hargreaves explained the various workings of the department snd,said that he felt that there should be someone there all day to supervise the department. He explained about the working of the ambulance andsaid:that there were seven calls in one day last week. This work was previously/ -handled~by the Police Department and they would send one man from their department and then the Fire Department sent one of their men. Mr. Hargreaves said there mustbe t~o~men a~ ~h~ statio~ a~ll, tim~.hW~enl~-~e~u!hrcm~ne :~.~oes.o~t.wiSh~the,~amou~ance~.,i%~ls~necessary~o nave a ca~ man comezn cover. Mr. Salisbury mentioned the action that wastaken at the meeting on April['29, When Mr. Thomson and Mr. Finneran voted to request the board'of Fire.Engineers not to make any appointments for at least two weeks. Mr. Thomson explained that the se!ectmen's meeting was terminated early'and Mr. Salisbury left earlier than the other two members. As we were about'~o leave, Mr. Hargreaves Brought the matter up and ~xpressed the thought that there was to be an appointment made for an additional man as permanent driver; ~nfairmess to all, we felt'that no such appointment should be made before the entire board of'selectmen had a chance to discuss the matter. : Mr. Salisbury said that this was fairly immaterialbut he would like to'" go on record as objecting to any action taken by two members of the board when the third member is not present. Ha'said that any matter .which is considered of sufficient importance should be taken up with the board present, and that it isn't legal unless all three are presen~ o~ unless the absent member has been notified and given a chance mo attend. Mr. Salisbury inquired of Mr. Hargreaves how long he had been a member of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Hargreaves stated that he had been an engineer for seven years as a part time employee but had been employed full time as a driver in addition to being an engineer for the past two years. Mr. Salisbury stated that up until 12 o'clock of May 1, you were the Chief engineer by ~ote of the board and then you came n~der civil serv'ice. Your present request is on the basis.of that statute.. You have been receiving pay as a driver and would like to have that made up as a full salary for the Chief Engineer. Mr. Hargreaves said he would like the Board ~o set the salary at $2952 which is the same as Chief McEee of the Police Department. Mr. Thomson then asked if the ambulance had' been handled previously in conjunction with the police department and that it was upon the recommendation of the Advisory Board that it was handled entirely by the Fire Department which was two years ago. Mr. Hargreaves said this was. Ne went on to say that it should be handled bya'full time man. Mr. Salisbury asked if he anticipated our making him a full time man. The head of the Fire Department is three men and the department is run by three men except at a fire or in the station. Mr. Hargreaves said this was so but that all purchases come under the f~re engineers. MAY 6, 1946- continued: Mr.. Salisbury stated that the statute did not create a new Job. Chief of the Bo~rd of Engineers is a part time job. He then asked if the Job could be handled by call men and Mr. AAargreaves replied that it could not. There was a general discussion as to tbs workings of the department regarding what ha@pens when various situations arise. Mr. Hargreaves said the conditions were better at night as they can call Bisson ~nd Walsh who live near the station.. He said they need two spare drivers to handle this properly but it is difficult %o get mwo available men. It is worse in the daytime as most of the emergency calls come in the daytime. John Willis then stated that it all boils down to a political issue. The people cf the town voted that they did not want Mr. Hargreaves as a full time driver.' Why not create a full time job and give the veteran a chance. Mr. Edward Cunnihgham asked if Mr. Hargreaves had made any effort to get two drivers. He said the money is there for two more and nothing has been done. He asked if the Board has the power ~o create a new Job. Mr. Salisbury informed him that this was not creating e new Job. He asked Mr. Hargreaves if he would be here if the civil service statute )lad not been passed. Mr. Hargreaves said he would still make the requisition. Mr. Salisbury said that the recent legislation does something for this office and for you. He asked Mr. Hargreaves if he had taken the examination for Chief Engineer and when Mr. Hargreaves replied that he had not, Mr. Salisbury again asked him if he were familiar with the s~atu~e under which the position was created. Mr. Hargreaves said he was not too familiar with it whereupon~ Mr~ Salisbury said that for the purposes of tbs record, he would readit. Mr. Salisbury stated that the office of Chief Engineer of the Board of Fire Engine of North Andover became effective on'tbs date of March 4, 1946 and became subject ~o civil service rules. The person holding said office on said date shall continue to s~rve therein, only until the expiration of hi~ term of $£fice unless prior thereto, he passes a qualifying examination. Mr. Hargreaves did not take this examination and Mr. Salisbury stated that it looked to him as if we have no chief engineer and cannot have one until a civil service list isestablished. MrJ Thomson stated that~he felt that the amendatory time amends that statute until the Civil Service Director gives the examination. ~Ar. Salisbury then stated that we would be making a mistske by going over Mr. Hargreaves request until we find out whether or not Mr. Hargreaves is the Chief Engineer, Mr. Thomson asked if he were not wholly satisfied to go ahead with this matter~ Mr. Salisbury again stated that Mr. Hargreaves could continue only until the expiration of his term unless he takes a civil service examination and a civil service list is available. Mr. Hargreaves then said that he had visited Mr. Gre~han at Civil Service and he ~o!d him that it was only a routine matter and the examination could be Held offunt~! correction is made. Mr. Salisbury said he had been mislead. Mr. Hargreaves went on to say that over 1450 people voted this Job for him and they can't understand what is wrong. He said he has met opposition from all directions. As far as the department is concerned he said, I would like to get in and run it right. There have been no complaints as to the department butMr. Hargreaves said, I can't compete With lawyers and all thes? technicalities. Mr. Salisbury said the onlything before us is to raisethe salary and if the law says you are not Chief Engineer, you'shant hold office after April 30,1946 unless you take examination before that date. He asked if the board agreed that a question is to be decided before tbs request is granted.. Mr. Hargreaves stated that he wanted to know the outcome so he can decide what to do. Ail he asks is that the board set his salary as Chief Engineer. JehnWillis said that he was not definitely against Mr.' Hargreaves and had no animosity but we were away for four years and all we want is a fair chance. The~board then decided to take this matter under advisement POLICE DEPARTMENT:' JohnWillis asked for information about the Police Department and Mr. Salisbury informed those present thatMr. Salisbu~ and Mr. Thomson had held a meeting with Chief McKea.and gave the following explanation. Last October,or November the Advisory Hoard were informed that two more men were needed on the force but that no list was available. He increased his appropriation to take care of one full time man for extra duty and hired the man who was available at all times. The advisory board recommended this procedure also. John Willis ~uggestad that a list be called for and give all the veterans a chance. Mr. Salisbury further explained that the chief informed him that as as a sufficientnumber of the boys are back he will call for the establishment of a list from which the board of selectmen may make appointments if they so desire. Mr. Edward Cunningham asked if the Police Chief had the authority to appoint a man for full time work as he has done. Mr. Salisbury explained that a~ first he was afraid to delegate authority ~o the chief but since this is the only