HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-302'27' AUGUST 30, 1946:- continued PRECINCT 0FFICERAPP0!NTED: Michael Cain of 297 Middlesex Street was appointed to serve as Deputy Bal!ot Clerk in Precinct 3, (Democrat) to replace Duncan Boyle who resigned as of this date. The board voted unanimously on this appointment. SREED~NG 0F AUTOMOBILES: Mr. Thomson called the attention of the other members ~o the matter of speeding of automobiles along Main Street especially from the L~brary to Chickering Road, where a great many children travel each day. Mr. Thomson has received several complaints about this. The board voted to call this matter to the attention of the Chief of the Police Department, and suggested that signs could bs placed along this way as a warning to motorists. MrJ'Finneran brought the matter of the Stop Sign at the corner of Middlesex Street end Railroad Avenue which has been missing for some time. He thought that perhaps the police department could not obtain the metal posts and ~hat this also should be called to the attention of the police. Mr~ Salisbury.requested that Mr. McKee also be reminded of a warning sign which was to have been placed on Prescott Street for the protection of the children in that vicinity. · letter will be sent to Chief Mcgee requested that he check on these situations and report to this board. BUS STOP PETITION: Mr. Salisbury brought up the matter of changing the bus stop from Chestnut Street to Lorraine Avenue and Andover Street. He stated that he hadvisited this location and explained.that in his opinion either location was suitable. He did not feel that he hsd sufficient information to make a final decision and suggested that we request Miss Helena Rostron and Harold Lees to appear before this board at the meeting to be held on September 9,'1946 at 7:30P.M. a~d this matter will again be discussed. Mr. Salisbury felt that the board does not know Just how many people will be affected by this change .and that it is only fair to giv~ all a chance to appear before this board. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DRAIN AT 213 MASS. AVE:-ANNA GALVAGNA A letter received from Miss Anna Galvagna of 213 Mass. Ave. relative to a drain pipe on her property on Mass. Avenue between Englewood and Railroad Ave. She has talked with the Mass. Highway Department but they are unable to do anything and Mr. Oarty informed her that there was nothing he could do. The board felt that they were powerless to do anything for Miss Ga!vagna and voted Zo inform her of this fact. F!REALAP~BOX: BROOKSSCH00L: The board discussed the matter of a fire alarm box at the Brooks School and voted to inform the Board of Fire Engineers to contact Mr. Gerraghtyat the school in regard to this matter and see what could be done. The Board feels that the school will be willing to pay a part of this expense. FIRE ENGINEER: Mr. Thomson brought up the matter of a fire engineer to 'replace Leo F~ne and said that'in~%few of .the fact that no member had seconded.the nomination made by him for Arthur Stead, he would nominate Charles Driver. · Mr. Salisbury said he wishes to continue to nominate Mr. Curry but in view of no second, he has two names to present but is not able to do this until he has a.chance to talk with these two people. He said this was his only reason fn not seconding the momination of Mr. Driver. Mr.~ Finneran still feels that he wishes to continue to nomimate Arthur Broder~ Mr. Sa!slbury said he did not feel that he could second Mr. Finne~an's nomin~ in view of his feeling about having a man appointed who had no otherinter, than to work for the interest of the department. He would have no personal interest in the department. Mr. Salisbury said he assused that both of the members were in disagreement with the policy he has set out with and that each probably feels that experience is more important than Iack of personal interest in the department. Mr. Salisbury questioned Mr. Finneran on Just how hal felt about this matter and Mr. Finndran stated that he felt that Mr. Broderick was a good man for this appointment and he had been trying for a 'long time to get this appointment. Mr. ~homs'on said he did not recall ever considering interest in th~ matter and simply nominated the man he thought best suited for the appointment. Mr. Salisbury again talked with Mr. Finneran as to the reason for his appointing Mr. Broderick and asked if it was because he was on the fire department to which Mr. Finneran replied that that was partly the reason. Mr. Salisbury then asked Mr. Thomson his reason for making his'nomination and Mr.~Thomson stated that he objected to this second ~egree questioning. ~The board then voted to adjourn and no action was take n on this appointment. 228 August 30, 1946:- continued RESOLVE No. 45 of the Acts of 1946: The questionnaire forms relating to Resolve No. 45 have been filled in by the heads of the various departments and sent in to the Department of Corporations and Taxations. RETIREMENT BOARD: Notice received that Frank L. Spencer, Highway ~epartment was retired for Ordinary Disability effective July 8, 1946 as provided by G.L. Chap.32, Section 6; also Sebsstiah Scione, laborer in Public Wo~ks Department· was retired for Accidental Disability effective. July !, 1946. DIVISION OF CIVIL SERVICE * CHI~ENG!NEER: Notice received that Mr. James Hargreaves was to take the non-competitive qualifying examination for the position of Chief Engin6er of the Board of Fire Engineers at 9:30 A.M. on August 30,1946 at the Lawrence High School. DEPARTMENT 0FPUBLIC SAFETY: Copy of Chapter 566, Acts of 1946 relating to booking agents, personal- agent or actor"s manager obtaining licenses from the department of public safety to engage in the business of booking actors, actresses, musicians, en entertainers of all descriptions or any of them. At the present,time we have no !incased agents in this time. ~IVISION OF CIVIL SERVICE: Copies of Chapter 552 andChapter 586 .of the Acts of 1946 were recetve~ Filed under Civil Service in Se!ectmen's file. VETERANS S~-~VICES: No reply was received from Middleton or Boxford regarding.Veterans services to our letters recently sent to both times for information as to what they plan to do about these services. NOTARIZE TERM!~IAL LEAVE PAPERS: Arthur A. Thomson and Arnold H. Salisbury have agreed ~o notarize papers for any. veterans who wish to bring th~m to this office or any other convenient place where local veterans can contact them. WEEKLY MEETINGS: - . The Board of Selectmen voted to resumd their re&u~lar weekly meetings as · · of September 9,1946. MEETING ADJOURNED: The re&~lar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen w~s held on this ~a~ at · 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. BUS ST~ ~RZNG: Adelegation of residents from the ~dover Street,.Wood Lane and Lawn,he Avenue section of the ~own appeared before the board to discuss'the matter of ha~ng the ~s stop changed, from the location now at Wood Lane to the post opposite~Lorraine Avenue. A letter wasreceiv~dfrom Mrs..~h~ At~nson of WoodLane stating that she felt the bus ~p was in a goo~ place now, convenient to ~1 and t~ it sho~d rema~ there. Miss Ne!e~-R0stron also s~ke in favor of the present stop and mentioned that there were~ several elderly people who use~ the bus frequently ~d would have to ~!k'if~ i~'~er~ changed. Arth~ Atkinson and ~ing Woodb~alsospoke in favor of i~d Harold Lees of Lorraine Avenue was tn favor of a stop at Lo~aine Avenue. ~ere was a gener~ discussion about this matter and the board a~ee~ that ~. $alisb~y should take this matter up ~th~. Garfield C~se of the Eastern Mass. ~ilway Compa~ anffsee if two ~us stops can be located so that a~ will be satisfied. Mr. $alisb~y w~ll reportto the board at the next meeting. STUNS ~: ~e board ~anted pe~ission to use Stevens Hall to 'North Andover Post '~04 V.~.W. on October 10,. 19~ to hold a dance; to the North Andover A. A. on September 20,1946 to hold a public dance and to ~e A~ilia~ to North A~over Post 2104, V.F.W. to hold a show. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Acommunication was received from Ohief McEee informing~the board that the stop sign was replaced at the cor~er of Middlesex Street and Railroad Avenue. A warning sign was placed on Prescott Street as requested by Mr. Salisbury.