HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-05The ~y-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held with all members present. Weekly hills and payrolls were approved. P ~NTING- NIGH SCNOOL:_ William Ca!lqhhn~ Janitor at the High School requested that he be allowe~ $25.00 tp have the building washed, before school opens. The board votadi unanim6ua!y to grant thisamount frcm the Continge~t Fund. TREE PJ~OFAL.,H~NG: A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on'the removal, of two trees on at the request of Cnfrio Eo Feraci of 49Uaple Avenue., Mr. Connote was present and he agreed that the trees should be re2oved. was received and the board voted'unanimously to grant the request for the~ removal of two,trees on Second'Street. -. STATE AID: The board approved State Aid for Sophia Ease, Ruth Cary and Nargnret.~womey for the amount'of $10.00 each, on. this day.' STUMPS AT AIRPORT: Mr. Thomson brought, up the matter of removing-the stumps at the Airport .,[ and Mr. Connors said he felt they 'should he removed and new trees planted. Et was voted to send a'!etter to Ma~or Meehan for,~information as to_when,. the stumps will be removed~ ~ Mr. Onfero Ferac~ spoke to'the board about a manhole at the corner Second Street, and, Maple Avenue.' He stated that when,~it, retns the ,water:',' . all over'the place :and he.would like to ~have this attended to. The voted to refer this 'matter ~o Mr. Cax;ty and have him check on this condi~i'0nj ~F, TITION~ ;' NCE $ & CTRIC ,C : A petition for!permlssfonto locste one pole on the westerly side'of ,.~ Turnpike"Street~ ,approxinat~ly 375 feet southerly frog',Peters Street, was received and a hearing was set for/u~ust 19,' 19~6 at ?:30, P.N. Two existing locatfbns will be 'abandoned. Abutters~ to, be-notified. A~ al~!fcstton for ~appointment as a .special con~tablewas, received~from%].i':. .'~ilbert EJ Calvert 'of 892 Great Pond'Road end .the board voted unanlmon.sl.y/ .. '"'~o'appoint'Mr&'Calvert on. this,day. ' :: . .~ .. v, A petition eigmed By tLtne residents, of Lorraine Avenue and:vfcin£ y:~as .. . received requesting that the bus stop which was originally .at the.co~nar~.::. · ' of. L~rratne. Avenue :and Andover Street; be. restored t~ ~th['s:'locatton. :' The' board .voted to contact Ur. Chase .and if possihle,,"l~:e this"atop"' :: :. restdred' to its original location. PRFE INeT 0FF~CE~: Both-political parties were requested to send in names .of enrolled members of e~ch' ~part~ 'for:'appointment as Precinct :Officers, previous to this,meeting. · No ~me's were-received from either party and the. Selectmen proceeded', '.to.'~ake, the appointments for the coming year,, as required under Chap. ter 363,=~sec'tion 12, as~ame~ded. A complete list of the new officers was given to the town clerk, accountant,' press and one copy is filed in Selectmen's file unde~ ~ Precinct OfficersJ,Dep~ty, Ballot Clerks in Prec.1, Walter, E. Ellingwq~h[i(~),' Prec;2,Oatherina 'V;Midgley (D) .and,Prec., 3, Vera Warwick (R).No otber.~c_ha, ngesl CIViL"SERV~OE:-4~NES ;HARGREAVES: ', Eettar:rec'eived from civil requestin~ that blank form (#73) be filled, out'.in duplicate'and returned .to the 1 Director.with the Citizenship ~hlank whict~. · is to-be Signed by the incumbent. This-is required under Section 47~:~ji~;,' ' of the' Civil Service law. The board agreed that these forms should be .- ~ sent'in at once. · LAWRENCE GA~ & ELECTriC .COMPAh~: o~ ~ A recent request for street light to be installed on Pole Number 69 by Israel .D~AnJou was considered and the board voted to request that a light be installed. This location was viewed by Mr. Thomson who felt that it warrante~ a street light. . F RE I,F R. The resig~ation of Leo Ean, e as Fire Engineer was accepted on the condition that he serve un.til this cay and the hoard proceeded to go along on this appointment. Mr~ 'S~lisbury said that he had been thinking about this appointment for some time and he knows of several men who would like to have this appointment. There has been"a~'great deal of dissension some petty'and some more serious and he felt that any vacancy filled by s member of the fire department would hurt the department. If a r~spons~ble citizen could he found, one with no personal animosity or friendship, who %ould ha willing to 'take this appointment'on the basis of helping the town, I feel that the harmony~ould be brought back to the department. ~Mr..SaIisbUry said he knew of e man we all know, who has no past experience but in view of past experience we need a man who can see beyond petty grievances. This'm~n'is a highly respected citizenand after much persuasion agreed to establi a basis' and accept a nomination for this'appointment. This man 2s George L. Curry of Upland Street and I now nominate him for appointment as Fire Engineer. Mr.~Finneran said he thought that any outsider will be able to pull them together. Mr. Salisbury stated that Mr. Curry believes that an ironing out Job can be done. John Willis asked if a foreman might leave his work at any time. Mr. Salishury replied that he thought he could and that he, Mr. Salisbury, would like a man who could administer. Mr. ~iIlis then asked if the board were appointing an administrator and not an engineer. Mr. Finnera~ then placed the name of Arthur Broderick. Mr. Thomson placed then ams of Arthur Stead, on past experience. Mr..Salisbury said he knew both 'of these men but that he did not care 'to go" ~ead-at'this.time. · Mr. Ftnneran then placed the name of Charles Driver. · Mr. ~Thomson then suggested that this matter'be taken up later after ha,Mr.' Thomson~'i had g chance to make some inquiries. Mr; Thomson said he would get in' touch 'w~ththe'~ther members by telephone later'in the week. This Was,.,, ~agreeable with the other members and the matter was held over. ' : Mr. ,Salisbury 'brOught' the matter of the motion Which was tabled, from 'the 'last meeting in regard to Lyman Road. Mr. Firth informed the board that no appeal ~: .had ~en.taken by the residents as the2 all felt that it was town'business. · Mr.'Salisbury'agai~ asked the board that the~iagree to re-layout Lyman Road as shown on the 1924 ~lan, whichwas used whe~ the'street was laid out ~and approved', and'"a_cceptedby'the town. ,. · '- Mr.'S.a~,isbUry said'that in his opinion, the streetwas not laid Out properly .'~",'~ and a~.attOr~ey would have a great difficulty'in determining whether'street if --- ~47 or 50 feet wide. This board can go on record ss laying out the plan~ previously .accepted. -' ' Mr. Finneran asked Mr. Carry if he were laying out the street, if he wouldn't ~o by his surveyer's decision. MrJSalishury stated that the town is supremeas 'far, as' laying out roads and that if LYmanRoad is laid out and approved next Mar~h, thefe will be no further controversy, /. ~,.~lnneran then said he thought that this hoard is no more powerful than the pr~f~' hoard Which'acCepted th~present' p~an.for Lymsn Road, and Mr. Salisbury sail',he ~ould lik6toremove all doubt. ~: '~r~T~m~on then' wentonto say that th~'.mst~er had be~ beTore the pl~..~ ' ~o?d~i~ various formSand'that there,.were"two'different versions By ~[~ as',,to,~the proposed layout in the final dgtermina~ion. After inquiries and h~rings /~L~tB%'planning board decided on'a plan. Are we asked to say that thePlanningBoard · "~" ~S.~ng, ,without detailed experience of engineers. ~ think this *should be given ~O~'~i~ntere~ted',c~sel forwhatever action ,they see fit~ ' :.£ .Salisbury'said it was not his intention to say that the Plan~ing,Boardiswrong.~ .... This Board says. Lyman'Road is fifty feetwide in accordancewith the 1924 layout "and~h~'~to~nvoted for this.,Both engineers have admitted that there is a :'Mr;[)~ho~s?n_sai~ we have. no rig~t?o s~y the Pianni~g ~oard is wr~ng. One plan , ~, 'was-accep~e~ an~ now we nave a ~a~er plan presented which the Planning Board'has - 'r~ There:~was a generaldiscussion 'in which LeOnard Firth and Mr; Mc¢omish took part. "Mr'~ McOomish said that 'if thisboard does not agr~ to uphold this plan, then "wonts, have the backing 'of the board or the voters. Mr'. ~Thdmson said he dtffere~ with Mr. Salisbury in his final determination and 'that even if we re-adjudicate there will still'ha'c~nfusion. :'~ Mr. Salisbury said that the Planning Board cannot' give the land to Mr. Samhataro 'and we'can form our intention to layout Lymau Road and notify the abutters and Zet'?the people decide in March. 'Mr. Salisbury said he proposed to lay out the 1924 plan of Lyman Road, two weeks from to-night, and in the interim, notify all abutters of Lyman Road and place this matter before a town meeting at some future date. Mr. ~Salisbury then made a motion that Lyman Road be re-adjudicated' on record with the plan of 1924 approved by the Board of Survey for a distan6e of 600 feet. Motion was sesonded and voted unanimously. ~NS PROPERTY:C0~PLAINT~ Mr. S~lisbury received a complaint from Miss Stevens about.the brook which. runs onto her property. She informed him that in 1939, the Stevens family conveyed'an easement so that Mass. Ave. could be drained into the brook. In the past few years, her land has been eaten into by erosion and there are two causes for this= 1, the baffle wall .which is too small and secon& theKittredge brook has not been cleared. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that some ~ttorney investigate ~s to whethe~ the. town has a dutyto clear this brook orif it rests with some other party. Mr.. Carty then said'that Miss Stevens complains 'all the time and eels.the brook should he cleared but he (Mr. Carty) felt that the perm~ssion should be'received from the State. Mr. 'Salisbury said the Kittredge permit called for clearance of thebr~/ but that the Commonwealth had an obligation.to keep the wall in repair. Mr. Thomson felt we should ascertain whether or not the obligation is, ' o~rs. It was vote& to ask M~. Mahoney for a determination as to esponsihi!ity of the town with respect to waterway on Kittredge and Stevens estate and request that he notify-us as soon as possible. .-" GHW I DEP~.T~ENT_~ · TER , WOR..~ ' ' Mr. Carry informed the board that he hadreceived the figures on tbs C 90 work and does not feel that they can do the work. o~ the u-''~ prmces.' ~p?r.~r. Fritz and Mr. Ford both felt that bids should be called for and let a- contractor taka care of the work. .Mr. Carry asked that a letter be ~'ent to ~Beverly telling them that this Highway Department would mot undertake the work'with the present appropriation, as requested bxM~.O~rty Mr. Salisbury did not feel 'that a letter Should' be sent to Baverly~si~6e _ Mr. 0grty is in charge of ~ighways.He'then made a motion that ns lette~ be sent to Beverly and. let Mr. Carty run his own department as he s,es ~it. Mr. Fiuueran seconded this-ms,ion and vote was unantmous. · ......... - SAFETY DISCS: " . - "' M~. Carry brought upthis'ma~ter ah°Utthe safety discsand'wantedt0'~k~ow . who should buy them. Mr. SaIisbury.felt that the police or ~ighway Department should increase their a~propri~tion to take care of this expense which happens annually. Mr. Carry said if the Poliee.Departm~2 p~id[.for the discs he would see that they were installed'in the prope~. plhc~ M~. Salisbury made a motion that this matter be referred to the Highway Surveyer for action. Vote was unanimous. MartinLawlor was appointedbui!ding inspector by Unan~mous vote of the' b~ard oa motion of Mr. Finneran NEW ENGLA~DA~RSHOW: ..~.~.., R~uest for permission for the dropping of 3 x 5 leaflets over ~orthAnd0ver by ai~ Was requested by Robart T. Kenworthy, .Publicity Director of the"Ne6' England Air Show. Mr. Salisbury made g motion that the New England Air ~how be prohibited from dropping leaflets over the .town. Motion seconded b~~ ., Mrl Ftnneran and vote was unanim0us~ ' ': . TAX RATE FIGURES: '7~ MrJSalisburys{ated thatsome weeks ago this board decided tha% they~ho~l'd: make some statement' about the figures used for'the tax rate. Mr.' Salisbury said he has a comparison of figures. e then made a motion that this board sit do-- ~-~-~-- .... "- '~: · be given to the public. Re siad that Mr. Thomson'~ analogy to th6 Ma~0r':~vingout information was a very apt one and he thinks it logical for this board to make a report. Mr. Salisbury-then said he made a.motion that we make an annoucementinde't~'il as this board decided. He said he sees nothing mysteriousabc~ th,~s~ma~tar. · Mr. Thomson sai~ there is.nothing mysterious abOUt it. We made a simple request to the Board. of Assessors and they ignored the request. ' - - Mr. Salisbury said he did not know whether it was a request or a demand'.~t the reporter informed the board that it Was a request according to the report given in the newspaper. This was decided at an executive session later and the board requested the'~' secretary to get all the figures grouped to~ether for .the next meeting and they would then give something to the press for publicationl 'NS~ERFROM RF~ERVE FUND: Approval was received from the Advtsory Board for the.transfer of $800.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Forest Fire appropriation to meet the salaries and expenses due to the recent forest fires and to carry on for the balance of the year. AUGUST -- 1~.6- continued FIRST ~ETHODIST CHURDH-Rev. York: A letter was received from R~verend Ralph D. York accpeting the membership in~ the Recreational Council and stating that he was happy to serve as its '~ehairman. He will contact members in the near future and set a date for an early meeting. A ,claim for $132.15 for damages caused to an automobile owned by John ~. Lowes, due to fire hose across'street.was received but later Mr. Lowes asked withdraw this claim as there had been some ~isundarstanding. Bill will be returned to Mr. Lowes at his request. SAVINGS BANK ASSOCIATION: Letter and pamphlet received from this association to colicit business. This is for those especially interested in the crucial problem of veterans' housing. No comments were made on this matter or on the .booklet enclosed. DEPARTMENT OF LAI~0R AND INDUSTRIES: Comparative inde~ figures show that the cost of specific goods and services in Massachusetts to be at its highest level since November. 1920. Foods have 15.1% from the previous month and 55 items have increased in price. · :~DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION AND T~TIONS: Acopy cfa. recent letter sent to each assessor was received relative to the new real estate tax bi!ls which have a full and complete descriptionof the property and assessment parcel b~ parcel. A letter from Paul E. Lundberg of thc Gloucester Board of Assessors was also enclosed showing what can be don6 by those concernedwith having the best by way of record in-h he assessors office. A letter 'relative to the Annual Report on the Statistics 'of Municipal Finances showing the cost of government in Massachusetts for every city and town for the' fiscal year ~942. No action was taken on this letter which requested a short ~ettar telling.in what respects you find reference to the report which are whrth~while,-etc. POLIC~RADiO: Several letters were received from various Police Chiefs in'different cities asking for financial and moral support in order tha~ existing police. and. fire departments may remain on the ~0-40 MC bank and not cause such a heavy financial loss to individual cities and towns. No action was tsken.~ MASSACHUSETTS AERONAUTICS CO~9~SSION:, · A letter informing the board thata ~umhar of statutes haverecently been enacted"which substantially effect the. relationship between cities and town, their airports or prospective airports and the Massachusetts Aeronauti&~ Commissionl_ Cppies of this act are available at the office of Mr. Snow and may be had~upo~--~-requ~st. COMPLAINT. ~RS. BOARDr~ANAND MESS BEATTIE: Mr.' Connote h~d talked with Mr. Stewart about th% trees planted on his property and he had not decided on anything definite as to removing them. Nothing f~rther has been heard from Mr.~ Stewart. VETERANS' SERVICE BUEEAU: Letters were sent to the Selectmen in Boxford and Middleton ~o request information as to their decision with reference to Chapter 599" An Act making mandatory the establishment of municipal and district departments of Veterans! Services, under Directors of Vetcrans~ Services and relative to the powers and duties of such department and directors. TREE DEPARTMENT: ,Tree Warden John ~. 0onnors advised the Lawrence Airport Commission of the type of trees which would he best suited, as a screen orblind when the stumps are removed from the airport on Sutton Street. VOTE OF BOARD: TO BE~]~RLY: M~'Ford from the Beverly Office called to ask for a copy of the vote of this board relative to the request of Mr. Carry-to have bids c~lled for on the Chapter 90 work. Mr.' Thomson was contacted and approved o~ giving him a copy of this vote. ' MEETING ADJOURNED: (It)' 8 Boe~w~o~ Wax. den ,, ieo~oz'