HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-16230. ~ ~J~OV~3 HEARII~ & hearing was held at 7~30 P.M. on the petition of Mrs. ¥ichael Gardner of 7~ Davis Street, for the removal of two trees at this location. Trees were posted and no opposition was presented. ~ha board voted unanimously to'have the tree warden remove these trees. REQUEST FOR TREE P~OTAL~- A request for the remomal of a tree at the corner of Greene Street and Massachusetts Avenue w~ received f~omFrazk Giaquinte of 144Boxford Street, Lawrence. The board v~tnd to refer this to the tree warden and a hearing will he held on this re~ueston September 30, 1946 at 7~20 P.M. Mr. Conners, who was present at this time, stated that if this tree is' on Massachusetts Avenue, it is ~ matter for the State Highway Department. Mr. Thomson suggested that if it is on town property, the tree he Posted and the hearing held as above. COMPLAiNT-Miss Boardma~'an~Mrs. Beattie; Miss Boardman and Mrs. Beattie again appeared at-the meeting a~d it Was expected that Harold WOod and Mr. S~ewart would appoaralso. They were unable to attend and Mr. S~lishury~infformed the ladies that there was nothing the board could~doat this time in regard to the trees which are planted on private propertyj VETERANS SErVICE DISTRICT~'' ~J/L~OAD,AVE~UEANDHIGH-BUS~ .Mr. Salisbury also reported that the matter of additional service on ~ Su~daymornings-andholidays was diecuseed amd he was assured that this matter wuuZd he i~vestigated. of Boxfo.r.dwo_uldhe glad'to attend a meeting oft hfs hoard'to discuss.the possibility ox combining North Andover and Boxford as a district under:.' the provisions of Chapter '5~9 Acts of 1~46. The board voted to informb~ Mr. Cole that an~Mondny evening would he agreeable to meet with.tham,,~ .... amd a letter will be sent' t~ Mr. Cole. ' BUS STOP~ ~-~ · Mr. Salisbury informed th~hoard that he had talked with ~arfield of the Eastorn Mass. Street Railway Compa~relative to the relocation. of the bus ~t~onAndover' Street,.~betweenWoodLane a~d Lorra~ne,Ave.. Mr. Chase%greed to have a stop sign at.Wood Lane and Andover Street and one st Lurrafne'A~enuc and Andover Street and they:would be replaced as' cf this date.: .VETS ~OUSXI~GPRO~ECT~ ~ohz WilliWappe~red Before the hoard as one of a committee of five" to bring to' ~"attention of t~s Bo~d, the zend of help and aid tz getti~ rehab~tioz on places ~ live for ve~rans of world w~l. ~. ~i~is'~ked about the~fic~tyof fimding a place to,ye a~ s~ted ~e~'the-to~s done no~ing. Hesaid the boys who'fough~ in t~s ~ were~faced wi th ~e~ a~ ~t op~cnn. -He said the veterans ~ednd homes"Or~ces ~live ~t~ugh t~y co~'t~ go ove~:.~ fight thoy placed t~ ~st ~ the ~ople at home ~ ho hop~ t~t they ~d not ~v~s~t.again a~ fight fur a home. ~. ~is s~ted ~ o~er cities ~ towns ~ve done something ~w~ds helping in emergency ~'he read anytime from the news~per w~eh ~ld about ~n N.H."with a~ion of,91~ople w~ch~s ~vi~ng homes. for 2100 peo~e;''~e felt~t~t we ~a.co~ittee,~s~.. ofa'la'~r~ en~neer, ~s~ess.~nd~s'everaY~O~s. ~..~A-' Creels t~t.t~s isdefi~to~up ~e 'Selectmen ~ do nometh~g. ..... ~':Salisb~inq~r~whore~e ~, is ~are a~i~ble ~s ~oJect. ". ~. M~er told where the'lots o~ed ~tha town-were lazard a~ men~ion~ a ~act of la~ne~Ohf~eri~Road a~Parker S~ee~t w~eh is'a~ ~st desirable lo~tion~f~A~ghschool or for an at~etie field.:or memori~. ~. W~lis felt ~t ~eLa~ence Gas &Elee~ic Com~wo~d ~t the se~ice in a~ mo~ey co~d be bedewed ~om the ~.' He mentionS, that the ~rateris up~t no~ng ~s beendone for the veterans.. ~e~e wasa genar~'~scussion on this subject with ~w~d G~ey, Ralph~ CrampOn, ~es ~r a~' the Selectmen, ~g part. ~. G~vey s~d in the f~rst place, ~e veteran im st~ in gett~ w~ch has triced in price..~ the ~ice is s~ppi~ ve~r~s ~om ~. ~ph Cromp~m mantio~d t~ S~vens es~te and ~e~non~o~rtyas -~i~e p~ces for t~s ~oJect. ~. Fi~eran asked how ~ys were interes~d ~ ~ldi~ their o~ homes, but no a~c~ic ~bor was given.