HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-09256 DECEL1~ER 9~ 1946~' The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. Walter I{amilton came before the board and presented two leased signed by four members of the Bathing Beach Committee and discussed the possibility of buying this land st the Bathing Beach from Mr. KZttredge. He was advised to insert an article in the town warrant, sponsored by the Bathing Beach Committee. He will take this matter up with the committee and decide about the matter of inserting an article. The leases will be signed by Mr. Eittredge on December 12, 19Z6 at 7:45 P.M. at the office of the Great Pon~ Inourance Company. DRAIN ON GREEN STREET: Leonard Oates of Linden Avenue appeared before the board and made inquiries regarding a new surface drain which is being installed on Green Street to take the surEace water from the Mifflin park property on Mass. Ave. Mr. Oates ststed that there wa~ an !8" pipe which was put in many years · ago ~hich starts 50 feet beyond Linden Ave. He said the State department is breaking ~he line and cutting into Green Street. He said he did 'not think any provision has been made for his drain. Mr.. Thomson informed Mr. Ostes that the Sta~e authorities told the ~wners that some sort of drainage was necessary before new streets could be installed, ~o connect in with Mass. Ave. Mr. Thomson also-st~ated'~that the plans for the installation were drawn up by the state engineers. The owners of Mifflin park are paying for this work under the direction and plan of the State Department. Mr. 0ates felt that his !and would be flooded if they take the water down Green Street. Mr. Thomson explained that Green Street in that section is a county road and although maintained ~y the town under sn agreement with the ccunty~$he town has no control of the drains installed there or on Mass. Ave. Mr. Thomson suggested that Mr. Oates look at the plans and let this board know if they are no satisfactory. DISCUSS STREET LIGHTS: . George Frost and Richard W. Allen came before this board as a result, of:a survey made by the Selectmen and Chief of Police on December 2, 1946. Inspector George Hancock also acconpanied the chief and board members. Recommendations for various changes and new installation were.presented to Mr. Frost and Mr. Allen. Mr. Frost explained that during the war tbe~e was a shortage of materials and replacements could not be made unless an application wasmade to the ~.P.B. ~ow, he said you have to wait almost three years, due to strikes and sbut~owns. Mr. inquired as to the lights in North Andover and what the cos~ would be ~o replace some of the smaller lights. Mr. Frost stated that most of North Andover street lights are !,000 lumens with a few of the 2,500 lumens and onMain Street, the most powerful, 6,000 lumens. Mr. Frost described the sodium lights which give a ye!!ow light' which are used in some places in various cities and towns. Mr. Frost' mentioned the disadvantage of having powerfu!!ights at intewsections, stating that the human eye becomes accustomed to the bright light as one approaches but it takes a great deal longer to become fami!iar with the darkness. Mr. Frost stated that the company plans to change some of the 2500 lumen lights and instal!mew fixtures, recently received but it will not cost very much more. Mr. Thomson suggested that the two men take the list with them and make a survey and give us some idea of the cost and make any other recommendations to this board. SKATING RINKS: Commander Donald A. Thomson of the North Andover Post 219, Rev. Come!is Heyu and Joseph Lumene!!o 'also members of the Post, appeared~fore this board to discuss the possibility of providing skating rinks for the children of the towh. Mr. Lu~enello ststed that the Legion hsd suggested locations in several parts of the town but wanted to know if the selectmen already planned for any such project. He mentioned Thompson School yard, Grogan's Field and DavisField near the library. Mr. Thomson explained that wehad a committee at one time ~o check on locations and give their opinion as to what we could do for such a project. William B. Dully, James Hargreaves and Ira Catty were appointed to form this committee and after careful survey, they reported that Grogan's Field was found to be not suitable ss it was too porous and would not hold water. The committee finally decided that Lake Cochichewick could have an area kept~open and daily ~ests could be made to be sure that the ice was thick enough. December 9,~946- continued ~r.'Salisbury suggested that perhaps the Recreational Committee may have made some plans in regard to such a project and advised the Legionnaires to contact Rev. Ralph D. York. Mr. Thomson suggested that a study be made of the locations mentioned and to meet with this board on Monday, December 16, !9Z6 at 7:45 P.M. and we will have-the members of the old committee present also as well as Ralph Brasseur who might b.e able to help on suggestions. PROSPECT~STREET LAY-OUT: Mr. Sa!isbury presented maps ~howing the lay-out of Prospect Street as prepared ~.by Ralph Brassmur recently. Mr. S~lisbury made a motion that the Board of Selectmen lay-out Prospect Street as a town way between Chadwick Street and Furber Avenue in accordance with a plan prepared by Ralph Brasseur. Vote was unanimous. ~ PROPERTY OF JOHN C. F~.RNUM: A letter was received which had previously been sent to John C. Farnum of 426 Farnham Street'S' North Andover, regardin~ ~ome land which was taken over by the Commonwealth- of Massachusetts on JulM 30, 1946. Attorney Malone claims that hisexamination shqwsthat on T~arch 29, 1850 Peter Bell mortgaged the property to one Henry Berry to'secure a.debt of $85.00 and that this mortgage was never discharged'off, record. Mr. Malone sug~esteH that this letter be turned over to his attorney so that .an attempt may be made to clear the record on this parcel. Mr. Farnum acquired his .title 'from the Town of North Ando~er by deed dated May 8, 1936 and NorthAndover · acquired title by deed from Peter Bell dated September 27, !~52. The board voted to refer this letter to C. J. Mahoney. ~ ~OLICEDEPART~NT: A copy of s l~e%~t6~sent ~o Charles A. Fritz, State Board of Public Works, by Chief McKee was received by this Board. Chief McKee suggested that a flashing beacon.be set up at the corner of Chickering Road and Main Street in theinterests ..o~pub!~c ~afety. 'TREES~OVED A~ AIRPORT: John~'J.'Conmors, tree warden, reported that the work of removing the stumps at '~ai~t'had be~n completed and the work was satisfactory. SELECTMEN- MIDDLETON. BOXFORD . "..'No~p~y was received from t~e Selectmen regarding the Vetera~,s~Servicc Bureau ~and~Mr. Salisbury suggested we ignore Midd!eton and go ahead with plans, getting ~o~6th6r~with .the'Boxford Selectmen. M~.~iTh6mson felt 'that this board should consider adequate quarters for the Bureau ~d t~ink about the person to be employed, full or part-time, with' the thought that. webe?prepared to suggest where'the office shouldbe located and have an idea of ~.~'.ithe'-6~lary to be ~id. The board voted t~ meet with the'Selectmen from Boxford L~.~Lg~9~dgy, December 23, !946at 8:lb"PjM.' MrL Thomson suggested that we inform .thin'board of Selectmen in Midd!eton that we are'having this meeting and if they wi~to meet with us they wil!~hsve an opportunity. LETTER: REGARDING~ TREE DE~RT~NT: ~;;~7~er,was! received from Mrs. George P~nd of Pleasant Street commending, the rIree Warden and his helpers' for the splendid job they did in removing'the large tr~e '~'~a~t.Ple~sant 'Street and Wiley Court. Mrs. Rand mtated in her letter that residents .... t~Rol;jfreq~ently, criticise but so seldom comment onthe 2cod work done by the a~%Ous, departments. The board accepted the letter and voted to refer it to John The Board of.Selected voted to call a Special Town Meeting on December 23, 19~6 at 7:30P.M. in the court room. Mf.l'Finneran informed the board that the welfare department needs anadditional " .'$23'50,Lfor thc Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent children and outside repairs and rel~e£~'~ The money requested at this meeting will b~ taken from available funds or"from the surplus overlay account. MASS~;~FAIRE~LOYMENT PRACTICE C0~,~ISSION: ~let{~r. and 'copy-of the law, Chap%er368 of the Acts of 1946 was received from Mildred H. Mahoney, calling attention tothe provisions of the Mass. Fair Employment' Practice Act, Chapter 1S1B" Unlawful Discrimination against Race, Color, Religious Creed, Nati6nal Origin and Ancestry." Section t,' number 5; This is 'to be called to. the attention of all department heads. Filed under Selectmen's Matters. ~,~SS. EOREST AND PARK A~SOCIAT!0N: A .!etter~re!ative to the spraying of elm trees with DDT was received and the boar~ ~eferred this to John J. Oonnors, Tree Warden. DEPXRTMENT OF EDUCATION: Applloations approved for Mrs. Elsie Kruschwit~, 1132 Salem St. Arts School, Mrs~ 0hristina Adler,885 Gt. Pond Rd. Mrs:. ~i!lism Morse, Railroad Ave. Radio,