HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-212.40 OCTOBER 14, 1946- continued Charles Trombly questioned whether or not it was the function of the Planning Board to check another engineers work and asked how far the hoard should go in checking the plans of a registered engineer. There was a general discussion on this matter which lasted until late in the evening. Those present were ~2rthur Sunderland, Forbes Rockwell, John Fitzgerald, and Eanneth Crawford cf the Advisory Board and Peter Ritchie, Dr. Narold~ Kay and Charles Tromhly o£ the Planning Board. This matter will taken care of ata later date. MEETING ADJOURNED. The regular weekly m~eting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date wi~h all memhers present. Weekly hills and payrolls were approved. REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL: A request for the removal cfa tree at 58 Marhlehead Street was received from Antonio Giarrusso of 60 Marblehead'Street. He states that the ~ree is large and hangs over the house and the tenants are complaining about it. The board voted to refer this matter to the Tree Warden and if he, - agrees that it should be removed, he will post it for a hearing. A request for the removal ~f a tree at 2~-29 Saundars Street was received from Mrs. Helen Law and Mrs. Annie Taylor. The tree is growing close to' the house and they have receDt!y ~ad to huild a new porch hecause of damage caused by this tree. The matter was referred to the Tree Warden for his consideration and if he believe~ the tree should come down, he ~ill post it for a hearing on Novemher 4,..1946 at 7~0 P.M. ' A reques~fro~Arthur N. Williams of 24-26 Lincoln Street for the remo~l of a tree which interferes with the ~riveway and damages the telephone and electric service wires; The matter was referred to the Tree Warden and he will post i~for a hearing on November ~, 1946 at ?:20P.M. if he feels that it should come do~n. The board voted unanimously on th~se requests. STREET LIGHTREQUEST: A request for a street light to be installed on Pole 2945 Street was received from Salvatore Mammina of this address. He stated that it is very dark there and there are no lights on the street. The board voted to send this request to the Lawrence Gas &Electric Company to be installed when materials are availahle for this purpose. HEARING ON TREE REMO~AL: A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the request for the removal of a at 226 Main Street.by George Met£alf of that address. Mr. Connors was, present and told the board that he felt that this tree should be remoyed. The hoard voted unanimously to instruct Mr. CJnnors ~o remove this tree. ¢ONSTABLE APPOINTED: Raymond Broadhead of 11 Robinson Court was appointed as Special Constable on the motion of Mr. Salisbury and ~te was unanimous. PETITION-NEW~ ENGLAND TEL. &TEL. CO. A~LAWRENCE GAS &ELECTRIC COMP~I~. A petition for Joint or identical pole locations was recei~ from the shove Companies on the easterly and westerly sides of S~le~Streets ~rom a point approximately 260 feet southerly from ~ngalls Road, southerly.~ eight poles. (19 ,existing telephone locations to be abandoned). A hearing will be held on Novemher 4, 1946 at 7:30 P.M. on this petition. DEPARTMENT OF LASOR AND INDUST~J3~: A list cf the classifications and minimum wage rates to be paid to mechanics, teamsters, chauffeurs and lahorers employed in the Highway[ Construction on Main and Water Streets, in the Town of North Andover was received. The hoard voted 1to refer these figures to Mr. Carry, Highway Suxweyer. LAWP~NCE~AS & ELECTRIC COMPAq: A request was received for permission to run and maintain gas service on the following location: Excavate on Lyman Road to install ahout 60 feet of 4 inch gas main. The hoard voted Unanimously to grant this permission, on motion of Mr. Finneran. ~continued · RESiGNATiONS_PRECiNCT 0FFICERS~Dem~ ?he resignation of Mary M. Dolan as/Inapector in Precinct Four was received un'this date. ~on this dote. The board voted'unanimously to accept these resignations. 'Appointments. will he held over until the next meeting. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: An invitation was received by the board to attend s meeting to be held om Friday evening, November 1, 1946in the Town Building at 7:30 P.M. Mr.'Stafford Lindsay will he the speaker. The board voted to accept the invitation with pleasure. VETERAN'S SERVICE BUREAU: A communication was received from the Selectmen of Middleton relative to the setting up of a separate department in communities to deal with Veteran's problems. The board voted to inform the selectmen of Middleton that they will confer with them on this matter at the Selectmen's Association to be held in'Middleton on November 9,1946 to discuss this·matter further. TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND: The hoard unanimously to approve a request for a transfer of $2500 from the 'Reserve Fund to the Outside Relief and Repairs Appropriation as requested the Agent~ Mrs. Lillian Dearden, pending approval of this transfer by the Advisory Board. A letter will be sent to each member of the Advisory Board 'and copies of a vote tobe approved. The meeting of~the Advisory hoard'will _ be'~held~on October 25, 1946 at '7:30 P.M. A~'~onfi~mation of a verbal proposal given to the Board of Selectmen-on October" 1~, was received from Charles 0yr. This proprosal is for the filling, in and levelling off of'the Sandbank on Massachusetts Avenue. M~. ,Thomson asked the members of the hoard if they felt we should hear from the ~dvisory'hoard before suggesting a Town Meeting; Mr. Salisbury felt that this matter should be referred to the Advisory board Before any action is taken. The chairman of the Advisory Board will be con,acted before the 'next FIRE ENGIN~ SALARY: I hairman, Thomaon called the board's attentionto the matter of a full'time salary' for James hargreaves Who i~ now under Civil Service, which had been ",held~over from a previous meeting. Mr. Thomson stated t~at-he believed that :~. there was sufficient ~usds for this purpose available in the department appropriation. ' - ~,"'Salisbury stated that this was a matter-'which would call for the eXPenditur~ · ~of'~large dun of-money and he did, not. Want to A~Prove this salary at this time due to*the high tax rate. He also~statod that if Mr~ Nargreaves' was given a -full:.:time salary at .this time, it'would have to be continued each year. Mr;~ FinZeram said he thought it would be a good idea to have a conference with the,Board of Engineers and perhaps find out Just how much is spent for extra men,on the ambulance and that it might be a better idea if another full time .man,,were put on. This matter was discussed for some time and'Mr. Salisbury ".~ ' ~d~ ';a motion that the. salary be left as it has been for the past years. Mr;:T~omson said he would like 'to dismiss the s~bJect or settle the salar~ certain ~mount. ~r~','Thomson then stated that if the'board is of the'intention that action · be,.taken with respect to the request of Chief Hargreaves, it' should be taken Carel,Of :now. ' - . , . .,..Mr; ,Finnera made a motion that no action he' taken at this time· with respect to~,the request .of ~amas' HargreAves, relative 'to full time salary. MrJ/~$alishury then made a motion that"the board lay the whole matter of the request of Chie~ ~argreaves. on the table indefinitely and motion was seconded ~yMr., Finneran. 'Mr.-. Thomson wished to be recorded as mot voting. ,~ REVALUATION OF PROPERT~: Mr.,,.Thomoon discussed with the members the matter of the s~lectmen sponsoring an~ar~ticle for the town warrant for the re-assessment of property in North Andover and instructed Mrs. Dearden to call this matter to their attention at a later date. Mr. ,Salisbury stated ~h~t this was a good idea and he knew: of two members of the Advisory Board who were interested in such an article. This will he called to the attention of the hoard at a later date. L~t~N ROAD DISCUSS ION~ Feter Ritchie appeared before the board and informed them that he had talked with Ira carry about the building of sidewalks on LySan Road and asked :h he was When told him he was the old ' and 242 OCTOBER 21, 1946~ oontinued Mr. Ritchie told him to stop making sidewalks unitl this m~ttar was settled~ ~r. Ritchie said he had a letter written hy the Land Court concerning' this matter and until this_matter is settled, he felt that no more sidewalks, would or should be installed. Mr. Thomson then read the;communication received hy this hoard from the Engineer (William T. Fairclough) of the Land. Court. Mr. Salisbury said this plan sent to this board was exactly the same'as the 1924 plan. Hr. Salisbury stated that he felt thatthe~only way to straighten this matter out was to take hy eminent domain the two ,feet. of land and keep the street fifty feet wide. Mr. Thomson stated that we could rescind our previous vote and read~udi'cata Lyman ROad. He said a mistake, had been made and.this was a good chance'to rectify it. Mr. Charles Cyr and Mr. Bourassa attended the land court 'and both knew that an error had been made by some employee in the office. ..... Mr. Salisbury stated that this plan which has been in effect for the past twenty years was accepted hy the town and he would have no a change. ....~. · Mr. Oyr suggested that they would have' to narrow Lyman Road. Anexcessms gained hy the town on Herrick Road and the deficiency is in Lyman'Rggd'but the town is not 16sing any land. Mr. Salisbury stated that as s practical matter, it would he better to take land from the undeveloped land. Re said he never heard of the Board:of..,,~ Selectmen changing aplan which had been.acceptad.bythe town. ~,,., .,, Mr. Thomson stated that we could say,that we now re-adjudicate Lym~n'.~qad and we now have a 40or 5'0 foot road.whichever the case may~be. We'c~uld .knocks foot off..each side where the grass plo~ would he and still~h~,~ a rond which, woul~d~be .the same w~dth between Sidewalks. ' -~,~::v,,, Mr. Salisbury then ~aidthat thethi~gwhich was distrubing, hi~ ,g~.~h~ we should hold to the 1924plan.' ~f we accept LymAn Road' in a~cofdd~e~'with the old plan we will actUally accept Lyman Road and have[a 50-foot Mr. Thomson then stated that in the. vote taken by the bdard it.wa~.['s~difi~ally!?~' ,._,stated that we adjudicate' LymanRoad as a fifty foot road. ~Mr.~ Cyr went on to.say that there were'three ways t~ straightan:od~ 1. Have~a48 foot-roadi 2..,Take two feet 'frdm Pacific Field. 3. Ta~e't~o feet,~by eminent domain. ~ This was discussed for some time and Mr. Thomson suggested.that* Ralph, Brasseur in and get his opinion. , ., ,, Mr; Sam~ataro then asked why the town couldn't tak6 the two.feet Pacific Mill land. Re said h~ would no, allow the town to'take the:,two't~:~,' feet. from his property n~ess they paid for moving'the The ~oard.then,voted to'have a hearing onO~toher 28,. 1946'~t8:1 andhaveM~'. B~a~Seur, attend to hear his Version of this proble~ ' DOG DAMAGE: ' ':'' A'report was sent to the County Commissioners on the compl~int'~a~'~[~i.: .~'' ,' William Koherski of 1850 Salem, Street, who had three ducks, killed~Y[.i'i~ unknowndsgs.on October 18, 1946, The'ducks We? Valued a~$9,00;]' The'regular weakly meeting of the Board of Selectmen'was With all' members present, Weekly hills and payrolls ,were app ..,, Attorney Cornelius :; Mabone2 came before the hoard and ha~ an ag~hnt . by,which the tow~ transfers the'Franklin SehooI property tothe Vetar'an~ of Foreign'Wars, to he 'signed' by the hoard., Mr. Mahoneyread of thetown warrant~.chtkastwtnd on favorably and it was st thi~'~tfm~ that the town"gave'this'school' to the ViF.Wi' Mr. Mahoney's feewas $10~00 for the' work involved an~this amount' wil!'he paid to'the townr't~r ~he:: 'v.F.w. The hoard signed the deed and Mr; Mahoney will 'fiend us'a* copy''~ .. of this Free Act'and Deed of the Town Of North Andover. ARMISTICE DA~: An :invitation was received from Wal~er Ramilton,~ Chairma~ gf the A~m~tice Day Committee,, inviting the Board to attend the exerCises'and partthi~ate in the parade. The hoard accepted the'invitation, with ple~su~,e and w~,ll*,:attend. STEVENS HALL: :ames Lewis and harold Rering requested permission to use Stevens" Hall!to hold s series'of moving pictures for the children and s small fee would he charged. The pictures would he shown on Saturday morningg The' hoard vote~ to refer this matter to the school department before taking anyl