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DECF~,~BER 23, !9Z6- continued
Thesalary, boards then discussed the matter of postage, expense for travelling and
~r. S~lisbuwy asked that it be made clear that t~e new Director shall be
s North Andover resident and this was mnde a condition.
~ letter was received from Harold Parker, Chief of C!aiment Agencies
Branch stating that s survey showed that North Andover is on the p~esent
mailing list but that our requirements are no~ registered.
The board voted to inform him that we are no !on,er interested in
receiving the surplus property notices.
The Board adjourned to atten~ the Special Town Meeting held in the
Court room to consider eight articles.
A bill from Ralph Brasseur for work done in connection with LYman Road
was considered end the board asked that it be called to their attention
on ne×t Monday when they can discuss it with the AdvisoryBo~rd I~emb~rs.
& notice that an application fo~ a certificate of incorporationu'nder' the·
name of the Rich!yn Social Clu~, !nc.~ wes received, for'the purpose of~
establishins and maintaining a ploce for holding meetings and. to encourage
and perform educational social, and civic actt~vities and in connection
therewith to do all things permissible under General'Laws, Chapter. 180,~i~-
and these purposes shall include the right to appl~ for a license to sell
alcoholic beverages. The names,of Anthony ~ogers' 311 .Clark Street;. ~'
Margaret Rogers, 311 Clark Street; Ernest Roger~, 1591 0sgood Stree~,a!l of
North Andover and others (npt residents of North Andover.
the form to be returned to the Office of the Secretary.
Meeting adjourned.
The regular weekly meeting of the Boardof Selectmen was held at 7:~O.P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. O.A.~.
and A.D.C. payrolls were approved.
The meeting with'the above persons was to.~ave been held at'8:00 P.M.'
hut was Postponed due to the illness of Edward Curley,' who asked for
the postponement. Mr. Thomson felt that this meeting should 'not be
de!eyed too long and Mr. Salisbury made a motion t
~nnuary6, 1947 at 8:00P.M ~--- . hat it be held on
Will again be notified.,~,~ ~[~.was ..u~.mo~. '.The ab6ve
.re~'^ ..... .._ . · .... · ~enryLuna who was also inVited to':the
~ --v-o -~e.~Ang~o represent the taxpayors, ·. ..
ARTICLE OF CLUB "2104" Inc. to be inserted i~ Warrant~ - .: '
Mr. Thomson stated that he had met with the Planning Board ~n Friday,
December 27, to discuss the request of the ~lub 2104' Inc. to change
the zoning b~lAw. The Planning Board will hold a'special hearinE on
January l?, 1947 and will then make a recommendation to the Board Of
Selectmen on J~nuary20, 1947 when a special town meeting will he
held. The Planning Board also discussed the second article which
refers to Greene Street and the'changing o~thi~distri~t from a
residential to a business area.
Mr. Salisbury then made a motion that we hold a special town meeting.
in the'Court Room, Tow~Building on January'20,1947 at 7:30 P.M. for
the purpose of acting on the article presented by Club 2104 Inc.
among others to be'inserted in the warrant at this time. Motion was
seconded byMr. Flnneran and vote was unanimous.
Mr. C~rty presented an article for a mew snow plow and asked that the
town raise and appropriate $500 for this purpose.
The question of money to pay fo~ the snow removal was discussed.
Catty called the Selectmen at 7.30 A.M. on December 28,1945 'and asked
that they declare am emergency. This matter will be considered at the
specie! town meeting, along with other articles.
Edwaz~ Garvey appeared before the board and .brought abill fom:the.
installation of a new oil'burner at the quarters on
'The bosrd.sl~.~ned..
DECEMBER 3~,1946,
Mr. Garvey stated that it was the opinion of the organization that the
bill for the oil! burner should come under maintenance. He said that
they could mot use the other burner as it was am~ this was a necessity.
He asked the board what they considered maintenance.
Mr. Thomson said that in spite of the opinion of the organization, he
thinks this is capital and not maintenance. He explained that if they
had bills amounting to the same figure, even if they were paid, they
could presen~ them and the board would approve payment to the V.F.W.
Club 2104. Mr. Garvey still felt that the bill for the oil burner
should be paid an maintenance but decided to take the matter up with the
V.F.W. organization.
. Mr. John F. Alter, Chairman of the above committee came befor~ the hoard
and presented a report of the committee. Ne explained that all but one
member had signed the report and he had been mable mo ge~ in touch with
Mr. Whipple.
He explained that the report in ,substance was that the committee had sent
out 1000 questionnaires and received about 200 replies.~ 29 veterans were
desirous of. leasing dwelling units and 27 veterans indicated a desi. re to
. purchase dwelling units. The list was carefully examined and they found
that only twenty-five cases could be regarded as urgent, and five cases
- which seemed to be of.. a' highly acute character.
Mr. Alter explained that Elwyn King had been a tremendous help.and they
~felt that a temporary arrangement would not be good.
Ne hoped that the two statutes would be accepted by the board.
MrJ Thomson explained that they had already, been accepted and he told Mr.
Alter that this board was deeply indebted to this committee for their efforts
and hoped that Mr. Alter would not consider his committee excused, that
this board appreciated the civic mindednass of all the members-and hopa~ that
Mr. 'Alter would hold the committee in abeyance in case they were needed in
the f~ture.
The board de~lded to take some time to check on the various locations and
copies of the letter will be made for each member, of the board and' the
· reporter. This will be discussed at a. later date.
A letter was received from the Selectmen's Association, John C. Bull,
~Executive secre:ary informing the board that they will be expected to. pay
$45.00 for the dues for the coming year. The board decided to pay this
amount ami it will be paid out of the present appropriation.
State was approved for the following; Ruth Carey, $10.00 M~rgaret Twomey,
$10.00 and Sophia Kane $10.00.
JANGARM 6, 1947,
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this
day with all members present.~ Weekly bills and pa2rolls were approved.
A he,ring was held om the .petition of Angels Grieco of South Union Street,
Lawrence requesting the removal of three trees on Marbleridge Road and
Johason Street. Mr. Conners agreed that these trees should be removed
_-~ the board~ voted ~namimously to instruct the tree warden to remove these
three trees. Mr. Connors was present'at the hearing.
A letterwas received from Barnhard Anderson, age 12, of~Yonkers, N.Y.
asking the board of selectmen to.work for world peace. The board voted
to acknowledge this letter.
A communication was' received from J. Eeroy, Wood, M.D. secretory of the
· above association requesting information on the town physician. The,board
voted to refer this letter to the School Department and to the Board of