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NOV~,iHER 25, 1946 - continued
The Hoard voted ~o request the Chief of Police to drive them over the
various sections of the :own where there have been accidents or speeding
so that they may decide if the street lighting is adequate throughout
the town. They also suggested that perhaps it might be a good idea to
ask Mr. Hancock of the Registry to accmmapny them. Chief McKee will.be
notified to meet with the board on December 2, 1946 at 8:15
A bill of $49.00 for damages to a ~Aw rig was received from Anthony Rogers
of 311 Clark Street which he claimed was caused by the Ladder Truck of
tbs North Andover Fire Department when it backed into the saw. The board
acting upon s ruling from Attorney C. J. Mehoney regarding the power of
tbs Selectmen to spend town funds in settlement of such a claim, voted to
pay this bill and ask for a general release from Mr. Rogers. (Contingent)
Mr. Mahoney's ruling referred to Chapter 391, Section ! o f the Acts of
Massachusetts and also to Chapter 670 approved July 23, 1945. Filed under
Claims and damages.
Supt. Orin Foster came before the board to discuss the matter of disposing
of some hens which are laying now. Mr. Finneren informed him that he
should kil!lthem off gradually and later on we can purchase some more.
The Hoard received copies of contracts for the reconstruction of a sdction
of Main and Water Street, dated November 20, 1946 and the three copies were
signed. Two returned to the Department of Public Works and one for our
A letter received from William H. Hartlett, State Sontact Man suggesting:
that this town fill out an entry blank to enter the orogram 'for the~
1946 National Pedestrian Contest. The letter mentioned that North A~ve'r
w~s a:ong the fifty-one towns who have failed to indicate participati~n~
in this Contest. This letter was referred to Chief McKee who indi6ated~.
that he would fill out the blank and send it in. ~
A communication was received Mrs. Rufus W. Smith, Jr. of 9 Rower Street,s'Melrose,
in which she stated that they owned land on Chestnut Street which they occupied
for five months each year. She mentioned haging met with the Selectmen to discuss
the increase in taxes and in valuation a6d was told that "nothing" could be
done. She also mentioned that t~ere is a fire hydrant but no way. of opening
it in case of fire.' The board voted to inform Mrs. Smith that she had not
met wi{h the Selectmen but it was most likely with the Board of Assessors.
A letter to the board encouraging the use of chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945
was received and a suggestion that if a town meeting is to soon be held, a vote
be taken making arrangements for the moderator to be se!ec~edlfor a three year
period. It was also suggested that there be an immediate adoption of.the
provisions of chapter 38A of chapter 41 of the Genera!slaws.
The matter of appointing an inspector in Precinct One ~Republican) was he!dover.
Charles;;'Wsntworth asked about representation in the Senate from North Andover.~
Mr. Thomson said we could contact the committee about some one from:North
Andover but no action was taken.
Mr. Thomson stated that we had a discussion about the valuation of a survey by
professionals. He said there had been a great deal of talk about the benefits
derived in the Town of Andover and Mr. Hardy hsd been invited to attend this
meeting to tell about tbs experience Andover has had and all the details; This
matter is open for discussion. Hr. Thomson said this was not a new thing and
although we have a substantial tax rate now, there, has beeo an expression that
· another increase will be made in the tax ra~e next year. It is our burden to
attract building bore in North Andover and by undertaking to discuss this'
matter we may find out whether or not i~ is favorable or not.
NOVEMBER25, 19~6- continued:
Mr. Thomson said he new that the Assessors had done tbs best they could and
they maybe able to tell us why this project would not be favorable and
help us to make a decision as to the feasibility of such a project. Mr.
Bra~seur and Mr. Goodwin who worked in Andover on a similar project are
· here to answer any questions and tell us about thework in Andover.
Mr. Goodwin said that theyproJec~ had been started in Andover by the Assessors
and that they had discovered inequalities in buildings and land. He said some
of~the older buildings never changed in value sad that the new buildings bear
the brunt. He explained that they first ~ot the land in shape by the acq~
of complete maps. The town was zoned by starting at some point- the highest
· 'rated ~alue for the type of location they could find. Then it is reduced as
~heygo along. They locations were zoned for value per square foot.
Mr. Gocdwin said they picked up more in !and value than inbuilding value.
'The survey showed missing areas, He explained that W.P.A. measurements of
land and buildings were used . Every house is measured and classified values
~re set up. !- for reproduction cost 2, for salability. In no case could
,~. ~valuation set by assessors be disproved ~y'any person. He explsinedthat
'~ "· there were about 290 persons who wanted to know why and how it happened and all
~'but~60 were satisfied. Finally it worked down to three. Then they'hired a co~
~ractor~, and checked figures. ·The ~lan ~as put into effect in1931. B~ildings',
.... are measuredeach year and they have never had to go before theBoard ~of
Appeals on valuation yet.· Every portion of every, building can'be traced and
they.are given more definite information than t~ay ever had. In add£ti0~,
"' a pitture is taken of eve~ building and placed on:scald., Mr'. Go~dwin'' ·
· '.stated that he did not b~lieve .~hat any, syst6m could be 6omplete without:!the
',a£d and cooperation of the Assessors., He explained that Mr. Long. stu~i~d~the~
..... ., ,. :. esystem for three months and mimeograph copies' were·segt to every Assess6r:,
· ~ ,'.in Massachusetts. ' ' .
'"'.., .... ~'Mr., .... ~under!and'~nquired if Mr. Goodwin~,ad anyfi~tres as ~o ~he ~ost ~
! ,,.~ .."projectin Andover or North Andover, and Mr. Goodwin said the~cos't wo'u!dlbe
~- ' approximately $14, O00. He said they had picked about $1,000,00~ in v~lu~tio~,~
· " "" 'i~..,.:'iin Andover,' : ' ' ' ,.-.,., .
-' ':'~ '~" ","A"generaI, discussion Was held in' which Mr. Wentwo~th~ Mr. Kittredge, Mr.
' ....'"' 'Sunderland a~d others took par~. Mr. Edward Curley, Chairman of the Board
of, Assesso~s was ~skedto give his idea about hav~ng this proJ
Mr, Cur!ay said it might be,interesting, to this group· ~o get a .picture of
~.. the local situation. In1919 theboard of assessors.went ~o the town of
Belmont to view thw. work on the Su~rvey of taxabIe property'and went to. the
.,, to~m meeting. He stated that North Andover has pre-dated Andover
'yehrs. ~e have auniform 2affdeva!ue in North Andov~r and we are,far
...'of. Andover. He said it i~ tr~, our records'may show discrepancie
· ':" ~'i g::~as ney~r been ou~ experience to have a one
,....,... . . . . . . ny . say t~at th.
~: i,!:ii',.'~?~arding~ ^o+.;,,., _ ~_-~what advantage this project maylbe' to th~s town- we, do not kn0w~
~ ' ,,'"":'~dc~w~.'n~eb~o~,~x~ensive but this is no~ an opp uae %: me,~ or ~
.~:;"'; "[' "" :'"' '~.We ' ' ~---__' ed :'to. keeP our. value' and which ~ou!d be tequalized,:
· o,u~, best to 'keep a pro;rata proportion expense. We also,had
?"i project ~iving.:~e's~ription of bui!dings.~t we never saw fit'to
','~'L' : :' ~dy this inf~rmation~nthe, plans. A~ this P~intMr.'Brasseur ex lained
~i'.~, '~,:.,'~,.~at ~? ~u~.ldihgs could.be'added, onto' the 'plans ~e exn!ained th"tPo+"'+~"
:,,-. ~.,,:. t~_.:~ne ~arormat~.nw~s turned in and completed, the ~.~.A. project ~o'~[~'
' ~,'~., :!.ano,~ne p~ans wou~a no~ be two years behind. It should be checked before
'i:~: ,i~:.r:...~.:;using'it,,- ': ' . " ', '
":Mr; Curly'said there had been ver~ little building in the past four year~.
".of" e, saidothermOderncttiesPractiCeandtbwns~has taken place:in. North Andover and we aretfar~ ahead
' '"'"~:i;: '~ "' ':~.?r,. SalisbUry then inquired how long it wo'uld take Mr, Goodwin ~o do t~f
':': ~ ,i "ii" ·; 'Mr. Gomdwin said he could do it' in one year if he went alma u~ckl and
','" ::".;':?.i. ':, would'be less expensive or'it could be,done in two or threegy~ars, f,,'Mr.
"''~ .'~;'i,:,.q'i~oo~win said he wanted','i~ under~'tsod that,no systemco~ld be successful,~
'- ~"~,with0ut the full enthusiasz andauthorizationof"the Board' of Assessors., ~
"!.Mr. Curley said that' authOriZation co~!d not be delegated to the Board~of '
iAs'sessors 'that the' peeple.6f the town would vote to raise and appropriate
-~ '.,~the money required for this work~. He also said that the assessors do
~ i~'ln°t take, g~t it. anY stand one way or. the other. ~f the taxpayers, want. ,...itthey will
~r. Wentworth asked if it Wouldn't be reasonable to assume'that.if it were
'accepted by the townspeople, then it '~uld be reasonable to assume that
board of assessors would be in favor of it~? Mr. Cur!ay made no reply.
Mr. Kittredge then said that Mr. Outlay spoke of, land value and if you estim~
:."a','certain value for that property as to the zoning law of this present date
~he asked if the Planning Board would have anythin~ to say about this.
':'~r. Curley said the board of assessors had no con~sct with the P!annin~
Board and this policy has been pUrsue~ for many years. He explained that
~t~he value the assessors have on their books are the judgment of the Assessors%
NOV~,IBER 25, 1946: continued
over a long period of years. They have always tried to maintain those
values and this explains why we have hooks printed every ten years.
We c~u!d not he compared with Methuen or Andover. Our town is an
ordinary town.
Mr. Eittredge asked Mr. Curley if he were satisfied that we would not
pick 'up any land and he replied that the question would be the case of
buildings or structures on land, rather then land. A discussion was
then held. on what happens to land values like the Mifflin proper~y. Mr
Cur!ay cited the J.C. Poor property and said the house lots took on
a "per foot value".
~r. Roy Nardy of Andover then appeared a~ the meeting and he explained
about his project in Andover. He explained that they have complete
information on a great many cases and they seem to know more than the
owner. He said the differences of opinion was based on replacement value.
There is always room for honest opinion of difference on the subject.
He explained that they have maps and hope to have a comnlete c~rd system
and he said the maps are in constant use.
Mr. Wentworth asked what would happen if this project were welcomed
in the town with open arms but found that you had an antagonistic board
of assessors, it would be of no value. Mr. Wild, assessors, said that.
if this plan were adopted in North Andover, the people will receive the
heartiest cooperation of the board of assessors.
Mr. ~entworth asked if the Board of Assessors wanted this project or not?
He felt that Mr. Curley, adter serving thirty-three years should say
whether he wants it or not. Is it ~ood or not for the town?
Mr. Curley then said that this feeling about the assessors doing something
ls due to the first page of the report of the Advisory Board. Hethen
read thispage. Mr. Curley stated that he was Just as anxious' as any
citizen ~o promote any movement which ~i!! help the town.
Mr. Salisbury said he would like to have an expression of opinion from
the Board of Assessors. ~Ir. Curley then stated that he did not think it
was up to the Board of Assessors to shoulder the burden for suggesting
such a "tremendous undertaking.,, Ne then suggested that hewould like
to know how the other two assessors felt about this matter.
o at help to the'assessors but could wot
say that it would reduce the tax rate.
Erancis L. Eittredge then made a suggestion that we have the engineer
make an architectural s~-~vey and check on a certain number of houses ,
get a figure and then check with the assessors.
Mr. Brasseur said that knowing the system he could see where it would ~.
be of great benefit to the assessors but that they would need a deftnit~
system. The v~lues would be set at differen~ tlmes. Ne said that the
various buildings erected in different years do not compare andthis
finds the assessors at a disadvantage. He feels that the system is of
great benefit and wofild be, particularly to the Assessors.
Mr. Salisbury said he was in favor of having severalhouses checked and
he felt that no one knows better than the Board of Assessors what help
this might be to the town and hoped that they would give' an opinion. Ne
said~that there is something lacking in the present Assessors system.
Mr. Sunderland then stated tha~ he felt we should have an opinion from
the Assessors, viewing this matter as a citizen.
Mr. Curley then said that it looked as if they were asking the AssessJrs
to settle s question at this time but cooperation will be given by this
Bosrd of Assessors if the townspeople vote for~auch a project.
It was then decided that Mr. Brasseur and Mr. Goodwin would pick out
ten to twenty houses and this could be done fairly by picking every
tenth taxpayer on each page of the assessors hook. The figures will
then be checked with the Assessors and. another meeting will be called
and the project will be discussed at that time. ~r. Goodwin stated that
the cost of this project would be about $40 or $45.00.
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at ~:0Q P.M
~ith all members present. Weekly bills and pnyrolls were approved.
Walter Hamilton came before theboard to discuss the signing of the lease
for the North Andover Bathing Beach. He stated that the Legion would like
to own it and Mr. Eittredge informed them that he thought it could be bought
for the assessed value. He also wanted to know if the Bathing Beach had the
power to sign this lease. Mr. Thomson ~nfomed him that he felt sure they did.