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The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this
day at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls
were approved. A.D.O.and O.A.I. payrolls were also approved.
William Callaham, Janitor at the High School came before the board and
asked that he be given an increase as Janitor at Stevens Hall. Re
explained that there is more work now~than in previous years and that
there has been no increase for some~'time.
Mr. Oallahan also informed the board that he would like to have the
fee for the Janitor increased for parties. Re stated that he receives
$5. O0 now and felt tha~ he. should get $? or $8 as he has to put in
considerable time and' there is a great deal of work cleaning. '
Mr. Salisbury informed Mr. Callahan that he is the one who should
set this figure and not the Selectmen. ~
Mr. Thomson said that in as, much as the Selectmen have the letting of
the hall for these occasions, they should be in 'a position to inform ~
thSse who wish to use the hall' what the charge will be for Janit6rial :'
services. The board decided that $8.00 would be a fare price, and' have
s~t that down as the amount to be paid to Mr. Oallahan on such occasions..
A communication 'from the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company relative to
a request ~om this' hoard to move a. street light at the corner mt Park ~
Street and Main Street~ to the opposite side Of ~he road' was received.';
The board voted to ask Mr. Connors to remove a few limbs, on the tree
at this' location s0 'that the light which is'installed on' Pole 715 '. ""
would not he obstnucted. Mr. Connors will be notifed. No further
action will be taken on the letter received. -
NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE & T;~,W4RAPR 100~$., - , - ,
A, petition covering the abandonment' of one telephone pole on Salem' '.~",
Street was received. No hearing is reqUired. Pole is 1150 feet ' -
south from Farnham Street. The board voted unanimously to grant
this request. '~ ·
Pursuant to a promise made by the assessors at a recent.mee~ing~regarding~. '
an expression of opinionlfrnm the Board of Assessors, a communication
was~ received 'from 'them which stated that they would welcome ~any help ~ ~?
'from!sdch a plan as the proposed 'revaluation but ;regarding~..the advisability~',~
of the expenditure 0f'such~a large amount,of, money tho"Board if divide~.''
Two members' fel~ it would be~ a good plan to~ forward with this 'expendit~re
at. this time while the third members feels that, 'while in 'aCcord' With' tha~
othe~ two members as to the help it might be, the present'is not
time to undertake thin revaluation. Signed by Edward EJ Curley, Chairman,'
STATE BOARD. OF HOUSING: · ~'¥ ' .....
· Mr. John Foley from the 'State Board of Housing called -to ~set a date 'f0'r?a
~publicl.h~aring to be held in North Andovar. 'Mr. Thomson ~as con~e~ctod,:'~)
and rsu~sted that we 'have the meeting on ~anuar~:20~ '~9~, at .8:00 P;MJ:
Mr. Foley informed us that they could not hold it 'on. ~hat' '~ate 'but.would1
'. arrange it to 'he,'held on ~anuary 27, '1947 at'8:00 F.~;: Mr;. Thomson .felt
that the other members would agree that this date was agreeable ~and the
~earing will] be held..On that' date. ',This will 'be advertised in th~ Eve~in~:
Tribune by Mr. Foley. -The~ board VOted to invite all,membe~s of ~tha
Veterans' Rousing Committee :to attend this public hearing. .... ~1.
Mr. ~Ogden .of the Hoard of*Selectmen in Middl~ton informed 'Mrs. Dearden ~"
that"they.h~ad agreed to go on alone for a year and not combine With North
Andover'~aS"'they had previously plarme, d. : - .~
E~ward F. Delaney, 'Ffeld Representative for the Veterans's Services call~
at this office to see what progress had been made in setting up a departmen~
known as the Departement of Veternms'sarvices. Re expressed regret .that
Middleton had changed their minds and wouldnot' combine with North'Andover
and Boxford. Re also i~formed the secretary that he would be glad toe, come:
up at say time and give his services f~ee if required. No action was-
taken. A copy of Chapter 599 was left at this office.
Salvatore Mammina of Inglewood Street requested a street light in October
of 1946 and previously in 19~+5 hut it has not been installed as yet. He'
feels that it may have been forgotten and would like to have the request
repeated. Mr. Thomson suggested that a second request be sent to the'
Lawrence Gas & Electric Company, -
JANUARY 13, 1947- continued:
Gegrge F. Cunningham of 24 Cleveland Street applied for appointment as a -
'Special Constable and the board voted unanimously to appoint him as of this
Mr. Salisbury presented some regulations for laying out streets whihh hehad
drafted during the week. The board went over them carefully and spent
considerable time on them and finally worked out a set by the addition of
a few changes. The board had adopted a set of regulations in 1945 which were
set up byWilliam B. Daffy, Supt. of PublicWorks, at the request of thi~
A~motion was made by. Mr, SalisbUry to accept the regulations for the laying
out cf street es previously determined upon and amended by certain a~ditions
thereon: Regulations are as follows:
1; ~All requirement~ of the Planning Board must have been complied with, and the
petitioner shall file with the Board of Selectmen a detailed copy of the plan
approved by the Planning Board and such other plan as the Board may require.
2. Releases from all abutting owners relieving the Town of North~ndovar from
all damages which may be caused by changes in line and grade must be furnished
by the petitioners.
3. The conformity cf the existing grade of the proposed way to the grade
established by the Planning Board must be shown.
4. The condition of the road ~urface must be satisfactory to the Highway
Survayer, who shall certify inwriting to the Boardof Selectmen, that it has
~haenput incondition in conformity withreasonsble street or highway construc-
tion practice.
5.. The existing'drainage must be s~tisfactory tO the Highway Surveyor, and
such fac~ shall he so certified by him.in writing t~ the Board of Selectmen.
/.M~,,'~',!'Thomson, ~alled to ~ve '~ha fo~0wing notice Put in the paper ~t ~he -
earliest ~ssible
.0h the invi~tiCn of the Bo~d of salectm~h, tbelAdv$so~ Board met
Jconferenc~ ~th the Selectmen ~d it ~as ~Jointly a~eed, that g~at $300 rais,
~!to. all th~ 're~ to~ employees should be considered in the 1947
that p~t ~tima employees shoed receive a .proportionately ~quivalent raise.
"~. Thomson, Cha~sn of the Board of Selectmen, 1 ater s~ted that he ~d
come,ed with ~. Charles Trombly, ~Chai~nn'6f'tbe School Co~ittee a~d
(.~he latter i~icated that he e~ec~d that his co~ittee wo~d 'approve the
J0[~t action of the Bo~d of' Selectmen a~ the Advisory
~OhnDolan presented a repur~.as Dog0fficer for the year 1946 which the
board accepted.
A meeting, will be held on January21, 1947 at the Hotel Sheraton, at 6:00 P.M.~
',~'tFinance Committee are invited to attend. None of the members are in a
p~sition to attend. Mr. Salisbury suggested that the Advisory Board be
j~tifisd of this meeting.
.~N~ice received that a public hearing will be held at the StateH6use, Boston,.
cn January 23, 1947 at 10:30o'clock in the forenoon.on the petition of the
J~WeSte~n'Uni°n Telegraph Company for:authority toincrease Certain.~rates and
-~.?6harges as shown in rateschadules and tarriffs ~resently 'on file With ~be
'~Department to become effectiveFebruary 14, 1947.
_~.~NUAR¥ 2O 1947
The regular weekly meeting of hha Board'of Selectmen was held on this day
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
.. A?letter was received'from the State Board of.Housing, J.:B. Foley, Director,
,~,~informing this board that a public hearimgwill be held on Monday, January2~,
1947 in the Court Room of the Town Building and a copy of the legal advertise-
· -merit to be published in the Lawrence Evening Tribune on Januaryl?, and 18th.