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27, 1946:
The regular weekly meetir~g of the Board of Se!edtm6n~.~as held at
7:15 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls
were approved.
Darrell Britton brought out the question of the new 16gis!ation
exempting municipali~ies::f~cm taxation on airports located in another
town. Mr. Britton had in mind the police protection, plowing of
street and fire ~epartment requirements in relation to this matter.
He inquired if North Andover would have' to take care of these
Mr. Thomson called Representative Mrs. Alice Schlap~ and was
informed that'the bill was reported as passed favorably by the
House and was reported to the Senate on May 21 and will probably
be acted on to-morrow. Mr. Oscar Soucy was requested to come
before the Board to see if the Assessors had beefi~ notified about
this bill. Mr. Souuy also brought up the matter of police protection
and fire protection and if all taxation is removed, he fe!tthat
it would be a'serious matter to the towniMr. Soucy stated that he
planned to call Senator Clifford R. ~usson of Haverhill about this.
bill and Mr. Salisbury suggested that he place the board of selectmen
in opposition to this bill. Taxes received for 1945 amounted to
$916;35 and for the Finegan ~roperty$268.35 was received.
The Board ofSe!ectmen approved~the hours for the opening of the
polls on June 18, 1946 as ~set by Town Clerk Joseph Duncan. He
plans to open the polls at 10:00 A.M. and close et 8:00 R.M. in
four precincts.
A 'letter was received from the Board of Public Works regarding the-
request of Walter Naruszewica for permission to erect a sign on
the triangle at the corner of ~rest Pond Road and South Bradford~-
Street~ The Board of Public Works considered the matter very
varefu!ly and decided that this matter comes under Chapter 85, ·
Sec. 8 of the General Laws, and so the matter was retu~ed tO-~h~' ·
Board ~f Selectmen for a decision.
Mr. Salisbury made a motion to deny the request 'whichwas not seconde~.
Mr. Finneran made a motion to grant permission to erect the sig~"f6r
a perio~ of three months. Mr. Sa!tsburythen requested'that the'~i,
matter be tabled for a month and accepted as a mo~ion, it w~s
seconded and also was unam{mous. It was voted to contact Nr;
Naruszewicz and ask him to try and get p~rm~ission from the abutters'
'to erect a sign on their property.
A letter was receivedfrom Charles A. Fritz. District'Ni~hw~.~
iacknow!edging our -otter of May 13~ and informing the board th~t~it
will probably be possible to arrange for Mr. Catty to do the Chapter
90 work and before final a~rangements are made, the.matterwt!ibe
discussed with this bgard, by someone from the Beverly office,
A request for permission to excavate and install (2) gas servic~s,~
of 15' each on Peters Streetton land owned by the P!ymo!d ¢orpor~tion~
and to excavate and install 13' of'l 1/2" pipe from Dewey Stre~t~
for Sa!vatore d,Agata, 231 Railroad Avenue was received~and the board~
voted unanimously to grant this permission.
The board voted unanimously to authorize James J. Maker, town treasurer
to reinvest $1001000 which is 7/8 per cent U.S~ Tre~sury~Certificata
bf Thdebtedne'ss, Seried E, 1946 purchased bythe Townferthe Post
War Rehabilitation Fuhd which matures on June !, !946%
An invitation was received from this committee inviting the BOard of
Selectmen to participate inthe annual Memorla!~Day emercisesandthe
Board' voted unanimously to accept this invitation with pleasure.
The matter of increasing the insurance in the town was held over for~
another week.
Notice of a public hearing to be held on June 13, 1~46 at the hearin~ room at
166 State House, Boston on the I.N. and Clifford,
~Y 27, 1946: - continued
for and on behalf of all railroad carriers, for authority to increase
interstate freight rates and charges. Filed under Public Uti!~ties.
State aid approved for Sophia Eane, Ruth Carey and Margaret Twomey for
$10.O0 each and ~i!itary aid for Chsr!~s Phair for ~!0.00.
Copy ~f letter sen~ %o each Collector on Section 95 of Chapter 60 was
received from'this department.
Also copy cT decision in the case of "~ayor of Haverhill vs. Water Comm
e~ of. Haverhill which holds that s ~rit of mandamus is ~o issue
"commanding" the Water Commissioners of Haverhill "to turn over to the city
treasurer all moneys received by it for water service. Filed under this
Copy of' revised Section S0 B of Chapter 60 in respec~ ~o titles taken of
Copy of C~apter 329 of the'Acts of 1946 ~nd~.Section !0 of*Chapter 44 of the
General ~aws received.
C~py of th~ list of Massachus,tts selectmen based on the latest returns filed
in the office 6f the Secretary was received on this day.
The Board of Fire Engineers met with the Board of S~lectmen at 8:30 P.M. in
an~ecutive session which was no~ for the record. *The meeting was very
brief. This meeting was held after the regular meeting of the board had
A dedision was received 'from Attorney General Clarence~A Barnes on the
status of ~ames'Har~reaves ~n regard to civil service. ~'~r. Thomson read
the letter which was received from the Civil Service Dire'ctor, Thomas H.
Greehan. The letter was very lengthy but the final decision of the
Attorney General was that since .~r. Hargreaves, term expired without his
~having passed a non-competitive examination he is not now entitled to :take
one and to be giwen a civil service status. The letter also stated that
Hargreaves, by reason of the two ~tatut~s and the manner in which they
were drawn and the effective date of the latter one, never had an
~'to take an examination during his ~erm-of office, and further corrective
'l~gis!ation might be sought fnomhthe General. Court.
'The' regular weekly meeting of the Boa~d of-Selectmen was held atT:lb P.M.
with all members present. ~eekly bills and payrolls were approved.
TB.~E ~.~0vAL E~AR~S:
A hearing was held at ?:1~ P.~. on ~he removal of a tree at 6 ~eechwood
on the petition of Hartley Wilkinson. Mr. Conners appeared at the meeting
and stated that there are three large trees in this section, very close
.together and he felt that this .one should he removed. The board voted
~u,~uimously to grant this request on motion of Mr. Finnaran.
.A hearing on the petition of Bertram ~rigley of ~ Lincoln Street for the
removal of tw~ trees at 4 Lincoln Street. These trees are in the middle of
.what will eventually he the sidewalk and Mr. Conners felt that they should
be teke~, down. The Board voted unanimously ~oremove the two .trees on motion
of Mr. ~innaran..
The hoard vo~ed unanimously to appointRobert F. Leslie of ~ Pleasant
'[Street a consta~le~ on motion of Mr. Salisbury.
William-B. Dully came before the board to discuss the work which should be
done at Grogan's F~d. The building should be painted and will cost about
$285.00; the ~ublic toilet should be repaired and painted ; the roof is
to be repaired and a new score hoard and tool locker is to he mede at the
total cost of $500.00 There is not sufficient money in the approl~riation