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The by-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
J~moR D~W~:
Martin 0. Johnson of 41 Harold Street, (Machinist) was drawn by Mr. Ftnneran
to serve as traverse Juror at Superior Court, Lawrence for the transaction
of criminal business on the sixteenth day of September, 19~6.
An invitation to the board was received from the boys and girls of the ~.
Drummond Playground to attend the Circus to be given on August 21, 1946.
The board voted to accept this invitation with pleasure.
A letter informing the board that the demonstration of the mercury vapor.:
street light will be held on August 27, 1946 on Pole 2452 at Common Street,
Lawrence, was received from the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company. The
board wil!make an endeavor to attend.
Darrell Britton of 23 Second Street was appointed a special constable
by the 'majority of this board. Application .for this appointment was
received, properly signed by five citizens, one b~ing an!at$ormey.
A request for removal of a tree at 107 Railroad Avenue was received frsm
Eliza Eeaney. The tree tips considerably to one side and is considered.
a hazard. Mr. Ccnnors looked at the tree and fee~s that it should be .
removed asit is in the middle of the sidewalk. A hearing will be held
on August 30,1946 at 1:45 P.M. and tree will be posted.
A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of the Lawrence Gas &
Electric Company for permission to locate a pole, wires and fixtures
on the .westerly side of Turnpike Street, approximately 375 feet southerly
from Peters Street, 1 pole. (Two existing locations to be abandoned.)
Abutters were notified and no opposition was offered. The board voted
unanimously to grant this request.
A reply to our letter requesting that the stumps still at the airport
be removed states that the Airport Commission have calle~ for bids for
the removal of these stumps and Mr. Connote, tree warden, has advised
Mr. Kerrigsn, Secretary of the Airport Commission as to the kind of trees
best suited as a screen or blind, :
Acknowledgement of 'our letter requesting that the bus stop originally
located at the corner of Lorraine Ave. and Andover Street, be restored:
to this location, was received. Also, enlosed were two letters received
from residents of that section, stating that they hopes that no change"
would be made in this bus stop. Mr. Salisbury was delegated to check
on this matter and report to the board and we would later contact the
Eastern Mass. Company.
Mr. Thomson opened this hearing by reading a copy of the notice, which was
sent to all abutters of Lyman Road informing them that this board would
lay cut, as a town way, Lyman Road, so-called, as the same is shown on
a plan cf land approved by the Board of Survey of this town on or about
October 27, 1924. and as the same is shown on subdivision plgn#8813B,
sheet 2, filed with certificate of title #1406, Reg. Book,10, page 21,
at the Registry~of deeds for the Northern ReEis~ryDistrict of Essex
Oountyregistered land division.
Charles A. McCarthy appeared before the board ahd stated that he was
interested aa a result cf the acceptance by the Planning Board, the same
plan as!aid out in 1924. William Stead was hired as the engineer and'he
has confirmed Mr. Cyr's survey. About twenty pers0n~ were present and
a general discussion of the plans was held.
~r. Thomson asked if anybody objected to the procedure now taken by the
Selectmen, and all seemed to be in accord with this procedure.
Mr. S~lisbury stated that our intention is to lay out Lyman Road as a fifty
foot toad, according to measurements on the plan of 1924. Mr. Salisbury
assumed that if the street is to be accepted that it will come before the
town meeting next March.
AUGUST Eg,19Z6: continued
Mr. McCarthy then said that since no appeal was taken from the Planning Board
de6ision he believes, that it is up to the town government.
MrJ l~lph Brasseur Produced his plans and explained about the various bounds.
Be. said that Lyman Road is laid out in accordance with the' plans of 1924.
Mr-' McCarthy informed those present that Mr, Stead, in checking, discovered
that the hound is not 45 feet as distance but is 47.1 feet. The bound is
2.1 ~eet out of the way. Be stated that he did not think the Selectmen~had
any right to dispute the Planning Board.
· . - Mr. Salisbury then said that we have the right to re-affirm what was done
12 yea'rs ago.
Mr. Oyr presented a plan shw~ing the plan that all the Pacific Field' was
compiled on.
Mr. ~Thomson declared the hearing closed and Mr. Salisbury read the following
-".agreement, which he stated was in conformity with our proposed action
of ~two weeks ago and of this hearing tonight.
" W~, the undersigned, being the Selectmen of the tcw~ of North Andover, do
now and.hereby, at.our regular meeting held this day, lay out as a town way
L~MANROAD, so-called, between Mdssachusetts"Avenue and Middlesex Street,' said
,'..Wa~ .having a unifvrm width cf fifty (50) feet 'throughout its length, and its
:boundaries and admeasurements being those shown:
· (1) upon a subdivis&cn plan of land owned by.Pacific Mille/which said1
plan, date~ September 27, 1924, and~approved by the Board of
_. ~ · of said North Andover October 27,1 1924, is now on file at
bf the Board of Public Works of said North Andcver, and upon which
~. said plan. sa~d way is. designated asI "Lyman Street", "
~, - , .... and "
: .., (2) u~un'. Subdivision Plan No. 8Sl3B,' sheet 2;" ~il~d 'in' the Land Registration
.~..;, ..., Office of ~the Commonwealth August 20,1923, and also filed with the
~..~: :.,~?., records. 0f..th6 L~nd Court at 'the Registry of Deeds for the Northern
· ,:.: :...~..... Registry Dis'trier of Essez County' With Certificate of Title No. 1Z06,
, . : . Registrati0~' Rook 10, page 21, a co~y of a part' of which plan is ,
· ,':,~.Lattached, hereto and make a part hereof, and upon which said plan'
said. way. is designa,ted ~s ."L~man Street".
· ,: ;!. ~ .;ii.,.'.:.: ? .WITh~S our hands, and the seal of said town Of North Andover, thi's
...... : ;"/~,' nineteenth day of Ang~st, nineteen hundred forty: six.
Arthur A. Thomson, Chairman
., ~ Joseph M. Finneran
-: ' - · · ' Arnold H. Salisbury .
~r~.'S~lisbur~than info~med those present that the vote was .taken at the last
,meetingto lay out this street and that after this hearing, the board will '
,sign the above form and close the hearing. This form to be given to ~oseph
< Town Clerk. '
Mr..~Th0mson addressed those present' by saying: Gent,leman, In line with the
i. ', (t,,h~ught to proyldeuthe town with'some data, showing appropriations and. i~creases:
· L:'-f;,!die~ 1945 figures; :we have 'here,' a rather lengthy sheet gi~ing all
· ' '"but ,do .not know ust how to bring this information ,to lthb
.~,'. d: ~thepress. Mr. Thomson said'this, mat~ria! 'does nog explain fully what 'the
· .-'.want but 'it will. give a general idea, .and the~ will appreciate knowing through
which,departments the 'increased appropriations wax;o' necessary. Mr. 'Thomson
~S~ld. he..would like to ask'the permission'of this board to give these figures
....... . .to 'Mr. Oullen, rspo.rter, to do with as he sees. fit. The hoard was agreeable
· with .this suggestion.
1: Mr~:;Th0mscn said we have the incpmpleted m~tter .of appOin, ting an engineer to'
~ . ' .the~board of.engineers of the fire department.
We' now have the names as follows for consideration: Arthur Stead, A~thur
Brodarick, Charles Driver and George L. Curryj Tonight another name has been
. ' .give/i for consideration, that .of David Roberts. ' .
~..~Mr;:'~Thomson said. he. asked to' have the matter held over at the last meeting
so:that he might find~out a little more about those mentioned for consideration;
He:'then asked the other members what they had to 'say.
Mr.' Salisbury again statet that he felt that fire departient experience was
necessary but He thinks that' a man' who has taken no sides would be more suitable
and ,he will still advocate George L. Curry.
Mr;~Finneran feels that appointment should be made from- the department and he
said he would vote for Arthur Broderick.
'There were then three nominees and none of them were seconded and Mr. Thomson
stated that the Board was in sort of "Status ~uo".
Mr..Finneran said that Mr. Broderlch is quite persistent and as he has voted for
times before, that continue ate Mr. ~k
The names were gone over again, Arthur Broderick as a suggestion and nosecond;
George L. Curry as a nominee and no second; and Arthur Stead as a nominee and
no second. David Roberts name was mentioned as a suggestion.
Mr. Thomson then asked the other members if they had any seconds to name.
Mr. Salisbury said he knows of no man who has no connection with the Department
except Mr. Curry. Z feel, said Mr. Salisbury, that Mr. Curry is a'man who
can make decisions and still not take sides with either Mr. Koenig or Mr.
Mr. Finneran feels that whoever goes on will have to decide either way.~
Mr. Thomson felt that this was a pretty important position to turn over to
a person with no experience. He then said that irrespective'of any
action, we have prolonged Mr. Kane's resignation and he felt that ha'should
be allowed to resign as of to-night.
Mr. Salisbury then made a motion that the resignation be accepted as of '
August 19, 1946, of Leo Fane as Fire Engineer. Motion was secondadBy
Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. '
Mr. Salisbury then said we have the position of a two man bo'ard and we'should
have a three man B~ard.
'Mr. Thomson said thatch.account of past experience, he must insist on i"
Arthur Stead. No further action was taken. ~
The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen'will be held o~August 30,'1946:
at 1:30 P.M., due to Labor Day falling on the next regular meeting night.'
Copy of Chapter 32, Section 91, General Laws was received Because it is
felt that certain aspects of suck situations should be. brought to 'the
attention of treasurers, auditors, and'accouhting 0fficers~ This has to do
with persons receiving a pension or'retirement'allowance from the commonwealth
or from any county, city or town, except teachers who on March 31, 1916,:[were
receiving annuities not exceeding 108.00 per annum, who shall not Be. paid for._
any service rendered to the Commonwealth, city or town, escep~ upon his.return
or r~storatisn to active service asordered By the appropriate retirement'board
A letter was received from' the Department of Corporations' and .Taxations
relative to R~solve No, 45 which concerns a possible five-day week for
municipal employees in the town. This information is required for a proper
compilation and report to be submitted to the. Legislature. This will be
checked with the various departments and Submitted in the near future~ i
A complete report of the auditor for the period from June 20,1945 to May
15, 1946 was received .and all accounts seem to be in very good order. ~
Permission was granted to the Auxiliary of the Veterans of
use of Stevens Hall on September 26,1946. Mr. Hayes has this date open'~for
use of the ball. This date was later changed to September 19,1946._
AUGUST 30,1946: ' "'~
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
with all members present. Weekly Bills and payrolls .were approved.
· R~-G ON ' ,. RE%~OV. =:
A hearing on the petition of Eliza Keanny of 107 Railroad Avenue for the'
removal of a tree was held ab I:45'P.M. Mr. Connors was present and he':!fee!s
that this tree shGu!d be removed as it has raised~the sidewalktoa.point
making a hazardous condition and there are also too many trees in this
particular location. The board voted unanimously ~o grant this reqde~t~and
so instructed Mr. Conuors.' "'
A request for the removal of two trees at 75 Davis Street was~received'.from
Mrs. Michael Gardner of 7~'Davis Street. 'These trees cause the house.to~~
be damp and also fall o~ the roof'causing the shingles to loosen. T~e,bo'ard
referred this matter toMr. Connors and a hearing will be:h~!d on September 16,
1946 at 7:30 P.M.
A request for permission to run and maintain gas service pipe and excavate to
install 31 feet of 1~ gas service for Angels Graco, 432 Johnson Street,was
received. The board unanimously to grant this request.. No hearing required... ,