HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-02-03271 ARTICLE ON CHltYT~ 559: The hoard vo~ed to insert an article to take care of two former employees who :havebeen pensioned off as authorized under the above chpater, MOTION TO INSERT RULES AND REOIE~TIONS ON LAYING OUT STREETS IN TOWN WARRANT: Mr. Salisbury made the motion that the rules and regulstions .be inserted in the town warrant for laying out streets and motion was seconded by Mr. Finneran and'voted unanimously. The hoard also voted to insert'reports fuom the School Building Committee and .Veterans Housing Report '-ARTICLE _ BY-LAWS: 'Mr.~Salisbury.made a.motion that an article be inserted in the warrant to have a.committee appointed by the Moderator to study the by-laws. MEETING ADJOURNED: ' ~ The regular weekly lmeeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this day with . all m~mbers present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved, '~JAWP, ENCEGAS&ELECTRIC COMPANY: A~hearing was held on the petition of the Lawrence Gas & Electric Compark~.f0r .permission to locate po!es,:wires and ~fixtur~s on the southerly side~ of Parker ; Street at~'the-.westerly,tine of Grassmer~ Street, 1 pole.' On the southerly Side '~" '~ cfPA~ker Street appr~ximately 104feet easterly from OGrassmere Street, 1 pole. iT~e"b'Gard voted unanimously to grant-this petition. ~:~ NEW:F--~GLAND TELEPSONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY: LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: .p~ti~on for transfer.of locations-existing poles was ~o~a~ies for the granting.of certain po!es for which received from the above Joint location has here- ~..-.tofore been granted along Massachusetts Avenue, 130 feet southeast of Derivers '~.,. 'Street~'i:i j"! pole~ .No hearing required; Voted .unanimously to grant'request. . Petigion and order covering the abandonment of ~ne Joint pole on Middlesex Street ~ - '"~ in:N.'~doger,at the corner of Middlesex and Neverly Streets, plan 1094. ~. ,,,B6~rd. voted.., unanimously to grant this request. ;, ~, ~: Th9 ' .Parents ~ Teachers Association requested'permission to use Steve '":"".-~'for::a~scholarshipbrid~8on. March 17~ 19~?.and 'the boar "~ "''$Sj0OforrequeStservices.and't°' inform'the'Association.. ,, that Mr. Cal~ahAn's fee is . a~bill to the'Selectmen for approval for North Andover,s shar, ,1 -. . .I ~he'~exp'ense t~'have~comnetent le.a~ ;~.~--_. ;"mn'~e~ard'to cha~a~ ~-~,- ~- T . . ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ne nearlngs ~oue 'held "~':' ~o:rbs~Jheld; ~ Chief-MckA~-~ ~'~ a~nx~e mnrorma~ion regarding the hearings :!Ohie~. Eargreaves came before the hosrd to inform them that they'had'no luckin )'fl'eoding'Orogan,sFikld for skating. ~e informed the hoard that the water '. ..... "~Uns:£'off andthat there is three feet of sand, on one;side and Grisly one foot on .'% her(~her side. He explained that the land is uneven and the water runs .~?~"side'and Settles there. The depm~tment numu~d ~e~lfield but no result° ..... ~, ~ ~ - .. ~ ..- ...... ,~uo~'wa~er mn~o ' ._~ . ~ -~--u v~uamneu. ~ne children have broken dow~ the sand wnzcn' was put thereby ~he StreetDepsrtment. Mr. Hargreaves explaine~ that '~%he hembers are willing to cooperate in efforts to have a skating rink for the children but with the present arrangements, it seems like a waste oftime. Mr;.,~homson suggested that Joseph Lumtnello be notified of t his information and"~6[i~formhim that this boardiswil!ing to go along with him in every war:i~'a Skating rink can be ureated. .WI~ING INSPECTOR: The matter of a Wiring Inspector was discussed by the board. A letter was recei~ed from Harrison 0. Witherill,'Executive Secretary of the Department of CiviI~Serviceand Registration, Stkte"Examiners Electricians explaining that ofthethe'app°intmentGeneral Laws.Cf an 2nspector of Wires is autho~Ze~ by ~$~_i~32 cf Chapter 166 2'72 FF~RUARY · 1-~7- continued Mr. Witherell stated that it is desirable but not necessary for the town to'adop~ s by-law requi~ing ell persons to first give notice to the Inspector of Wires before commencing any electrical installations. Letter filed under WIRING INSPECTOR. ESSEX COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM: Notice received that the sum necessary t o pay to the various funds of.the Essex County Retirement Fund as certified under the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 32, Section 22 (7) (c) (ii) being $25,751.48 and North Andover is ass~ssed~ for its portion for $?,006.45, this amount to be paid %o the Treasury of the County of Essex on or before March 25, 1947, Witness Arthur A. Th?peon, Chairman of the County Commissioners. .... FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Request received that North Andover send 100 copies of the 1947 Advisory Board report. STEVENS HALL-JANITOR: Mr. William P. Csllahan notified that the Board of Selectmen have decided ,that $8.00 would be a fair price for him to :barge for his services at the on all occasions except school affairs. VETERANS' SERVI~E BUREAU: ': Edward F. Delaney, Jr. Field Representative for the ~eterans' Service called to see what progress had been made towards setting up an office for services. He discussed the appointment of a Director but was informed that the appointment would not be made until.after the'Ann~al Town Meeting. ~''..., : VETERANS' HOUSING GONFERENCE~ Arthur Thomson opened the meeting by,reading a letter from the State Boa~d Of Housing in which they declared an emergency in North Andover. Mr. Thomson stated that the board felt that not only this board should attempt a solution but other boards in the town should be present to discuss this matter so:~hat the town may ac~ on. an article at e special town meeting to.be held in . conJ.unction with the regular town meeting. Mr. informed those present that the State Board of Rousing states that' ~ can act only on Section 6 of chapter 372. .~..... Mr. Salisbury then' read.Chapter 6 and explained that there were three things' which' they may consider. First, locate a Housing Development to be provi~ed:! with sewers and water; se~l:~to ~eterans on condition that they Build housds on these lots within a certain time; second sell to private contract6rs who:'.'. will agree to.build homes for veterans, or build, homes and sell them to.,,? veterans; third, go into the Housing business. Mr. Salisbury stated that ~the, finding of the .State Board of Housing wa~ based .on evidence given by the,'.'~% veterans and since t~ere was very little given, the St.ate Board relied on· he · Veterans Rousing Committee. These homes must be 'for needy veterans an~~ shouid be limited to cases described as worthy by the committee. James Maker, Treasurer informed those present what was available~ in tax~%~e property and presented copies of all such property to those present.~Maps~/!~ 'were availabel by the assessors present, Mr. Wild and· Mr Soucy. 'Peter Ritchie said that he had obtained figures for a housing p.~oJect at!the sand-bank on-Massachusetts Avenue and he stated that a contractor had estims%~ that about.~,twenty dwellings could be erected there. ' ~' John T. Campbell stated that when the questionnaires were sent out ~o the veterans the majority replied that they would be able to pay $7.00 weekly,for rent weekly. Mr. Campbell said he'thought it was impossible tc.build houses which would rent for that price. ~ ..... John Willis then said that in his opinion that it was only natural fo~,.the ve:erans to state the smalles~ amount of rent and that they hake.been ,..;~" operating blindly and were not familiar with the situation. Mr. Thomson then explained that on general lines, the Selectmen have no{'heen able to give any information' but'. now is an opportune time. First we must ge~ the lract of land available and have this submitted to the.town, not merely, say here is the land, what can you do. · Mr. Salisbury said that an article should b~e inserted in the town warrant', and have someone explain the situation at the metting. Will the Veteran~'i be satisfied with a lot of land? The people will want to know how and ~hat to Vote on. Mr. James Maker then stated that there were various lots of land.and he~ explained where they were. Supt. of Public Works William B. Duffy who was present, stated that of all the lots mentioned on the list, only six lots have water and there is no sewerage. Mr. Duffy then made the suggesti~ ' that there was plenty of land on accepted streets where there is already 273 FEBRUARI 3, 1947- continued water and sewer and that in his opinion, many of the owners of this property would be glad to se~l their lots to the %own for this purpose. ..This matter was discussed for some time and Mr. Salisbury then stated that under the chapter 372, it would be necessary to have adjoining lots in order to agree with the law. Many dif£erent 'angles were suggested and the board finally agreed to put an ad in the North Andover Column ~uggesting that all offers for the sale of such lots'mentioned, be sent to the Selectmen before February l7, 1947. at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Salisbury suggested that the 25 needy veterans be con~acted and invited to attend the next meeting on February 17, 1947 and any other veterans who care to attend as wall as contractors. ~ohn Campbell brought out the point that if the tract of land was secured, wa~er and sewer pipe would not he available for some time and would delay the work. The Board voted to hold the meeting on February 17, 1947 at 8:00 o'clock and to ask Mr. Alter to sent e written requestto the 25 needy veterans, informing them of the dateof this meeting and requesting that they attend. I, IEET ING AD~0URNED: FEBRUARY 10, 1947: -' · '~ ~:;~he regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmenwas held a~ 7:00 P~MJ with all members, present. Weekly~ bills and payrolls were approved. - NEW ENGLANU TEL. & ~T.. COMPANY- LAWRENCE GAS. & ELECTRIC 00. ~' Hearing held at 7:15 P.M. on the petition of theabove companies for permissiom.~ t0.1ocatepoles, wires,' and c~b!es and fixtures on Hillside Road, 110 feet '~.Sbrtheast of Andover.~y pass, 1 pole. Motion was made and seconded that request be granted. Vote-was unanimous.. gypsy and~brown-tailed moths andtent~caterpillar within ten days after the !'~:/~organization~of the Board of Selectmen a~ ~will be held"over until after '~'MarCh 3, 1947. ' .... ~.~ ~:~'DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION: 'Cards received for the'appointing ora local superintendent for the suppression '.PETITION-EASTERN I~ASS RAILWAY COMPANY-BUS SERVICE: .~:A~ petition signed by residents of the to~n was received by this hoard, a copy of which was sent to the Eastern Mass. Rhilwsy ~Company, 1asking that the ~ervice on the Railroad Avenue- High bus be extended to 9:45 A.M. to 10:05 P.M. ]The board suggested that the Eastern iMass. Co. be contacted to see. what their , .Judgment is in regard to this matter. ' ~:~'?ASSESSMENT ON POLICE RADIO FREQUENCT~-9: · ~/&. letter to the Chief of Police was~ given to this board and a statement /~fr0m Chief McKee, informing ~the board that the Police'Chief's Association: i',;l~ad, voted to assess eachtown a certain amount .to raise funds to engage ~ _of experts to represent 'the municipalities of New. England at all ,..di~earings before the-~Federal Communications commission. ~orth Andover's~~ ~..share is $~0.80. and bill,for this amount was presented l~r, Chief McKee "~'i;'~iwt!l be paid i from ',the Police Appropriation., ~o further action~ken. '.. ~CCIDENT-INFIP'"'XARY TRUCK: ' :" ~ ' : "/A"tetter was;received ~from'Frank B~' Nelson' of South Essex giving his version.' ~'- Of.' the accident in which he was involved with the Town Infirmary truck, which -!~ss driven by Mrs. Foster.. The board voted to send a copy to Mr. Mahoney sn.d .to Mr. Culpon, agent for the Aetna Insurance Company. Meeting adjourned. Liquor store ~earings held in CourtRoom at 8:15 P.M. After the liquor hearing~ the Board of Selectmen bald an executive session ':'~with Chief ~ckee,. Rev. Ralph D.' York, Rsv..A~.exander Twombly and Detective Daniel A. Murphy present. Mr. Thomson askedthe chief various questions concerning the raid-and the reason the situation could not be taken care of ,.~'~..~y~localpolice. Chief McKee informed the board that he had only two men ''.on~ duty during the day.and he coUld not place a man at the Davis & Furber '.:P!ant for a period of three weeks as the State Police did. Full details will be ~ound under date of Februa~j 10, 1947 in the License book. Chief McKee was instructed to advise the Selectmen of any gambling in the town and~they would see that a sufficient number of men' were available to assist his department. FEBRUARY 19, 1947: a~ 7:00 P.M. were a