HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-032O8 ~une J, 1946- continued~ to take mare of this addition al work and Mr. Dully requested that $500.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fumd. Mr. Nocara is the only painter who made a bid for this work and the work will be mompleted by August 1, 1946. The b~ilding has not been painted since 1937. Mr. Salisbury inquired as to the procedure of transferring money andMr. Thomson informed h~n that the Selemtmen make the vote amd it is sent to the Advisory Board for their approval. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that in so far as we have authority that'we request that $~00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Grogan's Field appropriation, subJemt to the approval of the Advisory Board; RECREATION PROGRAM, ' " Mr. Duffy explained to'the' board, about the recreational council in A~do~er' and sugganted that th~ appointment of a Recreational Council be madm in North'ndover'to'etart some kind of a program, ~r. ~uffy~tatod that they would pla~ recreation for the two established .p2ayg~unds in townand their recommendations would be made 'to .the Board of Public ~orkm. Mr. Duffy'suggestod a committee of five and mentioned Rev. [Cornelus Heyn who is:~ery m~ch interested in this Work. .- .~ LAND AT LA~"C00~CHEWICE-(~hare ice house Was located) Mr. Duffy hrought up the matter of the property whare the ice house was.located ~... ,,ff [_:_ ~n? ~own ~or ~oo, providing that the 19~$'texes"are .... · Mr. ~preean~ea an article whimh he wanted inserted,in the~' warrant for a special town mmeti~g.topurchaae this property for'the,~ sum of $800 and $200 for taxes. He said there is one ante Of land, which., islongandnarrow andwould be of little value'for any otherpurpose than.to secure the sanitary protoctiSn 'of,.tha wa~ers[ofLake'Co~hichawick~ used Bythis~;town as the source of water supply. ' Mr. Dully 'stated that goma other person was interested in bu~ing the p~0Perty " to' use for some~purpose.whimh he supposed would cause an unsa~.itary oo~di~ion there'at .the lams. . 'Mr.' SalisbUry' mgde a motion ~a~"t~wa~rant .be prepared f~ra ~peciaii":." ~.'.-'to,w~.. meeti~g't~:prepare~article to,'hadrafted and to set:t~e'data,as '"' ,'~t~ 2~) 19~ in t~eC0urtRoom0at 7z~P;M;,'for',..the special town m~ ' ', Mr;Thomson gdded 'tha~. there wo~id'Be only one articIe 'contai4e~'in'tBih: [..' ~'warrant~a prepared ~the Board of Puhlic'Works. .. ' .... ',The Board voted to..teke under advis~m~nt,"the ~tter ofjthe of a Recreational Council. :~NSURA~OERATF~: .:., i..A~r_ew Coffin appeared before the hoard to discuss in crc--,,~ -~-';~"~: , . ined , us has : *ro,,ed'in e ~a~ut '2~and'~y,'~ease ~ 25% by the end 0f ~e ye~., ,He said ,', wo~d ~an a.~ increase of ~5,~ and ~ ~s~i~ted-~ acc0r~ce~'~ith~'~-' :; ~e'present p~n it would meaz an ~creana.of $~,800,'~ the ~licie~-[:~ " o~.~27.3 . ,~. ,~or~ s~ that tha. co~ttee angge~:a~ding 20% .~'~' :~e 19~,;fi~es. He said if ~is ~s~azce' is not ~creased now, 'the,~own,,:. ~s '~e.rish of not bei~ ~ covered.' ' '~ . authorized~-increasethe eove~ge on the ~ o~ed B~ld~gs ~d~co~tents ' ~Y20%'coverage..Vote was~mous. Mr. Coffin the~ e~ined ~t~t ~e association ~des ~e,~s~ce,~::~, o~ the ~s~ance; He 'said ~e ~Sociation ~ a~y race. end ~the Selec~ men ~t i~ wo~d be"~ch easier ~cmme'in oc~aiona~and 'e~lain~, c~ges..~e 'S~tod tha~.~ agentsget eq~ ~o~ts of ~o~ssion;, ~. Salisb~a~ea~d a co~ of ~oune'B~ No. 181~-~d 'read diffe~t. sections. This b~ relates ~ theexemption ~om ~ticn of ce~ ~opertyheld ~a city~or~s~iCt thither cityor~ fsr public air~r~ p~ses.~e Bi~ went ~a in ~t as fo~ows~ ~perty; hald~a city, to. or ~s~ict~othar ci~or~wn,,for~t~e p~se of a ~Blic ~rt s~l not~e ~ ~tion therein; ~t the ci~ town or dis~ict so holdi~t~ll a~y on ~1, p~to the Bity cr ~ where it lies ~ ~o~t eq~ ~ t~t which such city or to~ wo~d receive for t~es u~n the avcrage;cf the assessed v~ues la~, w~ch s~. not include B~ld~s or other's~ct~ee ~cep~:tha case of la~.t~en for the p~se of'pro~ct~ ~e so~ces~of an e~Sting water supply,;,forvthe, t~ee years last~preced~g ~e, acquisition:~eresf, the val~ion~.f0r each year bei~ r~uced~ all abatements JUNE 3, 1946: continued Any pert of s~ch land or'buildings from which any revenue in the nature of rent is received'shall be cubJect to taxation, Revenue received for the use of such areas of land within the property so held for the purpose of a public airport~' or for the use of buildings on such property, which are used as a terminal, administration buiIding or for housing, servicingor repairing aircraft, shall not be deemed to he rent. or revenue in the nature of rent withi~ the meaning ~f this paragraph. (Bill 1515 filed under Selectmen) DEPARTMENT 0FPUBLIC SAFETY: · communication' relating to the Storage, keeping, sale and uae of fireworks was received. It calls the attention of the board to Chapter 148, Section 39, G. L. as amended by. Chapter 291 of the Acts of 1943. Under this law, the keeping, sale or use of all types of fireworks is forbidden except in the form of supervised displaysauthorized'under a permit issued-by the Fire Marshall and ~ith'a' certain approval of the local head of the fire' department. DEPARTMENT OF¢0EPORATIONSAND TAXATION= A copy of the decision of the Suprem~ Judicial Court through Justice'Lu~mus~ dated May 3, 1946, entitled "~ank X, Vincent'vs. Mary RossPlecker'& 'anst~er' was received, copies having been sentte each treasurer, asseseorand collector A~copy of Chaptar:358 Of the ·ctm of'1946 amending'a number~of seetionsin- chapter'iOof the General Laws and a substantial number of sections in Cha~tar _ /~:of the. Ganeral'Laws was received'and it was suggested that it b · read carefully. CopieS'were sent'to~all~dapartments interested in'municipa; finances. Recent .decisions promihlgated ~ the Appellate~ Tax'B0ard were received. were sent-to each,assessor. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND"INDUS~IES: , ~e,~a. tl lbrice index .of specific goods and services in large Massachusetts-cities ~0ntinUed the gradual' upward swing which started'last September. Pood edged forward about 1/2 of 1% due to increases in meats, eggs, poultry, etc. .... HIGRWA! DEPT. Mr. Carry will be~ requested, to send a bill to Charles Wilcox ,for $2~.00 which he promised to pay towards the pipe used at Salem St.dump. ' ' MEETING 'ADJOORNED:. . . . . '~ Wi'th"all members present. Weekly bills and ps,rolls were ,approved; ~'~ ' EA~RENCE GAS.. & ELECTRIC COMPAN~ I NEW: ENGLAND TELEPHONE. AND TELEGRAPH C0~PA~: A, pe~i.~ion.for, lJoint locations- existing poles ,was received' from-these two;;: compen~es x-or Aooations on ,the' northerly' and sJuth'erly.~-sides' of Summer Street " ' ' from' Salem Street westerly 17 peles~ No .hasting' is required and. the..:board,~ ' "- voted~ unanimously to 'grant 'this petition: upon motion .'of Mr.;. Finneraa'. .DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI0 .WORES= '. .... ~ .. "- , ?N0tifilat'ion that' the. oommiasiOners, have all'ted under th® provisions of Si~'tioi' 34', 'Ch~ptar~ 90'of .the General Laws, Ter. Ed~, the sum.of $9,000 .for .the- , _impr%vement, of 'Main and .later .Streets in North Andover, on condition that. at' Ie'ast $A4500' shall be 'contributed-by the. tow~ and Si,~OO by the county~. and'that ~he cost to be borne v7 rhe Commonwealth on Account of said work ah~ll" no~' exceed'the amount allottad. - LARD' l"o~PY'of the petitio~ presented to Land Court by Leo~ard Firth of t~<register and'confirm their title in the following described land= A parcel 'of l&nd with. the buildings thereon, situated in North' Andover southerly by First Street, 188.67 feet; westerly, northwesterly and, southwest- ~ly 'by Ruth Carey land and northerly by land now or formerly owned by Patrick' -,' DGnovan and eastarly,'by.'lani owned by ~ames Peter Phelan. Noaction was .taken' 6n this petition. ..: · DOG OFPI¢ER A~:warrant to John Dolan, Dog officer of North Andover was signed by the - ohairnan of the ~Board: of Selectmen and willha sent,to 'Mr. Dolan for. his signature and proof that he has taken oath to perform his duties to the best of his ability. S?E~IAL TOWN MEETING= · :copy of the warrant for a special town meeting containing one article which will take care of the buying by the town of the land where the ice house was located at Lake Cochiohewick, Great Pond Road, was approved by the board.