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DECE.~% 16, 19Z6- continued
Mr. Dully suggested that the rink at the Thompson School be placed in the
field acroos the street from the school 'instead of in the rear of the school
where the drain is. It was decided to have the rink in the other location.
Mr. Thomson asked Mr. Dully if he would co-ordinate the men, naming Mr. Carty,
Mr. Lumenello, Mr. Broderick and Mr. Conners. Mr. Duffy felt that Mr.~Csrty
was the one to do this as he was sup!!ying the men and trucks and would know
when they were available and if he would ge~ in touch with him, he would give
one man and Mr. Conners would do the same.
~. Lumene!!o asked Mr. Dully about the previous committee and asked wh~t
good it was to investigate anddo nothing about the matter.
Mr. Duffyexp!ained that he had been appointed to a committee and had made
and investigation and reported to the Board of Selectmen which was all t~at
was expected of him at that time.
JuSt as soon as the weather is suitable the rinks will be sprayed.
Walter ~. Hun{ of 7 Main Street appeared before the board and mentioned the
obnoxious odors~which seep into his home on the second fl~or on Main Street.
H~ is afraid the ch~!dren will get sick from t~is and he stated that a~times
they cannot stay in the house. He also found out that this condition exists
~or quite a distance up Main Street and he feels that some~hlng should ~e
done about this.
Mr. Duffy explained that-this odor comes from the 0sgood ~i!l where theyhave
a waste problem. Ne stated t~t the Department of Public Health had sentra
consulting engineer out to check on it and he felt sure that something ~ould
be done in the near future
DECEMB~ 23, 1946:
The regular.weekly meeting c~ tl:e Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P~M,.~
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.,
A lease'signed by, members of the Bathing Beach Committee as the Lessee,[,and
by Francis B. Kittredge as the Lessor, dated December9, 1946 which leases
the land at the B~thing Beach ~o the inhabitants of North. Andover for:the.'
annual'rental of $~0.00 plus the amount of any local taxe~ that may ~e
assessed for the then .current year. Filed under LEAS~ in Selectmen's Cabinet.
Chief Engineer James Hargreaves came before the boa~d to discuss ~he possibility
of appointed a licensed electrician as electrical inspector in the.tow~;
He stated that at the. present time he has ~o do this work and s!though:,hp,,
is not a licensed he feels that' he is capable of doing the work but w~o61d,
like to have'the board make such an appointment, if possible. Heexp!a~ned
.that.wiring in botho!d and new houses must be inspected now and he feels,
he is not qualified for this work, but ,will do all he can. Mr. Thomson
suggested that this matter be called to the attentiofi of the board.when~,~he
articles are being prepared for the next annual town meeting. ~,~ .
Mr. Cartx informed the hoard that he now has the two skating rinks ready, to'
be'flooded end is Just waiting for the cold weather. Chief Hargreaves.;wholwas present
present, informed the board Zhat the Fire Department would takecare of.
the spraying as soon as the weather became cold enough~ He said the ~temperature
should be ~bout t~enty degrees for this work to be done. ,- ~
A letter containing recommendations of the Lawrence Gas and Electric Co'Pany-
as .the resu!tof a recent survey was received by the board. Due to the length
of the letter it was.voted to hold it over until the board had to time to
study and examine it further.
A petition covering the abandonment of three Joint poles on t~e Salem Turnpike
and Boston Roadin North Andoverwas received and the board voted unanimously
to grant this petition.
~ letter expressing thanks to the board of Selectmen for their cooperation
in creating skating areas in the town was received from Joseph Lumenelle,
Community service officer of the American Legion and was also signed by
Donald Thomson, Commander.
December 23, 1946- continued
A request from Ange!o Grteco, of South Union Street, Lawrence was rec,ived ~om
the.tree warden, John J. Gonnors for tbs removal of three small trees'at the
corner of Marbleridge. Road and Johnson Street. Mr. Connors stated that these
· trees should be removed to make room for the other trees that are growing in
this same location. The board voted %o refer this matter to the tree warden
and have the trees posted.
An article presented by James Dunn of 57 Lincoln Street to see if the town
wi!!vot~ to amend the zoning by-law of the Town of North Andover by deleting
the wor~ "Chickering Road st Park Street", from Article II, Section 5, sub-
section (i) was read byMr. Thomson and the petition accompanying the article
was signed by 200 registered'voters of this town.
· A second petition was received which was signed by Edward Me!amed of 276 Andover
Street and signed by 103 vo~ers to be inserted at the next special To~m
Meeting to see if the town will vote to smend the zoning by-!sw by changing from
A general residential to s business area.
~ohnWi!lis inquired as to why one petition must have 200 names and the other
only 100 and Mr. Thomson explained that the first netition is a request for
theSe!ectmen to calls Special T6wnMeeting and th~lsecond is an article to
be inserted in the next special town meeting if there is one.
~Mrj~Willis also questioned the board as to the necessityofgoing before the
Planning Board and Mrl Thomson explaine~ that it was for their.benefit and
.~ it may overcome some objection by the Attorney General if there is one~
Mr.. Willis then contacted Mr. Dunn, Attorney for Club 2!04~and later'withdrew
~' ~he petition until they'have a meeting with the Planning Board. The special
town meeting will take place at a later date.
.The Board 6£ Selectme~ met st 8:15 P.M. with the Se!eetmen from Boxford and
'.' Middleton to discuss aVeterans .Service Bureau in North Andover combining
'thethree towns.
.M~Thomson opened the discussion by asking if we have sufficient quarters
"~o' ~a~e ~are of this bureau.' .
~J ~iisbury web% on to say that we have apparently two distinct officers.
A veterans agent who has charge of Soldier's Relief, Veterans'b~u~fits, etc.
a~:~aDirector of Veteran's ~ervices which.is the title under ~he new law,
Cha3~3r ~99, Acts of !946. He thought that the presen~ Vgteran s Agent might
%a~e'on additional.services and felt that we didlnot'!need a ful!.tim~ man '
Th~ m~tter of S61dier's relief was brought by Mr.'0sgo6d from M~dd!eton '~'
'~and ~r. William McA!con was called in to the me,ting to give his~ideas
ab6u~ this matter. '
~Mr. C6!e of Boxford stated that they did ~ot anticipate having"a sufficient
n~mber of applicants.for ad~ice and counsel to set upan office in Boxford.
~.Thequestion.of the amoun~ of time to be spent.on this work was discussed and
fi~a!ly a suggestion'was madethat,perhaps the new Director might be'able
to :~ork o~e night'in Boxford, in Middleton and sever~! nights i~ North Andover.
SeM~ra! angles were discussed and. all seemed toagree that if the'Director
could ~rrange to be in each town .at s particular time, it'would work '6ut very
~el~. Middleton and Boxford Selectmen stated that they.would provide~an office
forthe Director on the night convenient for him to be in'their, town. North
Andover .would also furnish an office for this purpose.
Mt. Salisbury then made a motion that the Board of Selectmen of North Andover,
:Boxford snd Middleton vote to form a district and that the chairmen of each
Board shall'be.the governihg board and shall set the sa!a~y, etc.
Mr..Col$ of Boxford seconded this motion subject to the wrEtten approval
Of Middleton and experiment this system for one year.
Mr. psgood felt he would like to present this matter before a full board, since
0nly'two.members were p~esent but finally agreed that this was the best solution '
andwill send the written consent of the ~iddletonSelectmen.
Mr. Thomson then read the motion as follows: That the Town of ~orth Andover,
Boxford, Middleton combine to form a district to furnf~h such information,
advice and assistance to veterans of World War ~I or other veterans as may
be-~lecessary to enable them to procure the benefits to which they are or
ma~;'be.entitled relative to employment, vocational or other educati~al
opportunities, hospitclizstion, medical care, pensions und other veteran's
benefits and that the chairmen.of the Bosrd of Selectmen shall be the governing
board and shall set the salary.,, Mr. Salisbury then made a motion that the
Secretary be.authorized, to write %o Francis X. Cotter, informing him of this
motion and get his written consent to this motion, including Boxford and
Midd!eton. Vote unanimous.